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    1. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked blog comment by Harlequin On : CN2- milked by ailens
      Do I want to know what you do to taste an armpit? :lol:
      Liked On: 01-09-2024, 05:10 AM
    2. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked blog post by Meiseki On : Comp Night 1 - Close Calls and Continuity
      I've been having trouble falling asleep lately, and it took forty minutes to drift off at 11:51 last night. (Before, I could fall asleep in 5 minutes flat! :crying:) I meditated a bit before bed...
      Liked On: 01-08-2024, 12:18 AM
    3. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked blog comment by Lucid-Wannabe On : Nose soup
      These dreams had me cracking up :laughtillhurts:
      Liked On: 01-05-2024, 07:37 AM
    4. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked blog post by Lucid-Wannabe On : Fundraiser movie
      Dream 1 I'm at some sort of fundraising event. There is a large organization of people involved in the fundraiser outside in a grassy field, we are are splitting up to raise cash in a variety of...
      Liked On: 01-04-2024, 06:16 AM
    5. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked blog post by Lucid-Wannabe On : Offroad driving into zero-g, Gundams and VR
      Dream 1 I’m driving offroad in an old station wagon style car with Tami in the passenger seat. There’s a grassy plateau that seems designated for a destruction derby sort of setting, where two...
      Liked On: 12-23-2023, 03:05 AM
    6. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked blog post by Nerefa On : Becoming Omnilucid (The Trials)
      I’ve been training rigorously and am at a point now where I’m lucid all night in all dreams on most nights. Last night, a dream entity representing my subconscious mind put me through long trials...
      Liked On: 12-22-2023, 05:26 AM
    7. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked blog post by Nerefa On : Invisibility of The Mind (Training)
      Dreamed about having sleep paralysis last night. My dog climbed onto my chest in the dream and started staring and growing at the window where something black started phasing into existence. I...
      Liked On: 12-22-2023, 05:19 AM
    8. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked post by evelchihuahua On thread : Deja Vu
      Have you never had deja vu? I've been looking for someone else who hasn't had it my entire adult life, and haven't found anyone yet who has not experienced this phenomenon. I've read that one...
      Liked On: 05-13-2023, 10:17 PM
    9. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked blog post by Meiseki On : Chain of Semi-Lucids and FAs
      Yesterday when my friend J and I were walking home from school, I asked her what she would do if she could do anything she wanted, including supernatural things. Her answer was "teleport." This is...
      Liked On: 05-12-2023, 03:24 PM
    10. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked blog post by Meiseki On : It's Something, I Guess
      I had a ONE-SECOND lucid last night :chuckle::damnit: I was sitting outside somewhere, maybe in front of our car, thinking dejectedly, "No way this is a dream, but I guess I'll do a reality check...
      Liked On: 05-03-2023, 02:28 AM
    11. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked post by Nefets On thread : I dreamed of (possible) rape, half-lucid. Am I a danger now?
      Then I'm a danger because I killed ppl and dogs in my dreams lol:rolllaugh:
      Liked On: 05-02-2023, 02:34 AM
    12. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked post by Courga On thread : I dreamed of (possible) rape, half-lucid. Am I a danger now?
      I second this. It is also important to note that if you were semi-lucid, as is common for beginners, often you notice you are dreaming and have some control but are easily distracted/pushed by the...
      Liked On: 05-02-2023, 02:34 AM
    13. MustardDrinker
      MustardDrinker liked post by MadMonkey On thread : What method of getting objects would be most reliable?
      The technique I use is I reach my hand behind my back and grab hold of the object I hope to summon. Once I feel it I can bring it Infront of myself and I can start using it. This works because it is...
      Liked On: 05-02-2023, 01:53 AM
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    View MustardDrinker's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    tournament, popsicle box hall

    by MustardDrinker on 02-11-2024 at 08:18 PM
    I was in a crowd of people, there were two in the center doing something I couldn't quite see. Some guy with uncannilly cubed teeth blocks my view and asks me what I think of the tournament. I tell him I have no idea what they're doing. I feel a pain on the bottom of my foot, he is pinching it with a single chopstick. He then lets go and gives me a pair and tells me nobody will suspect they're weapons.

    I am walking down a hall littered with boxes, mostly popsicle boxes. I kind of want to eat one, but I don't.

    tried to get burger king, stole car

    by MustardDrinker on 02-09-2024 at 05:19 AM
    I was at some sort of event, I was at a counter where blocky things that vaguely resembled SNES's were being sold. They had purple, black, and blue. I was disappointed there was no orange, so I grabbed a blue and started walking away.

    I was in my father's truck, he had told me to pick up some burgers or something. I had to pull up the seat and adjust the height because he's the size of a gorilla, anyways I back up, and speed around a small gas station like building with a burger king sign. I park outside and enter, there's some chairs and a table. I end up in a grocery store like section. There's some lettuce and a couple tomato slices just sitting on the shelf. I think it's convenient and take a couple bites, its messy as hell and I am somehow covered head to toe in juice. I toss my clothes on the floor and walk into the clothing section, I'm hoping the employees don't catch me naked, so I steal a pair of camouflage pajama pants and struggle to put them on.

    Me and some other guy are eaten by some giant monster, there is a room inside it, I catch one of the several strings attached to the ceiling and watch his shoe disappear into the darkness below. I see 3 doors, one has a green sign above it which says exit. Another has a red exit sign, and the last one has a blue sign above it which says not exit. I swing across the strings like a monkey until I reach the red door. I open in, and I get a view of a parking lot and some bushes. I'm about 10 feet off the ground, but I think the bushes will help break my fall a bit. I jump into them and miss a little bit, my butt slams into the asphalt, and my shoulders land in the bushes. I get up and start walking around [COLOR="#0088000"]I think the fall should have hurt a bit more, I remember that I wanted to steal a car. I see a maroon one with the door wide open, I'm about to hop in, but I think that they left their door open for me, so it doesn't count as stealing. I find a nice white one and try to phase through the door. I fail, so I just open it. I tell myself that it doesn't need keys to work so I don't have to look for them. I examine it a bit, where the radio should be, there's a blue button with a G on it. In the back seat there's a small instrument which looks like a ukulele, but the body's square, and it lacks a sound hole. I pull it out, and pluck a string as I run my finger up the fretboard. It has 7 frets and a higher sound than a uke. I toss it back, and push the brake and G. The car starts, I slam the gas to the floor and swerve right. There's a small group of people and one of them is in my way, unfortunately he dodges just in time. I remember that I was supposed to get something from the gas station, I leave the lot, and go down an empty highway with several curves and a bunch of tan walls around me. I end up is some other building, there's a small crowd, and in the center there's an old lady making her crusty white dog stand on an upside down metal bucket while she showers him with a hose. Some other lady is squatting a foot away acting like it's the cutest thing she's ever seen while the water runs off the bucket and soaks the carpet under her shoes. I go have a closer look, and I sit on the carpet, the old lady asks me how I feel about her dog. I'm trying to think of a response, when my father comes out of nowhere and asks me to give my mother's shorts back. [/COLOR]
    lucid , non-lucid

    almost fell down stairs, met santa claus

    by MustardDrinker on 02-07-2024 at 09:52 PM
    I was on the top floor of some sort of indoor skyscraper. There was a sign with rules for people who wanted to go down, so I barley glanced at it and started walking down the stairs. I walk down a flight, everything's hunky dory until I start going down this one section, and one of the stairs crumples under my weight. I lose my balance for a second, but I'm holding onto the rail, so I step onto the trim that's on the wall, and make my way down like that. I turn around, and see Santa Claus stepping out of a square shaped hole in the wall. He looks at me and asks "Why didn't you follow the rules?" 'I didn't even look at them.' was the best response I could think of. He walks away like he's disappointed in me.

    water park place

    by MustardDrinker on 02-07-2024 at 04:49 AM
    I was listening to some youtube video where a guy tells someone else's scary experience at a convention.

    I was going down a lazy river with my mother. I felt the floor scrape my butt so we got out and walked along it. It got a bit deeper later, but we kept walking. We then get to a ramp, she points out some frog coins and I grab them. [COLOR="#008000"]I feel the dream fade, I try telling her to come get me when my WILDs succeed, it completely faded before I got her response.[/COLOR]
    lucid , non-lucid

    saw cousin and giant wave lakes

    by MustardDrinker on 02-06-2024 at 04:20 AM
    My cousin L and I were making our way into a house because my father had made a bonfire. I opened a drawer and grabbed a bag of mini marshmallows. She told me not to use the mini ones, so I found a bag that had regular sized ones mixed in and started picking them out. I noticed she was gone, so I went into the kitchen. She had a bottle of wine so I took it from her, I had a sip and poured into a pot on the stove. I was then in the backseat of the car, I watched pretty green trees go by, 'I wish my place had trees.' L asked me"Doesn't [name of the town I'm moving to] have trees?" I saw a couple trees covered in pink flowers 'Yeah, but not cherry blossoms'. I stared out the window, the strip of land we were on was getting narrower on both sides, the lake around us had giant waves. I told my father to stop the car and he did. I had a bathing suit under my normal clothes so I took them off and grabbed the towel that was next to me. I opened the door, and was about to step onto the ground.