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    "Lucid dreaming makes us kinder in everyday life. It shows us how our mind creates illusion, which allows us to see how other people's mind do the same. Once we see that, we realize that everybody is trying their best and that we're all in this together. We become a bit more tolerant and responsive, rather than closed and reactive."-Charlie Morley, Author of 'Dreams of Awakening: Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep'


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    First lucid in a while!!!

    by Mikey5555 on 07-23-2020 at 02:56 PM
    Fell asleep at ~1AM.
    Woke up at 6:30AM
    Woke up at 8AM, wrote down 1 tag
    Woke up at 9:30, chilled for a while and wrote down 1 tag

    What to work on: Using SSILD and becoming lucid
    Dream 1: I was out front of our house and lou manillo came to tell me to water the grass this weekend. After speaking with him, his father came out and told me to water the grass this weekend too.

    Dream 2(partly lucid!): I was at some school and had been working out really hard. I did some sort of circuit around the school. After I wanted to go home and had to use Evans car. After starting his car I couldn't find a brake. I went slowly and just avoided things, I wasnt able to stop often. I played around by pressingthe park button to stop, I tried lifting the gas pedal and also dropping the steering wheel. The steering wheel idea worked. I was driving and was vividly taking in the scenery. I was in an urban area with lots of homes. The roads were very inconsistent, sometimes pavement, sometimes really sketchy dirt roads. I recognized some landmarks every once in a while and tried to get home. I realized that the geographical area makes no sense, its always changing. This combined with my experience of the malfunctioning car made me lucid. I wanted to get home as fast as possible and it started flooding. At this point the car was basically a floating cushion and a steering wheel. I floated up with the car until the floot brought us to the top of a tall building. I grabbed the top and the flood started to recede. I climbed on top and wanted to fly home now. I was looking around and thinking about how I could fly because I knew at that point that if I tried I wouldn't make it, I would just fall into the water. The flood started rising and falling again. Thats the last part I remember from the dream.
    lucid , non-lucid , side notes

    Baby rhino and nature lady

    by Mikey5555 on 07-17-2020 at 03:15 PM
    Fell asleep at ~1AM.
    Woke up at 6:30AM
    Woke up at 8AM,
    Woke up at 9:30, chilled for a while and wrote down tags for 1 dream

    What to work on: Using SSILD and becoming lucid
    Dream 1(Baseball): I was going to an olympic festival with my family. There were many people going to celebrate and support their family members. One guy had a baby rhino on a leash. The rhino was SUPER excted and kept running around. At one point it got too excited and was causing trouble so the owner shortened the leash and made it mostly immobile. At this point it was mad and it looked like a big dog now with a ton of fur. We were going to play baseball against this other family during this festival. They weren't as good as we were. I asked if my dad brought my glove and he brought me one but it was really stiff. I played around with it for a bit and it was ok after.

    Dream 2(Fire nature lady): I think this was connected to the last dream, we may have started talking about the history of the event and then this video started playing and I was seeing the video from first person perspective. There was this hand brushing off dead pine needles from trees. This happened for a while then the hand grabbed a branch. It held on for a bit and then I saw it was this thin old lady. She took her hand off and there were new little sprouts in the tree there. She was clearly someone very in touch with nature and had some kind of magical powers. People said she was actually evil though, she caused a big problem. She demonstrated her fire powers to people. I saw that like from a video and then became a person watching her. She was showing people she could make fire and then she killed everyone watching except for me, I as hidden a bit. I rebelled against everyones praise for her and said what she does is terrible! Everyone condemned me and I had to to the boring work sector to serve all the boring meaningless tasks.
    non-lucid , side notes

    Lots of Ezra

    by Mikey5555 on 07-16-2020 at 02:52 PM
    Fell asleep at ~12:30AM.
    Woke up at 6:30AM
    Woke up at 8AM, maybe wrote down tags
    Woke up at ~9:15, wrote down some tags as I drift in and out of more dreams

    What to work on: Using SSILD and becoming lucid
    Dream 1(Chilling on beach):I was with my brother and we were going to the beach. I might remember someone saying Oka beach but not totally sure. We walked through this crowded area which had modern structures then got to the water. There were many more waves than last time. I found a boogie board and started hitting the waves. After a couple I saw the Rainvilles on the beach. Phil had been boogie boarding so much he had a rash on the side of his neck in the same spot that I was having some discomfort. We talked a little then they left.

    Dream 2(Painting): I was with my friend Ezra painting at the top of a school. He was high. We were painting the ceiling while laying down on this elevated platoform. Some teacher found us and came up to us. She said we look like 2 really high kids. I thought that was kind of funny and told her she could test me, I'm sober. We just like painting. She said she was going to bring us down and make us count 100 dimes. I thought that was the easiest test ever. We went to the office then outside. She started talking to this man who had a board game I had never seen. I assumed she was going to use it to test us. Then she told us to go climb up this thing so we did. We had to wait for her a little so I closed my eyes and was doing pullups on the bar. I did a ton very effortlessly. Then we climbed up and it was a great view. Then it started raining. We were sheltered. Another woman climbed up as it started raining, she was seeking shelter. After it started raining the building started to move and we were moving along this crowd of people that were all walking in one direction. We started singing the classic canadian chant "oleeeee ole ole oleeee, oleeeee, oleeeee". Many pople joined us. Then we started going through this tunnel where the chants echoed and got more intense.

    Dream 3(Drink w/ Catherine): Catherine had brought all of the family to a museum and she opened a bottle of rose to share with us all. She gave me a glass and I accepted before thinking about the commitment I've made with Louis. Many of the rooms felt very familiar, like I had been there before. I think I have in a dream before. I saw this arrangement of pretzel sticks covered in melted cheese, it looked like it was made that day.

    Almost died a lot

    by Mikey5555 on 07-15-2020 at 03:14 PM
    Fell asleep at ~1AM.
    Woke up at 6:30AM
    Woke up at 8AM, maybe wrote down tags
    Woke up at 9:30, wrote down some tags as I drift in and out of more dreams

    What to work on: Writing down tags upon waking from first couple alarms and using SSILD
    Dream 1(AoT/naruto): I was in this world where there had been many cases of people blowing up shops. A few times I was near these people who just lobbed small grenades at the front of the shop and I told Maria to run. One time they were kids and so I stopped 1 of them and couldnt find the other after. At another point I was high on a balcony and I was talking to a friend of mine. We were speaking about how I'm not safe here and people are after me. At one point he mentioned his sibling had received some of my packages, they were all like weapons. Then my enemy came, he was like orochimaru from naruto. He chased me all over the sides of the tall buildings and then I finally did something that showed him we have something in common and need to work together. We teleported back to the miniature map of that location and then started talking. Him and someone else turned into AoT giants which were regular size, they had no genitals. I had a boner. Then Evan found these 2 sex toys-ish. One was a sleeve you put on your dick and the other was an even longer sleeve to put over that sleeve. He put them on. I wanted to try them and before I could Lopez came and gave us weird looks like we werent supposed to be doing that with the display items.

    Dream 2(Max/Matthew trying to kill me): I was at home and I remember Max getting mad and pulling a gun on me. I was trying to stop him by aiming the gun away from me and eventually he shot and missed. I had time to get away while he reloaded. I ran outside and he was running after me but I was running a bit faster than him. I wasnt even running full speed. Then I ran full speed and really gained some distance on him. I ran around many street corners and stopped at one point. I turned around to see and he came around a corner but it was Matthew now. I was running really fast and was able to make huge leaps. I jumped and ran around huge green areas and jumped over water. I leaped so large at one point I thought I was going to hurt myself. It was like I was on the moon or less gravity. I eventually got away from matthew.

    Dream 3(School trip): I was on a school trip to some foreign place and we each had a spot to share with a couple classmates. I shared with Lorne and maybe someone else. At one point Kim showed up at my place and we hung out for a bit. Later we had to get ready to leave for a certain time. I picked up all my shit really quick and went downstairs. I dropped my book along the way so went back upstairs but went too far up, I went to some really fancy rooms that other people were staying at. I went back down and found my book in our room. I brought it back down and put it in my bag. We still had extra time and Lorne was wandering a little at the entrance of the building and were talking to someone who was interrupted by 2 ladies who needed him to dance. They all started dancing and we joined them for a little then left.

    Dream 4(man breaks out of chamber with chainsaw and wants to get us): Thats it.
    non-lucid , side notes

    Longest dream ever

    by Mikey5555 on 07-12-2020 at 01:27 PM
    Fell asleep at ~1:30AM.
    Woke up at 6:30AM, dont remember anything
    Woke up at 8AM, with recall, wrote down very long dream

    What to work on: Writing down tags upon waking from first couple alarms and using SSILD
    Dream 1(Being late for school, going by bus, late for class, riot, detained, new floor, put in acid then given second chance, fall into water, giant hot tub with stories, comedy and chalk): I was getting ready for school and took all my school stuff plus a joint into the bathroom. then I left for school. I walked to Fielding and it was super snowy and slushy out. The stop on fielding was cancelled. I had to go to back further down to catch a bus. I got on a bus and saw a bunch of other people including Divneet. Eventually I got to school and was late for class. I saw Phoebe also late for class, she was about to eat a jello she just got on her way. I was walking upstairs and saw some classmates coming down and realized my class was on the lower floors, I was going the wrong way. I joined them and we went to the classroom but the teacher wasnt there. A lot of other students saw this as an opportunity to kind of riot and go crazy but I just decided to wait and not cause trouble so I went into this big open area while others were running around. Some H-L: Alyx looking guards brought me to the designated holding area while they caught the rest of the students. I was with 1 other kid that had a secret item and wanted to keep it from the guards so he hid it on the structure above us that was right outside the yellow forcefield looking thing that was the designated area. After that I saw a new floor or classroom being built above the school and we were supposed to take the elevator up there. I was in this glass elevator looking thing and this angry voice started saying that they wish they could just drop us in the acid underneath the elevator. She brought me very close and then backed off. Then she did drop me in it. It melted the bottom, I died and got another chance like in a game. This time I broke what was holding me there and fell into some water on the side. There I was part of this story that was being narrated then I was in a giant hot tub that had this story with all different levels and characters in it like an old mario level map. I remember there also being 2 buttons that would add bubbles to the pool and the other would make the tree start raining. After my dad told me to stop making the tree rain I got out and started walking along the side of this area, there was a wooden railing. I heard my dad talking about my friend who does comedy. Then I found chalk and put it on my hands.

    Dream 2(shooting cars then 4 tuck sequence search): I was on a motorcycle with someone and we had this stick-like gun that we were shooting at other cars. At one point I was reloading and we passed right next to a uniformed officer who was not in his vehicle. A little further down we ditched the gun next to this group of people chilling on the side of the road and right after that we saw a sign saying 4 tuck sequence search and we still didn't get caught even though they were right behind us.
    non-lucid , side notes