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    Thread: Need help with the blinking reality check

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      Need help with the blinking reality check

      Is anyone here familiar with the blinking constant reality check? I ask cuz I don't think I understand how to conduct it and I'm looking for some guidance. Should I just be mindful of my blinking? Should I constantly ask myself whether I have to blink or not? How can I become critically aware of my blinking?

      Thanks in advance, and sorry for my broken English lmao

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      I’m not aware of blinking being a reliable reality check. It sounds like some over complicated and nonsensical RC someone has made up somewhere. Is it based on the idea that we don’t blink in dreams? That’s likely because we don’t pay attention to our blinking in waking life so we don’t replicate the behaviour in dreams either. If you start paying attention to your blinking in waking life then not only will the habit drive you crazy but you’ll also find your dreams will most likely replicate the very real sensation of blinking as well meaning it won’t be a reliable RC. It’s always good to experiment but this sounds like a waste of time and effort when there’s much better and simpler RCs you could do.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Tiktaalik View Post
      I’m not aware of blinking being a reliable reality check. It sounds like some over complicated and nonsensical RC someone has made up somewhere. Is it based on the idea that we don’t blink in dreams? That’s likely because we don’t pay attention to our blinking in waking life so we don’t replicate the behaviour in dreams either. If you start paying attention to your blinking in waking life then not only will the habit drive you crazy but you’ll also find your dreams will most likely replicate the very real sensation of blinking as well meaning it won’t be a reliable RC. It’s always good to experiment but this sounds like a waste of time and effort when there’s much better and simpler RCs you could do.
      I read about this technique somewhere else on this forum (don't know if I'm allowed to link to posts sorry) The OG thread mentions a guy named Shadowtech that achieved omnilucidity by applying this tech to both blinking and breathing. The point is to constantly monitor your breathing and blinking whether you are dreaming or not. When you no longer HAVE to breathe or blink (at least I don't have to in dreams), you know you are dreaming. What I'm confused about is what is meant by "monitor" your blinking and breathing. Is it criticality, awareness, or both?

      I know the tech sounds overwhelming but it can't be as stressful as traditional ADA which requires constant focus on all sense minutiae. Also, it's possible that it gets easier with practice as it fades into the background of awareness.

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      You are welcome to PM me the link so we can figure out if it is appropriate to post.

      No Reality check is reliable. I would keep the basics when you are starting out. It is important to think critically.
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      Quote Originally Posted by WildWolf1 View Post
      I read about this technique somewhere else on this forum (don't know if I'm allowed to link to posts sorry) The OG thread mentions a guy named Shadowtech that achieved omnilucidity by applying this tech to both blinking and breathing. The point is to constantly monitor your breathing and blinking whether you are dreaming or not. When you no longer HAVE to breathe or blink (at least I don't have to in dreams), you know you are dreaming. What I'm confused about is what is meant by "monitor" your blinking and breathing. Is it criticality, awareness, or both?

      I know the tech sounds overwhelming but it can't be as stressful as traditional ADA which requires constant focus on all sense minutiae. Also, it's possible that it gets easier with practice as it fades into the background of awareness.
      Any method of checking in with the present moment and seeing if you’re dreaming could lead to lucidity, but the beauty is you don’t have to be persistently checking all day to get lucid. You just have to set an intention to remember to reality check at regular intervals, or when you notice something dreamlike.

      Though I think it has some benefits I wouldn’t recommend ADA either for the same reason. I spent 6 months doing it and saw the habit carry over into my dreams, but because I wasn’t focusing on the question “am I dreaming right now” I didn’t become lucid often. It wasn’t until I focused more on the MILD technique and regular RCs that my lucid dreaming really took off.

      I’m just speaking from my own experience of course. You could try it and have some success but there’s much simpler ways to do this and as it’s been said already, no reality check is effective all the time and the dream could easily replicate realistic blinking if you’re looking for it.

      Also, as a side note, I’d be weary of anyone who claims they’ve achieved omnilucity. There are many who have been at this for decades and not achieved such a thing. With the right effort you can probably get very good at lucid dreaming but to be lucid every night in every dream is likely impossible or extremely rare and usually something people who want to exaggerate their abilities claim to be able to do.
      Last edited by Tiktaalik; 03-23-2022 at 09:37 PM.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Tiktaalik View Post
      Also, as a side note, I’d be weary of anyone who claims they’ve achieved omnilucity. There are many who have been at this for decades and not achieved such a thing. With the right effort you can probably get very good at lucid dreaming but to be lucid every night in every dream is likely impossible or extremely rare and usually something people who want to exaggerate their abilities claim to be able to do.
      Quoted for truth!

      It's always good to stick to tried and true methods, and foundational skills for lucidity. That means: mindful reality checking, dream journaling, WBTB, MILD techniques, visualization techniques, and falling asleep/breathing techniques. I recommend building your prospective memory skills and also critical reflective attitude.

      In the long run, these techniques are likelier to help you achieve more lucidity than trying to be conscious of blinking. Remember: repetition of thoughts or actions does not increase lucidity. Mindfulness does. You can try to be mindful of blinking, but something like that has the strong potential to become more of a mindless repetition.
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      Quote Originally Posted by MoonageDaydream View Post
      Quoted for truth!

      It's always good to stick to tried and true methods, and foundational skills for lucidity. That means: mindful reality checking, dream journaling, WBTB, MILD techniques, visualization techniques, and falling asleep/breathing techniques. I recommend building your prospective memory skills and also critical reflective attitude.

      In the long run, these techniques are likelier to help you achieve more lucidity than trying to be conscious of blinking. Remember: repetition of thoughts or actions does not increase lucidity. Mindfulness does. You can try to be mindful of blinking, but something like that has the strong potential to become more of a mindless repetition.
      Thank you for your helpful reply!

      I chose blinking as a RC because it's easier for me to do a distilled version of ADA than all of those techniques you mentioned. tbh I've never done my RCs mindfully, so my question goes, how do I attain mindfulness while doing reality checks?

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      Quote Originally Posted by WildWolf1 View Post
      Thank you for your helpful reply!

      I chose blinking as a RC because it's easier for me to do a distilled version of ADA than all of those techniques you mentioned. tbh I've never done my RCs mindfully, so my question goes, how do I attain mindfulness while doing reality checks?
      So, for reality checks, you want to do two things. Build critical reflective attitude, and build prospective memory. These are foundational skills (in addition to ADA) that will help you when you use techniques.

      Any memory building exercise is going to have a positive effect on your ability to become lucid. Just being able to think What was I just doing a moment ago? is a powerful tool in a dream (because remember - the part of your brain used for memory is dampened when you're sleeping). Prospective memory has the added bonus of pairing well with MILD techniques, and also to help you remember to reality check to certain triggers - triggers that may appear in a dream. Furthermore, building memory will help with dream recall, too.

      Additionally, as you build your memory, you will want to build your critical reflective attitude. Every time you experience anything "weird" you want to remember to RC. Every time. Even if it's just a little weird. Just anything that stands out, really. This is the #1 skill that's so important for getting lucid, in my opinion (for DILDs).

      To keep up your mindfulness when practicing reality checks: After performing your check (such as counting fingers), Stop. Really look around. Look at your surroundings. Feel. Feel the sensation of not knowing whether or not you're in a dream (because remember, when we're dreaming, we really do think we're awake much of the time). Foster this feeling, grow it. Think to yourself: I really could be dreaming right now. I could be tricking myself into thinking I'm awake. Really question.

      Do this every time you RC, and your RCs will mean something.
      Last edited by Hilary; 03-30-2022 at 12:49 AM.
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      Quote Originally Posted by MoonageDaydream View Post
      So, for reality checks, you want to do two things. Build critical reflective attitude, and build prospective memory. These are foundational skills (in addition to ADA) that will help you when you use techniques.

      Any memory building exercise is going to have a positive effect on your ability to become lucid. Just being able to think What was I just doing a moment ago? is a powerful tool in a dream (because remember - the part of your brain used for memory is dampened when you're sleeping). Prospective memory has the added bonus of pairing well with MILD techniques, and also to help you remember to reality check to certain triggers - triggers that may appear in a dream. Furthermore, building memory will help with dream recall, too.

      Additionally, as you build your memory, you will want to build your critical reflective attitude. Every time you experience anything "weird" you want to remember to RC. Every time. Even if it's just a little weird. Just anything that stands out, really. This is the #1 skill that's so important for getting lucid, in my opinion (for DILDs).

      To keep up your mindfulness when practicing reality checks: After performing your check (such as counting fingers), Stop. Really look around. Look at your surroundings. Feel. Feel the sensation of not knowing whether or not you're in a dream (because remember, when we're dreaming, we really do think we're awake much of the time). Foster this feeling, grow it. Think to yourself: I really could be dreaming right now. I could be tricking myself into thinking I'm awake. Really question.

      Do this every time you RC, and your RCs will mean something.
      Interesting! Having read this, I might go back to doing RCs regularly like I used to. Thank you!

      I have another question. You talk about having a "critical reflective attitude". Is it possible to maintain this attitude for extended periods of time? I know this is not a new idea —IIRC Naiya's DILD & WILD Secrets thread mentions questioning everything around you at once as an exercise —, I want to know if it's feasible to do and how to perform it.

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      Quote Originally Posted by WildWolf1 View Post
      I have another question. You talk about having a "critical reflective attitude". Is it possible to maintain this attitude for extended periods of time? I know this is not a new idea —IIRC Naiya's DILD & WILD Secrets thread mentions questioning everything around you at once as an exercise —, I want to know if it's feasible to do and how to perform it.
      What you're describing sounds to me like another form of ADA. Critical reflective attitude is more of a skill that you build up over a long time, a sort of discernment. Rather than spending all day in this set mode, attempt to question when certain triggers happen - such as dream-like or strange events. The idea is build the skill of recognizing a strange event when it happens, so you also do it in the dream world. If you just practice this mentality for extended times, without the trigger or distinction of strange events, you won't necessarily reality check or become lucid inside the dream when something dream-like happens. They are two different skills. Both can be good, but just recognize their differences, strengths, and limitations.

      One idea that I do recommend: Go for a walk with this mindset. Look around at the sign posts (double look), and really focus on your senses. Notice the details around you. Smell the air, feel the leaves as you walk by bushes. Listen to the birds, etc. The whole time contemplate how you could be dreaming. This could be a dream. Prove to yourself that it's not by reality checking frequently during this walk.
      Last edited by Hilary; 03-30-2022 at 09:45 PM.
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      Quote Originally Posted by MoonageDaydream View Post
      One idea that I do recommend: Go for a walk with this mindset. Look around at the sign posts (double look), and really focus on your senses. Notice the details around you. Smell the air, feel the leaves as you walk by bushes. Listen to the birds, etc. The whole time contemplate how you could be dreaming. This could be a dream. Prove to yourself that it's not by reality checking frequently during this walk.
      I agree. This is a good practice and one that eventually took over ADA for me back when I started and was much more effective.

      Below is a great video that explains how reality checks work and sums up how doing them through the day eventually builds to an awareness that feels like an “All day reality check”, which I think is also what Naiya’s turotial was getting at.

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      Quote Originally Posted by MoonageDaydream View Post
      What you're describing sounds to me like another form of ADA. Critical reflective attitude is more of a skill that you build up over a long time, a sort of discernment. Rather than spending all day in this set mode, attempt to question when certain triggers happen - such as dream-like or strange events. The idea is build the skill of recognizing a strange event when it happens, so you also do it in the dream world. If you just practice this mentality for extended times, without the trigger or distinction of strange events, you won't necessarily reality check or become lucid inside the dream when something dream-like happens. They are two different skills. Both can be good, but just recognize their differences, strengths, and limitations.

      One idea that I do recommend: Go for a walk with this mindset. Look around at the sign posts (double look), and really focus on your senses. Notice the details around you. Smell the air, feel the leaves as you walk by bushes. Listen to the birds, etc. The whole time contemplate how you could be dreaming. This could be a dream. Prove to yourself that it's not by reality checking frequently during this walk.
      Hey there. I came back to this thread cuz I'm struggling with the part about feeling the sensation of not knowing whether or not I'm in a dream. I've tried repeating the phrase "I could be dreaming" in my mind but I don't think that's enough. Do you have any tips for inducing this sensation?

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      Quote Originally Posted by WildWolf1 View Post
      Hey there. I came back to this thread cuz I'm struggling with the part about feeling the sensation of not knowing whether or not I'm in a dream. I've tried repeating the phrase "I could be dreaming" in my mind but I don't think that's enough. Do you have any tips for inducing this sensation?

      Sensations are different for everyone when you are lucid. I don't think repeating " I could be dreaming", is really going to work either.
      On average you really supposed to do more than a reality test.

      The Reality Test or Reality Check is a foundational mindset. The Reality Test themselves are just the final way to prove that the situation is not quite right or when you are in a dream is stable, you need to do that actual test to prove that this is a dream.
      I have come to a conclusion that this blinking Idea is not really a real technique nor does it seem very practical, it's an Idea that someone posted a long time ago. It might have worked for the User who posted the Quote-Unquote Technique, IDEA, or whatever, not for other people. (IMO)

      - Do you keep a Dream Journal?
      - How long have you been lucid dreaming? I would work on the foundational skills of Lucid dreaming.
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      Quote Originally Posted by HumbleDreamer View Post
      I have come to a conclusion that this blinking Idea is not really a real technique nor does it seem very practical, it's an Idea that someone posted a long time ago. It might have worked for the User who posted the Quote-Unquote Technique, IDEA, or whatever, not for other people. (IMO)
      Yeah, if it was an effective technique for all it would still be discussed and practiced by people today. It appears there was a trend for these “All-Day” techniques years back on the forum but reality checks are still the most highly recommended method from the people who know what they’re talking about.
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      Quote Originally Posted by WildWolf1 View Post
      Hey there. I came back to this thread cuz I'm struggling with the part about feeling the sensation of not knowing whether or not I'm in a dream. I've tried repeating the phrase "I could be dreaming" in my mind but I don't think that's enough. Do you have any tips for inducing this sensation?
      Quote Originally Posted by HumbleDreamer View Post
      Sensations are different for everyone when you are lucid. I don't think repeating " I could be dreaming", is really going to work either.
      On average you really supposed to do more than a reality test.
      Hey, I just want to clarify. The advice I gave to really think to yourself I could be dreaming - I didn't mean during a lucid dream. I meant that as a waking-life practice during a sensory-themed walk, and while doing reality checks.

      It's not meant to be repeated - that is mindless. Here's what I mean: Cultivate a feeling of truly not knowing whether or not you are dreaming. This makes your reality checks more potent. How do you do this? Imagination. You need to picture yourself as if you are in a dream, right now, even though you know you're not. You need to imagine you're in a dream that's so life like, you don't even know you're asleep. That's the mindset to build on. The feeling should be one of slight fear and excitement together - fear at not knowing, excitement that you could be dreaming. You can grow that from a slight feeling to a strong feeling by focusing on it.
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      Quote Originally Posted by MoonageDaydream View Post
      Hey, I just want to clarify. The advice I gave to really think to yourself I could be dreaming - I didn't mean during a lucid dream. I meant that as a waking-life practice during a sensory-themed walk, and while doing reality checks.
      Do you mean like The Journey Technique or Idea?

      Spoiler for Journey Idea:
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      Interesting. Different in practice, but that looks like a cool idea too. Love the visualization aspect. Thanks for sharing.
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      Alright people, thanks for all the help. I'm gonna try to implement your advice as best I can. Maybe I'll post an update once I start getting results (should I make another thread?)
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      Quote Originally Posted by WildWolf1 View Post
      Alright people, thanks for all the help. I'm gonna try to implement your advice as best I can. Maybe I'll post an update once I start getting results (should I make another thread?)
      Don't forget, it's not just about doing mindful reality checks. You may also need to work on memory skills, and your critical reflective attitude. Good luck.

      Feel free to make a new thread to discuss your progress (especially if you won't be posting about the blinking technique). Another thing you can do is create a workbook in one of the class sections.
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