This is where you use the daytime practice focuses on increasing mindfulness, observation, prospective memory, and focus. Night practice builds upon the daytime practice to aid in visualization in order to transition into a WILD.
1 - Establish a journey you take on a daily basis.
During your daily life, choose a journey you take often as the focal point for this technique, ideally, this should be a daily journey or commute. This must be a journey you are very familiar with.
Examples include: walking to work/school, your jogging route, walking the dog, the journey between your house and a local shop, etc.
2 - Choose your focal points.
The next time you take this journey, pick five stable points of interest, and five personal landmarks on the journey.
Examples include a well-established plant or tree, a building, a street sign, and a crack in the pavement.
I recommend a variety of different focal points, some organic and more prone to change, others solid and unlikely to change. `
3 - Familiarize yourself with your chosen focal points.
When taking this daily journey, become familiar with your chosen focal points. Get to know them well. Be vigilant in your observations.
If you notice any changes from day to day, perform a reality check.
4 - At night, visualize your journey.
If you wake during the night, especially in a period where returning to REM is likely, allow yourself to fall back into sleep while vividly imagining your daily journey, step by step, in as much detail as possible.
Engage the same level of observation and preparedness to reality check that you would employ during your waking journey.
5 - Observe results and record.
If successful your visualization will smoothly transition into a WILD, failing that, if consciousness is broken, a DILD.
If unsuccessful, attempt this technique whenever you wake again during the night.
As always, record whatever dreams you experience upon awakening.