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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    Bicycle Problem, Danny Phantom and Big Gorilla, Weird Question, Sinoblak, Meeps

    by , 02-25-2012 at 06:46 PM (1118 Views)

    Dream 1: Bicycle Problem

    I was riding my bicycle within Texas A&M University. I'm near the intersection, and I most likely was just leaving the West Campus. The Walk Sign was on, so I started to ride my bicycle, and then, it just stops operating on me.

    Since the Walk Sign has a timer, I immediately got off the bike and was carrying it so that I wouldn't stall traffic if the timer was close to 0.

    I get to the other side of the sidewalk,and I'm pretty pissed off that this bicycle was getting worse and worse. I look below the bicycle, and see that the chain completely split off and disconnected itself from the bicycle, there was no way I was going to be able to fix this bicycle this time.

    As I'm busy being engrossed with this bicycle's breakdown, I feel someone is behind me. I turn around and see this female with bleached blonde hair.

    I think she was wearing a blue shirt or maybe even Tye-dye shirt (thank you Alyzarin for the clarification )
    , and was wearing jeans that made the sides of her hips more defined.

    It felt like I was blocking her way, and I apologized to her for that, and she said that it's okay and moved along her way.

    Then I think the dream shifts to where I'm talking to my father, and he says that the money I've been given for in college is my money, and that I should do what I think it's right with it
    (I don't know why I didn't catch that, my father is being more accepting of how I handle money in waking life, but still tries to be serious at times because he thinks I'm just reckless with it for some odd reason).

    Then the dream shifts to where I'm getting new bicycle that allows me to go way faster because of its structure, and brakes are way more efficient compared to the one I had before.

    Then parts of the bicycle starts to come off, but I managed to re-attach it with ease. There were some DCs around when I was fixing it, but I didn't pay too much attention to them. However, there was some child DC that was looking at the bicycle.

    It seemed he like he was 13 years old or so, and he looked like he wanted to pass through where I was blocking him. I told him he can just go around to the other side, and he does, and I forget about him.

    Dream 2: Danny Phantom and Big Gorilla

    I'm inside some random place, and I go into this room that looks pretty fancy. It has nice flooring, bookshelves all over, and all sorts of things to make it look like a fancy private study room or office.

    Then I slowly peek through this black void to the left of me, and see some really big Gorilla monster with red eyes. I quickly go back to the room, wondering if it saw me. I move back a little and turn around and find it slowly getting closer to me.


    I try to hide under the desk, but it keeps coming after me. Then I was in that "TO HELL WITH THIS" kind of mood and ran quickly, dodging the lasers it was shooting from its eyes most likely.

    I barely managed to dodge them, and I go deeper into the black void that sent me to the small cave base it was in before, and I go beyond that to another black void, and apparently this monster is what you have to defeat to get a lot of gold (9,999 was the highest I guess).

    I see some valuable stuff that looked like diamonds and grab them and go to another black void. I see some DBZ characters getting ready to teleport their way out, and I try to quickly get to them before they disappeared, but I was too late. I'm thinking in my mind that I'm probably screwed because this Gorilla monster was going to get me.

    As soon as the Gorilla starts to shoot more lasers from its eyes again (probably) a DC that looks like Danny Phantom comes in out of nowhere to take the hit. Apparently the laser makes you turn older.

    Danny had a mustache and a goatee and was doing some random things I can't really remember.

    Dream 3: Weird Answer to Lecture Problem

    A teacher was asking a class a pretty tricky question in class, she was mentioning something that seemed to relate to Biology, and the answer ended up being "Lungs."

    I was confused by this, and that's all I remember.

    I think her mentioning the answer "Lungs" was probably a way for me to do an Nose plug RC to see if I could breathe, but again, I blindly pass off the chance to become lucids.

    I decided to attempt a WILD, but then the dreams after this attempt ended up being non-lucid. However, I did feel a lot of sensations, now that I think about it, I could've done MANY reality checks....MANY. These dreams probably didn't start in this order.

    I hear my mouth moving, feeling certain objects, etc. And dang it! I couldn't meet Alyzarin! I can't wait to sleep early tonight though, since I'll have lots of sleep time Sunday.

    I feel like I met Sinoblak, and the next dream after that, I know for sure I was meeting Meeps. But I didn't meet Alyzarin But I did meet an Asian woman that was a bit shy, but I don't know if Alyzarin is Asian or not. If so, then this shared dreaming is almost working.

    I felt a lot of conflict between meeting Meeps and the Asian woman though, I'll have a better description

    Dream 4: Meeting Sinoblak in Laboratory

    The vividness of this dream was crazy, most likely because I slept for another 2-2.55 hours (7-9:55AM I believe) after staying up for a WBTB from 5:30 AM or so to 7 AM.

    The environment is weird for this one. It was like being in a House, but also having half of a laboratory in it.

    Apparently the person I met in this dream was Sinoblak, I tried to get her to talk a little bit to me, but she looked a little shy at first. I saw one of the professors I had in my Intro to Biochemistry Course.

    Let's call her Glass
    (since this this dream involved a lot of fragile things). She's a dirty blonde haired professor, and she's around probably her 30-40s. The dream portrayed her image with accurate features. She was the type of woman to conceal some things, even though as a woman so close to middle-age, I had an attraction to her.

    The way she had glasses, and how she would stutter in front of class almost excited me in a twisted way. I knew she was an intelligent woman, and apparently she was known to be condescending towards students sometimes. She looks like your typical nerdy woman, but her body was so enticing to me.

    Anyway, before I get too deep with that odd liking of her that I have..

    It's just that the dreams I've had made me more sexually aware of certain people I've met. My recall is okay, it's typical for me to remember dreams where I felt I was lucid because in all my lucids, I can keep a pretty decent check of certain events and chain them together...still have lingering images of meeting Sinoblak.

    "Glass" was wearing a red sweater, concealing her wonderful body, and she was wearing Khaki pants, and her legs and her ass were so perfect. It was kind of cute seeing her in a red sweater, and have her lower regions so defined in the right areas, despite her age being around 30-40.

    The pants did look a bit tight on her, but I'm sure she was comfortable with it.

    (or at least the picture on her avatar that the dream presents to me into an entity) has something in a Ziploc bag. It looks like a Petri Dish is inside of it. I ask her what it is, and I'm not sure if Sinoblak is the one talking or "Glass," but I'm informed that the sample Petri Dish was Gonorrhea.

    I know there was another name for it, but all I remember for this one is Gonorrhea. Sinoblak started opening the bag, and I'm signaling to her "Nononononononono" while waving my hands to the sides.

    But she wasn't afraid or anything, she just took the Petri sample right out of the bag. I take the sample, then I realize I better get some gloves.

    I'm still in this half-house, half-laboratory setting, so I go inside the house, and the glove boxes are on top of a bar like shelf (as in to serve alcohol).

    I quickly put them on and basically said that it's time to get this thing started. Apparently Sinoblak couldn't see the sample of the Gonorrhea in the Petri Dish. What I saw in the Petri Dish before I used the microscope were several orange dots grouped together, so I wondered why Sinoblak couldn't see them with human eyes.

    I takes me a while to coordinate the Microscope, but I eventually see the object zoomed in.

    It looks pretty random, the colors that I think that were apparent were green and orange, and I move the base around and used the fine adjustment knob to get a little more clarity. I told Sinoblak that I finally found what she was looking for.

    I believe she goes and checks by looking through the microscope. She fiddles around with it by alternating the magnification lens, then I realized that she used the highest objective lens. I checked to see if the lens broke, and was worried that she probably broke them.

    I look through the microscope, and yeah, it's broken. Sinoblak talks to me for once, and she sounds like a typical American female doing so. She said that "Glass" was inside her office, so I decided to switch the broke Microscope with a new one inside some cabinets underneath.

    After that, I can't remember anything else. The dream shifts however to where I'm at a lecture room. The stairs leading to several seats to pick from left and right were covered in a dark blue with a few mix of colors type of carpet flooring.

    By this time, I don't think I have any hunches of Sinoblak being around, but I see "Glass" in her red sweater again.
    (I bet that she wanted to get my attention with the red sweater...lady in red..)

    I didn't pay attention to her that much this time, I saw two DCs sitting together that look oddly familar in waking life. Let's call the girl "J-Lisa" and the guy "Jero."

    I think the area I'm in was probably a review for Chemistry, since I saw some sheet that increase in pressure and increase in volume equaled something that I can't remember.

    What happened next in that dream was too boring for me to even talk about, I was just glad to see that I probably Met Sinoblak non-lucidily.

    Now to talk about my ecounter with Meeps and an Asian Woman.

    Dream 5: Meeting Meeps and Asian Woman

    My recall for this one may be a little shorter, but describing the sensations I felt in this dream might be the most of the content of this dream. I find myself feeling people's energy, or at least trying.

    I believe the dream starts out with me sitting on a lab table somewhere, and a blonde girl who looks like the partner I had for a Biochemistry presentation on Eldepryl turns her face and smiles at me. I take a moment to look at her for a while, and she retains her smile for a little longer, and I smile back to her.

    She turns back to looking at something. I can't remember much after that. The dream shifts to where I see another blonde, and she has her arms positioned to where one was balancing her face and the other was supported the other arm.

    It looked kind of like Meeps, I'm sure it was Meeps, it felt like Meeps. We didn't do much, except that I was listening to her talk about something. Then I see a short video clip in my mind of her snowboarding.

    She was doing something pretty dangerous while snowboarding, she was going off a snowy ramp, and it looked like she was going to fall flat on the snow because there wasn't a ramp to stabilize her descent back to the snow. She lands safely, and I think she immediately disconnects her snowboard from her feet and starts walking.

    Then the dream shifts (I'm having a lot of shifts because I can't recall things in between), and I meet this Asian woman standing there depressed. I'm not sure if it was a certain someone I was looking for, or just a random DC. I come near her, and I'm kind of hesitant in socializing with her.

    Some things happen in between the dream that I can't recall too well, but I think the Asian woman finally cheers up and says "I love you!!!" when I asked her if she loved me (I think I asked her that).

    She hugs me, and I could feel her warmth, then I saw Meeps. She looked sad, I think she was jealous of what happened with me and the Asian girl. I tried to go to her to do something. I honestly don't know what I could've done.

    I don't remember what I did to cheer her up, but I went back to the Asian lady. She started to become more vibrant I believe. Her hair started to get more curlier, and I believe she was wearing a red jacket (the one with a furry feel to it, but not animal fur).

    I remember me hugging her by her waist, and we were going down the stairs carefully together. She took one step, I took one step, and we continue doing this.

    I can't remember much after that. Lol, I've been saying that loosely, I should be glad I remembered these experiences, and the senses from them helped a lot with recall too.

    Thanks Kaomea. But darn it, I'm sad that I couldn't see Alyzarin. Oh well, next time.

    sinoblak, Meeps and Alyzarin like this.

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    Updated 02-25-2012 at 11:57 PM by 47756

    non-lucid , nightmare


    1. Meeps's Avatar
      I was doing some awesome snowboarding in your dream alriiight
      Have fun with your asian woman.... *pouts*
      Linkzelda41 and Alyzarin like this.
    2. sinoblak's Avatar
      Did you know that I have learned Biology and Chemistry at the uni before the Applied Linguistics? I don't remember having mentioned this. And yes, I enjoyed using the highest lens and breaking them, of course.
      Linkzelda41 and Alyzarin like this.
    3. Linkzelda's Avatar
      @Meeps, awwww

      @Sino, what the hell LOL, coincidence or my mind actually exhibiting qualities of yourself?

      Woaaaaaaaah. This is getting good. I don't think you mentioned this before, how wild of you to do that, Sinoblak!
      Alyzarin and sinoblak like this.
    4. sinoblak's Avatar
      I don't know what it was, but it definitely was me. At least, no way for you to know these particularities about me IRL, since I hate speaking about them.
      Linkzelda41 and Alyzarin like this.
    5. Linkzelda's Avatar
      This is very weird. I'm trying to keep an open-mind about shared dreaming, but this is definitely crazy. I hope I'm not invading your privacy, Sinoblak.
      sinoblak and Alyzarin like this.
    6. sinoblak's Avatar
      Oh, I would tell these things to a friend, but I don't feel like sharing them with everybody.
      Lol, you have some amazing skills, Link!
      Linkzelda41 and Alyzarin like this.
    7. Alyzarin's Avatar
      They're called tie-dye. (click)

      I'm not Asian, but that doesn't mean I couldn't be in a dream. The energy's what's important, remember!

      (*secretly wants to be Asian* )

      I like these dreams, especially the one with Sinoblak, I was wondering if you knew those things about her while reading it.
      Linkzelda41 and sinoblak like this.
    8. Linkzelda's Avatar
      Thanks, I was googling peace sign shirt to get the image. Thanks Alyzarin.

      Also, I didn't know anything about Sinoblak's tendencies in laboratories before this dream happened.

      You're right. The energy is what matters. I feel sad that I didn't get to meet you though Alyzarin

      You don't have to change your race for this haha

      But I do know, at least from reading WakingNomad's guide on Shared dreaming, both people who want to meet each other won't necessarily always remember sharing a dream. One might remember what they did while the other forgets.
      Alyzarin and sinoblak like this.
    9. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Don't worry, we'll keep at it. It's not generally just that you want it to happen and it does, it takes dedication! (At least, according to WakingNomad's FAQ. ) And yeah, I was thinking about that.... I definitely don't remember most of my dreams until it was already like around 8 AM or something. I often don't recall anything until after I've already woken up once, though. I need to work on that....

      I happened to have a fairly detailed dream with Dianeva last night, myself. (Currently writing up the entry....) I'm definitely getting more dreams involving DV members in general, so that's gotta be a good thing!
      Linkzelda41 and sinoblak like this.
    10. Linkzelda's Avatar
      Can't wait to see your entry
      Alyzarin and sinoblak like this.