• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Lol, even you think I might become president. =P

      It's no problem, I like comments from you and others
    2. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Maybe that was a hint towards your future, when you'll be the president After all i think the president's signature is important o.o

      But then again, i don't know much about that... I'm just bored and now writing this here... lol.
    3. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      I <3 Jason Statham

      funny he gave you a -___________- lecture
    4. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Oh yeah, and the fact that I know it's just a game makes me feel more guilty
    5. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Haha, addictions are hard to quit, right ?
    6. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      That was last week or so, managed to get a 90 day membership
    7. littlezoe's Avatar
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      I thought your subscription was cancelled, Link
    8. AURON's Avatar
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    9. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      I really need some dream sex. Like seriously, I get bored of these dreams lol.
    10. littlezoe's Avatar
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      DV, Runescape... now only a sexual dream is missing, then this post would be completed

      jk xD
    11. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      I'm sorry for misinterpreting what you said, thanks Kaomea.
    12. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Heh, the only reference to the drawings was in my initial comment. Everything after that was based mainly on the part where you thought Eva had been abused and whatnot. I was commenting on how you're interpreting what you experience and bringing into question how you apply your own reasons as to what happened versus knowing what happened.

      For example: Eva appears dirty and in physical disarray. This would be a direct observation.

      "There's something odd about her, there's this type of loneliness within her, she looks degraded, used up, raped, or something...it was kind of sickening," <--- those are judgements and can lead to an emotional link set associated with this further down the road.

      It's not a big thing... it's just one of those things where you can either say, 'I see a square' vs 'I see something that has four equal sides'. You can experience the same thing in different ways depending on how you choose to see it. What I was inquiring about was if you thought that in the dream or as you were writing it.

      Although, I admit I'm just getting carried away here and it's really just all frivolous. It just seem like an interesting point of discussion initially.

      It's not really a big deal. Just one of those things to notice if that's something you're wanting to analyze.

      I will say I think the drawings are great. I have nothing critical to say about them at all.
    13. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Love the drawings, Link. Although I did question why you had a smudged eye in the first one. Digging the contrast too.
      I messed up when I was trying to draw out the outline, so I shaded that messed up part and hoped that it made me look more serious. Some person on Facebook said it made me have that "Don't mess with me" look.

      I still think I'm horrible at trying to draw myself though, I can never get both my eyes right for some reason >.<

      Hahahaha, your anime logic kicking in XP
      No it's just a MGS3 element that was in the dream (I deleted out that little explanation from the original entry so only the dream was focused on I guess.

      It just depends on how your brain works. Judgements tend to limiting.
      I guess, sometimes I have a feeling that the same person that shot her didn't really "shoot" her. Know what I mean? Like he would be some kind of double agent that would be on our side or something, and we would have a kick ass trio on our hands.

      But nah, probably not that way, hahahaha.

      Although, if you just wrote it here to help build and image for us through your writing, that's entirely different. It's an after thought. Although, having those judgements during the writing process can influence how you ultimately process what you experienced in dreaming as well.
      I think I understand what you're trying to say. You're trying to tell me that with emotions and recall, it might tempt me to over-exaggerate the drawings. Either way, I just want to try and remember something out of it, and it won't be skewed that much.

      But I'm not sure if you're questioning the drawing or the writing, or both. If it's just waking life thoughts coming in, I try to just put those in gray font and leave out the rest in blue.

      But what I'm interpreting from you is that I might push it a little too much because of judgement. Well, it's kind of hard to stoically write your dreams without feeling some kind of emotion that might slightly alter how you interpreted it, right?

      I don't really need to have some kind of enlightened journey to know why I'm trying to draw these dreams, it's just to help with locking in recall....even though you might not think that, it does for me.

      But again, maybe I'm not understanding what you're telling me.

      Granted it's not entirely possible to be completely objective (or maybe it is?) but it's at least something to be taken note of just for the awareness factor.
      I don't understand how this relates to the dream, but I remember this dream as a pure emotional fest, I was only following her, we didn't talk, so I didn't really have to think that much to form anything. All I had to do was look and follow, but it's when I screwed up by going out of balance with alerting the guards that screwed up how I viewed the dream.

      I'll just wait for your response, I think you're trying to tell me something, but my judgment is probably going to make me see it the other way around. >.>
      Updated 06-26-2012 at 01:18 PM by Linkzelda
    14. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Love the drawings, Link. Although I did question why you had a smudged eye in the first one. Digging the contrast too.

      and an Exclamation mark appears on his head....
      Hahahaha, your anime logic kicking in XP

      He came so quick, that I couldn't even shoot him because my gun didn't even fire any bullets. He shoots Eva, I get fucking pissed, and the gun magically works, I shoot the hell out of the guy.
      I dunno if you notice this, but the more you demand something to work... say the gun here.... the chances of it working increases. That was nice to see.

      I completely forgot about her, and I turned around, but I couldn't do it quickly, everything was going slow, the dream is starting to fade, and this would've been the point where I would've been lucid, since I felt so much emotion in this dream.....
      Hey that's a pretty nice moment too. I know how much you've been working on building emotion in dreaming.... and here you finally achieved a full fantasy dream of your picking. You also followed along but your dream memory kicked in and reminded you that you forgot something.

      Look, you're getting what you wanted

      Although the entire idea of why Eva appeared the way she was is very subjective. You're imparting your own reasons for why she might appear the way she does without actually knowing why. Sometimes that can be distracting and lead you down other thought patterns which can largely influence the entire dream. Of course, it might not either. It just depends on how your brain works. Judgements tend to limiting.

      Although, if you just wrote it here to help build and image for us through your writing, that's entirely different. It's an after thought. Although, having those judgements during the writing process can influence how you ultimately process what you experienced in dreaming as well.

      That and it might not really matter that much to you. Although since dreams are experienced and stored in a similar manner as waking events... I find I like it better if I'm not placing my own judgements on what happens. I mean, I try. Granted it's not entirely possible to be completely objective (or maybe it is?) but it's at least something to be taken note of just for the awareness factor.
      Updated 06-26-2012 at 07:55 AM by Kaomea
    15. Singularity125's Avatar
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      Man, your dreams are cruel. I'm glad I don't have any like that. xD
    16. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Ahahaha, the second dream was great. What an unfortunate situation to be in.... And what a crappy classroom. Get it? Get it?? Heheee.

      Sasuke quickly stabs the side of me.

      DAMN IT!!!!
      Noooo! That sucks. :c
    17. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Lol at that first dream
    18. Camo's Avatar
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      Sasuke need a power outlet......... OMG
    19. <span class='glow_00FF00'>StaySharp</span>'s Avatar
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      Lol that first dream made me laugh really hard, awesome dream joke
    20. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      With a smile.
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