There are a lot of techniques you can do for memory building that specifically aid lucid dreaming. My favorite is where you select certain reality check triggers beforehand and attempt to RC every time you see/hear/feel/etc the trigger. This builds
prospective memory - a very useful type of memory for lucid dreaming. The difference between this activity and building critical reflective attitude is that CRA uses dreamlike/weird events in reality, which can have an unpredictable frequency. You'd be lucky to have 1 a day, generally speaking. This, however, is intended to give you many opportunities to RC every day, with the downside that the triggers are not particularly dreamlike or weird. It's not for CRA as much.
To do this, I usually use a background image for my computer that I've created. On it are 4 reality check triggers, which I vary to include one based on sight, one on sound, one on a kinesthetic action, and one passive kinesthetic experience. That way you're working on becoming more aware of your senses, what's going on around you, your actions, etc., as well. I will use the same set of triggers until I've had some success with it, then I rotate to a new set. If you realize you are missing the triggers when they happen, don't rotate. Continue with that same set until you've got a 75% ish success rate. Then switch it up. The background image is there to help me remember what my RC triggers are; it's an aid. If you have no problem remembering the triggers, you don't have to use the background images. I happen to find them helpful.
Here. It's in this thread - this what I use. In this thread, if you scroll down, you can find background images with sets of RC triggers, as well as a color-coded master list. Feel free to use if you like.