Just thought it would be interesting to know when or if you have any chane in your religion. Please try to scale appropriately, for instance, if I had changed denominations maybe three or four times then I would inclued it, but if you are constantly changing denominations, you don't have to write all 100 changes. Also, put any comments after your topic post and try not to be too harsh. Maybe use my post as a format but feel free too add to it.

1) Christian - Methodist
age: raised as one
reason: lived with mother who took me to church.
Influences: Family, homeostasis

2) Christian- baptist (southern)
age: about 11
reason: friends went to the same church as my father so I decided to start going with my father. Also, there were more young people in general, with a more energetic preacher
influence: family, friends, preacher, youth minister, Christian music

3) athiest ( I don't think that all spirtituallity is bs, I think that it is just a mystification of something that will be proven or disproven in the future by science
age: 15
reason: probably the main reason that made me look into it was the closed minds of people at my school and after I had got rid of most of my hatred towards groups of people ( racism, hate towards gays, sexism, I had it all) and then I got multiple quotes from the bible saying about how gays should not have rights and how people at my school would immeadiately dissmiss evolution as fake and certain things as evil.
Influences: biology, Marx, america, school, Nietzsche, Kirk Kameron and that other guy In "the athiest's worst nightmare, various contadictions that I thought i saw in Christianity, personal study of brainwashing and hypnotism ( the breaking point for me)

Sorry about font, I am posting from my iPod and seem to have pressed a button and am too lazy to fix it