I've learned how to astral project by accident. I can induce REM sleep just 2mins if I wanted to. I can altar my sleep patens. I can leave my physical body. I can wake up at 4 O'clock in the morning without issues. I can drift of to bed in 5mins only feeling a little tiered. I can have full blown psychedelic experiences. I can feel absolutely huge, then feel tiny. I can have closed eye hallucinations, and open eyed. I can do all this through methods of Astral projection.

Anyone who has tried Astral projection or succeeded will tell you how overwhelming and beautiful it can be. There is a energy that flows through your body which I have learned to make on demand.

This thread will tell you my methods of blowing your mind. You would’ve thought that you’ve taken DMT or some Shiz like that. Well, these methods may not work for you or they might but you haven't tried enough.

Music method:
Find a really catchy dance song like DJ splash – flying high. Listen to it for a long time, so you remember it and its always on your mind. Remember it. Now when you go to bed get really relaxed and relax. In 5mins, once really relaxed look in the back of you head and start playing the song in your mind. Play it for a few minuets, then start playing it in your mind extremely fast. This sends your mind into a spin and you start to become engulfed by the music and thoughts. At one point the music just played without thinking about it, as if It came from heaven.

Rope method:
Less hallucination but more OBE. Get a ribbon and attach it to the ceiling over your bed so you can grab it. Close your eyes and relax, play with the ribbon, remember where it is. Now lay back for 5mins. Look back into your eyes and keep a clear mind. You will soon feel a different consciousness, this is a kind of trance. Not like a psychedelic ones like in the music method. Now in the trance state imagine your self reaching out for the ribbon. Imaging that you can climb it. You should start to altar consciousness. Scary for some, completely overwhelming sensations of huge and small feeling erupt stirring your mind. You are still conscious. After a few minuets you can see and have the psychedelic feeling. Open eyed visuals now. I sometimes feel that my whole body is being sucked into a black whirl pool into another realm, the astral plane. Which looks like real life but just so different. It is a crazy place.

These methods make the following physical effects:
-heart pumps like mad, almost hurts on rope method.
Eyes and eyebrow muscles spaz like a b!tch in both methods more on The music method.
Breathing heavily, sometimes through mouth.
Makes you really tired and a re-born feeling really strange

Overall I think that the music method is that best way to start as if you are mentally not ready than Rope method can scare you sh!tless. So I’d start with the music method which was how I first developed my technique.

IF you practise a lot you can sometimes walk the astral plane, makes dreaming look like nothing. Feelings past that of an Orgasm, way past. Its another dimension, literally.