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      I found one of our message very comforting and sent you a friend request. ^^
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    3. Kids are in bed and every night I say I'm going to bed early (because that is when my dreams are the clearest), but I love this alone time!

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    About lidybug
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    Many and beyond
    I am a mother of two beautiful girls who have helped me grow in so many ways. They are my greatest teachers. I'm married to an amazing man who is my mirror. My passion is Dreaming and the world continues to unfold for me in the most extraordinary ways! Dreaming wether it is mine or someone else's is a lesson a perspective that holds knowledge for everyone if we choose to listen.
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    1. Patience108
      Patience108 liked post by lidybug On thread : Enlightening Dream
      Shortly before the dream that profoundly changed my life I heard a voice as clear as if he was beside me speaking into me ear. " These are the revelations....". I sat up in bed and looked around for...
      Liked On: 06-08-2016, 09:19 PM
    2. Sageous
      Sageous liked post by lidybug On thread : Enlightening Dream
      Shortly before the dream that profoundly changed my life I heard a voice as clear as if he was beside me speaking into me ear. " These are the revelations....". I sat up in bed and looked around for...
      Liked On: 06-08-2016, 07:21 PM
    3. fogelbise
      fogelbise liked post by lidybug On thread : Enlightening Dream
      I have not looked into the white light meditation. Perspective shifting is my preferred practice. Also morning walks help me to center and stay consciously self aware. Forgiveness Close your...
      Liked On: 06-07-2016, 06:43 PM
    4. fogelbise
      fogelbise liked post by lidybug On thread : Enlightening Dream
      Thank you fogelbise! Thank you for letting me know it helped you it really does bring me so much joy! Much love!
      Liked On: 06-07-2016, 06:43 PM
    5. lucidbunnie
      lucidbunnie liked post by lidybug On thread : Dealing With Bereavement & Grief (Twin Flame & Soulmate)
      In the beginning I wrote to him a lot. I wrote to find him. I was looking so hard. This could NOT be the end. We were not finished!!! I remember saying that over and over again. I read a lot of books...
      Liked On: 06-06-2016, 08:22 PM
    6. lucidbunnie
      lucidbunnie liked post by lidybug On thread : Dealing With Bereavement & Grief (Twin Flame & Soulmate)
      It is possible to have a relationship after death. The key is learning perspective to remember that your not really apart. There is no going back to the way things were. Now you have a choice you can...
      Liked On: 06-06-2016, 08:22 PM
    7. fogelbise
      fogelbise liked post by lidybug On thread : Enlightening Dream
      Shortly before the dream that profoundly changed my life I heard a voice as clear as if he was beside me speaking into me ear. " These are the revelations....". I sat up in bed and looked around for...
      Liked On: 06-06-2016, 07:10 PM
    8. VivianVector
      VivianVector liked post by lidybug On thread : Enlightening Dream
      I had been interested in spiritual learnings before this dream but I have to say I was at the beginning stages of truly asking questions and receiving insights. My fierce died in a car accident when...
      Liked On: 06-06-2016, 02:17 AM
    9. Oneirin
      Oneirin liked blog comment by lidybug On : Energy Wave
      I enjoyed your dream thank you for sharing it. I like to look at others dreams as if they are my own. Using my perspective. For me I feel like the second floor is a higher (frequency) of...
      Liked On: 06-05-2016, 11:58 PM
    10. DreamyBear
      DreamyBear liked post by lidybug On thread : Enlightening Dream
      I had been interested in spiritual learnings before this dream but I have to say I was at the beginning stages of truly asking questions and receiving insights. My fierce died in a car accident when...
      Liked On: 06-04-2016, 07:22 PM
    11. DreamyBear
      DreamyBear liked post by lidybug On thread : God is Absolute
      God is Absolute. God is Love, Love is light, light is truth. What I have learned from the I Am, That I Am, is perspective is key. Language is a barrier. The spoken word is of man. It is how God...
      Liked On: 06-04-2016, 10:56 AM
    12. DreamyBear
      DreamyBear liked post by lidybug On thread : Every Conflict can be resolved from within
      It's been a while :). I'm just now rereading old threads and came across this unanswered post. I guess I truly wasn't ready to respond. I agree that being mindful is where we learn or biggest...
      Liked On: 06-04-2016, 10:05 AM
    13. DreamyBear
      DreamyBear liked post by lidybug On thread : Enlightening Dream
      Shortly before the dream that profoundly changed my life I heard a voice as clear as if he was beside me speaking into me ear. " These are the revelations....". I sat up in bed and looked around for...
      Liked On: 06-04-2016, 09:56 AM
    14. TiredJoe
      TiredJoe liked post by lidybug On thread : Clear Light Perspective
      In my waking state I have been doing a sort of perspective shift through meditation. As I go about my day I take my perspective or consciousness and place it into the food I'm preparing, my pets, my...
      Liked On: 08-15-2015, 06:56 PM
    15. Patience108
      Patience108 liked post by lidybug On thread : Clear Light Perspective
      In my waking state I have been doing a sort of perspective shift through meditation. As I go about my day I take my perspective or consciousness and place it into the food I'm preparing, my pets, my...
      Liked On: 05-27-2015, 07:26 PM
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    View lidybug's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    AI memories

    by lidybug on 09-01-2023 at 03:10 PM
    I am in a hotel or store and I put a photo of myself into a machine. It was a large machine looked almost like on of those old ATM machines in the bank built into the wall. It printed out a portrait of myself but it was blurred and not completely printed on the one side of my face. Then it printed out a few more photos of myself. It was only when I saw the photos I noticed I had two small braids in my hair one on either side of my temples. I wanted to redo the photo not only because I didn’t like my hair but because it did’nt print out correctly. There were two nice women working in there and I told them the machine wasn’t working properly. They were closing the hotel/shop I was in. I sat on a lobby couch and we started chatting and talking about life a bit. I then look on my iPad and the machine had sent a video. I clicked play and it was a video of my 20/30 something self talking. I looked very put together and I liked it. It continued playing memories. I thought “Wow, how nice this is!” Then it was a memory of me on a talk show and a women came out on stage that I had not seen in many years an old friend. I gave her a big hug. Someone handed us these aprons they were super cute and we put them on. I started thinking " wait… I remember those aprons my friend Laraina made them for me and two small matching ones for my daughters when they were little about 10 years ago, I didn’t get them on a talk show"! Then I started realizing that the memories I was watching were all pieces of my life reorganizing into a different context and not how it truly happened. I suddenly remembered AI and reading something about allowing AI into my computer to help with daily tasks such as typing, responding to emails, and organizing photos. As the movie continued there was a chase scene that appeared to be from some action scene. I didn’t recognize the actors
    but the what they were saying were phrases I had used and maybe posted online at some point. The audio was decently from my real life interactions but the two men and the scene I did not recognize.
    It was at this point I realized I was lucid. I was suddenly in the building I was watching the chase scene happening in. I started looking around the building it was very barren. There were white doors I opened one and there was a strange looking toilet. Only the toilet in a very small rectangular white room. I opened the lid and it was clean and empty. Then I was going to the next door when I woke up.
    In WL I went down stairs to make coffee and I turned on Youtube and the first thing that popped up was Sky New Australia Interviews “free-thinking” AI.
    memorable , lucid

    You can pass into the new world.

    by lidybug on 07-07-2018 at 01:56 PM
    I am 35 weeks pregnant and my dreams have become extremely vivid. Although I have not been lucid in a very long time I have not been writing my dreams or doing any lucid exercises to help myself become lucid. That being said I thought I should log this one.
    Everyone is being held in the old world. Its dark not only in color but in feeling. Everything has a grey hue, its crowded, there is a feeling of a void. I’m inline to travel it feels like a boarder crossing. I have my passport and correct documents along with my husband. When I get to the front of the line a man (guard) in what looks to be futuristic military ware puts his hands on my head. I look at him as he does this. I don’t back away but feel confident but confused. I have only love in my heart. He says “You may pass”. My husband is also aloud to pass. As I walk down this huge white stairway into this new world. It is much brighter from where I just came. I hear people talking about insects and love. About respecting all life. I now see what is being created. A new world of compassion. But I also remember a young man who has a gun in this new world and shoots someone. How did he pass? It’s a new world of compassion.

    Smell of death and the kiss of love

    by lidybug on 10-21-2012 at 07:36 PM
    Trey died I'm in my childhood bed room. He was going to go out for the evening and I thought he had. The next morning I smelled something horrible I smelled death. I pulled back the covers of where Trey had been sleeping and to my surprise he was there his eyes where sunken in only two creases remined. His body seemed frail and smaller like that of a malnutritiond child. There was feces near his stomach. It was a wretched sight that tour my heart. I felt a panic of need of needing to tell everyone and I had not of yet fully believed what I was seeing although I knew the physical was unchangeable. Aha but if I in that moment would of realized the state of my consciousness I could of changed everything.
    Im with Josh in the same room that Trey my brother is sleeping in. It looked just like Josh, he looked healthy and just like he did at the time of the accident. I wish i would of became lucid but it was not meant to be this time. I came to a realization the other day that thinking of the accident puts me in a past mindset a mind state of lack. Josh was alive and we had many happy memories and now I am having more in my dream state. That was the first dream with Josh that I can remember where we where happy and connected and kissed with the passion on knowing each others souls through and beyond time and space. Usually my dreams of Josh are connected to confusion of where he is and why he can't meet me. We have finally met in a neutral place ruled by light and love. Time does not exist here or here. The overlapping of dimensions can be witnessed through the bridge of our dreams.

    Updated 10-21-2012 at 07:41 PM by lidybug


    Open your eye's, See with your Heart

    by lidybug on 11-29-2011 at 03:31 AM
    This was one of my Favorite LD's of all time! July 5, 2009
    I thought I was dreaming but everything was dark . This has happen to me a few times but usually nothing comes of it because I can't make it light. I did the breathing through the nose and it worked but still it was like I had no body and everything was dark. Like a blank canvas (in the dark, lol) Then I thought ok maybe my eyes are closed. I tried to open my eyes and I remember them feeling very heavy and I was afraid I was going to wake up but I did it anyway and I was laying in my bed. At first I couldn't move but I did the hold the nose and breath (HNB) again and it worked so I realized I was still dreaming. I decided to get out of bed still afraid I was going to wake up and this wasn't really a dream. I kept doing the HNB and was working to my suprise every time. I pryed myself out of bed. I felt so heavy and almost the same feeling when your really tired and have to get up in the middle of the night to pee. I walked into the kitchen and Erik (my husband) was there. He doesn't really take my LDing very seriously and when I saw him I wasn't totally convinced that I was still LDing so I went into the spare bedroom and tried to go through the Mirror but it didn't work So I thought I must not be dreaming.
    I'm walking through the house and I see Erik and do another this time I do the HNB. It works so I walk up to him and with a big smile on my face say hey guess what your in my LD. He laughed replying "Oh really" he didn't really believe me. I was talking to him walking through the house then I relized he wasn't going to believe me till he had one himself. So I leave and start looking for someone else to talk to.
    I try to go through a mirror again with no success that is something I have not been successful at yet in any of my LDs. I want to change the scenery. It is still semi dark in the house so I walk into another room and suddenly all the lights pop on all at once. I did another HNB, still LDing. This room was not a room in my house I am somewhere else. There are 3 or 4 ceiling fans and white walls with windows and long flowing curtains. I try to go through a window but that does not work either. Going through things just does not seem to work for me in my dreams I really want to figure that out. So then I go outside and I decide to fly so I start a small jog down a copple stone path along side the multi story beach front building I just came out of. YES, I'm at the beach! There are a few DC walking along the path. I take flight right before hitting the sand. A female DC point at me as a ascend into the sky . I am totally enjoying the flight. Doing flips and swooping down and almost hitting the water. Then I decide I've never gone underwater in my dreams. This water was the murky green color of the Maryland, Delaware east cost ocean. So I dive down out of the sky and almost make it a few times but only my arms would touch the water. So I keep trying and finally I make it. Just as I'm about to go under I see something swiming in the water a dark angler looking fish perhaps. So when I get beneth that water I spead my arms in search of the creature, I can't see a thing. I am not afraid because I am aware it is a dream. I relize I am holding my breath, so I decide to breath. I must admit I was a little nervous to breath the first time, but then excilerated by the fact I was breathing underwater!
    Then I think I might of had a False Awakening
    Now I am in a building I'm not sure where. I do a RC HNB it works I'm LDing. I walk around. As I look around it seems to be some kind of religous buiding but HUGE and beautiful. Mulit dome ceilings with detailed paintings. I try to remember what else I wanted to do while LDing and relize wait I want to talk to Josh (my fiance who died in a car accident 9 years ago). I keep thinking maybe I will seem him around the next corner but it's not working. I decide to ask some DC if they know a Josh Durrance. I ask this young male DC standing next to me if he knows of a Josh and he said no. So I ask to other make DC if they know of him and they said Josh, Josh Durrance yeah we know him. I was in shock and asked if they could take me to him. They said sure no problem. We walk outside of the building we are now in like an alley where cars pull up to drop people off. They tell me that he is in there, a bulding connected to the building we just came out of. There was a female DC she appeared to be a police officer or a security guard. I walk up to ask her if she can take me to Josh. She said he is in there but we need to wait. I remember looking around at all the people and the detail and how WOW, these people are all made up in my head, this is amazing! I see a baby boy and I look him over holding him and trying to put every detail of him in my memory, to his tiny fingernails to the little scratch on his chest. I sit down and start talking to the police officer lady and I believe it was the other two gentlemen that sat down with us in a circle sitting Indian style on the floor. I told her that this is all happening in my LD. I asked her for her phone number. She said it's diffrent then your phone numbers it as 4 numbers. I said oh I know we all have an extra number now attached to our original phone numbers IRL a 2 or an 8 depending if it it cellulor or landline. So I looked for a pen then relized I can't take it with me. All I remember is 6 and but there was only 4 numbers to the whole phone number Then I remember Josh. I asked if I could see him now. They said yes but be prepaired he doesn't look anything like he did before the accident. IRL he wasn't disfigured in the accident he just looked like he was sleeping. They showed me a picture but it wasn't very clear he looked shorter and his face was all disfigured. So I went into the room and saw him sitting there but it looked nothing like him. I started to cry all these emotions bubbling up inside of me. It wasn't the way he looked I could of cared less. It was that we where finally in the same room together again. I have missed him SO much and to just be in the same room was more then enough. The emotion felt SO Real and although I was crying it was of joy.
    Then I woke up. This was my longest LD, but I can't believe I forgot to do my quest of going down to the center of the earth in an elevator!
    lucid , memorable

    Open your eye's, See with your Heart

    by lidybug on 11-29-2011 at 03:30 AM
    This was one of my Favorite LD's of all time! July 5, 2009
    I thought I was dreaming but everything was dark . This has happen to me a few times but usually nothing comes of it because I can't make it light. I did the breathing through the nose and it worked but still it was like I had no body and everything was dark. Like a blank canvas (in the dark, lol) Then I thought ok maybe my eyes are closed. I tried to open my eyes and I remember them feeling very heavy and I was afraid I was going to wake up but I did it anyway and I was laying in my bed. At first I couldn't move but I did the hold the nose and breath (HNB) again and it worked so I realized I was still dreaming. I decided to get out of bed still afraid I was going to wake up and this wasn't really a dream. I kept doing the HNB and was working to my suprise every time. I pryed myself out of bed. I felt so heavy and almost the same feeling when your really tired and have to get up in the middle of the night to pee. I walked into the kitchen and Erik (my husband) was there. He doesn't really take my LDing very seriously and when I saw him I wasn't totally convinced that I was still LDing so I went into the spare bedroom and tried to go through the Mirror but it didn't work So I thought I must not be dreaming.
    I'm walking through the house and I see Erik and do another this time I do the HNB. It works so I walk up to him and with a big smile on my face say hey guess what your in my LD. He laughed replying "Oh really" he didn't really believe me. I was talking to him walking through the house then I relized he wasn't going to believe me till he had one himself. So I leave and start looking for someone else to talk to.
    I try to go through a mirror again with no success that is something I have not been successful at yet in any of my LDs. I want to change the scenery. It is still semi dark in the house so I walk into another room and suddenly all the lights pop on all at once. I did another HNB, still LDing. This room was not a room in my house I am somewhere else. There are 3 or 4 ceiling fans and white walls with windows and long flowing curtains. I try to go through a window but that does not work either. Going through things just does not seem to work for me in my dreams I really want to figure that out. So then I go outside and I decide to fly so I start a small jog down a copple stone path along side the multi story beach front building I just came out of. YES, I'm at the beach! There are a few DC walking along the path. I take flight right before hitting the sand. A female DC point at me as a ascend into the sky . I am totally enjoying the flight. Doing flips and swooping down and almost hitting the water. Then I decide I've never gone underwater in my dreams. This water was the murky green color of the Maryland, Delaware east cost ocean. So I dive down out of the sky and almost make it a few times but only my arms would touch the water. So I keep trying and finally I make it. Just as I'm about to go under I see something swiming in the water a dark angler looking fish perhaps. So when I get beneth that water I spead my arms in search of the creature, I can't see a thing. I am not afraid because I am aware it is a dream. I relize I am holding my breath, so I decide to breath. I must admit I was a little nervous to breath the first time, but then excilerated by the fact I was breathing underwater!
    Then I think I might of had a False Awakening
    Now I am in a building I'm not sure where. I do a RC HNB it works I'm LDing. I walk around. As I look around it seems to be some kind of religous buiding but HUGE and beautiful. Mulit dome ceilings with detailed paintings. I try to remember what else I wanted to do while LDing and relize wait I want to talk to Josh (my fiance who died in a car accident 9 years ago). I keep thinking maybe I will seem him around the next corner but it's not working. I decide to ask some DC if they know a Josh Durrance. I ask this young male DC standing next to me if he knows of a Josh and he said no. So I ask to other make DC if they know of him and they said Josh, Josh Durrance yeah we know him. I was in shock and asked if they could take me to him. They said sure no problem. We walk outside of the building we are now in like an alley where cars pull up to drop people off. They tell me that he is in there, a bulding connected to the building we just came out of. There was a female DC she appeared to be a police officer or a security guard. I walk up to ask her if she can take me to Josh. She said he is in there but we need to wait. I remember looking around at all the people and the detail and how WOW, these people are all made up in my head, this is amazing! I see a baby boy and I look him over holding him and trying to put every detail of him in my memory, to his tiny fingernails to the little scratch on his chest. I sit down and start talking to the police officer lady and I believe it was the other two gentlemen that sat down with us in a circle sitting Indian style on the floor. I told her that this is all happening in my LD. I asked her for her phone number. She said it's diffrent then your phone numbers it as 4 numbers. I said oh I know we all have an extra number now attached to our original phone numbers IRL a 2 or an 8 depending if it it cellulor or landline. So I looked for a pen then relized I can't take it with me. All I remember is 6 and but there was only 4 numbers to the whole phone number Then I remember Josh. I asked if I could see him now. They said yes but be prepaired he doesn't look anything like he did before the accident. IRL he wasn't disfigured in the accident he just looked like he was sleeping. They showed me a picture but it wasn't very clear he looked shorter and his face was all disfigured. So I went into the room and saw him sitting there but it looked nothing like him. I started to cry all these emotions bubbling up inside of me. It wasn't the way he looked I could of cared less. It was that we where finally in the same room together again. I have missed him SO much and to just be in the same room was more then enough. The emotion felt SO Real and although I was crying it was of joy.
    Then I woke up. This was my longest LD, but I can't believe I forgot to do my quest of going down to the center of the earth in an elevator!