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      melanieb waves at Wolfwood...a year late.
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      Wonderful! I love it when relatively "underground" producers get the recognition they deserve. It's shocking someone so talented has flown under the radar for so long.

      I can't say I've been exactly "active" myself, recently, either. Heh.
    3. View Conversation
      Well well well, look who's back. Just wanted to drop in and say hi.
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      Ha I'd love to say I LD consistently, unfotunately it's more like a wave with me. One monthI'll try my best and get tonnes of them, then I get none for two months straight. I think it will take me another few years before I get close to LD without trying. I kinda drifted too, started to lose interest in the Dv life, but I pop in every now and then. How have you been doing LD wise, and what about that whole ASMR thing, anything interesting with that?
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      I already get ridiculous amounts of pleasure from completely crushing someone's reality, so it's about time I took it to the next level! And if being electrocuted at the same time will help that along then I'll give them as much as they can possibly handle and then double the strength after that.
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      Obviously there are more "older" people than younger people generally in them just because the younger you are the less likely you are to have considered really getting into it... but there is still a pretty good age range. I've met a number of people younger than me there at those meetups, even some who came with their parents. I'd say the average range around here is late 20s to 30s though. But it goes as high at least as 60s and 70s, if not more! I would say that the oldest people there are some of the craziest partiers, there are some really sick fucks there. I'm sure if you find a community there you'll find a similar situation. I completely recommend it if you really want to get into it! I think it would suit you well. And I can only hope!!
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      Oh yeah, she could definitely be much further away!! We're already jumping headfirst into the plans to visit each other and even move somewhere together one day though. But yes, we're very close in age! She's just a couple years older than me. And we both have both dominant and submissive qualities. :3 I'd say we both prefer submission - we both love that feeling of being totally and completely overwhelmed, of losing control... to the point that each of our biggest turn ons involve completely disintegrating, simply ceasing to exist... becoming one with everything and nothing, like during an ego death. However, we both also love the idea of pushing others to that point, and we both like to be sadistic about it. She even talks about having these crazy apocalyptic dreams where everyone is going insane and she loves it... she's so hot. X) But you should totally look for a BDSM community around you if you can!! I can give you a good site for it if you need one.
    9. View Conversation
      Hey dude, it's going good. A lot happened since you've gone (I think alyzarin made that point quite clear ). I was a dream guide for a while, then life got busy and I'm back to being a normal DV member. Haven't really been active on DV for the past few months, I'm kind of crawling back now.
      What have you been up to?
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      I was also talking to him about that girl and how she was telling me that she wants to be force fed psychedelics far beyond her limits (something we also share ) and saying that I want to have the perfect attitude for it so I can take her to unimaginable places, so he offered to mentor me on how to be a good dominatrix too. I'm excited!!

      Anyway... I'll stop there for now!!
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    About Wolfwood

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    About Wolfwood
    LD Count:
    >50, <150
    A Cognitive Psychology graduate who's mostly human. In other words, partly a carbon-based bipedal lifeform descended from an ape's cousin.
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    Cognition, Consciousness, Meditation, Dreaming, Reading,
    Perennial seeker of the truth.
    How you found us:
    I believe it was you who found me.


    Who looks outside, dreams;
    who looks inside, awakes.

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    1. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by slayer On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      Here's an older photo of me in a white skirt and white everything else http://filesmelt.com/dl/oldphoto1.jpg
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 02:09 PM
    2. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by paigeyemps On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      http://i.imgur.com/cBhBb.jpg This was taken on the day I woke up from a 19 hour sleep .______.
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 02:09 PM
    3. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by IndieAnthias On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      Indie's Beard R.I.P. ? May 2012 - 24 June 2012 http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn310/mwn86/me/IMG_2614.png http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn310/mwn86/me/IMG_2619.png ...
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 02:09 PM
    4. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by Oneironaut Zero On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      Today: http://i.imgur.com/G74pZl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7uFJZl.jpg
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 02:08 PM
    5. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by littlezoe On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      Okay so... turns out this wasn't a mosquito bite actually... It just got bigger during these 2 days and it still didn't disappear :S I'm not sure what is this, but the right side of my upper lip is...
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 02:03 PM
    6. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by ThePreserver On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      Vintage Weight Gain Ads | Retronaut (http://www.retronaut.co/2011/11/vintage-weight-gain-ads/) All the girls I know are asking "WHY AREN'T THINGS LIKE THIS ANYMORE?!" It's pissing me off. Why? ...
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 01:52 PM
    7. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by SpaceCowboyDave On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      My nerdy friend introduced me to his girlfriend. I have few friends at all let alone a girlfriend. It would help if I got out of the house and into the world, but where do I go? What do I do?
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 01:51 PM
    8. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by sefalik On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      thought i just had a few bug bites on my arm... but i think it's a rash. i wouldn't be surprised if i fell in poison ivy the other day.
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 01:48 PM
    9. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by Alyzarin On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I see. :chuckle: I pay attention. :rolleyes: Hopefully not too many. >w< I'll try not to disappoint. :P
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 02:22 AM
    10. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by tommo On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      Don't get it man. Even if you do want it, which it seems like you don't really, the new one will be out soon so what's the point.... That's sort of a secondary reason though. Much better to spend...
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 02:21 AM
    11. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by Alyzarin On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      Did... did you purposefully make all of the capital letters in that quote lowercase? :wtf: I'm not quitting for good, I'm just not gonna be smoking all day every day anymore. :P I'm making it a...
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 01:33 AM
    12. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by Zhaylin On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      After getting 9 hours of great sleep, I still had to take a 2 hour nap :roll: But I did have a lot of really strange dreams. Why is it I dream more when sleeping for short bursts? My rant is...
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 01:26 AM
    13. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by limitless On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      In my backyard today http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/481150_10151843210105640_1056542406_n.jpg Fancy ladies at my friend Val's wedding...
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 12:47 AM
    14. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by Linkzelda On thread : Linkzelda41's Drawings
      Finished with that part. Now only two more to go, or only one more to go if I'm too afraid to draw the Scene 2 thing loool. Maybe I should change how that experience is displayed. Anyway, ...
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 12:26 AM
    15. Wolfwood
      Wolfwood liked post by Linkzelda On thread : Linkzelda41's Drawings
      Scene 5 WIP(Work in progress).....there's not going to be a lot going on in this dream since it's just me trying to remember what I did most of the time. ...
      Liked On: 06-24-2012, 12:25 AM
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