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    DEILD Journey #7

    by , 04-08-2018 at 09:11 PM (435 Views)
    This was a strange night, and strange morning..


    -Meditated for a few minutes to relax and forget about some things that were on my mind
    -Wrote mantra in DJ: "I will gently wake from a dream, motionless with eyes closed."
    -Repeated this as I was falling asleep

    The night was strange from the beginning because as I was repeating mantra while trying to let myself sleep, I really felt as if the intention became solidified, and actually felt my legs become much heavier. Then my arms and body in general became heavy, as if in response to my desire to remain motionless upon waking. Then my cognition became very odd, which was a little disturbing. It's hard to describe, but my thoughts were just strange, foreign and garbled. This isn't the first time this has happened after setting this intention, and previously I would disregard my intent and tell myself the contrary, that I would just sleep the night through and not concern myself with lucid dreaming. This time I decided to ride it out and see what happened, although it took me a while to fall asleep, and it was very uncomfortable to be in my head. In the background noise of all this, my thoughts would sometimes turn to the paranormal, further complicating my efforts. Eventually sleep overtook me.

    I woke up in the night and definitely moved, but stayed awake briefly to see if anything happened, before falling asleep again. I was reading KingYoshi's WILD guide before bed, and he mention with DEILD that remaining motionless and eyes closed is great, but that you should still make an attempt with it even if you did move while waking up. Yoshi's emphasis on falling asleep and letting things happen with minimal input is also pretty interesting for a beginner like me.


    I am flying a helicopter with J or someone else at night over a city, and there is a mountain range in the distance. There are lights between some of the peaks, coming from somewhere far off that I am interested in going to. It looks like lights from a city or a stadium or something. I decide that I want to fly between the peaks, and radio this to the air traffic controller in the city I am hovering over. The man on the other end tells me not to, because I don't have the training to be flying at night, and that this would be too dangerous. I tell him I will return to base, but hesitate about saying "base" and search for the correct non-military word.

    I am in a building and it is either a match of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (having a lot of dreams about this haha), or a non-video game military battle. There are some noises of someone's quiet footsteps, so I sneak around the door way into a different room. To my right are two doors, and another entrance to the room I am in, and to my left is a window (random details). I have my gun ready to open fire on whoever comes in through the entrance. I hear the breaking of some glass or the crumpling of some paper under someone's feet, and this lasts for a little while.
    This is a little strange, and I realize that I am dreaming! I look around the room, but my vision is becoming foggy, and I realize that my hold on the dream is weakening and I wake up.

    Another fragment about some authority figure, and some task I had to do.

    I think I was having an olfactory hallucination after waking up from the lucid dream, which has also happened before. It's just this strange smell that is sometimes there for a while after I become lucid and wake up. Feeling a bit strange today but that could be from lack of sleep from my weekend of waking up throughout the night to try and become lucid!

    WILD Attempt (noon nap)
    -Progressive muscle flexing/relaxing, and put a blanket over my eyes to keep the light out. I decided to put an emphasis on letting things happen, but still incorporated counting with exhale, as this seems to help with my mental chatter. Changed positions a couple of times after nothing was really happening, to get comfortable again like in Yoshi's guide. In the third position my body became very relaxed and I definitely got to the point where I was teetering on the edge of consciousness/unconsciousness, which was definitely a step in the right direction! But, excitement kicked in and the heart rate went up as I noticed some vague physical sensations, and things kind of fell flat. Was also a bit apprehensive. Oh well. It does help a little bit to not fight the excitement, and just let it happen and then return your attention to whatever else.

    It's kind of funny that I seem to get more excited during the WILD process than I do when I actually become lucid through DILD.
    DawnEye11 and Charles3 like this.

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    Updated 04-08-2018 at 11:09 PM by 40630



    1. Charles3's Avatar
      Thanks McDreamy! I haven't tried as hard at WILD recently but when I was, a few months ago, I remember I would get my body totally paralyzed, except my breathing. I heard I had to mimic "sleep breathing" but it wouldn't really work. So then I would take a deep breath and my whole body would wake up again. The other thing was my thoughts. It was like I couldn't turn my mind down enough to get into a dream. Reading your notes reminded me of that. I used so much will power to basically "resist" the "rollover signals". Now, it's like I don't have it in me! So I mainly do DEILD and DILD. I don't say that to discourage you but just to share how far I got at attempting it. I got a few WILD types of things other than DEILDs but it wasn't something I gained full control of.

      I appreciate hearing your experience with trying WILD in such detail.