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    1. View Conversation
      Thank you. I wanna reach out to the seasoned LDers little by little, maybe some "magic" will rub off...
      Currently taking Sageous WILD class...
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      Hello Gab,

      My name is Achilleas Pavlou and I am a PhD researcher at University of Essex and I am investigating Lucid Dreaming. Would it be possible to allow me to post a study link which is investigating individual differences in LD frequency? I can't seem to post anything until 7 days have passed. Thank you for your help in the matter
    3. View Conversation
      Just found out about the big news. Congratulations, couldn't think of a better person to hold the keys to the castle.

      Happy 2018, and as always, hoping to find you well
    4. View Conversation
      Hey gab(bie), and thanks
      If you remember the things, I'm sorry haha, it's different now, and I'm glad how thing currently are. Tho had to clean up some leftovers from here.

      How are you?
    5. View Conversation
      Yeah I've been off of lucid dreaming for quite a while. Going to get back into it. Nice to see you too.
    6. View Conversation
      Hey gab
    7. View Conversation
      I'm planning on staying, for sure! I've been having some lucid dreams without even doing anything, so I feel like it's a good time to come back I'll look for it now!
    8. View Conversation
      Aww, thank you! It's so good to be back! How are you?
    9. View Conversation
      Hey Gab
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      of course
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    View gab's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    People cut up for parts

    by gab on 05-25-2022 at 07:25 AM
    Today is wednesday, last tuesday I have moved.
    Since I got here, I'm sleeping well and having what I feel are cool dreams. But I didn't remember them until last night.

    I am standing at a scanner, like they have at the airport. Others are at other scanners and waiting in line. Based on a scan we are let through or taken for "exam". I'm told I need an exam and to follow someone. I ask if I can go to the restroom first and I'm escorted by an attendant.

    There is something strange going on. As I go to restroom again later, I see things I'm suspicious about. Rooms like in a hospital, people in white lab coats and chopped up pieces of people. I hide from them as I make my way through. I come to the room where normal people are looking at packaged "meat" on the shelves to buy it.

    I find my way out. Then there is something going on outside which I don't remember. Lol I just rememberd. I'm leaving through the street which is blocked off by some junk and a truck brings even more junk. Then there is more but I don't remember that.

    Thank you for my dreams and for the recall.

    I want to continue with mindfulness, meditating and APing.

    First deliberate OBE

    by gab on 10-21-2021 at 03:24 AM
    So, I have been watching a lot of Youtube videos on mediatation, chakra balancing, heart-brain coherence, past lives regression, afterlife, OBEs and binaural beats on all of the above subjects.

    About a week ago I had a WILD with some Alpha GPC and galantamine.

    1. I asked to be shown something spectacular. At first I whisper the request, then I remember how interesting it feels when you talk out loud in a lucid, and I start shouting it out.

    After phasing through many walls through what seemed to be an empty underground garage/storage space, I enter a huge office room. Dozens and dozens of single seat desks with young people. The room is very colorful. Lots of blues and reds. I look closer, and everybody is building legos, lol. It's a "test kitchen" for legos, haha. People are building them to test them.

    I think the dream was caught by surprise by my request, because I sensed some hesitation, as if it didn't know what to show me, haha.

    2. After I walk through the lego room and the last wall, I end up outside. I ask to see my past life. I'm shown pictures that are displayed in front of me on a large old fashioned 35 mm film in the air. I see some images and to each of them I say No, no, no... Few pictures show a cemetary and I say NOPE, NOPE.

    But the dram is not really listening and I end up laying in a very shiny black coffin with the part by head opened, so I can see outside. I'm looking at this from above as the coffin is slowly sinking into soft mud.

    So, I think I'm done asking for past lives for a while haha.

    Deliberate OBE.
    This morning around 6 am my cat woke me up making noise with some plastic bags. I told him to stop and he did. Then he did it again, I had to get up and hide it. I was a bit annoyed because I had last hour to sleep and was worried I won't be able to fall asleep again.

    But as soon as I layed down I felt vibrations. Not very strong and they were not too concentrated.

    I start saying UP, UP, OUT and as I'm laying on my side with by back to the window, I start to feel headrush and I'm moving with my back leading the way towards the window.

    I remember I wanted to see my body, so with great effort I stop moving through the window and I walk back to my sofa. The room is same dark as in WL, illuminated with few night lights. Just enough to see that I'm not on the sofa. The layout is the same and I feel that it is my real IWL room.

    Then I remembered to check the top of the kitchen cabinet to see if the things I left there few years ago are still there and what it is. (I left there some things when doing OBE experiments).

    It's hard to move and I remember that I have to practice navigating and moving in the astral.

    When I get outside, I'm somewhere else, not in front of my apartment. Some kind of underground garage with thick concrete walls, well illuminated. Out of the room comes out a man, who I know is my husband. I'm all excited to tell him "I just had a first conscious OBE". I have a little bit of trouble pronouncing "conscious". He is happy for me.

    Then I look at my hands and I say "look I have no body" but I see my normal looking hands. Only one finger is a bit shorter, as if I lost the tip in some accident, but it healed already. I'm disappointed because in Astral, we don't have a body. I try this one more time later, and i have the same human looking hand. I can even recognize it as mine in WL.


    Akashik library; Past life; Ocean; Sx

    by gab on 09-28-2021 at 06:47 PM
    Finally, thank you Lord! I have much less stress in my life.

    I'm able to spend some time LDing and meditating. Mostly focusing on my betterment, healing, creating my own future... based on spirituality and it's link to science.

    In my absence, I have had a random DILD here and there and some WILD experiences. Mostly recently, after I started focusing on it again.

    Last week I watched youtube videos about meditating, past life regression, healing and creating our own future with power of our mind. Then I WILDed with intent of visiting a past life.
    I had a bunch of exits. One of them took me into a village with some women and kids in front of an old house. I didn't see the surroundings, but I felt that we are inside of castle walls. I walked up to them and wanted to shake her hand. I asked her what's her name. But she didn't reply.

    When I woke up, first thing I did was say Irene Ridel Stone. I have no idea why I said that and I don't recall having any dream with that name. Just for the heck of it, I googled that name and one result came up. Woman living somewhere in US, who died 4 years before I was born.

    Yesterday (monday) I watched some youtube videos for relaxing, healing, creating own future, akashik records, past lives...
    Took 3x300 Alpha GPC at 6:40am
    Took 2x4 galantamine about hour later.
    WILDed to deep relaxation video.
    Woke up at 10:30 from what I estimate was 1hr long event.

    I remember I couldn't get up or float up or wiggle myself out to roll out. Nothing worked. Everytime I was just there. In between, I realized I'm still asleep and I entered another landscape.

    1. I'm flying at night close to the ground with ocean on my left. I'm trying so hard to steer that way but the force that's flying me is so much stronger and it won't let me go there. (I love ocean).

    2. Nighttime again. Someone points out the Moon. I look at it with amusement, knowing, that I tried so many times to get there, but never succeeded. I'm not gonna try. A man behind me dressed in black with old fashioned hat tells me that he can get me there. I understand that he has powers. He grabs me and I jokingly say "oh, you gonna just throw me there"?. He does that, but it doesn't work.

    3. I'm asking to see my past life. Another exit and I'm so happy. It's daytime. Sun is shining bright and it's a beautiful day. Everything so clear. I'm in front of my parents house. Instead of a small thick forest with lush trees and grass there is a small forest with palm trees. But there is no grass and sandy soil is very dry. Short palm trees are all laying down in all directions, as if from drought. I'm thinking that this is not past, but maybe future. When after climate change it will be warm enough for tropical plants to grow in Europe, and it will be dry.

    I'm happy to have this what it thought will be the last lucid.

    4. But then I materialize in a huge hall. A man walks up to me and hands me about 10 folders. Shows me a desk where I can look at it. It's my past lives. He says "if you need more, guy in Istanbul can tell you more". (just before WILDing, I read a few entries from my DJ. I know I have many dreams from Peru and from Istanbul. Not sure what came first, haha. Me living in Istanbul in a past life and that's why I have so many dreams from there, or I just read my dreams about istanbul, that's why the guy in this lucid said it).

    But I ask him if I can look at the library instead. The wall on the left is huge, full of books and it's fascinating. I start walking around. A hallway that looks like in a theater takes me to a short stairway leading down. There is some people standing next to it and I understand it's not advisable to go down. That's where dead people go. I see some people down there and I know they are dead, and also a lady standing on top where I am. But for some reason she didn't go down yet.

    5. Oh yeah. There was another exit. This time to a sunny ocean view. Beautiful tropical see, I fly to it and this time I'm able to go and enter water while grinning ear to ear from happiness.

    6. Also, got lucky in 2 separate exits. : )

    I'm super happy about my experience. I know there is something more to this life than what we see.

    Lol I got logged out while typing this. Thank god it got saved : )
    lucid , memorable

    What a night!

    by gab on 07-17-2020 at 01:26 AM
    Have not been posting, because my dream life is shot. I'm not getting enough sleep and not having any dreams that I could remember.

    Until last night : )

    I managed to sleep until it was bright outside, I'm thinking around 6:30am. Normally I Wake up around 3-4 am, even on days when I'm off and could sleep longer. I just wake up and worry.

    But last night was great. Had a bunch of long and detailed dreams and I remembered them!

    By now the details are gone, but not the excitement.

    1. I'm in a room that seems to be in a hotel. Conference room. Obama is there, walking around, looking at things, waiting for something. Not in a suit, more casual. I walk up to him, and say "excuse me for bothering you, but would you mind if I shook your hand?" I knew that he is not the president anymore. He said "sure". And we shook hands. I also told him, how I was not interested in following politics, because all politicians are alike, until he was the president. I didn't want to overstay my welcome, so I ended it there.

    I went back to my hotel and wanted to take my mom to see him, but I knew it was too long of a walk for her. So I didn't even mention it to her.

    2. I walk outside behind some houses. It's a dark night and stars are out. I look up, hoping to see the new comet Newsome. I was trying to see it every morning for past few days, but it's too low to the horizont for me to see. But here, I see it. It's high in the sky, bright, with a light gas tail and a longer, blue dust tail. I'm happy that I finally see it.

    Thank you!

    Nuclear explosion

    by gab on 10-03-2019 at 09:08 PM
    I'm standing on a sea or lake shore. All concrete, not a beach. Something is about to happen. Bad guys against good guys. A woman in long crimson dress jumps out of the helicopter to prevent being taken alive, or possible to sacrifice herself for others, to prevent the bad thing happening. I can't believe she jumped to her death, I know her and I like her.

    There is suppose to be a nuclear explosion, so people are standing up on park tables to see over the trees. Someone is with me and I tell them not to worry, we will see it without standing up. It's gonna be huge. And sure enough, over the water to the left, a huge mushroom cloud is forming. White one, soon turning into orange. We move a bit to see it better between the trees.

    There is a shockwave coming, full of dust, so I grab the other person's hand and we run to nearby building. Trying to open one glass door, but I know immediately it won't open, the handle is broken. But I yank one more time and it opens. The cloud is now right on top of us and I see an older woman looking in through the glass door disappointed that I just closed it. I think for a second, then open it and let her and others in. I stand in a door for a second, thinking that the cloud doesn't seem so dangerous, when i notice shimmering and sparkling particles in the air (like chaff from chaff grenade in a video game). I go back in.