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    Visions in the Dark

    Hunting the Magic Girl

    by , 06-13-2006 at 11:23 AM (468 Views)
    This dream took place in a high school (though not one I recognize) where many students were gathered together in the gymnasium. All the DCs in this dream were unrecognizable to me. I had a slightly different appearance then I do in waking life, as I usually do in my dreams, (thinner, shorter hair etc.)

    I cannot remember now exactly why the students had gathered but some were "setting up camp," so to speak, as if they expected to stay there for a long while. Some other students, myself included, had the ability to float or fly and we were attempting to get up to the gymnasium's rafters were we could perch and have more room for ourselves.

    Some things happened that I cannot now remember and the dream sort of changed. I am not sure if it is a completely different dream but it seemed to me that they just ran into each other. I had the same appearance and the atmosphere was similar, though the location changed to something that resembled a cross between my primary school's tarmac yard and a forest.

    Most of the students had dissapeared and now there was only a small group of girls and boys. I recognized them from the previous part of the dream as the students who could float or fly, though now we could no longer do so. Some of us had magic abilities, while others had "anti-magic" abilities. I don't know how to explain the anti-magic abilities other than that those who had that kind of power could dispell or destroy any of the abilities of the magic users. I was an anti-magic user.

    There was this powerful magic using girl who was causing all sorts of chaos, though I cannot remember in which ways, but it became my responsibility to track her down and dispell her powers. She was not named in the dream so I will refer to her as the Magic Girl. For some reason no one else was willing to stop her disruptive and destructive magic and I had to go alone. I chased the Magic Girl through a foresty area and back to the tarmac/forest area and into a nearby brick building. The inside turned out to be very similar to the gymnasium from the first part of the dream.

    She cast some powerful spells that had various negative effects on me, but I managed to dispelled them before they killed me. In an act of desperation, the Magic Girl turned herself into a pencil and created duplicate pencils that filled the room to confuse me. I could not dispell this power so I recruited some of the other anti-magic users to help me in breaking the pencils in half to draw out the Magic Girl.

    One of the DCs suggested it would be a unusual looking pencil but that would not help us much as most of the pencils looked different from each other anyway. It took a while but eventually I happened upon the pencil in which the Magic Girl had hid herself. When I broke it, rather than peices of lead falling out, I pulled out a long glowing strand of black hair. The DCs and I stared at it silently for a moment before it disintergrated in my hand and the remaining dust particles were swept away in some invisible, unfeelable wind.

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