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    Puri, Romney, Bio and Pokemon Rap, Talk to me Woman, Learning Style, How2LD (SDE Pt. 2: Day 21)

    by , 10-25-2012 at 05:04 PM (860 Views)
    Dhal Puri and Random Stuff (Non-lucid)


    I'm planning to go with my mother to some store, I get some mental image of Dhal Puri being made there. It's inside of a Blue Bag with small black lining, the bag itself is one strapped I believe.

    I also recall seeing a random blonde female with a black outfit having the strap over her shoulder as well. I think there's a petty argument with my mother on the thing, or maybe it was with someone else, I can't remember too well.

    There's also people that are leaving the room we're in, which resembles a hotel room. Now why those people are inside of this room that should be reserved for me and my mother, I don't know. I look at then prepare to leave, and it's your basic family.

    Annoying little kid, a few teenagers that I didn't bother to look at much, a mother and father. I'm saying the obvious because compared to them, it was just me and my mother. Full family of DCs while I'm with just a part of what's generally a whole family. How cute.

    I checked my wallet for some reason, making sure my debit card is still in the slots of it, which I presumed it was, since I saw its color there, along with the color of my Laundry Card, since they don't use coins there in waking life.

    Brock's Dub on Ryan Romney (Non-lucid)


    I basically had a dream that repeated some parts in a video of Brock's Dub on YouTube over Mitt Romney and Obama's Debate. It was more specific on Ryan Romney's part in the video where he was working out. Before the weird part where there's supposed to be some random girly stuff around them, I see Ryan Romney wearing a gray hoodie and then leaning his face to his left side (right if you're looking at this screen obviously)

    Spoiler for Don't kill me Political Peoples...noes dontz do it!!:

    Then my alarm woke me up.
    Biology and Pokemon Rap (Non-lucid)


    I'm trying to take notes in this random Biology-related lecture, and it feels to me that whoever is talking eventually makes a rap about it. That's probably because I was watching Epic Rap Battles of History a few hours before I slept, lol.

    I couldn't keep up, and eventually, everyone is gone, and I have the room to myself now. I take the time to literally fill in the gaps that I had on my paper by scrolling through the PowerPoint Presentation styled format on the screen. There were empty blanks that would then reveal words if I wanted to see what's next.

    I spend the rest of the dream writing stuff down.

    Wait, where did the Pokemon part come in? Aw darn it, I forgot. >.<
    Why Won't You Talk To Me Woman!?!?! (DILD)


    I'm watching a random Western clip on Youtube, and it was maybe 2-3 minutes ago. After I was done watching it, or maybe halfway into being finished, I feel like I'm transported into a different environment.

    I do a nose plug RC, and it doesn't work, but I keep holding my nose, because it's clearly obvious, my diaphragm is functioning just fine when I close my nasal pathways. So go me for not relying on the breathing aspect, and seeing other areas are obviously working, defying logic of waking life, so I must be dreaming!

    Good job Link!!!!! You get a golden star!

    I'm in a ghost town, somewhat of a ghost town, how can a somewhat ghost town still be in the category of a ghost town? You figure that out yourself ya trooper.

    So I'm just walking around, feeling neutral like I'm always trying to do in a rare lucid to prevent the dream from destabilizing. To the left of me is a wooden roof supported by columns about 6-7 feet apart from each other. I'm just walking casually in the middle of this dusty brown road, and the feelings that this is a Western-theme dream in a way continues to come into my dream schemata.

    Oh my gawd, stop using big words!

    I finally accept this environment, and I continue walking, the sections inside below the wooden roof that extends quite a distance from where I'm at is fairly dark, but I can still see the majority of everything in it.

    Just brown dust on the ground, Wooden walls and a wooden roof, and me in the middle of a roof-less section, while the right side is the same as the left, most likely.

    I finally encounter a female with long, elegant black hair that ends near her waist or a bit closer to her ass. Very enticing object-------I mean woman compared to the rest of this dull environment. She's wearing a transparent blouse (to some extent) that has an overall Pastel Yellow Green color to it.

    She's wearing the usual female jeans that has the slightly white glow on the rear side and back legs. Go female fashion design to focus more on the woman's ass rather than her face.

    So I slowly go up to her, and then I asked her if she can help me.

    I let the question sit in its ambiguity, just to see a response, anything, something, SOMETHING, an UTTER? A GASP?

    Nothing. She says nothing, She just shifts her face left and right frantically for about 2 seconds, then turns her face away from me. I noticed that when she turned back, she really focuses on what's behind her, not me, as if she's trying to run away from someone, and to check that they aren't close to finding her.

    I guess I must be ruining her hiding spot, but again, I don't know what's going on since she's not telling me anything. She starts to move, and I follow her, and she's walking slowly at first. I queried to her a few more questions, and then asked,

    "Can you at least tell me what your name is?"

    She starts to walk a little faster, and I know I could've just let her go her own way, but since she's the only one here at the moment, and I don't feel like staying in an empty environment, I had to keep up the pace.

    Now I realized I really should've gotten over the insecurity of being alone in a dream, make a different dream environment for something.......Man, I'm stupid, gotta set mantras to remind myself that I'll do that sometime.

    She's still silent, and I start to lose my cool big time.....while at the same time I'm losing my cool, I'm also speculating that losing my cool will potentially destabilize the dream, and that I need to cool down. I think I started to touch the girl's shoulders and tried to shake her.

    She finally faces me, makes eye contact, but the moment she starts to open her mouth, dream fades because I'm saturated with rushed feelings.

    Well....you get what you deserve based on how you decided to feel at the given moment, and now you messed up that rare chance Link. Good job.

    Mosaic Learning Style (Non-lucid)


    I'm sitting in a lecture room, and the professor looks a lot like my Biology 111 professor I had in waking life. He looks more defined, his clothing, his aura, everything about him gives me this weird vibe of earnest respect of the vast amount of knowledge he probably has.

    I think he's wearing a Red-Orange Sweater, and has a blue striped white dress shirt underneath with the collar popping out. I forget the color of his dress pants, but my mind is giving me the image that it's Khakis. The class is about to end, and then I look at the girl to the left of me, and realized she looks like a girl in my Math Recitation course.

    She has her hair tied up, just like IWL, and still has that shy demeanor all over her face. Even if I take a quick glance at her, she still tries to pretend she's looking what's straight in front of her, even though her facial expressions, most noticeably her mouth, are making subtle but awkward movements.

    I can't recall this specific moment that's chained with that awkward moment to great detail, but I remember looking down on a paper she had. It was structured like a table with columns and rows, and had some markings here and there.

    I think I was helping her with picking out something, I just don't know what it was.

    The professor declares about the general idea of what will be on the exam, and portrays a PowerPoint slide that's projected on a large screen. It's set up like a table with columns and rows (I know I'm stating the obvious), and all of the concepts are in black font. The same black text has red background behind it, which kind of makes things an eyesore for me.

    I saw some things related to Indian something, and it feels weird to have a Biology teacher talk about something that makes me feel it's related to U.S. History.
    Huh? Guess I'll look up on that more, since I recall me wanting to have a dream where I found my true learning style. That could be it, but I don't know, will have to find out when I have some free time.

    When the professor is done talking, the class automatically prompts themselves to leave. I decided to sit down for a little bit for no clear reason, and I started to eavesdrop on the two females sitting in front of me. One is getting ready to put her items in her backpack, while the other female is already set to leave.

    They start conversing on some things I can't recall too well, but most of the topics talked about were obviously about the upcoming exam, and the talking about the bomb threat that actually happened in this University last week Friday.

    Then the girl that's sitting to the right of her asks her,

    "How do you study?"

    She responds with,

    "Well, I-------"

    I cut off my audio focus because I probably decided that the conversation was going to be boring, even though I should've listened to what she would say, since after all, in a practical sense, her portrayal is an aspect of myself that I should be thoughtful of hearing.

    They get up, and I start absorbing more of the girl's facial structure and body composition. She's relatively skinny, especially since she's probably around my age, has dark brown hair. Even though I couldn't recall her exact visage, the contours show that she has a vibrant and sort of plump, soft facial structure.

    I eventually get out of the lecture room, and find myself in a hallway that mostly consists of white and gray intertwined, with a hint of black here and there. The flooring is mostly white, formatted like a tile flooring, the tile gaps aren't as big as what one would usually see. They're more compact, and the borders of each tile piece if distinguished by a very thin black line making a square.

    I see my professor out in the hall way, probably going through his "mail" or area to get plans for the next lectures or something. Then I have some memory that comes in that involves a Mosaic Learning Style.

    After that, I can't really recall much unfortunately.

    Telling Mommy How To Lucid Dream (Non-lucid)


    So yeah, I tell how to lucid dream. I don't need to go into details, we all know how telling how to lucid dream ends up, especially when you don't become lucid from it.

    But to be sort of specific, I was telling her how to do a WBTB+WILD, even though I'm in no position to lecture her on it when I fail it the majority of the time.

    Funny dream though.

    darknightedlady likes this.

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    Updated 10-25-2012 at 05:12 PM by 47756

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable
