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    Cakes, Canine Police Dogs, Following Jinx, Code Lyoko Group and Presentation, Dream Journal Entry

    by , 06-16-2012 at 04:23 PM (1761 Views)
    Anal Cakes (Non-lucid)


    The title may create some preconceptions, but wow, these cakes were actually pretty damn good. It's not what you think it is....

    I'm inside a store, and I'm going to the junk food aisle basically, and take the time to look around for something good to buy.

    I see this pack of "Anal Cakes" in a box, kind of like the Zebra Cakes in waking life. I'm kind of bothered by the name of this brand, so i decided to just grab the box, open it, and take a bite out of it.

    Holy freaking hell, THIS THING TASTES AWESOME!!!!!!!

    I take another small cake, eat it, savoring its sweet and delectable taste. I eat so much that I eventually feel a little guilty, and my taste buds are already used to the taste, so I guess it's already used to it by now. Now I'm starting to taste a little bit of the salt now that the sweetness was ignored.

    I see my mother come up to me, and I showed her these Anal cakes, and asked her if she wants to try some.

    I can't remember what she tells me though.

    Canine Police Dogs (Non-lucid)


    I'm walking outside, seems the weather is okay, not too hot or cot, just a little windy...perfect.

    I'm walking with someone, and I then I asked them how come "Sheh" didn't show up. (I'll just call him "Sheh" because I don't want to state his full name in waking life).

    I answer my own question when I realized that he's taking a trip to Florida, which he actually is still on the route to, or he's probably already there in waking life.

    I turn to the right and continue walking, and by this point, I can't tell if someone is walking with me anymore, and I don't recall even looking at them at all.

    There's some police guy with a huge canine dog, and he has a good grip on the dog. It seems he's showing the dog where to go to get some people dealing with drugs I believe. He lets go of the dog, and it charges into the house on my right side.

    All I could hear was some guy mildly screaming, the dog probably severely injured him, or maybe even killed him.

    Not too sure.

    That's all i remember for that one.
    Following Jinx (Non-lucid)


    I don't remember much of this because this....probably because I remembered so much from the dream below me. But this dream was probably the first part to it though.

    I remember following Jinx from Teen Titans, and it seems we're doing some kind of robbery together...well isn't that cute...

    She has another companion who decides to go another route, probably to make some kind of flank formation. The same companion looks like Mammoth from the H.I.V.E. academy in the series as well.

    I decided that I should follow him, but he quickly turns around to tell me that I should follow Jinx instead.

    I comply and follow Jinx and that's all I remember.
    Code Lyoko Group and Presentation (Non-lucid)


    I have a feeling this a continuation of the dream I had where I'm with Jinx from Teen Titans.

    And this is one of those dreams where I could probably distract myself from waking life, and still be able to retain some pretty good imagery of major scenes, which is normal for me....I think I take this for granted sometimes, but I know I can do better with recall.

    It feels like High School all over again lol, at least until the dream was almost coming to a close.

    Anyway, I'm walking down the hallway with Ulrich from Code Lyoko. Apparently, we have these gray container to carry around to go to the lecture class.

    The flooring is white, the walls are either white are gray, and the doors and double doors are mostly gray with some kind of white opaque material for the small windows on them. The lighting is somewhat decent, still dimming in and out a occasionally, but nothing too bothersome.

    (It isn't like the schooling in France that the series (Code Lyoko) is supposed to be based on...like middle school-high school kind of thing)

    We try to move the container with a type of dolly machine, but it keeps coming off. After a few tries, I get on top of the dolly machine and hold the container in place, while using my left leg on the ground to push off and accelerate the whole thing. Ulrich is helping me a little bit too, but I'm not paying too much attention on whether or not he's helping me.

    We almost get to a dead-end, and I turn to Ulrich and ask where we have to go, he gets his right arm, and points to the right to a gray double door.


    We go in, and I take a moment to absorb all that there is in this class (more like 5 seconds lol). There's quite a lot of people here, and I couldn't find anyone who looks like a replica of people I've seen and/or known in waking life. Hmmm...

    You have to go to this slope going downwards in order to get to the front of the class, and it seems that me and Ulrich came in at the right time, seeing as Jeremy and I think even Yumi were waiting for us.

    The professor tells the class that it's now time for the group to present, and he just happens to say my name along with someone else in the group, can't remember who, probably Ulrich of Jeremy.

    Dream shifts, and I'm sitting behind the lecturer's desk, I believe our group is up next, but we continue listening to whoever it is that is talking, can't remember who though.

    So much for being the ones to present when I came into class...oh well, more time to recollect my thoughts!

    Probably just one group that's making closing statements with their group project. While we're listening, I look around, and then I feel a little confident that I can pull off what I'm going to say for the group presentation.

    Then I fold my legs by putting my left leg over to my right leg, while still sitting on the edge of something, probably the container that I still don't know what's in it. It's finally our turn, and then I realized,


    I find that they're in front of me, and I grab them quickly and scan over on things I have to say. I see some elements of the Biology class I took my second semester as a freshmen at my university, and I'm sure that there would've been some Biochemistry tidbits on Eldepryl, seeing as I did a presentation in waking life on the same drug for patients with Parkinson's disease.

    One flash card that stood out was the one that said "A C P" going down on the left side. "Armadyl Chest Plate" (yes I used a Runescape item as a reference loooooool) was the little Mnemonic I would use for one Biology Lab Quiz to remember the types of coelomates and other things.

    I get up, along with my group, though I'm more fixed on making sure I do well rather than the other members in the group. I guess that's better than worrying if one person is going to do well, which could just ruin my overall performance.

    As I'm going to speak, dream shifts again.

    I believe I'm sitting down in one of the rows of seats on the downward slope in the room, and it seems someone is passing out some worksheets, or exams....something that was graded, I think? There was one Asian guy with glasses who received his worksheet, and I peeked over to see what it was about.

    The guy only answered one question, at least on the front page of the worksheet that probably had 2-3 more pages.

    Honestly the dream shift above I mentioned, I'm not exactly sure WHEN it happened in this dream, I just know it happened IN this dream because the environment and everything were almost exactly the same. Dark blue seats, all that stuff.

    Dream shifts again.

    Then this weird part comes up in the dream, it's like a small video clip playing inside my mind. There's these group of random people outdoors in some kind of small forest, and the ground looks like mulched dirt or something of the sort.

    These people are in a formation where they do something in unison, like waving their hands up and down. They do some other random stuff that I can't remember too well, and the little clip inside my head finally ends.

    When I regain consciousness that I'm in a lecture room, our presentation is done, and it seems everything went okay when I was blank too!

    Either my subconscious played that random video to take control of my words at the time, or maybe the dream was that random, though I doubt the latter is a reasonable excuse for me to go blank.

    Anyway, seems we're the last group to present as well, and the professor says we can all go. This feels like High School, but elements of college is in here, like the fairly large lecture room and all that.

    Everyone starts cheering with so much enthusiasm, guess it must be the last day for school to start off some holiday or something. I get ready to follow the large group of people running to get out of the building and have some fun with their lives, but then I stopped to look for a back pack.


    Wonder why I would be looking for a back pack...I would like to go and interpret this brief moment I took to stop and find a backpack to assume that it's probably the dream girlfriend Kaomea said one guy that looked like me had, but nahhhhh, it's probably not.

    I find a backpack on the floor, and assume it's mine, and since there was no one else around behind the table, I guess it had to be mine. The only thing that couldn't have made it mine was that the person who left was so excited that they forgot their backpack.....but it's a dream, so whatever.

    There's still people going out to leave the building, and I let the act of conformity guide me through this. I see Jinx again, and it seems Cyborg from Teen Titans as well is running after her. It seems he wants to apologize to her about something, seeing as the expression on her face portrays that she still hasn't finished sulking.

    Cyborg stops and lets her run, which convinces me to run after her. I wanted to turn around and look back at Cyborg and give him that look that said, "What's wrong with you bro? You made her sad," but I just kept focused on following Jinx.

    I don't know why I'm following her though. I keep chasing after her, and when we get to these sets of glass double doors, the whole row of double doors gets lock. Jinx barely managed to get pass this before it happened. Then I see some kind of police squad in all blue outfits get closer the doors.

    What is this, some kind of retaliation for people who just want to get out of the building already? Weird.......

    I don't take any time for this police squad to affect me, they could deal with the other people there standing there like idiots for all I care. I turn to the left, and dash for the next door, and as I get closer to it, a set of bars slam down as well.

    Crap....I had the feeling that if that locked down, others would lock down as well, but I still kept trying by finding more ways to get out. I look around frantically, and see one door that isn't completely shut.

    It has some kind of doorstop to keep it open, and I quickly go through it, finally....half-way out the building lol.

    I hear some girls talking, I have a feeling they're following where I'm going since I seem to be picking some lucky paths. The sounded like cheerleaders or something, because one of them was worried and said that they won't be able to make it to some kind of recital or something like that.

    As I'm passively listening to the girls that are probably still running with me, (I didn't turn back to see who they are though), I find some weird exit that went upwards in a zig-zag motion. The flooring for this path was dark brown, and it felt like a decent and abnormal route to go to.

    Things are going alright as I'm heading to the path, and we're completely out of the building now. Then things start getting random, like one of the girls ran faster than me, turned around while running backwards even (or maybe she was just levitating, not sure), and I think she was singing a country song.

    Then as I'm still running, the country song is being played out, not sure if it's an actual one in waking life, or just a mash of them. I stop, and I see a bunch of girls running. I don't think they're chasing me though, they look like they're hungry.

    There's this mini-fast food that I remembered that was in front of me before I turned around to see the group of females running like crazy.

    I find myself under some kind of container while the women were running, and it seemed they were vomiting where I'm at as well.....-____-

    I find myself back on the surface, fortunately not anywhere on the area with vomit, and go into the mini-fast food. Seems the only thing the employee/owner cooks there are eggs sunny side up or scrambled.

    I told him, "Good thing I decided to wait things out." I don't know what I said that, but maybe it's because the women that were vomiting probably ate the eggs too fast that it caused horrible stomach problems to make them puke.

    Not sure how that works out if they're going into the store and not coming out, that's dream logic for you.

    The owner/employee responds with some generic statement. Then a random person comes in and says what I said about how it's a good thing he decided to wait it out.

    The owner/employee says the same generic statement to him as well.

    I just stand there....

    What the hell just happened.....this is a very awkward ending to dream that could've been more dramatic.

    Dream Journal Comments (Non-lucid)


    Lol, a dream about dream journals, HA, that's rare.

    I made a Dream Journal post, and had a few comments on there, but I didn't know what the dreams were overall. The comments were mostly related to how I shouldn't have let myself down for trying to trust someone.

    Some people I remember making a post were khh, darknightedlady, and even Hyu.


    I can't remember their exact comments but they were all geared towards some female that I decided to trust.

    Hyu's comment was really inspiring, it made me feel better about myself, sucks that I don't know what it was though. :/

    Then OldSparta likes a dream I had, but I don't remember which one lol.
    Carrot likes this.

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    1. darknightedlady's Avatar
      Lol, a dream about dream journals
      Ha! (that happened to me too, a week or so ago...lol!)
      That's too bad you don't remember what Hyu said, it sounds like what you needed to hear. Maybe it will come back to you later
      Kaomea and Linkzelda like this.
    2. Carrot's Avatar
      Ah I didn't appear in your dream journal dream, or it would have been "Deja Vu".

      Anyway I had a dream where I had a video playing in my mind too, it doesn't look like I was playing it from a device because the video just smacked right in front of my face.
      Linkzelda likes this.
    3. TheForgotten 's Avatar
      HAHAHA, anal cakes! That and you tried showing them to your mom, HAHAHAHA.

      Cool stuff about your DJ. I like those three people Hyu does tend to have inspiring things to say. Your trusting thing, is that based on waking life or just a random dream scene?
      Linkzelda and Carrot like this.
    4. Linkzelda's Avatar
      I haven't been part of many people's lives in waking life because of certain beliefs of mine (not religious, just my own thoughts on people in general), I just don't feel it's necessary to really bother with them. So no, it's most likely something related to dreaming, and it could just be a random dream scene, who knows.

      But yeah, I have a general respect for people, you know, respect me and I'll respect you, basic stuff, but it doesn't really go further than that. Not a lot of friends in waking life, at least ones I keep in touch with. I have you, Alyzarin, and others here, but that's just online friends.

      Real life friends aren't really my priority since I'm already content with looking forward to dreaming each night, and things like drawing my dreams, and then going to college soon again keep my occupied.

      And I tend to be too analytical of anyone I meet in waking life, so it's not worth the effort for me to find those types of people for now ,especially since I'm going to have to put in more work to do well this year as a sophomore. Money means everything thing to me right now, so getting good academic progress is worth more than hanging around with people if I want to have a decent future.

      Which is why I tended to be ambitious with finding Eva and finding you guys, it's the perfect way to sublimate things I have to sacrifice in waking life in the mean time, because if I had good friends, I probably wouldn't be so antisocial towards others.

      While waking life seems to be more awesome for you than your dreaming life, yet your dreaming life is equally or can be more awesome if you feel like it, dreaming life is pretty much the only exciting thing going for me right now.

      Waking life is kind of stale right now because I have to make sure I do well in college, after that, who knows what the future holds for me, but until then, my system of trust in waking life is pretty basic, nothing too complicated because I don't really have to exhibit those tendencies to a lot of people.

      It's just some people in waking life are just.....they just, I don't know, I just can't find myself trying to be their friends at the moment because they're so average you know? Boring. They just want to focus on getting a family someday, simple things that are bound to happen.
      Carrot and Kaomea like this.
      Updated 06-16-2012 at 07:16 PM by Linkzelda
    5. TheForgotten 's Avatar
      Ah ok. I understand... and I'm sorry.

      I don't know what I'd do without my waking life friends. They mean the world to me. I mean, dreaming friends are great... but they're only in dreaming... and as real as that world is, it's not at the same level of waking life. For me at least.

      And online friends are good too. Except the barrier of having the medium of the internet leaves things unfulfilling in some way. I've actually been thinking a lot about this lately... wondering if maybe I spent less time in some places... I'd have more time in others.

      Anyway, yeah, school is important to you.... and money. But sometimes you can make friends with people you have classes with. Study sessions can be good for making friends... I did that. They were cool... nothing too deep but having simple friendships are nice too. That or getting a job... I have lots of coworkers from past jobs who I still hang out with. They're nice people.

      I dunno... I'm just rambling. Just keep in mind, you can kill two birds with one stone. Er, don't go killing two people now... but you get it.

      Eh, yeah, I dunno. Do what makes ya happy. Sounds like you know what you want. Does that make you happy?
      Carrot and Linkzelda like this.
    6. Linkzelda's Avatar
      Ah ok. I understand... and I'm sorry.
      You don't have to apologize, hahaha. You are already experienced in things I'll be going through, so I know you're not out to get me or anything like that.

      I don't know what I'd do without my waking life friends. They mean the world to me. I mean, dreaming friends are great... but they're only in dreaming... and as real as that world is, it's not at the same level of waking life. For me at least.
      I just think the opposite because I think more of the idea of there being an afterlife, and leaving all of those people you've met as teaching you how to learn how to appreciate life in that realm.

      It's kind of a bad thing for me to follow, but I can't really stop thinking about it, guess it's my own fault, but no worries.

      And online friends are good too. Except the barrier of having the medium of the internet leaves things unfulfilling in some way. I've actually been thinking a lot about this lately... wondering if maybe I spent less time in some places... I'd have more time in others.
      Yeah, I'm not really as active as I was on this forum. I still go on the Chill thread and post my dreams, but nothing more than that I guess, maybe go to a few Senseless Banter threads, but yeah, I feel I can have more time playing video games or something lol rather than going on the IRC and be in group with people of various social beliefs.

      Anyway, yeah, school is important to you.... and money. But sometimes you can make friends with people you have classes with. Study sessions can be good for making friends... I did that. They were cool... nothing too deep but having simple friendships are nice too. That or getting a job... I have lots of coworkers from past jobs who I still hang out with. They're nice people.
      Well at least you're sane. When I think about study sessions and all that, I only think about using people for my own benefit, I'm just pathetic that way because in High School, I used to help people out a few times, and would always feel like I was being used because they either did well while I ended up getting average or worse, and it really irritated me lol.

      But I can't blame those people though, they were clever to use me like that since they knew I was decent in many things.

      Eh, yeah, I dunno. Do what makes ya happy. Sounds like you know what you want. Does that make you happy?
      I sound like I do know what I want, but I have no clue what I want to do in the future. I'm just willing to do anything that will get me a good income, at least that's my status quo for now. I just don't think that I could find a career that relates to my hobbies, because I don't like that kind of lifestyle where the income is low, even though the passion for it is high.

      It just doesn't feel right when I can cope with a difficult job with a high salary (because isn't the difficulty of it and other obvious factors make it have high pay in the first place?)

      I guess you could say I would be the perfect candidate to become a workaholic if I can find the right job, and combine that in the future, I'll be able to lucid dreaming just as good as you can, I would be a content person.

      My mentality will most likely change on this, but that's what I believe right now.

      I don't think I'll find happiness in waking life, just content, but again, this is probably just a phase I'm going through.
      Carrot likes this.