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    1. VladP
      VladP liked post by Puffin On thread : Jeff777's Free-falling WILD technique!
      TeaSea, your avatar made me do a reality check! x'3 I'll be trying another WILD tonight, this time with a longer WBTB just in case I get the smart idea to do what I did last night...
      Liked On: 06-27-2011, 01:13 PM
    2. VladP
      VladP liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Task of the Month for June 2011
      Here it goes!!! Jupiter's great red spot... beware of the Shitties if you go there... - Dream Journals - Dreamviews Lucid Dreaming Community & Resource...
      Liked On: 06-27-2011, 12:25 PM
    3. VladP
      VladP liked post by Baron Samedi On thread : Shared Lucid Dreaming Tutorial
      Man of Shred, that takes guts to share something like that. It brings a tear to my eye. Often when we enter realms without guidance, we don't know what's going on, and we get lost. When I first...
      Liked On: 06-25-2011, 02:00 PM
    4. VladP
      VladP liked post by Man of Shred On thread : Shared Lucid Dreaming Tutorial
      I will re post something a while ago. I am now back nito LDin g and dreamsharing. my table is full. but in my story are some good techniques as well.
      Liked On: 06-25-2011, 01:57 PM
    5. VladP
      VladP liked post by Baron Samedi On thread : Shared Lucid Dreaming Tutorial
      I don't have a lot of experience with this, but I think I have enough to write a tutorial. I honestly wish there were hundreds or thousands of shared lucid dreamers on this site to learn from, but...
      Liked On: 06-25-2011, 01:56 PM
    6. VladP
      VladP liked post by angie746 On thread : Difference between Astral projection and Lucid dream
      OK lets see if this helps: Definitions Lucid dreaming occurs when you are dreaming and are aware that you are in fact dreaming. Once you become lucid (aware) in your dream, you can control...
      Liked On: 06-25-2011, 01:35 PM
    View VladP's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    DJ Entry 7

    by VladP on 06-28-2011 at 08:10 AM
    FOUR dreams recall ! But, still, with a great success, comes a great downfall, so I still couldn't enter lucid
    Anyway, these are the dreams :

    Dream #1 :

    The scenario is a Spore Planet, which was actually the first one I played in that game. I am an elephant, a red one, in fact, which wants to go to another Planet and well, of course, the only way to do that is to swim into the ocean! As I am swimming, a giant gorgon leaps out, but not just any giant gorgon, a three-eyed (peas xD) giant gorgon. I hit it with my laser in the most Superman style, and after two hits, I kill it.

    Dream #2 :

    I am in a living room when a judge calls me to say to me my sentence :
    "Vlad, for murder, drugs, aggravated robbery and corruption(yes, I watched a documentary about these) I sentence you to 5 years in prison(I was amazed, but I didn't do a RC)."
    So I go to prison, but as soon as I enter my cell, I awake. I try to DEILD to see if I can enter lucid in this dream, because it would be nice to break free from prison. But I fail so another dream comes...

    Dream #3 :

    I am already jailed this time. Aww, I wish to break free, but I'm not lucid. The situation looks good, though, the guardians are children and I can easily break the door. I do the most DBZ kick, the door blows and kids start beating me, but I sprint like Flash through them.
    Finally, I reach the gate, which I go through, then I awake.

    Dream #4 :

    I am in my previous bedroom, from my other house, with some people. We talk about Nick, an escaped prisoner and how to catch him.
    I am asked and I say to make a trap. I find myself in a shop, pretending to be a shop owner. The escapee runs straight to me and says :
    "Gimme all ya' money!"
    I get the money out, and as he gives me the bag I uppercut him, and police officers and arrest him. Yay, Savior of the Day is me.

    So this was it, folks. Recall keeps being better and better! Four dreams in one night? That's crazy for me! Well, see ya' later, when I will try to WILD. If I fail, I will still post the results!

    DJ Entry 6

    by VladP on 06-27-2011 at 11:13 AM
    Yes! I managed to recall two dreams!

    Dream #1 :

    I find myself being a God, and not any God, but a super-mega-omega big God. I throw a kind of light blast and I destroy Mars, then I collide the Moon with the Earth and I throw the sun at Jupiter and make another Big Bang and end the Universe.
    I had this dream because I just watched on the TV a documentary about the end of the world, I think.

    Dream #2 :

    It's nothing interesting. Really. I just dance, harder than in Dance Dance Revolution Impossible Mode. I should have thought it was a dream, because you cannot possibly dance more than in that game.

    No lucidity, but I think my recall got a lot better!

    DJ Entry 5

    by VladP on 06-26-2011 at 01:27 PM
    I tried to fall asleep using WILD, but after I got into SP, I didn't manage to get a good "grip" with my anchor.

    I find myself in a chair, in a room I never saw before. I was almost lucid, as my anchor was stimulating my lucidity. I get out of the room and reach the street. There, I see a lot of moms of other children from my school. I don't know how, but my anchor started working when I saw them. I shouted "This is a dream!" and they looked to me like I was crazy. I remember my goal, to fly, and I start trying it. I don't manage to fly, but I managed to hover for a little bit. Still not flying, though.

    I tried shooting out fireballs, but all I could manage was to get the fireball in my hand, but not throw it. I'm confident I'll do this another time, though.

    I then have a false awakening, but I shortly remember I am dreaming and I go out the window and try to fly, but I couldn't. When I hit the ground I woke in a restaurant. I was still lucid. Too stabilize my dream I shouted "I am lucid!". The other guys who where sitting with me at the table looked at me and said "No, you are not!". I punch one of them right in the face. The punch was not of super-human strength, but it was A LOT more powerful than my real life one. That guy flew 20m from my punch. My dream becomes blurry, and I try to stabilize, but too late. I wake up, and I try to DEILD. I get into SP, but I was not sleepy enough.

    I won't count this as a WILD, even if the anchor did help me, it helped me only when I was confronting a weird situation. I will count this a DILD.

    Oh, and now I can add Super-Strength to my abilities! I will try to WILD 1 hour later again... wish me luck, ok?

    DJ Entry 4

    by VladP on 06-26-2011 at 07:17 AM
    This time I wasn't lucid at all... I didn't do any RCs, as everything seemed perfectly normal. Even the laws of physics where respected!
    My dream takes place at a castle, where the king tries to kill all the peasants, including me. While the guards take out most of the people I climb the wall(first I tried to go through it, but this dream was so real that solid objects were actually solid) and reach the highest point. Then, I kind of grind with my hands on a wire and I get down, and run, run, run (forest xD)!
    The guards open the gates and start chasing me. They are very keen on it, and they almost catch me. When they where really close to me, I jumped into a river and from there, I blackout. I find myself close to the river, but in another location. It was still a hill zone, but I couldn't see the castle. I continued walking and I woke up.
    Well, this dream wasn't lucid but it was surely interesting and one of my most vivid dreams. I need to find a way to do an RC at the beggining of any dream, not just when I see something weird, because it seems that in some dreams there is nothing weird.

    DJ Entry 3

    by VladP on 06-25-2011 at 10:23 AM
    I tried to WILD after WBTB, but I fell asleep. I can remember only the part where I entered lucid.
    I threw a basketball and it caught fire. I did an RC and I became lucid. But, I awake.
    This won't count as a lucid dream, because I can't recall it clearly and I didn't do anything as lucid, only realized at the end of the dream.
    I tried to WILD multiple times, but I cannot. Sometimes I fall asleep, sometimes I spend 2 hours without anything happening. What am I doing wrong?!
    lucid , non-lucid