Keeping an attempt log is probably the best thing I did in my year of Lucid Dreaming practice , one which eventually led me to having Lucid Dreams . while everyone knows how important dream journaling is , barely anyone talks about how important keeping a log and report of your WILD attempts is .
An attempt log is a report on your present practices or indivijual WILD attempts . If you are practicing any sort of DILD methods , you can write :
- Name of the practice :
- General procedure - How YOU go on doing the said practice
- Time since you are practicing that particular technique
- The effect of that technique on your dream
- The effect of that technique on your dream recall and vividity
- The effect of that technique on your Lucidity
- What you think are your shortcomings which are preventing you from gaining Lucidity
- possible solutions to said problems
If your making a WILD attempt , write :
- Time you went to bed
- Time yo awoke for WBTB
- Time you stayed up for WBTB
- WILD anchor
- Any extra quirk you made to the practice ( relaxation methods , combining some other technique etc )
- Number of Dreams recalled after waking up for WBTB
- Estimated time it took you to fall back asleep
- Any subsequent awakening ( time and number)
- The reason you think the attempt succeded/failed
- Final wake time
- Sleep quality
- total sleep time
IMO Lucid Dreaming is figuring out what works best for you , putting those factors together and hoping that your brain chemistry is right . Logging really helps in finding these critical factors that may aid in Lucidity . It also really helps in finding out your REM phase , if you have a consistent sleep schedule after 10 - 12 days of Logging you will have a pretty rough idea about how your sleep works . The more factors you get right the easier it is to Induce an LD . Another important thing is that Attempt logging helps you to figure out your mistakes and then you can work towards fixing them