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    Not Quite Movie Night

    by , 09-29-2014 at 04:03 PM (956 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #241: Not Quite Movie Night

    I wander into a still-lit movie theater and see my cousin “SU” sitting next to one of his close college friends on his right, his two children on the left. How cool that they’re here! I’m looking forward to joining them for the movie, and the positive emotions remind me of dreaming, making me lucid.

    Even though I’m lucid, I still want to walk down and join them for the movie just the same. As I’m about to head down, though, I realize that I’m not wearing a shirt. This bothers me, so I turn around, expecting to find a shirt on the seats behind me.

    And there it is, a black polo shirt! Unfortunately, there’s also a discarded condom lying next to it. It doesn’t look obviously “used” but still, eww. I force-push it away with a wave of my hand and it sails out of sight. Unfortunately, even though I don’t physically touch it, I still feel it slap the back of my hand. Gross, glad that’s over!

    I grab the shirt and put it on over my head. It’s getting hung up on my big head and just generally twisting around and seeming to go on forever no matter how much I pull it down. I remember my intent to perform a Task of the Month with Dreamer and start getting really antsy that I’m stuck doing this silly errand instead.

    I address Dreamer, saying something like, “I can’t believe this! I’m really trying to find you!”

    I flail around in the shirt and Dreamer’s voice responds: “Relax, stop struggling…” Yeah, she’s right… I relax my mind and put my arms up in a confident show-off pose and the shirt slips right on! The theater is still the same, but feels a little less stable now. I lunge for the back of someone’s seat, feeling a little worried about how stable the scene is, and the dream darkens into the void.

    I open my eyes and see a dresser with a strange shape on it. Even closer to me is Wife, the two of us lying on our stomachs, facing one another during the nap. (I’m still dreaming, but this is precisely how we fell asleep together for this nap.) Wife looks completely lifelike, but I know I’m still dreaming and that this is a false awakening. I try to move my left arm, but I can’t... my mind has even simulated REM atonia! I marvel for a moment at the deadened feeling of my left arm before attempting an OBE-style roll out of my body. The dream doesn’t hold together through this, though, and
    I wake up.
    Xanous, ~Dreamer~, dreambh and 2 others like this.

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    1. Bharmo's Avatar
      Unfortunately, there’s also a discarded condom lying next to it. It doesn’t look obviously “used” but still, eww. I force-push it away with a wave of my hand and it sails out of sight.
      And that's why TK is worth learning, whatever it takes
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      The condom cracked me up. Funny that simulated SP. I had that last night. Congrats on the LD!
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by dreambh
      And that's why TK is worth learning, whatever it takes
      So very very true! I'd never thought of TK having the value of letting me avoid touching something that's too icky to deal with personally, but man did it come in handy this time! The unexpected benefits of some new dream control trick!

      Quote Originally Posted by Xanous
      The condom cracked me up. Funny that simulated SP. I had that last night. Congrats on the LD!
      Ah cool, you had the simulated SP as well? Looking forward to checking out your experience. Cool that we had those dreams within a few hours of one another. I'm looking forward to checking out your entry!
      Xanous, dreambh and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    4. PercyLucid's Avatar
      I'll attempt to simulate SP as well
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    5. ThreeCat's Avatar
      Awesome, man. Sounds like a pretty cool lucid. Sorry you didn't get to watch your dream movie
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @PercyLucid - Heh, good luck! It does make me wonder how often some experiences of "sleep paralysis" are just false awakenings that feel like the real thing.

      @ThreeCat - Thanks! I still had quite a good time, even if I wasn't at my dream control-iest in certain parts. The realism of the false awakening was stunning. I was studying the scenery closely and Wife in particular was incredibly realistic.

      It would have been nice to see what that movie was going to be though!
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.
    7. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the ld! I see you got caught up in one of my fav dream ocds dressing/undressing. Great advice on part of Dreamer there. This simple phrase can help solve many dream problems.

      Interesting part with the SP. Is this your first time of feeling paralysis in the dream state? I have a slightly different view regarding this as my experiences of dream paralysis has always happened with me at some place other than the bed room. I believe in those instances, the feeling of rem atonia was getting transferred, i.e. my dream body was receiving feedback from my physical body for a short while as in those cases it was absolutely unexpected (me fighting with a girl and suddenly feeling hands paralysized, or simply being unable to walk for a moment mid dream).

      But yeah, what you've written above to Percylucid also makes sense, as it sometimes can be unclear whether one is in one's bed or having a super realistic FA. In such situations it is also unclear whether one is really feeling the real SP or a simulation.
      ~Dreamer~ and CanisLucidus like this.
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Hey, Nyx, thanks! Sorry that I missed your comment, my mistake!

      You know, there was one other incident I can remember where I really hit this SP-like feeling. This was the one:
      Sunny Day "Sleep Paralysis" - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      Your interpretation could certainly be correct! The tricky thing with dreams is that they are so realistic that there's very little way to really be sure. They're so good at mirroring our beliefs or even our momentary fleeting thoughts that it's very hard to separate creations of the mind from those slight intrusions from the waking world!
      NyxCC and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    9. NyxCC's Avatar
      Thanks for the reference. Now I can see where you got the idea for an advise you gave me once when I got stuck on the balcony, to try to grow/peel a second pair of hands and feet.

      Your interpretation could certainly be correct! The tricky thing with dreams is that they are so realistic that there's very little way to really be sure. They're so good at mirroring our beliefs or even our momentary fleeting thoughts that it's very hard to separate creations of the mind from those slight intrusions from the waking world
      You're right about that. It's a pity we can't readily verify things like that, at least not yet, which could possibly help us handle things accordingly. Oh, well, trial and error it is then.
      ~Dreamer~ and CanisLucidus like this.
    10. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      I was just reading through your old DJs and realised I never commented on this one!

      I thought you were usually missing your pants in dreams, not your shirt.
      I'm so glad my DC was able to help you move past that wardrobe struggle!
      As Nyx said, it really is advice that can be applied to many areas of dreaming - I find it especially useful when I've psyched myself out of dream control attempts.

      Omg, that condom fiasco!
      This is one of those things that reminds me that we're never fully in control of all elements of the dream world... it still has a mind of its own, and often a sense of humour! I'm glad that's the case, it makes for more interesting and funny dream moments like this!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    11. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Yeah, as usual your advice was perfect! Ha ha, to think how many of my lucids have been cut short or knocked off track due to shirts/pants being missing/hard to put on/ripped away by the wind!

      It's true, the advice really does apply generally! When we're confronted with a dream control challenge, we can choose to either "Relax, stop struggling" or we can do the opposite like I did here and wind up in a telekinesis fight with a used condom.