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    Japanese Mall

    by , 04-26-2016 at 06:15 PM (402 Views)
    Non-Lucid: I titled this Japanese Mall because I don't know of a better description. I was in this building in Japan that had rows & rows of people selling things in what looks like a farmers market style stalls. It also was vastly huge like a mall. There were wall to wall Japanese food court style stalls for lack of a better word. It was rather dull looking in places but others there were bright colors & neon signs. But, in between the food stalls, there were doorways that lead up to small compartments where people had bunks in small little nooks where people lived or just slept. There was an upper level in here also. I walked around trying to not be seen accompanied by a young Japanese girl. We did a lot of walking because she was trying to show me around. She was very mysterious as we looked through the isles picking things up & looking at them. Apparently I was going to be living here.... Because I was a white American woman she was trying to introduce me to people & wanted me to interact w/ them so that they would get to know me & wouldn't tell authorities that I was there. I felt all of these people she was introducing me too would be needed soon to protect me while I was living there. Protecting me from government officials due to some kind of war that was coming.... We ducked into a door in the wall & went up some steep stairs until we arrived in a small room w/ bunk beds. Then her father came in & she had to explain that I would be staying there. He wasn't angry but seemed rather frustrated. He was saying that the government would most likely soon start infiltration the area & would go to door to find out who wasn't Japanese & that it would be difficult to keep me hidden. As we walked around more, I was introduced to key people who would now be assigned to watch over me daily, I was being shown places to hide. It seemed her father had much more influence over all of these people & the people were much more welcoming than before. At some point the environment began to feel tense. The raid was beginning & we were running to hide. And then I woke up.

    I have no idea where the Japanese anything came from. I don't even like most Japanese food. Now if they had been Chinese it all would have made more sense. I used to work with my first husband in a Chinese restaurant. He was a Chinese chef but he wasn't Chinese. I love Chinese food! I even have a secret black sauce recipe from the restaurant that we worked in, lol.... I think maybe the characters were Japanese because it would fit more with the conflict in the dream & America's history w/ them.

    Explanation of details-Blue
    Verre and tranquilitypark like this.

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