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    1. View Conversation
      Hi! I read with interest in the past your progression towards achieving more and better LDs and I greatly respect your efforts.
      Could you take a look at the MILD routine I posted in the Attaining Lucidity section and tell me if it could work? Thanks a lot!
    2. View Conversation
      Super glad you're getting so many lucids
    3. View Conversation
      You could try making stabilization your primary goal every time once becoming lucid. That has helped me with the problem, as I usually struggle with it as well.
    4. View Conversation
      Haha. A person with the same picture and context of LDing, I knew it couldn't be anyone else ^^ Nice LD count btw, looks like you're prepping for the next competition like you said!
    5. View Conversation
      Hi! I think I just randomly found you?
    6. View Conversation
      Slowly. Haven't been doing RCs as much as I'd like to admit until I made it a New Years resolution for 2016 to focus more on it. How about you?
    7. View Conversation
      Just found out it wasn't those posts. So to answer your question since I'm banned... The dream was relatively short. I had a clear awareness and knew exactly what I wanted to do, so I stabilized the dream and set out to do it. So I'd say about three minutes.
    8. View Conversation
      Did you see my new replies in your lucid dreaming post on Miiverse? I got banned again, was it because of them?! Damn... Lol
    9. View Conversation
      Lucid? Man you get to see what Pokemon look like if they were real too I bet.
    10. View Conversation
      So what are your methods for LDing? Do you keep a dream journal?
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    About Cobalt Storm

    Basic Information

    About Cobalt Storm
    LD Count:
    Avatar by Arainmorn on deviantart.
    Lucid Dreaming General Background:

    The most major problem for years was forming a solid, consistent strategy. First, there was this long period where I would use one, maybe two basic stabilization tactics if I remembered them, and then went for my shapeshifting-related goals. Sometimes I could get a couple minutes of lucidity. The majority of the time, they lasted less than 30 seconds. Despite this, I continued striving for only my goals for around 18 months.

    After that period of time, I got sick for 10 days, which set me back. It is my biggest drop-off in LD frequency up to the present day--46 LDs one month, and 7 the next. So, this suddenly became the biggest problem. Over the following 12 or so months, I switched my priority from in-dream goals to getting my rates back up to the 20-40/month range. My efforts were unsuccessful. Over the course of 2016, I continued to experiment with induction techniques, trying to find something that produced consistent results. As for in-dream stuff, I had the idea to use certain phrases to increase lucidity once I became lucid. Again, unsuccessful.

    >Problem: Cannot find consistent strategy for either induction, nor lucidity increase. Forgot stabilization techs.

    At this point, I shifted my priorities to this: Achieve minimum specifications for a lucid dream before doing my in-dream objectives. (Those minimum specs are lucidity Layer 3, and the surroundings feel real/look solid.)

    In September 2016, I thought, 'Hey, all these different phrases I've using haven't worked. What if I combine them into one scripted routine?' On September 27, I performed this new routine (that I dubbed simply, "The Procedure", later "Procedure M1") in a dream that I became lucid in via RC. BAM. Suddenly, I was at Layer 3. Variations of the Procedure have often produced desired results since. Stability was still an issue, however.

    >Problem: Cannot find consistent strategy for induction. Forgot stabilization techs.

    During the following months, I used the Procedure as much as I could whenever I became lucid. I experimented, but didn't put much thought to stability. Despite this, I've had a number of lucid dreams that have lasted over 10 minutes due to the Procedure; before, I wasn't getting anywhere near that.

    Then comes June 10, 2017. Coming off a long dry spell (according to my standards) of 17 days, I figured, 'Hey, what about WBTB? I had a very success rate with it the few times I used it in the past...what if I use it every other night?' Next morning, BAM, LD from WBTB. 3 days later, another with WBTB, and another 2 days after that. Then, on June 27, I reinstated DEILD as a primary tech, used to fill the gaps between nights in which I use WBTB. The following weeks were incredibly dense with LDs, both minor and major, and I spent around 3-4 hours in lucid dreams during the following July. Fun fact: The DEILDs didn't really work much; it just helped to have a backup strat.

    >Problem: Unreliable stabilization method.

    Now, I have incorporated basic stabilization techs, including but not limited to rubbing hands and spinning, into my Procedure M6(as in the 6th revision). I have tested it, and it seems to work.

    Now it comes to this:

    I have shifted my quality standards up again, and am going for the whole enchilada: Layer 4 Lucidity with a totally solid environment.

    I have added on some more stabilization prior to the Procedure, which I have dubbed "Initialization". This strategy has worked, and allows for me to perform the following Procedure in a relatively stable environment.

    I have developed the "Plan", which includes Initialization, 1st Procedure, 2nd Stabilization, 2nd Procedure, and 3rd Stabilization. In theory, the plan will result in reaching Layer 4 and well solidifying the environment, as long as those goals are remembered. I have yet to test this.

    I have developed the "Observing State," which involves observing sight, sound, and touch at the same time, with sight as the dominant sense. It is a WILD strategy that currently works best in non-WBTBs--and I am improving its efficiency (so I can properly relax) to include WBTBs. As a result of this effort towards WILD, DEILDs occasionally happen.

    I'm working towards being versatile enough to consistently have a high number of top-quality LDs when a good or regular sleep schedule isn't available. I'm balls-to-the-wall motivated, and several other major roadblocks(many not listed here) seem to have been overcome.

    I'd call that a great beginning. Hopefully I can put it all together before the start of the next lucid dreaming competition.
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    I'm from the moon.
    Lucid Dreaming, Video Games, My Little Pony, Severe Weather




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    View Cobalt Storm's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    5/18/18–5/30/18 (L) | Wind, Storm, Pony, 200 Years, Wii Semantic

    by Jacob46719 on 06-03-2018 at 04:38 AM
    -F-Don’t remember much other than a bag of plums and a bit of smash bros.

    I traveled around Washington cascades looking for something. The weather was sunny. Later at an airport, I told a person “105, 895”. At one point, I jumped high in the sky, and landed in a blue place on a ledge. I think I found fire somewhere too.

    One day, I was in a very hilly town when the weather was sunny. I looked at the forecast for the day, and it said “exciting thunderstorm” amidst natural storms in the hourly category. Not long after, Drudge Report said there was a hurricane in the Gulf, just after a disturbance hit Florida. I looked at the radar and saw a very large cluster of strong storms coming from the north in NY state. Later, that came down to near DC. I was at a version of FCC and an exam was approaching. Thy didn’t matter much, as it was postponed due to weather. When I was inside a building, I looked out the window and saw the dark clouds outside. I went to the roof with a camcorder and Tripp’s and hit record. There was a shelf cloud and a visible precip core beyond it to the southwest. To the NW was more precip indicated by the blur. Soon enough, things happened. A friend was with me on the roof, which had weird holes in it. The wind picked up to an extreme intensity in seconds; to a sufficient degree as to push me off my feet. I stuck the tripod in a hole and held on. My friend held on, too. He had trouble. That had to be 100+ mph winds from 0 in a few seconds. As one went on, rain fell as well. Later, when the storm was mostly concluded, I found my damaged camcorder on the wet concrete floor. To my surprise, it still worked, so I removed the SD to prepare to transfer files soon. This dream was a ton of fun.
    -F-Something about holes in the ground.

    Had to study for a chem test. There were pockets of snow in the ground in Saudi Arabia in May 17. It was powder.
    [New Scene]
    If Russia became a free country, it would mean mobile phone carriers in the US would instantly move over and cause chaos.

    -I drove a “Wii Semantic”, which was like a segway. It had 2 small tired angled outward, and the controller was a wiimote. Top speed was at least 30 mph. I was in town, buying hundreds of dollars worth of gaming-related devices and games from all 3 companies. I tried to pass a car, but they sped up. At one point, I drove in one wheel, but discovered that it was the slow way.
    -I found anthro Twilight Sparkle. After making a friendship with her, I accidentally traveled 100 years into the future. Later, I made that mistake again, totaling 200 years. I found a computer in a nearby store and searched for TS before she found me in person. I was really glad to see her. The apparent cause of time travel was traveling on bridge rails for awhile. My older sister showed up once.
    [New Scene]
    There were some interesting clouds building while riding in the car in a town. There was also a small dust storm.
    [New Scene]
    I saw S1 of Doctor Who. I saw some daleks. Later, I looked at a window and saw multiple planes in the sky, and several close to a runway bumping into each other. There was at least one explosion.

    -I tried to look up where specific moments of movies were from.
    [New Scene]
    Dream journal scene where I remembered nothing of what was written.
    -I was on a plain with snake, trying to guess where moments were from in games. Each area of a map would be a different moment. Snake ran between a few. Later, my sister showed me how to glitch a truck on a freeway. Get in, collect zero units, and go. The result is a shaky, floaty vehicle in the air. I ran back to the truck I was using before the tow truck picked it up. I then proceeded to glitch it out. I could not see anything in the distance.

    I time traveled a few years into the past. I had my Wii, so I set it up with a monitor. Then it broke. Luckily, 2 people gave me $10 each, so I had the $30 to buy a new one. Also, I was in a grocery store for some reason, and had to buy some misspelled broccoli. Later, there was a boy and a girl running with a huge wagon down the hall. This was an analogy to something else that meant my objective was unlikely to be met. I then had emotions of despair and denial.

    5/26/18 (L)
    -I was in a hotel room half as big as the actual one. I was hearing a constant noise, so I used it to stabilize. Turns out that it was the air conditioner IRL.
    Time: 20-30 seconds

    -There was a grassy area off a road, and Dad and I decided to drive on it. We headed perpendicular to the road for 50ft, turned a corner around some brush, and stopped when we realized the area ahead was flooded, with grass floating on top. We made waves. So we turned around and went back, but then we were walking, and then wading through 4ft deep water.

    Neverland episode in mlp. Raritydash was reacting to it. Several minutes in, it was a very cool episode. There was a live action segment with a middle-aged guy with a thick mustache. It wasn’t Captain Hook, but he sure did look the part.

    Something about having trouble with golf.

    5/30/18 (L) L1 DILD
    -I could fly, and I thought of iron man, so I used that style. At one point, I tried switching gravity to the ceiling of the room, and I succeeded in instances. Later, I played a puzzle game and would you rather. It involved bees.
    Time: 40-60 sec
    lucid , non-lucid

    5/9/18--5/14/18 (L) | Twilight Sparkle, Desert, Oklahoma, College

    by Jacob46719 on 05-15-2018 at 03:35 AM
    I was in Oklahoma for some reason. On a familiar body of water, there were huge sieves with plants on them. At a higher elevation, sprinklers were suspended from towers to water those plants. After entering the house across the bridge, which turned out to be my old house, I found BotW on the TV and a non-existent president. There was an explosion, so we went into the kitchen, Later, there were slides outside. Sliding down one was a light blue translucent object that was represented by "UO2", and an object with rotary blades represented by "UEO3". Earlier in the scene, we passed by several farms and one Cola stand. 2 people manned the stand, and nobody else was around. The weather was sunny and clear. During the sprinkler scene, I turned on Google Earth's clouds layer, which revealed a few broken cumulus clouds.

    -F-Something about Planetshot.

    5/11/18 (L)x3
    -(L)-I became lucid and lost it after 10 seconds.
    -(L)-Later, I became slightly lucid for 5-10 seconds.
    -(L)-Later, I became lucid once again and remembered a tiny amount of stabilization.
    -There was a thing where lots of characters were in a place surrounded by very rough ground. Teleporting was involved. There was a crossover episode between MLP and Avatar.
    -Time traveled in a delorean. I tried to stop my past self from doing that.

    -1-Twilight Sparkle and I tried to enter a settlement of sorts. I was a changeling. Chryssi showed up too. When we tried to approach the changeling settlement, we got flung back by a force. The closest stable area was a plain of mostly rock. The scene was a little foggy and somewhat dark, with incorrectly bright lighting. [FA] I woke up in my old house and ate ice cream.
    -2-Took a music class at my college and missed a storm cell.

    5/13/18 (L)
    -1-I explored a building at college. The layout was completely different, and I didn't catch the fact that the interior style was very similar to one I had seen in a past dream.
    -[FA]-Woke up and caught the FA. I calmly moved around in my dream bed for several seconds before a real-world lightning flash woke me up for real, eyes still closed. That was just a little bit frustrating.

    Spending a day in this particular desert world would be like spending a week in the prime world. (time differential) Twilight Sparkle entered the desert world looking for something. Trump was looking for an object in it. Later, Twilight found what she was looking for, and it turned out to be Spike and Discord. Also, it was all an unrated fanfic that appeared in a feed on Fimfiction.
    [New Scene]
    There was a scene at a building in a temperate area.

    I had some dream control over the ceiling of a place covered in snow. Also, there was a villain going around changing history, but leaving metaphorical bread crumbs for me to follow.

    -F-Something about getting maximum score on a something.

    5/17/18 (L)x6
    3 WILDs, 3 DILDs. Unfortunately, due to poor recall in exam week, I don't remember much of them. There was stuff about snow, driving, a gamecube, and weird people in black suits. The first 3 LDs were the WILDs, and the following 3 were DILDs. In the final LD, I did an RC while driving a car, and when lucidity was confirmed, I immediately spun outside of it. I performed some basic stabilization (somewhat poorly) and remained lucid for close to a minute before getting distracted.

    Lucid Time: 46-79 sec + 90-145 sec

    Updated 05-17-2018 at 03:32 PM by Jacob46719

    false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid

    5/4/18--5/8/18 (L) | College, Lava, Bear Grylls

    by Jacob46719 on 05-09-2018 at 12:25 AM
    5/4/18 (L)x2
    At an unfamiliar house somewhere. It had an empty yard and a hardwood kitchen. I was briefly lucid a couple times, but didn't do anything about it either time.

    Bear Grylls was placed on top of a mountain in British Columbia. I skipped ahead to near the end, where he found a paced trail with people on it. They noticed. Also, the weather was cloudy the whole time. I rewound the video to an earlier point. Later, I was in a cold cabin, where I had a snow machine setup. If it was cold enough, it would shoot out ice. The weather where was sunny clear, and the time of day was morning. There were multiple other people in this apparently single-room cabin.

    -F-I was watching a Dreams video.
    -F-I was watching something about cops in LA.
    -F-The 12th Doctor was doing something involving a dark room and incorrect lighting.
    -F-I was near a wood cabin in eastern Washington, possibly in the cascades.

    5/8/18 (L)
    -1-After a scene fell apart, things heated up, trees melted, and I became lucid. I jumped into a pool of lava and grabbed a red ball before messing around with electric floating objects above the lava pool.
    -2-At college, I got in the car and drove to a southeast corner of the campus to find a building, but it didn't exist. Later, I had a device that displayed and recorded my dreams on a monitor. Later still, some guy made illustrations for high-profile MLP fanfics. Finally, back at college again, it was approaching night, so I drove ther car through the snow to the far parking lot, where nothing of interest was. There was a random moment where I passed Hbox at an intersection.
    lucid , non-lucid

    5/1/18--5/3/18 (L) | Tower, Tornado, Alien Ships, Flight

    by Jacob46719 on 05-04-2018 at 03:11 AM
    I was in a store where I met a woman that told me I could take any game for free, as long as I had beaten that game before. I could also take as many copies as I had beaten the games.
    [New Scene]
    I was in the student center, about to go upstairs to room 293 for a halloween-themed class. There was a hexagonal, black tower going straight up next to the stairs. It had purple lights.
    [New Scene]
    Played Wii Sports in my old house. I thought about making the game in Dreams. Later, I played Breath of the Wild, and I was in the eastern sea.

    -1-At my old house, there were fast-moving clouds outside. Also, everyone in the room (10+ people) vanished at once. I heard a gunshot-like sound in my right ear, which caused some minor pain that one would expect to feel after hearing a noise that loud. I wondered what could have caused that sound, as it appeared to have no source. A character walked out of the hallway and responded, "I'll be glad to answer that!" Next, we both jumped out the window. I got spooked for some reason, so I turned upside down and floated.
    -2-I was walking outside near a road when an alien ship fleet became visible in the clouds. They fired some weird stuff at the ground, and had yellow exhaust. Later, I was in a place with ships and buildings. I had to hide some stuff in a place, but I couldn't figure out where. Later still, when I and some other people had to leave by sitting on the couch (teleporter), we set the timer for 300 seconds. In less than 300 seconds, something the building would explode. The result of leaving was taking off into space with Earth, Mars, and Neptune and placing them back in the solar system.
    [New Scene]
    My family was driving somewhere. There was a large shelf cloud taking up a sizeable portion of the sky. There was a weak tornado off to the right, so I started recording. I should have become lucid then.
    [New Scene]
    A scene with my chemistry professor teaching chemistry in an odd building that perhaps wasn't designed for such a thing. After the lecture, I walked outside in the snow and went across the walkway to another building. So many obvious giveaways there.

    5/3/18 (L)
    -1-Outside my old house, I could fly using imaginary pegasus wings. A friend and I flew up to a cloud and found that it was solid. I dug in to make it more comfortable to sit on. It was like digging in warm snow with adhesive properties, and it only stuck to itself. We then used the cloud as a vehicle to float down near the ground where my younger sister was. I asked her if she could see us, and she could. I didn't do a good enough job with the cloud then. Later, there were a few moments of bliss while flying slowly, but it was hard to keep my non-lucid expectations up. I was briefly lucid at same point in the middle of this.
    [New Scene]
    I flew and walked on the ceiling of my grandparents' house. There was a bear on the floor trying to eat me. As time went on, the ceiling and the floor switched gravity repeatedly in a confusing manner, and also switched locations.
    [New Scene]
    I flew into a well-lit concentration camp.
    Lucid Time: 5-10 seconds
    lucid , non-lucid

    3/31/18 | Florida, Snow

    by Jacob46719 on 04-02-2018 at 01:49 AM
    -1-There was a Miami sign in "Westchester", FL, which was about halfway down the western coast. It was snowing half-inch-size flakes ahead of a cloud bank that I saw to my west and southwest. All other parts of the sky were clear. Time of day was just after dusk (earlier on, it was daytime and cloudy). There was no wind that I remember. In front of me was a line of gravel garages built from logs. Beyond the line was a flat gravel lot, followed by woods. Then, I was watching an Accuweather video. Bernie Rayno motioned to the location of a Pacific system, and then to the Puget Sound area in Washington. He said,
    "This...is goin here. This is a--you're supposed to be a lucario. The approaching mass of water should support life." He was calling out the meteorologists in Washington for not doing their jobs properly.
    In a later scene, he pointed at the east coast of Florida and said "[...]I'm thinkin 8, 9 inches." Also, Florida was distorted on the map, being turned 60° counterclockwise.
    There was pizza at one point.
    -2-There was a white wolf next to me on a grassy hill. There were restrictions for something. It was sunny and there was a feeling of really wanting to do something.