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      Hey Thanks you too
      Going to sleep now though. Sweet dreams!
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      I also specialize in war and wells.
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      Comp Tech
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      Oh yeah...I added you on Skype.
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      Not even to mention that if you add many unknown friends on your list on social websites like Facebook and you add personal information or photos that you don't want everybody to see (considering that the person who does that is mindly retarded) everybody can see them. The funniest part is that even if you remove them, they are still in Facebook's database. They even store cookies from sites after you logged off. That means somewhere there is a history of every site you watched. Even the porn sites. (You can't hide, but panic)
    6. View Conversation
      He probably just did the friend thingy to get the friend achievement on the forum. >_>
    7. View Conversation
      yeess! well, not in person. but we met on IRC aaaaaaaaaand so ya :>
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    1. lionizing1
      lionizing1 liked post by Shamanite On thread : Dream Recall and Weed
      I think its good that you gave up smoking. One reason is it may give you vivid dreams now if you go on and off it but once your brain takes some long term effects from the THC you will be unable to...
      Liked On: 09-28-2014, 12:41 PM
    2. Sageous
      Sageous liked post by Shamanite On thread : Transcendental Enlightenment/talking to God
      Hello, I have recently come to find out that just knowing about lucid dreaming and having the time and dedication to do it is a great gift. Although I see that many people on this site just use it...
      Liked On: 09-17-2014, 05:08 AM
    3. Chimpertainment
      Chimpertainment liked post by Shamanite On thread : Transcendental Enlightenment/talking to God
      Hello, I have recently come to find out that just knowing about lucid dreaming and having the time and dedication to do it is a great gift. Although I see that many people on this site just use it...
      Liked On: 09-17-2014, 01:46 AM
    4. Hyu
      Hyu liked blog comment by Shamanite On : Virtual Reality
      Pretty neat, too bad facebook owns Oculus Rift now though, be prepared for some heavy regulations on gaming development.
      Liked On: 09-14-2014, 04:46 PM
    5. MisakaMikoto
      MisakaMikoto liked post by Shamanite On thread : My first LD!
      Congrats, I definitley did not have the foresight to rub my hands together on my first lucid, I instantly tried to fly and woke up rapidly lol.
      Liked On: 09-09-2014, 03:27 PM
    6. DownrightDreamr
      DownrightDreamr liked post by Shamanite On thread : So I was Semi-Lucid...
      Congrats! Yea I had a little difficulty in containing my excitement the first times I got lucid. I heard trying to "anchor" yourself in the dream helps, like rubbing your hands together or staring...
      Liked On: 09-08-2014, 03:14 AM
    7. fy_iceworld
      fy_iceworld liked post by Shamanite On thread : I :heart: Bach!
      Wow, thanks for the video, thats some amazing guitar. I also happen to enjoy classical music, but if I was in your english class, Iceworld, I would have probably burst out laughing too. From...
      Liked On: 09-07-2014, 09:31 PM
    8. DeviantThinker
      DeviantThinker liked post by Shamanite On thread : I :heart: Bach!
      Wow, thanks for the video, thats some amazing guitar. I also happen to enjoy classical music, but if I was in your english class, Iceworld, I would have probably burst out laughing too. From...
      Liked On: 09-07-2014, 05:25 PM
    9. MisakaMikoto
      MisakaMikoto liked post by Shamanite On thread : So I was Semi-Lucid...
      Congrats! Yea I had a little difficulty in containing my excitement the first times I got lucid. I heard trying to "anchor" yourself in the dream helps, like rubbing your hands together or staring...
      Liked On: 09-07-2014, 04:35 PM
    10. CHiLLEN
      CHiLLEN liked post by Shamanite On thread : Lucid dreams can help with premonitory dreams? Please help.
      I don't think there is any established way you should go about handling premonitory dreams. Maybe if you can go lucid and change the dream, like stop the car crash from happening, then you can...
      Liked On: 09-07-2014, 02:43 AM
    11. Deanstar
      Deanstar liked post by Shamanite On thread : Discussion of Homosexuality Acceptance (Split)
      According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness. Freud had alluded to homosexuality numerous times in his writings, and had concluded that paranoia...
      Liked On: 09-03-2014, 01:43 AM
    12. Deanstar
      Deanstar liked post by Shamanite On thread : Discussion of Homosexuality Acceptance (Split)
      Again, marriage was traditionally defined as between a man and a woman, but with gay marriage that has been redefined, the rules have been changed as well. Laws represent a reflection of the...
      Liked On: 09-03-2014, 01:43 AM
    13. Darkmatters
      Darkmatters liked post by Shamanite On thread : Nazis, Islamic Terrorists - which is worse?
      Sorry I was away for a while, I will get back to your post. You are told one side of history, the jewish side, and it is obviously shown in your understanding of world war 2. Much of what you said...
      Liked On: 09-03-2014, 01:12 AM
    14. Darkmatters
      Darkmatters liked post by Shamanite On thread : Nazis, Islamic Terrorists - which is worse?
      well, heres a good link with a shit ton of information that I think you will find useful The Jews - Pastebin.com (http://pastebin.com/TzZC78cp)
      Liked On: 09-02-2014, 08:25 AM
    15. snoop
      snoop liked post by Shamanite On thread : Only man is fit to be God.
      Have you ever realized that maybe religions reflect what morals and laws men learn from instinct? Maybe men congregated and found the best laws with their intellect and reason and put them into a...
      Liked On: 08-31-2014, 05:07 PM
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    View Shamanite's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Mcdonalds, Parties, and being an accomplice to armed robbery

    by Shamanite on 12-13-2015 at 08:08 PM
    I used zzzquil because i had to get to sleep, Its gonna be unhealthy if i keep using it.

    First dream was at mcdonalds, and it was very crowded, people were going to stay there the whole day for some reason, others were popping by like it was one big party or reunion or something. I met Jennifer, an old asian friend I had calculus 1 with back in college, I met Priscilla who I knew for a long time when I was a waiter, gave her a big hug and lifted her off the ground. I think she was single so she was acting a little flirty. Among many other people there and I was drunk at mcdonalds too. I tried to go outside and drive but I was too drunk so i decided to eat somewhere else. Nearby was a few restaurants that looked combined together like they would be in a city, although the mcdonalds was a standalone restaurant in my suburban hometown. I go and eat at a place that sells Shrimp and Boudin balls and other really tasty things. We eat get desert which was really a pan, with aluminum foil on top, and happy birthday was written in chocolate icing with star sprinkles on it and we just ate the icing but somehow it was still really good. After that me and my family got in a car and started driving, I was still drunk but was watching the car move and wondering how many times i would have fucked up along this drive if i was the one driving instead. Soon enough everyone in my family gets in a different car and I have to drive even though I'm drunk. I can't even figure out which pedal is the gas or breaks, and I have trouble working the gears because its manual for some reason, and its like I'm in some racing game in an old european city. Theres brick streets, old buildings and the sun is shining. I go up a hill under a building that arches over the street as a bridge, so im shadowed under it, I try shifting gears at the top of a hill and go real slow, I end up getting 5th in the race just trying to figure everything out while drunk and my family abandoning me. I see people waiting in a little area next to the finish line as everyone finishes and goes to join them. Dream ends around there.

    Second dream was the shortest one, I was in some apartment and there was a few people in there. This girl walks up to me like I have finally arrived and tells me to take off my clothes and there is a platinum condom waiting for me. Theres supposed to be a muslim girl thats supposed to walk in and I have no idea whats going on. I take off my clothes and get in the bed and theres a platinum condom under the pillow. I get kind of excited im about to have sex. thats where it ends.

    Third dream, there was a big house party in some sort of four level house, this was a long dream. Long dreams like this i forget the chronological order so I try to guess. There was a part where most people were in the pool area, some people were in a room outside my room to sleep in and get changed. I talked with Russel and we had some kind of RC device we were playing with. I was nude and went into a small pool next to some stairs on a multilevel porch system. I realized there were kids nearby so I took a towel and wrapped myself up under the water before I came out, somehow the towel was not soaking wet. I went upstairs to change and for some reason I was going to go with two guys on an errand. We end up stopping by somewhere and they beat up and shoot a black man with stubs for legs. They shoot him in the abdomen and hes squirming on the ground, they take his wallet and phone and everything and leave him lying there. We drive back to the house and I decide not to go with them on their "next errand". They give me a clicker that has something to do with their errand, I go up to my room and take a nap. I wake up and the rc car is doing something against the door, I open it and there is a wasp doing something, I tell the cleaning lady but she doesnt care. I go downstairs and everyone has left, few people left say I took a long nap. Im in the kitchen eating with people from the party, the clicker starts clicking rapidly going higher and higher but I have no idea what it means. Dream ends.

    Apocalyptic danger zone

    by Shamanite on 09-18-2014 at 02:51 PM
    I'm posting this from my phone bc I didn't have time to post it from my laptop before I left home.

    I had one decently sized dream, i was too lazy to write it down at first but I remember some of it. It was some abandoned city and everyone was killing/stabbing each other and it was almost like a video game. The houses were large and mostly made out of wood. I remember one part of the dream some guy was trying to buy a house from me that I was occupying. That's about all from the dream that I can remember right now

    Goku and weird ritual sacrifice machine

    by Shamanite on 09-14-2014 at 05:17 AM
    Last night I finally had a dream where I felt different emotions from the usual snippets of dreams I have been having. I dreamt first of a Tennis court, except on this tennis court was a system of pulleys and hooks, where you would sit somewhere and a machine would turn on and your organs and skin would be systematically ripped apart in some sort of orderly fashion.

    In the main dream Goku was fighting with some opponent. I remember he was battling him but he was just too strong. He started to fly away and was asking himself where was Nappa and Vegeta when he needed them. Then he lost his ability to turn super saiyan and fell towards the ocean, he managed to be able to fly again just for a soft landing. then he was floating on the ocean, the color scheme was very grey and cloudy/smoky/misty. The dream goes to the tennis court, Goku said learning about Jesus it wasn't long til he became a Christian (I personally see many similarities between Goku and Jesus, just me maybe). Says he would have lost the fight anyways and that he was going to put himself on the tennis court machine.

    I go into the tennis court and there is a giant crowd there. There are two people playing some weird tennis game right outside the gate to the tennis court. I walk inside and instead of the hook sacrifice machine there is a big crowd of people watching a movie in the tennis court. This dream seems a little spooky now that I mention it.

    Class in my house?

    by Shamanite on 09-09-2014 at 03:09 PM
    Two dream fragments that may be a part of one large dream.

    First part is all the people from my old job are in my neighbors basement, my old manager somehow lives there lol. I bring in food from another place and come meet and talk with them down there, it appears to have some weird setup, architecture in my dreams is always weird. It seems like a large room with the kitchen and living room and a lot of other things combined into one room, overall color scheme appears to be brown or murky white.

    Second part is I am late to a class and I sit down near the back. The teacher passes out something how we need to fill in 6 lines for each lap we did at one point. Then he says something about running laps outside if we haven't completed it. So I start to walk outside and apparently its my house, I get to my basement and its a huge mess. So I start cleaning up so it looks less messy when other people inevitably come down to see it. I remember folding some blankets and putting some clothes away before I wake up.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Weird party

    by Shamanite on 09-07-2014 at 03:14 PM
    Ok so I tried sleeping 8 hours without WBTB messing me up, and also a colder room and it had positive results. My dream recall did improve a bit.

    I had a few other dream fragments which I forgot but I did remember some others.

    1st dream:

    I was just looking at some website on a computer, browsing down a webpage. It looked like a silver laptop from the outline and the web page was just links with a pretty simple set up.

    2nd dream:

    There was some sort of party going on and my friend Todd (clothed) was dancing with a kind of curvy nude woman on a dance floor in a crowd of other people. His parents were watching from around 20 feet away and I was thinking "how embarrassing". So I somehow photoshopped a muscular clothed man on top of the woman and that was somehow less embarrassing. This next fragment I feel was from the same dream. There were two people on what seemed like hospital beds but with sheets on them? So they were comfy hospital beds. There appeared to be a nude boy and girl. They boy asked the girl something sexually which she replied positively, I forget what they actually said. So then the guy gets on top of her, and I can see hes wearing a man thong lmao. The girl starts screaming and it turns out hes just reaching for his cell phone. At this point the girl realizes she was screaming and she didn't really want to reject him I guess so she starts saying nooooo. Then the guy reaches over again and hes on top of the girl and she starts screaming again and he just turns off the light then gets back in his bed and go to sleep. The girl starts saying nooo again and from the point of view I'm looking I can only see one boob from a weird angle.... heh

    yea then I woke up.

    Updated 09-07-2014 at 03:16 PM by Shamanite

    non-lucid , dream fragment