I tried my third attempt at having a WILD, with no success. I decided to take a nap at around one thirty today. I relaxed, and started counting. I felt the bed shaking and knew to ignore it. I continued counting and got to three hundered, and lost count. I knew that was a sign that I was falling asleep, and started from one again. I got to two hundered, and lost count again. This kept happening and decided to just give up. My second attempt was this morning. I woke up at around six and thought about having a WILD. I woke up, went to the bathroom, and walked around my room a bit. Then I decided it was time to do it. I went to my bed, and counted. I often lost track and started over when I only got to numbers like twenty. I started thinking about random things, and tried to concentrate. Eventually I just rolled over and went to normal sleep. Now for my first attempt, which was a nap I took yesterday. After counting to only twenty I started hearing noises, which I knew was hypnagogia. I felt the bed moving which felt like an earthquake. My mind kept wandering and I gave up. I just couldn't concentrate enough. So, any tips?