Hey guys! What do you do to gain lucidity? Could you write a short (three-four lines) tutorial for those who are interested?
I don't get lucid much anymore (And I'm only 15 ), I'm trying to do SSILD now. I used a mantra- Wake up at 3 AM- two days ago and I woke up at 3:45, so I think I'm going to keep trying SSILD and MILD. WILD doesn't work for me, I just don't get into SP and when I do, I can't enter a dream. What I thought was my first WILD, using King Yoshi's technique, was probably a MILD induced by my feverish efforts for an LD.
I used ti get spontaneous DILDs- I'd be in a nightmare and close my eyes, and knew I'd wake up in seconds. Only three years ago did I realize what potential I had when I knew I was awake. Now, though, I can go two months without a LD.
Could going to sleep and counting while thinking "LUCID DREAM" work? I noticed that when counting, I rarely get past 10 before I start hallucinating and catch myself on the verge of sleep. Is there a technique to take advantage of this?
Anyway, discuss your technique