Quote Originally Posted by fogelbise View Post
From your description, it sounds like you are still on the faster cycles when this happens, but either way the following suggestion would be step 1 before the faster cycles and slower cycles. This is nothing official, but I have been using SSILD for over a year and have a hunch on what may help you. The following should make it easier to keep focused on the progression through the cycles. Basically you switch between the senses faster as a kind of warm up to doing the regular faster and slower SSILD cycle. Focus on sight during 2 breaths, hearing during the next 2 breaths, then touch with the next 2 breaths. Repeat several times until it feels almost automatic and then you can progress to the regular 15-20 second fast cycles before going on to the longer ones. You could even try one breath each, but I would say try 2 first. You can also practice during the day, but it sounds like sleepiness is not the problem.

If your mind is starting to wander to thoughts of waking life problems, take a moment to write them down on a to do list or to assure yourself that those problems are already being addressed, whichever is the case.
This sounds like great advice to me, but didn't the OP suggest that wandering thoughts were a good sign? Has user experience suggested otherwise?