I completed the advanced task, here is my entry:

February 3, 2010
Lucid Dream 147: The Wife

Category - Task/WTF

....I laid still for a few moments and then felt my body re-entering sleep. I opened my eyes and noticed I was on a boat. JT was cheering and my boss was nowhere to be seen. I sat up and said, "We made it?" JT said, "Yup, we are on the Maid of the Mist. I threw your boss overboard, hope that was ok." I laughed and said, "I don't give a f***!" He laughed and then we walked out to the side of the boat. It was driving around on its own and I could feel the cool mist flying up and hitting me in the face. We were approaching the waterfall and JT said, "So who are you going to marry?" I said, "Hmm...I dunno, lets just go see who else is on the boat." We walked around and saw several other people on the boat. I grabbed one of the females and JT said, "Who is that?" I said, "I dunno...what is your name?" She looked at me and said, "Candy Cane." JT laughed and said, "Are you really gonna marry someone named...Candy Cane? What if she shows up in a dream later complaining about you not spending time with her?" I said, "Yeah, or bitch'n about the dishes..." He then told me my dream wife should be someone I wouldn't mind showing up. It only took me a few seconds then I went looking for Kate Beckinsale.

I eventually found her. She was wearing an awesome blue wedding dress (it had sort of an underwater Atlantis style to it...hard to explain). I then noticed I had on a matching tuxedo and we walked out to the bow of the ship. JT was wearing pope attire and he started reading from the bible. He then told me to kiss my bride and after a long kiss, we were married. In celebration everyone lifted us on their shoulders and tossed us into the water. Once I hit the water I noticed my tuxedo had changed a bit, and had fins along the arms and back. I saw Kate's dress had shifted to create a mermaid-like fin. We swam at high speed around in the water for a while. We kissed once more underwater and she told me that she would see me later. She swam off for the bottom of the lake. I jumped back up on the boat and began to take shots with JT.

I got wasted after only a couple shots and noticed the boat was empty except for me and him now. It slowly turned into a canoe and we were having trouble keeping it from tipping over due to our drunkeness. Suddenly I heard a loud roaring wind at our backs. I turned around and saw tsunami-like waves coming toward us. I dove into the water and began swimming with the wave. I saw ahead that there was a large palace, many fancy buildings, and large towers up ahead. The wave was going to slam me right into it. Just before slamming into the palace, I leapt out of the water and began climbing up the palace walls.

It reminded me of the game Assassin's Creed. I climbed the palace, then began climbing the tower. The water level was rising with me and waves kept slamming hard into the structures. I looked down and noticed there was a whole crowd of people being slammed into the walls. Some were climbing and others were just swimming around and drinking beer/liquor. I wanted to climb to the highest point and then jump off like you do in Assassin's Creed. I got to the top of the tower and then dove off in the same fashion as Altair diving into the haystacks. I landed in the water where there was a party going on.

I climbed up out of the water on the side of a cliff and there was a t.v. there. I saw several hot chicks on the t.v. and one of them caught my eye. She was gorgeous. I put my hand into the t.v. and beckoned for her to come toward me. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her through the television. She unzipped my pants and began blowing me. After a bit, I closed my eyes for a moment and when I re-opened them, there was a small dog blowing me instead of the girl. I pulled the dog off of me and thought, "WTF?" I awoke shortly after this.