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    Thread: problems inducing dild

    1. #1
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      problems inducing dild

      Most of my dreams are triggered by WILD (apologize if im using the wrong term), ill see something in the dream thats odd and realize im in a dream, as reality checks dont seem to work for me

      Now, i have issues with DILD
      i lay still letting my body shut down while keeping my mind busy, ill start to see images as usual and then i start to see the dream itself (the dreamscape, where everything turms to color.

      So my question is this:
      How do i "enter"?
      every time i see im close i cant let my mind shut down, and the problem continues.

      Also, is the success rate higher using dild rather than wild?

      Wild is the only one that seems to work :/
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      Hello and welcome to DV!

      A bit of clarification on labelling DILD is dream induced lucid dream, which is what you say your most frequent way to have lucid dreams.

      WILD is what you are trying to accomplish right now, a wake induced lucid dream, i.e. you were awake and trying to get into a dream straight away.

      I think you are doing pretty well with your WILD attempts so far. Waiting quietly to see a dream scene appear is indeed a step to wild. I would recommend watching these dreamlets as passively as possible, trying not to get too excited and not analyzing, keep in mind that you need to allow your body to fall asleep. Also, another good thing to do is to imagine yourself being in the scene. You can imagine your hand being there and touching objects, or a continuous movement in the scene, like running, swimming, or even walking.

      Here are some good links on the technique you are trying to learn, we also have classes in the DV Academy by Sageous.

      WILD Tutorial

      Sageous' Wild classes, tutorials, Q&A
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    3. #3
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      I have some personal methods for this that might work for you. Usually when I WILD the dream appears directly in front of me--that is, I'm just above the ground looking directly ahead. When this happens, imagine that you're already in the dream, but you're sort of just floating around. When you feel you're ready and your body has fallen asleep, imagine you sort of jump/walk to the ground, and once you feel your feet against solid ground, you know you've entered the dream.
      Sometimes another thing that happens to me is that the dream scene is less around the ground and more of a panning bird's eye view (like from a helicopter or something). Two things I do to get around this is to sort of float (zoom in) towards the ground until I'm near it and then do the exact method I mentioned in the above paragraph, but another possibility is to 'summon' yourself on the ground, and then float towards and inside your body.
      I've also heard of some people who simply focus on a spot in the dream scene and say "I am there," and similar things like that.
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      My name is Max. I write ambient music and play video games.
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      65% DILDs, 30% DEILDs, 5% WILDs.

      "Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." -Voltaire

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by eviljin94 View Post

      So my question is this:
      How do i "enter"?
      every time i see im close i cant let my mind shut down, and the problem continues.
      If you WILD (trying to enter LD from wake state directly), and you come to the stage, when you can already see your dreamscape formed and ready for you, you can enter it just by "wishing" yourself to be inside of the dramscape. What I do, is I find a spot in the dream and I say "I am there", while I imagine myself moving there and being there.

      More about entering WILD http://www.dreamviews.com/wake-initi...ntry-wild.html

      Good luck and Happy dreams

    5. #5
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      For Reality Checks to work, you have to have used them for a long time. You can't just do a perfect amount, with perfect effort, and expect it to fully work after one day. I reccomend ADA if Reality Checks don't work. ADA is easier to remember, and in my opinion works faster.

    6. #6
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      About RCs - it's not really about how long you practice or how many of them you do in a day. It's totaly about your mental state while doing them. You have to believe, that they will work, because you could be dreaming at that very moment. You should also set your intent. That means that you believe in yourself, that you can and will Lucid dream that night.

      You can definitelly have your first lucid on the first day, after just few hours of practice. If you believe, set your intent and you excited about it. But normally, it may take longer, days, weeks, or even months.

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