• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. <span class='glow_0000FF'>Man of Shred</span>'s Avatar
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      you were in my dream last night but I can't remember what happened
    2. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      Lol. Agreed!
    3. KingYoshi's Avatar
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      "The last thing I remember is this 'friend' firing wild pot-shots at me, as I hauled ass away from the house."

      What a bastard!
    4. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      Thanks, T!
      Although, sometimes I do use them. Most of the time that I don't, it's because I don't remember the actual dialogue. Lol.
    5. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      Wow. That sounds intense! I can just picture the scene of the hatch opening up, beneath the street.
      Well, welcome to Dream Views! I'm glad the first dream you read got to strike a chord with you. If you start up a journal here, I'll be looking forward to reading some of your entries!
    6. Phantasma's Avatar
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      For crying out loud! I literally just signed up with this website and your dream was the first one I read. When I saw that picture of the huge hovering spaceship I got chills. I had this EXACT dream about 25 years ago! Only difference in my dream, besides the people involved, was that my spaceship dug itself into the earth until it's top was flush with ground level. A huge round hatch then opened up to reveal an entire functioning city within! Totally creepy!
    7. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      Thanks, Matte. Yeah. I am definitely going to remember this one for a long time to come...
    8. Matte87's Avatar
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      God damn! That was one awesome dream. Mindblowing.
    9. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      LOL. Yeah. I'm just trying to get caught up.
    10. AURON's Avatar
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      Looks like someones waking up in the morning now!

      Edit: Oh wait, I just read the date.
      Updated 02-01-2011 at 01:06 PM by Akono
    11. triptout's Avatar
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      actually I sent this to you already...?... ah I don' remember

      Banshee to Swan Dive - Dream Journals - Dreamviews Lucid Dreaming Community & Resource
    12. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      Nice. Looking forward to it.
    13. triptout's Avatar
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      Well I must say... that I can go without any head popping (unless I know I'm dreaming... which never really leads to my acting out anything... but more so going "i'm dreaming... i can get shot all day and laugh it off"). Hey let me see if I can find the last dream I wrote down in notepad. I don't know what I'm doing but I'll see if I can post it so you can read it.
    14. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      "Today's show was brought to you today by the letters 'W.T.F."
    15. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      LMFAO. That would have been hilarious. I'm going to have to try to remember that.
    16. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
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      Hey, man. Fancy seeing you around here!

      Yeah, it was actually really realistic. It happened too quick to really focus in on how detailed the gore was, but the head-popping seemed pretty damn real. Heh.
    17. triptout's Avatar
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      This would be the best lesson cartoon ever. There's plenty of meat in the story to bring the characters to life... and even a nice little "let's get over our differences and be friends" moment at the end. Perfect for Saturday morning cartoons. Wakka Wakka Wakka

    18. triptout's Avatar
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      I like that you don't use exclamations in your writing dude. Let the reader figure out the emotion. Thumbs up
    19. triptout's Avatar
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      lol you should have played him in basketball.... that would have been funny if he still beat you when you were lucid right? hahaha awesome
    20. triptout's Avatar
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      Dude the astronaut head exploding bit is nuts! What you described seemed pretty realistic (especially because we HAVE gone to NASA). Did the part with the nude exploding seem real also? Crazy

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