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      As far as morality, I don't see any difference between LDs and Real Life. God exists everywhere and everytime, so if you are moral while awake, certainly you would want to be moral while asleep! I had to laugh to myself at church last week... we sang "Every Step that I take, Every moment I'm awake, I give my life to You" I told my wife I didn't agree... why limit yourself to just your waking time?" Anyway, that's my take. I am excited to explore the "powers" one can exhibit in LDs... teleportation, walking thru walls, shapeshifting. I think that sounds more exciting than using LDs like a giant porn factory. I feel my Christian walk greatly improved by LDs, and my faith strengthened. Although my Church might not understand LDs yet, I've found it has strengthened my faith.
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      I agree with your views on morality and dreams. I too am investigating this. Love to discuss further.
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    1. fOrceez
      fOrceez liked post by cedward1 On thread : Stupidest Ways You've Missed Becoming Lucid
      I have a recurring dreamsign where I can't find a decent public restroom, and if I find one there is no privacy. The other night I dreamed I was in a convenience store, and I needed to use the...
      Liked On: 11-30-2011, 05:52 AM
    2. gab
      gab liked post by cedward1 On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      I would strongly advise against doing this. Since you don't know who or what this is, you have to act on the possibility that this is someone real and/or special. You could quite easily anger her or...
      Liked On: 10-03-2011, 11:11 PM
    3. Zhaylin
      Zhaylin liked post by cedward1 On thread : Is the Bible the true word of God?
      Environmental biology. Some graduate work in ecology. If you want to get technical, environmental biology and ecology doesn't really cover the origin of life, but it does go into evolution a good...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. Zhaylin
      Zhaylin liked post by cedward1 On thread : Is the Bible the true word of God?
      This may be a little off topic from the original theme of this thread, but I have to disagree with two things you stated here. As someone with a background in biology, I can tell you that...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. MashuPota
      MashuPota liked post by cedward1 On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      (Is this what you were referring to, Snowboy?) I have to respectfully disagree here. To say that logic and rationality has no place in this forum is to say we will no longer be looking for...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. Allie
      Allie liked post by cedward1 On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      I think the Egyptian Yuya thing is a coincidence. Just because there is someone in the thousands of years of human history with a name that is spelled (once translated) the same way, it doesn't...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. Dianeva
      Dianeva liked post by cedward1 On thread : Are lucid dreams actually as rich and detailed as life?
      My non-lucid dreams can be quite vivid indeed, especially if I take an herbal supplement or vitamin before bed. However, my lucid dreams are usually much less vivid. It seems that the very act of...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. Puppehnumber7
      Puppehnumber7 liked post by cedward1 On thread : I am new to this, but can't dream. Any tips?
      It is my understanding that everybody dreams every night. If you get enough sleep, you will always go into a period of REM sleep. However, not everyone remembers their dreams. I would say that...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
      MIIISTERNEUGIT liked post by cedward1 On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      I'm afraid, Snowboy, that you did sound rather unfair to MIISTERNEUGIT in your postings. Of course, with text it's hard to tell what the spirit of the words are sometimes. But the phrase "flaws in...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. Hyu
      Hyu liked post by cedward1 On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      If someone does make a game out of this, let me know so I can play, too! And Hyu, since you mentioned the idea of a Myst sort of game, here's a link to a group of people who are Myst fans and do...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by cedward1 On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      If someone does make a game out of this, let me know so I can play, too! And Hyu, since you mentioned the idea of a Myst sort of game, here's a link to a group of people who are Myst fans and do...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by cedward1 On thread : Extremely odd Lucid ability.
      It would depend on the circumstances of both RL and DL. I have had some dreams I wouldn't mind living in for a couple of years, and then there is something like last night where I would be chased by...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. GMoney
      GMoney liked post by cedward1 On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      (Is this what you were referring to, Snowboy?) I have to respectfully disagree here. To say that logic and rationality has no place in this forum is to say we will no longer be looking for...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. Wristblade56
      Wristblade56 liked post by cedward1 On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      (Is this what you were referring to, Snowboy?) I have to respectfully disagree here. To say that logic and rationality has no place in this forum is to say we will no longer be looking for...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. Hyu
      Hyu liked post by cedward1 On thread : A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's
      I am curious as to where the names "Haven" and "Riven" came from. For one thing, "Haven" was the name of a planet in Star Trek TNG that was sort of like a Shangri-la. In that particular episode, a...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View cedward1's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries


    by cedward1 on 05-09-2012 at 04:37 AM
    Another FA Lucid

    I wake up, and go to use the bathroom. While I am in the bathroom, I am thinking about a family member who has been having some vision issues going on lately when waking up in the morning. I look at the medicine cabinet above the sink, and realize that I seem to be having problems seeing as well. I can't see the medicine cabinet, and the towels which hang on the back of the door seem to be above the sink. I look again, but things still don't look normal.

    I do a nose pinch RC and discover that I can still breathe and am dreaming.

    I think of what I ought to do, and consider doing something like eat the doorknob (lately I have been having weird ideas of what is fun in LD's). I suck on the doorknob, and then decide to leave the bathroom. I open the door, and see a big microwave hanging on the wall. About this time I wake up.
    lucid , false awakening


    by cedward1 on 05-07-2012 at 12:30 AM
    Archaeology in Caves

    I am on a trip somewhere. We are walking around a pond. The pond seems small, but after walking around a good way along a path that encircles it, I realize that it is bigger than it looks.

    There is a man in the middle of the water of this little inlet, doing something with animals. I think he is catching crocodiles, or something. I hop on some rocks out to where he is, and the rocks become some kind of a wooden platform high in the air. At the end of the platform, I find that the man has become some kind of a professor of archaeology, and the platform is at the entrance into some deep caves.

    I don't remember all the details of this dream, which is too bad because the dream was rather neat. I go into the caves in search of some interesting artifact, and by the end of the dream I am involved in some intrigue and on a train trip.


    by cedward1 on 05-03-2012 at 12:39 AM
    Cath Lab

    I am at work (the hospital) refilling the Pyxis medication dispensing machines. I have to refill the Pyxis in the heart cath lab. This pyxis seems to be located in an Aperture Science type place, with long corridors and chambers. I go down one corridor to fill one pyxis, and start to realize how isolated I am. It also becomes kind of creepy, because I think I see a body laying on a table in one of the cath labs. For some reason, I feel that this may end up being a threat.

    There is more to this dream, but my recall isn't so good lately. My own fault, since I haven't been working on dreams so much recently.

    4/14-15/2012 (More of the Stars)

    by cedward1 on 04-15-2012 at 08:55 PM
    Swimming in the Stars

    I am exploring some big building. I think my brother has an office in this building. Apparently, the place is being remodeled, because everything is torn up and looks kind of delapidated. I think that this is a bit odd, because ordinarily the building seems modern. I do a nose pinch reality check just in case.

    At first, I seem to be unable to breathe, but after I try a bit longer I find that I actually can. I realize that I am dreaming. I immediately forget about the plot of the dream, and decide to jump out the window. The window is closed, and I smash through the glass. Kind of fun. I try to fly, but lately I have been overthinking "how" to fly, instead of just doing it like I used to do. I glide down to the street below. I appear to be in a city, much like that of the dream/computer game I am building. I look up into the sky, and the tops of the buildings, and realize that all I need to do in order to fly is to just let myself float. I bounce up a bit, and look above me.

    I see the stars in the sky, and feel the same urge I had in the last LD to fly into the stars. It is like a big pool in the sky, inviting me. This time, I fly upwards, into the night sky. Instead of flying any particular direction, I just go up. This part is a bit hard to explain, but I realize that I can float in the sky, almost like I am in orbit in space. I can see the city below me, a lovely skyling against the sky. There is just a little bit of color in the sky, as though the sun had set a while ago. I let myself just drift in this state, which is almost like I would imagine someone high on drugs would be. I find a beautiful, peaceful, almost euphoric feeling in doing absolutely nothing except float like this. The world appears to float below me like the Earth turning beneath an astronaut, and I watch, wrapped up in this feeling. It's like another world in and of itself.


    by cedward1 on 04-06-2012 at 09:50 PM
    Distracted Lucidity

    I wake up, and realize that I am dreaming. I do a nose pinch RC to be sure, and I can breathe. I walk out into the sunroom, and think about what I should do. I think about visiting the first part of my latest dream/computer game, and I may or may not do so. If I do, I find myself in the white room in which it begins. Or I may still be in the sunroom. Anyway, I decide to leave the room by breaking through the window. I am a little surprised at how easily I do this, and I find myself outside on a starry night. I know I ought to do a bit of work on testing my game, but I get distracted looking up into the night sky. There is something almost irresistable about the expanse of stars, and I have an urge to fly into space. I spend the rest of the dream trying to do this. At one point, I think maybe I should fly closer to the ground, remembering that in other LD's this helped to stabilize things.
    lucid , false awakening