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    1. View Conversation
      Hey, just out of curiosity, you weren't taking those tramadol at the same time as menthol, were you? Those two actually have opposing pharmacological effects... i.e., they'll cancel each other out.
    2. View Conversation
      You already got your wings this month? Awesome!
    3. View Conversation
      Hey man how's the road to lucidity
    4. View Conversation
      Thanks for the friend request!
    5. View Conversation
      Hey bud it's going great! Recorded a few cool dreams the past few nights and I've also been practicing wild in the afternoons with guided relaxation on my phone it's amazing it helps me so much. I caint wait till I'm done with what I have to do today to try again with every nap/meditation I do I get a little closer to lucids Im still having trouble staying calm when I get lucid lol but all in good time. But enougft about me bud how r u??? Anything new cool dreams lucids? Luck with wild????
    6. View Conversation
      I keep a recorded DJ on my phone it's all labeled automatically with the time and date. It makes it easier to just voice record for me I hate writing my dreams out in the middle of the night. I really like all ur support that ur giving me its always good to have Somone to talk to about ld it keeps u thinking about it. So good luck to u my friend I caint wait to hear about ur next lucid!!!!
    7. View Conversation
      Well my friend first off great job!!! Im very happy for u!! As for me I'm overcomming a few set backs right now...... 1 my recall went to the crappers so I've been doing everything to get that back to normall. I'm back up to 2 dreams a night. And the weekend his hear I don't work Fridays so a lucid dream is on its way!!!! Good to hear from ya!
    8. View Conversation
      How's it commin? What tec. Are u using
    9. View Conversation
      Well that's really luck and smart. I need to keep a notepad by my bed but I get odd looks from my wife. I guess she'll get used to it. She knew I was quirky before she married me lol. So my recall? I was hitting 6ish every night a long time ago when I was LDing a lot. I wouldn't post everything though. Here lately 0-3 dream I think. I was having like 0 until I hit the forums hard again and doing all my techniques. Seems like I come and go on here.
    10. View Conversation
      Do you do anything special to have such great recall?
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    About isthisit

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    About isthisit
    LD Count:
    I'm a 25 year old guy living in Lincolnshire, UK. I work as a writer for comics and books, and a character creator so I have a very vivid imagination!

    I'm quiet, thoughtful kind of guy, and have been interested in dreaming since I was a child.
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    Dreaming, music, writing, reading, comics, games, poetry, psychology, friends, food ;)
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    My Dream Journal = http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/isthisit/ DILDs - 9 WILDs - 5
    Ooh, their breath is warm
    And they smell like sleep
    And they say they take me home
    Like poppies heavy with seed
    They take me deeper and deeper


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    1. UToo
      UToo liked post by isthisit On thread : Menthol as a Dream Enhancer
      Thanks!! And I could do with a few hairs. :) Aye, the packet does seem to stress how amazing and good quality they are, being proper sweets lol.
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 09:13 PM
    2. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by isthisit On thread : Task of the Month for July 2012
      Oh my god, I just had the most amazing lucid ever (I'm on a total high!) and I attempted basic TOTM. Here's the bit where I drank the potion, I have to say, it was the most incredible, realistic...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 07:58 PM
    3. gab
      gab liked post by isthisit On thread : Help ?
      It's just practice and perseverance - it can take more than a week. Keeping a DJ is excellent, don't let that slip! Keep it up. You will have times when you don't realise you're dreaming, hey,...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 06:37 PM
    4. gab
      gab liked post by isthisit On thread : Specifically naming a lucid.
      Ok I understand what people are trying to explain now. Cheers Gab. What you wrote sounds correct to me. I just thought the OP was asking what the abbreviations meant, but yeah you did a great job of...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 05:40 PM
    5. Crashyy
      Crashyy liked post by isthisit On thread : Worst lucid dreamer EU? :(
      It can sometimes take a while, just keep at it!
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 04:47 PM
    6. CaptainCrounche
      CaptainCrounche liked blog comment by isthisit On : 7.7.2012 - BEST LUCID DREAM EVER! & FA & weird dream within a dream.
      (((Congratulations man! Is there a reason why you felt like you had to plug your nose at the beginning of the dream, or is it something that has become automatic? )))) It's now become automatic,...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 03:23 PM
    7. Alyzarin
      Alyzarin liked post by isthisit On thread : Menthol as a Dream Enhancer
      Thanks!! And I could do with a few hairs. :) Aye, the packet does seem to stress how amazing and good quality they are, being proper sweets lol.
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 03:20 PM
    8. Alyzarin
      Alyzarin liked post by isthisit On thread : Menthol as a Dream Enhancer
      Ok, so last night I took 1 of the 'Menthol' sweets by Jakemans Boston, England. Don't know of the menthol quantity BUT, although I didn't have a lucid dream as such, I got lucid a few times and woke...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 01:38 PM
    9. Alyzarin
      Alyzarin liked post by isthisit On thread : Menthol as a Dream Enhancer
      This is a really interesting thread, I found some menthol sweets in my bathroom cabinet. The packet states they are MENTHOL but doesn't say how much per sweet. I'm gonna take 1 tonight, 2 tomorrow, 3...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 01:33 PM
    10. UToo
      UToo liked post by isthisit On thread : Menthol as a Dream Enhancer
      Ok, so last night I took 1 of the 'Menthol' sweets by Jakemans Boston, England. Don't know of the menthol quantity BUT, although I didn't have a lucid dream as such, I got lucid a few times and woke...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 12:30 PM
    11. UToo
      UToo liked post by isthisit On thread : Menthol as a Dream Enhancer
      Cool thanks dude, appreciate it. It Jakemans blackcurrant menthol sweets - the packets says nothing about them really?! made by Jakemans sweets (boston, england) just had one, they taste nice! ...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 12:27 PM
    12. Kaomea
      Kaomea liked post by isthisit On thread : Menthol as a Dream Enhancer
      Ok, so last night I took 1 of the 'Menthol' sweets by Jakemans Boston, England. Don't know of the menthol quantity BUT, although I didn't have a lucid dream as such, I got lucid a few times and woke...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 12:15 PM
    13. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by isthisit On thread : Menthol as a Dream Enhancer
      Ok, so last night I took 1 of the 'Menthol' sweets by Jakemans Boston, England. Don't know of the menthol quantity BUT, although I didn't have a lucid dream as such, I got lucid a few times and woke...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 11:50 AM
    14. Mancon
      Mancon liked post by isthisit On thread : Task of the Month for July 2012
      Oh my god, I just had the most amazing lucid ever (I'm on a total high!) and I attempted basic TOTM. Here's the bit where I drank the potion, I have to say, it was the most incredible, realistic...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 10:14 AM
    15. TheSpaceEel
      TheSpaceEel liked blog post by isthisit On : 7.7.2012 - BEST LUCID DREAM EVER! & FA & weird dream within a dream.
      Date: 07/07/2012 Place: My bed Time of getting into bed: 11.12pm Ok, first off, I slept as usual, then woke up in the night without remembering any dreams. I did this last night so just presumed...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 08:31 AM
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    View isthisit's Dream Journal

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    26.07.2012 - 3 x dreams, (1 semi lucid)

    by isthisit on 07-27-2012 at 11:39 AM
    Date: 26/07/2012
    Place: My caravan
    Time of getting into bed: 12.14am

    Waking thoughts in black
    Non lucid dreams in blue
    Lucid dreams in red

    Dream 1 - non lucid (3.54am)
    I am walking in a large underground tunnel. Occasionally cars pass me, and there is snow or frost covering the ground. For the first few minutes of the dream, I was watching myself from above, then I switched to being myself. I'm about to enter a door, or smaller tunnel, when a nice smily lady stops me. She tells me to take one of her Lucid Dreaming pills, so I can become lucid in my dreams. I take it, and she reads some sort of leaflet or program with me, telling me 'oh wow, this is gonna be fun, you're gonna really enjoy this!' then I enter the door / tunnel, which splashes water all over my head as I walk under / into it. I didn't actually get lucid, but as always I'm dreaming of lucidity and don't click on! What can I do to go that little bit extra?

    I woke after this dream, and in my sleepy haze, thought I'd had no dreams and the dream was real. (I thought I'd really taken a pill to get lucid) I got up and shut the hatch window because I was cold, and realised it was a dream, so quickly wrote it down.

    Dream 2 - non lucid / slightly lucid at end (5.43am)
    For the record, I was mega hungry when I went to bed, as I wrote in my DJ each time, I considered WILDing but my stomach just kept growling!It's my birthday, and I'm sat with a group of people. I have a teddy bear shaped chocolate birthday cake, which I start eating. It's yummy! I finish the whole thing to myself. I laugh, and tell the others I'm sorry I didn't offer it out, but they don't mind. I offer to go to the shops to buy another and share it, but they say it's ok they really don't mind! Someone has been shopping already and has got lots of food that was reduced for 9p and so on. They let me help myself. Suddenly, a live band is about to come and play. I get excited and settle to watch. THE DREAM SWITCHES AGAIN. It did this the night before. Suddenly I AM the performer, instead of watching. I don't notice any change in dreaming other than this, and it doesn't dawn on me until I wake up. So now I am the singer for the band. I decide to sing well, I need to be lucid, and 'become' lucid in my dream.I wasn't really lucid, I still didn't know I was dreaming, I don't think my sleeping mind comprehended what 'lucid' really meant.As I am lucid, I can now fly, and sing really well, I put my heart and soul into the performance. I now switch back to watching the show again, and someone gives me a shot of vodka, with salt around the rim of the shot glass. I drink it, and it tastes like grapefruit and sugar! I like it so I have more, but I drain off the grapefruit juice / vodka and just eat the salt / sugar as I don't want to get drunk. I notice on the table there is a large snake. The snake is evil looking, it is very shiny and smooth, with a red and cream or off - white pattern, similar to a Corn Snake. However it has a head like a king Cobra, and huge, red fangs. I don't panic, but I know not to go near it. My friend who is sat with me tries to grab it, and does so very clumsily, leaving himself open to attack, however the snake doesn't attack, he does look very agitated though. My friend grabs it's neck and pulls, the snake is so strong and large, that he cannot move it, but instead he stretches the snake's neck in a painful way. The snake now bites him. I decide to 'become lucid' again to avoid being bitten. I know if I am lucid, I am only dreaming and so the snake cannot harm me. I fly up into the garden, and fly a few laps around, looking at the trees and bushes. As I do, I see many more snakes sat in the trees waiting and hiding. I want to get 'proper lucid' as I am aware I'm just dreaming of being lucid. And so I try to wake my brain up, while I'm still asleep, so that I will be lucid.I wake up for real. A very low level lucid at the end.

    Dream 3 - non lucid (8.22am)
    I think I have forgotten the beginning of this dreamFor some reason, I HAVE to eat some raw eggs. The eggs are like little blackbird's eggs. There are about 5 of them but one keeps breaking and leaking everywhere, I carry them in a little plastic bag. I am in the back of a van, while someone drives the van to an underground car park, for some reason to do with the eggs. It is important I eat these eggs soon! I am completely naked, which I'm a little embarrassed about, so I try to find some clothes to put on, but I can't while I'm laying in the back of the van. Eventually we get to the car park, where several policemen block the entrance. We worry we won't get in, and the policemen asks for our names, I give them my surname, and to my surprise they let us in, showing us where to park. We park and I get out, the car park is empty except for a big, red double decker bus parked in the corner. We all talk about how we'd love to own one of those buses. A fashion show starts, and everyone is invited to join in, I am given a long shirt with a Union Jack design on it, and an Orange T-shirt to wear over the top. It's not my style but I'm naked so wear it anyway. I look ridiculous, but someone takes photos of me anyway. I go to put my socks on, because the floor is hurting my feet. There are a couple of little spiders around, but I ignore them as I'm not afraid of spiders. One bites me, and it actually really hurts. I flick it off and carry on, another one, bites me 3 times, and I flick it off, but it leaves some little bumps on my skin. The pain is quite intense. The spiders range in size, but all look the same. They are grey, with a white pattern and have 2 hairy back legs, the rest of the legs are thin. Someone googles them on their phone, and we find out they are called 'Cadavern' spiders. One bigger one, is red and black, and this one bites me again, the pain is terrible.

    I get up early for the day, but easily could have stayed in bed and had more dreams.
    lucid , non-lucid

    25.07.2012 - 6 x non lucid dreams and some fragments - very vivid!

    by isthisit on 07-26-2012 at 02:18 PM
    Date: 25/07/2012
    Place: Caravan bed
    Time of getting into bed: 12.15am
    100mg B6 before bed

    Waking thoughts in black
    Non lucid dreams in blue
    Lucid dreams in red

    Dream 1 - non lucid (4.01am)
    Last night all of my dreams were very vivid and detailed. More so then usual, and they are quite detailed usually!I am on holiday, and go to visit my friend, T.I haven't seen T for years, we met on holiday a few years ago and never kept in touch. We were quite good friends on the holiday.I leave my partner in the hotel room as he is busy, and tell him he can join us later. When I find T he is not doing much, just sat watching television in a small room, which is a little dark and bare. I sit with him, he offers me a cigarette and I decline. We watch the TV. It is a show about women going undercover in bhurkas (spelling please?) one women wears a red bhurka, and she is evil, spreading bad rumours and causing trouble. T is angry and shouting at the TV, but I am bored. I make excuses to leave, and he walks down the stairs with me as we have to carry some large, heavy item to be delivered downstairs. It could have been a vaccum cleaner, or something similar. Outside is bright and fresh, and we seem to be in some sort of modern apartment building, with lots of metal and glass. There are lots of steps down to the lower levels. We carry the item all the way down, and we need to deliver it to number 3 or 4. However, we cannot find 3 or 4. Looking at the flat numbers, they seem to be in a foreign language missed an obvious dream sign here, the letters and numbers were all bizarre shapes, but I blamed it on being in a foreign country! T wanders off to look for numbers, as do I. I spot a casino style room, with poker tables in it. I approach a man working at a desk nearby, and ask him where number 4 is. He tells me he is number 4, and so I hand over the item. It has now changed into a red ice bucket, with a large hole in the bottom. He seems to want to talk, but I just hand it over and leave. As I leave, some people have sat down on sofa style chairs around a large, varnished wood table outside. The table looks beautiful and expensive. It has some sort of detailing around the edges, and it is very large, and an odd shape. They are drinking and relaxing in the sun, but I cannot get by to leave. The ice bucket man kindly rushes to help me, and a young girl stands up politely to let me by. I eventually get by, say thankyou and leave, when I notice my boyfriend is sat at the table, with a bag in his hand. He puts the bag on the table with a bump, and everyone looks at him, worried he has scratched the nice table. I get him and he wants to see T, but I tell him T is boring and we should leave before he finds us. My bf protests a little, but we leave.

    Dream 2 - non lucid (5.53am)
    I am looking out of a high window, and outside my window is another building, pretty close but leaving a gap between the two. Down this gap, a bird has fallen and got trapped, and it's cries for help can be heard. Another bird is helping it by using a net to dangle down so it can grab onto it, but it so far isn't working. The net is too light and won't go down the gap. I try to help by throwing OrangesYes, the fruit.Onto the net to weigh it down. It works and the bird is saved.Now, the dream skips. The bird is a woman's bag, and I am a bus driver trying to help get the women's bag. However in the dream, I did not notice the skip, and thought it was a continuing dream. I had no recollection of the bag ever being a bird. There was no gap in events, just a switch. The woman comes to thank me for getting her bag, and she is pretty, with long dark hair. She has a guy with her. She holds up the bag, which is a beige coloured tote bag, clearly full of things. With long black handles. She is sarcastic and cruel, saying thanks for nothing, the bag is useless, and it didn't need saving. I grab her by her long hair, and parade her down the bus, showing the people on the bus how cruel she is. She attempts to fight back, but as I'm a guy she struggles. I then throw her bag on the floor, and the contents go everywhere. I refuse to clean it up.

    Often, when people are mean to me in my dreams, I get violent and want to hurt them. This always gets out of hand and I end up being the mean one. Doing things like the above, or taking it too far and hurting people because I'm angry. I have no idea why, I would never do this in RL, and I'm possibly the most laid back, anti- violence guy I know! I rarely, if ever, fight in my life.

    Dream 3 - non lucid (6.55am)
    Erm. I wrote this in my DJ for the next dream;
    My friend is holding a house party, someone at the party 'fridges' my friend with a 'score.' Seriously, I have no idea what this means. I don't even remember this dream!!

    Dream 4 - non lucid
    I am watching a TV show about a new comedian doing stand up. Lots of veteran comedians are in the audience, and throughout the show he will pick one to banter with. Brian Conley is one of the comedians in the audience, he pretends not to like the new comedian, and feigns being offended by him, but the new comedian tells him 'you'll remember this later, and look back on it and laugh.' Then the new comedian looks at the camera and says 'I know I will.' and for some reason this is hilarious, and the crowd burst into laughter.For me at the time, this was also funny, now upon waking I have no idea why. Now I am part of the comedians act. I am in a lift with some members of the public, and there are hidden cameras. I say to the people in the lift ' I have a song stuck in my head, can you tell me what it is?' And proceed to rap, or sing a bad rave song to them, dancing and making an idiot of myself. They try not to laugh at me, some try to ignore me. The audience watching on TV find it funny.

    Dream 5 - non lucid - 8.03am
    I am driving down the street when we see Katy Perry, going into a house where a Rabbit breeder lives. She is smiling and cameras follow her. We watch, but someone says it is cruel to watch her, as she is addicted to rabbits and she needs help. She buys a rabbit and leaves. We go into the house after her, and there are cages, and hutches filled with rabbits. At first, it seems cruel, there are HUNDREDS of rabbits of all size shape and colour. However after we walk around, it appears they are very well looked after. Some are just babies, they have loads of room and are clean. Some of them have curly, greyish fur and they are the cutest. We leave and go to visit my friend who has just moved house. We find her house, which is like a log cabin, built from wood. Everything. We walk up some stairs and sit at a wooden table. There is a fire in the corner. My friend kicks the fire outside every now and again, and gets ask everywhere, she then argues with her boyfriend about this. Her parents are also at the table, but I am only there to see what she is doing, because I don't really like her. I don't really like her in real life, and she has moved far away. It also didn't occur to me in the dream that we were burning a fire in a house made completely of wood.

    Dream 6 - non lucid
    I am at a man's house. He has a daughter. He cooks me some food, and we seem to be friends even though he is a lot older then me, perhaps in his 50s. The food is rather nice, but when it comes to the next course, it is wriggling with worms. He tells me he has cooked worms in it, I should eat it. I really don't want to, as I'm worried I'll get sick, he watches me closely and I slowly eat around the worms. I now realise he probably isn't my friend, and I want to leave. I must have eaten a worm by accident, because I turn into a wild, gollum-like creature, and the man is happy about this, he keeps me in his bathroom, and I climb up the walls and make horrible screeching noises. His daughter keeps coming into the bathroom trying to kill me, she is only young, perhaps 13 years? But everytime she comes in I scream and attack her, and her dad comes in to save me. He protects me and removes his daughter. I start to eat lots of chocolate bars, I eat several, dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate... huge big bars. I expect to be sick, but I don't feel anything. For a moment, I'm so close to being lucid. I wonder why I don't feel sick after eating all this chocolate? What could be wrong? Is this real? I wake up.

    Dream 7 - non lucid - 9.25
    The next few dreams were all fragments, as soon as I woke I lost the memory fast, so just wrote the basic key words. A woman dressed as a cat is performing at a live show.

    I am tagging photos on facebook, and see the cat lady in the photos.

    A black cat mauls animals to death, there are 3 animals, a rabbit, a bird and another cat.

    Updated 07-27-2012 at 10:41 AM by isthisit

    non-lucid , dream fragment

    24.07.2012 - Weird night - STRANGE recall & normal dreams

    by isthisit on 07-25-2012 at 01:34 PM
    Date: 24/07/2012
    Place: My bed
    Time of getting into bed: 11.00pm
    Nothing before bed - Ginseng & Ginkgo the morning before

    Waking thoughts in black
    Non lucid dreams in blue
    Lucid dreams in red

    Dream 1 - non lucid (12.55am)

    So, I was all intent on taking my Lucid Dreaming pill on a WBTB last night, for the first time. I went to bed early, and fell asleep normally. I must stress I DIDNT TAKE ANYTHING, not even the usual B6 as I wanted to see the effects of the G&C without any interactions. I took Ginseng & Ginkgo the morning before, which I have been doing for about a week now. The night was particularly hot (we're having a heat wave, woohoo!) and I slept semi-naked, and out of the quilt. This always gave me nightmares as a child.

    Dream fragments -talking on DV about WILDing and lucid dreaming. I wrote this in my DJ, I was sweating and really tired (hence just a short sentence / fragment) but I was feeling weird. I was slipping in and out of consciousness and as I was I was unintentionally WILDing! It came on so fast, I would lie down to sleep, and felt my body go numb, then a floating sensation, all in a matter of minutes. I didn't fight it, but I mostly 'popped' in and out of it, very unusual sensation. This happened all night, at one point I checked the G&C pill on my bedside table to make sure I hadn't taken it in my sleep, because the feeling was so intense. I hadn't. I decided not to take it, as it was too early. (even though I was dreaming?) I slept, and then woke up to a loud noise a little later. I woke up (or did I? FA?) because there was a loud noise outside, at first I thought it was a helicopter flying by )it happens) but it got louder and louder, I realised I was awake... (I think... I didn't RC) but I was in SP - the noise got loud and turned into screeching, just like HH that people describe, but I've never had it. After the noise, I felt tingling all over my body, and fell asleep. Thinking about it now, was this a dream about WILDing? Or did I wake up in SP briefly? I have no idea.

    Dream 2 - non lucid
    Two guys are performing oral sex on me, the dream gets really weird, with medieval torture devices being used, I'll skip the details, but it was weird and erotic. This was one messed up sex dream.

    Dream 3 - non lucid / slight lucidity at end - 3.00am
    My mum is coming to pick me up from somewhere because I have been drinking. When she gets there she has some pizzas ready for me to eat, which I'm thankful for because I'm starving. My mum disappears, and I begin to panic. I ring her phone but she isn't answering, I worry she's been in an accident. However she then pulls in the drive with her car. The car is a big silver estate, and puffing out clouds of black smoke. I initially think she's had car trouble, but she gets out with my younger sister and says she's been in hospital. My younger sister is in tears - I ask her what's wrong? She says her favourite singer Adele, is in hospital. I laugh, and say 'I know she is, she's been in there for ages, call yourself a fan?' but she get's even more upset and says its an operation on her throat. I make a mental note to check weather Adele really has had an operation when I wake up, or weather my dream is making it up, as I can't remember right now.

    I woke up, with a music in my head from my childhood, that I had COMPLETELY forgotten. It was eerie and freaked me out, as I tried to get back to sleep, I kept remembering dreams from YEARS AGO. I shit you not. I thought about getting up (this was about 3.30am now) and watching some TV because I was so freaked out I daren't sleep. However I forced myself to sleep, but I woke up again and again, each time remembering dreams from about 5 or 6 years ago, with amazing detail. I thought I'd completely forgotten these dreams. What the hell was going on? I finally fell to sleep properly again.

    Dream 4 - non lucid - 5.15am
    My family owns a food shop, I go in search of starting my own food shop. I have a clothes shop, but this gets shut down. A pink tie is left hanging from one of the windows, and I take it as a souvenir. I open a shop selling action figures, and I make shoes themed with cartoon characters and comic characters.

    Dream 5 - non lucid
    I am chilling with friends when someone asks me if I want to take part in a fun, free experiment. I agree. I have to hold these 2 black bars, it's a new kind of virtual game where you play an incredibly life-like character, that moves just by sensing through the bars in your hands. When I grab the bars, they hurt me at first, but I get used to it. I am a young soldier, in the war, I follow his life as he struggles to survive and still look after his wife and young child at home. I get really involved in this soldiers life, eventually feeling like I am him. I wake up in the dream, and the soldier is now a real man, stood over my bed. He tells me he is real, and wants me to follow him, I'm shocked, but not scared. I go and meet his wife and daughter, it is an emotional reunion for them, I watch quietly. Again, I wake up and feel like I'm WILDing, entering SP without trying. My body is tingling and numb at the same time, I feel like I'm floating over my bed. I remember more dreams from my long forgotten past, but this time I try to remember more and I'm shocked when I can. I quite like it. I fall asleep.

    Dream 6 - non lucid
    I'm watching a TV show about young fathers meeting their in laws to be. One guy is wearing nothing but a purple robe, he has a scruffy beard, and lots of body hair. He poses and messes around and his naked body is clear to see.

    Dream 7 - non lucid - 9.03am
    I'm at a dinner table in a restaurant, wearing fancy dress. I am wearing a santa costume, but it isn't totally correct. Someone nearby is a policeman. We add up 'fancy dress points' that we get for our outfits, so that we can have enough points to leave the restaurant. There was more to this dream, plus a whole other dream after this one, but I didn't write them down.

    Overall, what a weird night. I feel refreshed this morning, but still in awe of the crazy night I had and I can still remember those dreams from years ago!

    23.07.2012 - 7 x dreams (yay my recall is back!)

    by isthisit on 07-24-2012 at 01:57 PM
    Since my last DJ entry, I have been on holiday and rarely slept, or been so tired and drunk that I didn't write in my DJ. When I did write in it, it was just 1 or 2 words a night. I worried that by not writing in my DJ my recall would suffer, however after getting home, I had a nap or two, and then before sleeping I made sure I got to bed early, and taking Apple Juice and B6 really seemed to help, as my recall was back on form. This is just proof of how drinking and disrupted sleep can kill an otherwise great dream recall!

    Date: 23/07/2012
    Place: My bed
    Time of getting into bed: 10.35pm
    100mg B6 before bed

    Waking thoughts in black
    Non lucid dreams in blue
    Lucid dreams in red

    Dream 1 - non lucid

    I am queuing for some sort of festival in a field. It takes a while to get through the queue, and while I'm there I spot a guy eyeing me up. He's tall and average looking. We talk, and once we get through the gates we go to find somewhere to have sex. We find the edge of some woods, where other couples are shagging, so decide to do it there. We get on the floor and get to it (I'll leave out the details, but it was fun ) Once we have finished, we agree to meet again and he leaves. For some reason I'm still hard, and want more sex, so I wander round in search of someone else willing to join in. I wander to the back of the field but it looks boring, some security guard tells me I can't walk around with my cock out, but I ignore him and walk off. I pass a group watching two people fight, its a guy and a young girl, but the girl is a professional boxer and she beats up the guy pretty bad, so he is bleeding and battered. I finally meet up with the same guy as before, and ask him if he wants to come back to my place. He does, so we go to a small room, which is like a waiting room, and try to ring a taxi. All the taxis are booked or busy, so we have to wait. While we are waiting, other people come and talk to us. Somehow we get back to my place, I don't know how, but it felt like a gap in the dream. However my mum and sister are at my home, and they are annoying and embarrassing me. My mum tells the guy I'm with that I nearly had sex with my sister when I was younger. WTF?! She then gets her boobs out and starts dancing while smiling like a mad women. I tell her to stop but she doesn't, I'm mega embarrassed. Why does my dream mum always ruin my sex dreams? Lol. The dream seems to skip again, I'm now alone in my room, and waiting for the guy to arrive so we can have sex. He arrives, and just as I let him in, a neighbor comes round to visit and I let her in too. I tell the guy she wasn't invited, and apologise for her being there but she overhears, and gets very angry and offended. I feel bad and try to make excuses but she is hurt. For some reason, I'm trying to post some bizarre egg-like things through the letterbox at my front door, but it is full and they won't squeeze in.

    Dream 2 - non lucid

    I am going to my friend's house and pass a clothes shop that my friend owns. I peer in, and see there is someone stocking shelves with new items, and they have left their bike outside. They look at me, as if to watch their bike but I walk on, I would never steal a bike like that. I soon meet up with the friend, and tell him that I saw his shop in a dream, and that I dreamt someone was stocking the shelves. I don't know why I suddenly decided that part was a dream. I wasn't lucid. I did fall asleep using the mantras 'I will know I am dreaming tonight.' which may have played a part. It was weird that my dream self thought that was a dream, when I'd just done it, but didn't realise the whole thing was a dream. The guy tells me he had the same dream, including the bike outside, and we think this is amazing for a bit. We go to call on another friend ready to go out and party. When we get to his house, he's already been out all day, and is ready for bed (he's drunk and in a mess) however we persuade him to join us. He is wearing a white shirt.

    Dream 3 - non lucid
    This next dream was sort of connected, but I did wake between the two so it was a separate dream.
    I am at my mums house, getting ready to go out with my parents and my partner. My little brother (who is about 8 in the dream, he's 19 in RL) is sad that he has to stay at home, and is a little upset. The dog jumps up to lick his face and make him happier, but he cries when we leave.

    We leave and i lead the way, going to a random house that I see down the street, I'm not sure what my intentions were, but I certainly wasn't invited to this house and I don't intend to knock, I just push open the door. My parents and partner shout words of warnings as the door just falls because it is not attached to the wall, it nearly lands on a man inside the house, who looks up angrily. I apologise, but still waltz right into the house, where 2 men are laying a carpet. I feel guilty for barging in, and so I start helping them, they carry on, annoyed but not about to do anything. I rip up the old carpets (brown, cheap carpets) and start bagging up the rubbish. My family sort of watch, and the 2 working men realise I'm quite helpful and are thankful. At some point, my mum asks me to check on my little sister who we left at home in bed.
    Yes, for some reason my little brother turned into my little sister, who was also a young child in the dream, and she is 23 now. I use my phone to access hidden cameras in her bedroom, and see she is still fast asleep in bed. The bed has an old-lady style flowery pattern on it. I show my mum and my mum is concerned because there is white foam all around her mouth. She thinks my sister has a mouth disease, because she didn't clean her mouth properly.

    Dream 4 - non lucid

    Me and my partner are outside the main hall of my little school from when I was a young child. However I am my real life age. My partner goes in the hall and I stay outside with lots of chocolate bars, I go in, but I have done something wrong and get sent out again.

    Dream 5 - non lucid

    I am in a kitchen making dessert. I have made a sponge cake base for each of us, and I am now melting berries to pour on top. The berries melt down to a purple sticky liquid, and I pour it over each dessert. We try to eat it but it is scalding hot, I burn my mouth Before bed, I ate a pizza that was too hot and burnt my mouth. I woke up with a blister. (ouch) [COLOR="#00bfff"] While we are doing this we are watching a TV, which is showing the news that someone has gone missing, suspected killed. I am a few friends know about the murder, because we covered it up and hid the body. However we are keeping it a secret. Some girl who is par of our group that knows, accidentally lets slip about the cover up, and I feel she will be murdered next. 2 of my friends run away to a different country where they have great fun doing things like white water rafting etc.

    Dream 6 - non lucid

    Me and my friend go shopping, because my mum asked us to pop out and get her some wine. In the supermarket, it takes me a lot of time to find the right bottles of wine, and I take care not to drop and break them. My friend disappears. I then get a trolley full of sweets and chocolate for myself. This is quite normal for my shopping trips! I also go and pick up some prescriptions from the shop's pharmacy. When I get there they won't give me one of the prescriptions because it is not in my name, we argue for a bit and then they give in and let me have it. I am angry at them questioning me so I walk out of the shop with my trolley full of goods, and don't pay. It is now dark outside, and there are gangs of youths hanging around on the streets, and some dodgy looking women. One street I avoid because I know a gang will attack me down there, but I approach a dirty, thin women who tries to fight with me. I pull out a baseball bat and beat her away, she also pulls out a baseball bat but I grab hers and use both of them to hit her until she leaves.

    Dream 7 - non lucid - 12.30am

    In this dream, I am a policeman. I am going through some of my assessments with a supervisor because they feel my work is starting to slip and they want to help me. They find out my wife and children died not long ago but I still think they are alive. they follow me, to a place where I think my daughter is, she doesn't exsist but I see her, and talk to her. They try to tell me that she died, and this makes me cry. I know they are dead really but can't cope so I pretend they are alive. The 'imaginary' daughter tries to convince me to commit suicide. My supervisor helps me leave and I am in tears.

    18.06.2012 - 3 non lucid dreams & many lucid fragments.

    by isthisit on 07-19-2012 at 03:03 PM
    Date: 18/07/2012
    Place: My bed
    Time of getting into bed: 00.30am
    100mg B6 before bed, also 60mg Ginkgo & 160mg Ginseng

    Waking thoughts in black
    Non lucid dreams in blue
    Lucid dreams in red

    Last night, I woke after each dream as usual to write in the DJ, but was so tired for some reason I didn't record anything. This is not like me AT ALL. I was ill during the day, and had a lot of painkillers so I blame this. However when waking for the day (11.30am) I was sooo tired I kept falling back to sleep, and as I did I had short, very unstable lucid dreams. I experimented with them a bit, I could fall asleep instantly and control the dream, the dream stemmed from whatever I was thinking about as I was falling asleep. It was quite fun.

    Dream 1 - non lucid
    3 Indian guys on a motorbike come and pick me up. As I can't fit on the bike with them, 2 of them hop off and get a bus. We drive to a small, shack-like place, where I am taken upstairs and sit at a table watching a TV. The man who rode with me sits with me, and gives me an Orange to eat. I lived in India for some time, and often visited places like this to chill out. the locals would give me lifts on their bikes. I feel a hot breath on my knee under the table, and looking under I see a big bull sniffing me. He's not meaning any harm, so I ignore him and he walks away. Later he comes back, sniffing around for food. I throw my Orange peel to him and he gobbles it up, clearly very hungry. He then realised I have segments of Oranges, and comes towards me. I throw a few to distract him, and he runs after them, gobbles them up again and runs towards me, eager for more. I panic, thinking he will accidentally hurt me, my hands smell of Oranges and I'm scared he'll charge or bite me. He does charge, but I jump out of the way and escape.
    I fed cows in India when they wandered in the restaurants hungry. I also saw an anti bull-fighting poster before going to bed.

    Dream 2 - non lucid
    I have trained a cute kitten to do magic tricks with custard creams. People are watching and think it is amazing, but I have a secret trick that makes it easy. I make the kitten count out piles of biscuits, and everyone is impressed.

    Dream 3 - lucid fragments

    I wake up for the day, but I'm so tired I drift off to sleep, then wake up again after 5 minutes, and drift off again. I do this for about an hour, soon, as I drift off I have lucid dreams. They are short and very unstable and not vivid at all. More like thoughts or daydreams that move into lucid dreams. The following fragments were broken up by waking and conversations with RL people.
    I am sat on a bed, talking to a hot guy. I have full control, and know I am dreaming but the dream is not stable or vivid, I just imagine things happening, and they do. I have conversations with DCs mostly, the dreams revolve around trying to get laid as I am pretty horny. I start a sexual scenario and convince a DC to engage in it because I just 'believe he will' because he is part of my own mind. In which turns out to increase the vividness and surprises me because it is so realistic. I wake up before I finish.
    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment