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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    08/22/2011 - "Escort Servicemen"; Fragments

    by , 08-26-2011 at 11:12 PM (675 Views)
    Dream One:
    "Escort Servicemen"

    I was a soldier, during a modern war, and we men were going through some trial, where we had to choose wives from a crowd of random women, and prove ourselves worthy of them by escorting them through this sort of 'bonding' exercise. That exercise consisted of leading them into a hostile area, reaching a checkpoint at about 100 yards, and then escorting them back to our camp. The twist was that we men were given blast-resistant suits, and the women were made to remain in their civilian clothing. With our flack suits, we men had to shield our prospective women with our bodies, while escorting them across the killing field, constantly maneuvering ourselves to block the bullets and explosive blasts barreling in on us from all sides.

    The conditions were hellish, moving from cover to cover, but getting tagged by all kinds of ammunition, while we staggered through the explosions, bullets zipping by our ladies' uncovered bodies. We did our best to traverse the field, but I watched many couples die in their attempts, either blown apart by ordinance or gunned down by shots to unprotected areas. The smoke was blinding, and the explosions were disorienting, but my future bride and I had finally made it to the end of the field. This was like the hornets' nest, and the resistance greatly intensified. I don't even remember the moment at which we hit the checkpoint and began our way back, but we were soon huddling back toward camp, fighting off the continued barrage.

    It was then that I noticed that I couldn't feel the woman in my padded arms anymore. Looking down at the hollow between my arms, I saw that she was nowhere to be found. Immediately, I knew what happened, stopping in place and turning back to face the checkpoint. It was now being swarmed with enemy combatants, and I knew that I had somehow lost her in the fray. For a moment, I tried to muscle my way back toward the checkpoint, but I was getting hammered with heavy machine gun fire and RPG's - smoke trails streaming out from the 'hornets next' and detonating on and around my huge, cumbersome flack suit.

    Finally, caught a glimpse of her, through the smoke and flames, she was being hanged. I can't remember if I actually saw her, or just a silhouette, but I remember the image of her dangling from the noose, before being cut down and then impaled on a spike, as if to be propped up for show. At this point, I knew there was nothing I could do and I turned to make my way back to camp, feeling absolutely horrible about my failure...and still getting rocked by explosions and assaulted with gunfire. On the way back, I found another woman on the ground. Her protector had been killed, and she was down in the dirt, completely helpless. I lifted her to her feet and shielded her as I had done with the other woman, guiding her the rest of the way back to camp to meet up with the rest of the survivors. I don't remember anything that happened when I got there, though.

    Dream (Fragment) Two:
    I was on a stretch of dirt road which ran alongside a highway - the two roads separated by a chain-link fence. I had to get from one side of the dirt road to another, on foot, and there were a few people with me. The thing was, whenever we'd try to get across this stretch of dirt and grass, we would get killed by some psychopath who was roaming the area. Then, we would have to 'restart' at the beginning of the stretch, and try to take another route, or move through a little more quickly to try avoid the killer. I remember that he would kill really disturbing ways, and I recall one time having my entrails carved out of my body with a spoon.

    There was also a female voice narrating the entire dream's details, like a commentator on some 'shocking video' show. That's about all I remember of the dream, though. I don't know if I ever ended up getting passed that stretch of road.

    Dream (Fragment) Three:
    All I really remember was that I was skateboarding with some old friends. I've never been all that great at skateboarding, but I was rather impressed with myself, in the dream. I pulled off a few ollies and one flip trick where I stood the board up vertically and balanced on it, but for setting it back down on the wheels.

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    Updated 08-27-2011 at 12:22 AM by 2450 (Typos)

