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    Inner World حلم Gamma Waves

    Seeing Ice.

    by , 11-07-2015 at 05:47 AM (415 Views)
    I initially found myself in the room and suddenly it began to become extremely dark. I could tell from my window something out of the sky had to have made it become instantly dark. I for some reason was thrown in a state of panic requiring some sort of light. I attempted to to turn on all the lights in the room but none of them would work. This made me more paranoid and suddenly I thought lights are a dream sign. This spark of lucidity died quickly as I saw one the doors opened up to the living room. I began running on top the stairs seeing my brother and mom. They greeted me and I could see the sky from the window is now sunny. I wake up. Lucidity Time: 4 seconds

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    lucid , non-lucid
