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    Page 23 of 33 FirstFirst ... 13 21 22 23 24 25 ... LastLast
    1. limitless
      limitless liked post by Narwhal On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      this is sometime when i was in highschool and chronically drew colonel sanders mustache on my face...legit 5296
      Liked On: 08-05-2013, 09:04 PM
    2. saltyseedog
      saltyseedog liked post by Narwhal On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      this is sometime when i was in highschool and chronically drew colonel sanders mustache on my face...legit 5296
      Liked On: 08-04-2013, 12:56 AM
    3. Killing
      Killing liked post by Narwhal On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      Heck yes, I was gonna go play lazer tag, but then I woke up, that would've been so bitchin.
      Liked On: 08-03-2013, 12:28 PM
    4. anderj101
      anderj101 liked post by Narwhal On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      this is sometime when i was in highschool and chronically drew colonel sanders mustache on my face...legit 5296
      Liked On: 08-03-2013, 04:32 AM
    5. Subjects
      Subjects liked post by Narwhal On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      Heck yes, I was gonna go play lazer tag, but then I woke up, that would've been so bitchin.
      Liked On: 08-02-2013, 04:17 AM
    6. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked blog post by Narwhal On : 8/1/13 - old work
      I'm in some disheveled small one room apartment, the walls look like they're made of news paper. There's a mattress with soppy clothes on it, and soppy clothes piled up just as high on the floor all...
      Liked On: 08-02-2013, 02:42 AM
    7. Dead
      Dead liked post by Narwhal On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      this is sometime when i was in highschool and chronically drew colonel sanders mustache on my face...legit 5296
      Liked On: 08-02-2013, 02:35 AM
    8. Linkzelda
      Linkzelda liked post by Narwhal On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      this is sometime when i was in highschool and chronically drew colonel sanders mustache on my face...legit 5296
      Liked On: 08-02-2013, 01:05 AM
    9. NewArtemis
      NewArtemis liked post by Narwhal On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      Heck yes, I was gonna go play lazer tag, but then I woke up, that would've been so bitchin.
      Liked On: 08-01-2013, 10:15 PM
    10. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by Narwhal On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      Heck yes, I was gonna go play lazer tag, but then I woke up, that would've been so bitchin.
      Liked On: 08-01-2013, 09:49 PM
    11. dutchraptor
      dutchraptor liked post by Narwhal On thread : Draw the Avatar Above You
      That's actually impressive Oceandrop! :D and yeah sorry about that VashtaNerada lol also sorry about this Oceandrop xD 5240 I shouldn't be allowed
      Liked On: 08-01-2013, 03:27 PM
    12. dutchraptor
      dutchraptor liked post by Narwhal On thread : Draw Randomly Generated Sentences
      Liked On: 08-01-2013, 03:15 PM
    13. Scionox
      Scionox liked post by Narwhal On thread : Draw Randomly Generated Sentences
      Liked On: 08-01-2013, 01:11 PM
    14. Lumenia
      Lumenia liked post by Narwhal On thread : Draw Randomly Generated Sentences
      Liked On: 08-01-2013, 09:42 AM
    15. Dianeva
      Dianeva liked post by Narwhal On thread : Post Pictures of Your Everyday Life
      these are the pictures I took after i finished off a bottle of vodka by myself like a sad person 5284 note the cat food on the carpet 5285 5286 5287 5288
      Liked On: 08-01-2013, 07:17 AM
    Page 23 of 33 FirstFirst ... 13 21 22 23 24 25 ... LastLast
    View Narwhal's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    4/24/15 - rotted out teeth, new teeth

    by Narwhal on 04-24-2015 at 09:42 PM
    So I'm at my grandmas house for the entirety of the dream. Some family is here with me, both my sisters, my mom, and my grandma. I keep tonguing this little thing that I feel in the bottom tooth right before the wisdom tooth. It feels like it'll come out loose each time but its hard to budge. The whole time I'm thinking it's a piece of food or something. Then finally I feel it snap off and I feel 2 solid shards of something and instantly know what it is, it's pieces of mercury filling and I panic and spit it out into my hand so I don't accidentally swallow them. The main shard is larger than the little secondary bit. I run and show my family and I'm worried because I feel like mercury vapors are now going into my system. Then I start to eat for some reason, and then this girl who I don't know and don't know why she's in my grandmas house yells at me that I shouldn't be eating when I broke the mercury and that all the food touched it and went into my stomach. I panic and start to feel sick and contemplate making my self throw up the poisoned food in me, but I don't and instead try to shoot water in my mouth to clean it all out. Then my family leaves, they have to go somewhere for a little bit and I'm left there alone. For some reason I can't stop fixating on my teeth in the bathroom mirror, I look to see the tooth where the mercury broke off, and notice how disgusting and rotted all my teeth are. I become confused as to why nearly all my teeth now have mercury fillings because I thought I only had two. (In waking life I only have two and remembered this in my dream). There's brown spots and the teeth are yellow and sickly. I go and walk into the dining room area and stand there anxiously waiting for my family to come back, I feel like I need their help in the matter. Then while waiting I feel the upper tooth next to one of my big front tooth's become wiggly and I try to bight it back into place but then I hear this crackle noise that I knew meant the root just cracked out of the gum, then I just let it fall into my hand, I look at it and it's shaped weird I notice and it had two sharp thorn looking things that i guess were the roots, the tooth is brown and yellow and seems to be swollen. My mom comes home and I show her the tooth, she is disgusted by it rather than wanting to help me, she squeezes the tooth for some reason and I hear a crack and she drops it to the counter with disgust and says it's disgusting. I look at it and see she cracked the tooth open and it was completely filled with brown stuff that feel out of it that looks like beef jerky pr something. I just leave the tooth there and go look in the mirror again, because my mom left again. I look to see the spot where the tooth had fallen from, but I don't see any spot without a tooth, and then I realize that there must've been a tooth behind the tooth that just fell out, it relieves me. I examine it in the mirror, it's not aligned with my front teeth but I don't care, its smaller like maybe it'll grow in more, and its bright white and healthy. Then I feel a group of teeth on the bottom about a row of four of them feel really wiggle, and I try to bite them back into place, bite the roots back in, but they just wont, I hear that crackles noises of the roots forever displacing, so I let all four teeth fall into my hand. They're all yellow, I put them on the bathroom counter top and look in the mirror expecting a big spot on my gums with no teeth and also all the other teeth being disgusting, but then I'm shocked to see in the mirror all my teeth there, and they all look healthy, vibrant white, in alignment, I'm so shocked and pleased to see such thing I almost wanted to cry with joy, and I think to myself, my teeth have never looked so nice like this and that I shall want to smile to people, to everyone. The teeth felt strong, not on the verge of falling out like the other ones.
    non-lucid , memorable

    4/11/15 - bee flies into mouth

    by Narwhal on 04-11-2015 at 05:03 PM
    I'm walking down this sidewalk along a white picket fence. I get to this house that had large swing type gate and know i have to go in here, but as I'm turning the corner i guess i had my mouth open a bit and I feel something vibrating in my mouth. I lean over the sidewalk and keep trying to spit something out. It takes me 4 or tries and then things fall out of my mouth and onto the sidewalk. I kneel down to get a closer look, I see a bee on the ground missing one wing, and missing is black fur stripes like they were plucked out it just has the yellow fur stripes. I become grossed out that a bee was in my mouth and spit more trying to get anything left of it out. Then i look back down and the be and wonder why it didn't sting my tongue, and I begin to see it happening in my head and then think to stop thinking about it or it will happen, i imagine swollen tongue and not being able to breathe. Then I wonder why the bee didn't sting the roof of my mouth, and then I imagine the roof of my mouth swelling and me not being able to breathe and I try to stop thinking about it so it won't happen. Then I decide to assume the bee was already dying and had lost it's stinger previously. Then I look down at the bee again and itss yellow stripes aren't as vibrant as they were, now they've gone light brown, and its one wing is dark brown with holes, it seems dry and brittle now, and I realize there is now another bee next to it on the sidewalk, and I wonder had I spat that one out too. Then I get up and walk into the yard by opening the swing fence.

    4/10/15 - coconuts and crabs

    by Narwhal on 04-10-2015 at 09:52 PM
    Me and my DC friend are being driven to stater bros. by my mom and it's night time. My friend has two huge plastic bags. One is filled with dark brown coconuts. The other is filled with crabs. She tells me they're special and organic and all these things. She tells me she wants to sell them to stater bros. to sell them. So we get out and my mom grabs both bags from her, we think she just want s to help by holding them or wants to see them out of curiosity. Then we all walk into the store and my friend keeps trying to get the bags out of my moms hands but my mom is walking too fast and making a bee line for the produce area. Then my mom walks up to these two box crate type areas in cold section and begins pouring the coconuts into one of them, I yell at my mom for doing so, i tell her we are meaning to sell them, not give them to stater bros. for free so they can solely make money off of them. But my mom just smirks at me, and I try to grab the bag of crabs but she pushes me and pour the crabs into the second box, i turn and look to my friend and she looks defeated and walks away. I look at my mom and give her a dirty look then exit out the store. I walk down the parking lot so I wont have to ride in her car with her, and i keep walking for a long time and cross the street and go into a neighborhood.

    4/10/15 - house in hill

    by Narwhal on 04-10-2015 at 09:31 PM
    I'm walking towards a hill, and the sun is shining bright as hell on it I almost can't see what in front of me. I walk closer to it because i see something. As I get closer I see a window, and the dirt is sorta bricked in parts and some parts dirt. I decide to go inside and it's empty and really chilly. The entrance hallway thing leads far, and I know there's no lights in this structure and it feels like somethings off about it so i run back outside and let the sun warm me up a bit because the inside of the building made me so cold.

    4/9/15 - running from everyting

    by Narwhal on 04-09-2015 at 05:38 PM
    I'm in my grandparents property with someone who seems part my cousin part random DC. It seems about the afternoon, Me and the DC are running and jumping over everything on my grandparents property, and we're trying not to be spotted by my grandparents for some reason. There's snakes, huge snakes in places I don't see until I'm right in front of it and then we both panic and try to run from it but also be quiet so my grandparents don't hear and we jump over this wood fence because my grandpa came out and we try so hard not to be seen but wherever we go grandpas commenting about it and us calmly while we are alarmed and afraid, and this huge anaconda with shiny skin is all curled around the wall we are running towards and it hears us and begins to move but we split past it and then when we turn the corner there's this fricken huge headcrab spider thing and it makes that noise and i can see it tensing up to get ready to jump at us so I push the DC and run for the chain link fence as I hear the thing jumping around behind me, I feel like it's about to jump on me so I panic and go for the pool, my grandma is out near the pool for some reason and I jump into the pool so the headcrab wont get me and then i jump out the other end and my grandma gets mad that i jumped into the pool and i apologize but have to keep running so i run into the garage and wonder why she got angry with me for jumping in the pool i wonder if she put chemicals in it then wake up.
    non-lucid , nightmare