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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 06/01/13 Templars in the Shadows

      by , 06-02-2013 at 09:29 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Templars in the Shadows
      I am in a strange place. I look around to see where I am. I don't recognize the place. I leave the small room I find myself in to find I am in a large gathering hall. There are quite a few people there. All of them are Assassins. I see a reflection and I realize I am also dressed as an Assassin, so I fit right in. I wonder why I might be there. I start to wander among the Assassins to see if I can find out. I finally spot a familiar face. Ezio is off to my right talking to an Assassin I don't recognize.

      I keep looking around and I spot an Assassin that looks off somehow. I get closer to him and I see he seems to be surrounded by an aura of dark energy. That's not normal for an Assassin. I get closer to the strange Assassin. I catch a glimpse of his eyes. They are solid black. That is definitely wrong. He pays no attention to me. He seems to be focused on Ezio. He moves silently up behind Ezio. No one seems to be taking notice of him. Apparently no one else can see the dark energy. He is standing right behind Ezio now. He is about to stab Ezio with his hidden blade but I get him first. The dark energy Assassin collapses, dead. Someone calls to Ezio to look out and someone grabs me from behind. Apparently they think I'm the attacker here... Ezio turns around and looks at me. The other Assassins are telling Ezio I was trying to kill him. Ezio just looks puzzled. He says no, that's Raven, there must be some other explanation. One of the other Assassins points at the dead Assassin and says I just killed him. As if on cue, the dead Assassin changes into smoke and disappears. Assassins are all staring. I hear people muttering, asking what that was. Ezio wants to know what that was. I tell him it was a shadow Templar in disguise. He had been about to stab Ezio in the back. Ezio says that doesn't make sense, either. Ezio says he just recruited that guy, and when he checked him out he was definitely not a Templar. I wonder if maybe the dark energy can somehow fool Ezio's eagle vision. Since he's not used to seeing it. I wonder how to test that theory. I would have to find another disguised shadow Templar. But where would I find one? I look around the room. There are quite a few Assassins, but none of them look out of place. No sign of dark... wait... I spot someone in the corner with a dark energy aura. A female Assassin who is trying to blend with the rest of the group.

      I get closer to Ezio. A couple other Assassins don't seem to want me too close to Ezio, they block my way. Ezio comes over closer to me. I point over to where the shadow Templar is and ask Ezio if he sees anything out of place over there. The shadow Templar is with a group of four Assassins. Ezio looks over there and says he only sees a group of five Assassins. Another Assassin tells Ezio not to trust me, what happened to the dead Assassin is just proof of my evil tricks. Ezio doesn't pay any attention to him. He asks me what he should be looking for. I tell him dark energy, one of them is a shadow Templar in disguise. And it's a good disguise. Ezio looks over there for a bit longer. An Assassin pulls me away from Ezio and tells him that the traitor is right here, I am clearly the Templar here. Ezio says no, he is sure I'm no Templar. The other Assassin starts to object again but it is clear Ezio isn't paying any attention to him. Ezio just looks at him until he lets go of my arm and backs off looking frustrated. Ezio turns his attention back to the group of Assassins I pointed out. The question is how to get Ezio to see dark energy. I am focused on that goal when I think of the song Unforgiven II by Metallica. I take this key and I bury it in you... the key to seeing dark energy. Ezio finally says he does see something. The woman, second from the right, has a dark aura... but why didn't he see that sooner? I tell him it can take time to see dark energy when you're not used to it. He starts to go over to the shadow Templar. I tell him to wait, now that he sees them he needs the energy that can destroy them. In a pocket of my robes I find a Witchblade with a light energy crystal which I give to Ezio. He puts it on and then goes over to the small group of five Assassins and I follow him. He directly addresses the shadow Templar. The shadow Templar tries to act casually but looks a bit worried. She points at me and says she can't believe someone she thought was an Assassin had turned traitor like that. Ezio says I am no traitor... and he can see what she is. She backs away a step but then laughs. She gives up all pretense of being an Assassin. She says there is no way the Assassins can win with the power she and the Templars have now. She tries to attack Ezio but he is too fast and stabs her with his hidden blade. She laughs and says she can't be killed. Then the gem in the Witchblade activates and charges the blade with light energy. The shadow Templar stops laughing and says that is impossible just before she collapses and disappears in a puff of smoke. Ezio looks over at me and asks if I see any more. I look around and I don't. I tell Ezio that, and add that now that he has seen one he should be able to see them a lot more easily. He asks where these Templars are coming from. I tell him I can answer his questions but not now, I am about to wake up. He looks at me strangely then I wake.
    2. 05/29/13 Templar Ambush

      by , 06-01-2013 at 12:23 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Winter Shield
      I am in a place I don't recognize. I have somehow become semi-lucid without remembering how it happened. I look around and I see Nomad sleeping in a bed. He is there holding Winter. I stand and watch them sleep for a while, thinking they look peaceful together and feeling lonely that there is no one in this dimension meant for me. I am lost in my own thoughts when I see that I am not the only one watching them. I look around and see there are Templars everywhere. I am not sure what they are doing there but I am sure they are up to no good. I drop an Immortal Fire spell right near Nomad and Winter. The explosion of energy incinerates all the Templars in its path. When the energy fades I see all of the Templars are gone. I look back at Nomad and Winter, feeling a little better. Being alone doesn't mean I have to give in to the Templars. I wait for a bit longer and Nomad wakes up, or more accurately he enters the dream. He looks up at me. I tell him he had been surrounded by Templars, but I got rid of them. We can get right to putting up a shield around Winter. He agrees that is a good idea, first we'll have to go into her inner world. He says he isn't sure what condition the place is in… Since I have never been in there I let Nomad take both of us into Winter's inner dream world. Once we are in Winter's inner world I see that it is in complete chaos. The place is on fire, and there are dream demons flying everywhere. Nomad looks around and then says the dream demons are only DC's. That means her inner world has fortunately not been invaded as it appears. The dream demon DC's are making things a bit chaotic so I focus on two songs at once. Enter Sandman to create a cyclone of energy and Black Hole Sun to draw all of the free flying dream demons into the center of that cyclone. There is a large explosion in the center of the cyclone and the DC dream demons are destroyed. I look around and see Nomad holding on to Winter. I focus on the song Blitzkrieg by Metallica in order to form a defensive shield around all of Winter's inner world.

      After that is done I focus on the song Full Moon Light to spread healing energy throughout the place. It flows to all areas of Winter's inner world as well as through Nomad and Winter. Nomad looks upset by something. I ask him if Winter is ok. He says we need to go to the healing glen. I open a portal to the healing glen and we go through it. We are greeted by the Crystal Golem. We all sit down in the tall grass, Nomad is holding Winter close to him. The birds are singing, there are butterflies flitting around as well as some other iridescent insects. An angel is singing a healing song. For some reason the healing energy isn't making me feel any better, I am feeling more alone than ever. So I get up and leave, walking through the tall grass until I come to a small pond.

      I sit down on the banks of the pond and look out over the water wishing I didn't feel like crying. But I am alone… so it's ok to cry. So I sit there and cry silently. I don't know how long it has been before someone is beside me. He asks if I am ok. I instinctively try to wipe the tears away, it is a habit for me to not want to be seen crying. He doesn't say anything more, he sits down beside me and puts his arm around me, pulling me close. Somehow the fact someone came to check on me makes me want to cry more, people don't do that in my waking life. I look to my side and see Altaïr is the one sitting beside me. We sit there for a bit until I hear strange noises behind me. Nomad is there, says something about smoking a joint. Winter is playing around with some kind of ninja powers. Nomad says we have to find Ezio. Altaïr says he already knows where to find Ezio. The Ezio we are looking for is from the same world he is from, just a different time period. He said he scouted the area and caught sight of a shadow templar disguising himself as Altaïr, but he disappeared before Altaïr could stop him. A fake Altaïr… that would explain the visions I got of Ezio and Altaïr fighting, it was no doubt the fake Altaïr. Good to know since between Ezio and Altaïr I would tend to choose Altaïr. I wake up, and for a few seconds I still feel Altaïr's arm around me as if he had come out of the dream with me.

      Shadow Ambush
      I am in a city I don't recognize. I look around but I don't see anything that can help me recognize the place. Something about it reminds me of a city from a video game, so I decide I must be testing out the latest virtual reality system. So I set to exploring the town. There are quite a few people wandering the streets but I don't recognize any of them and none of them seem to notice me. I continue wandering until I find several guards that seem to be bullying one man, pushing him around, threatening him… I figure it is probably an optional task to teach those bullies a lesson. So I check for weapons and find I have a sword and a hidden blade. Good enough. I go over to the guards and tell them they had better leave that man alone. The guards laugh at me and tell me I had better move along if I don't want to get hurt. I tell them I don't see anyone around that could hurt me, but this is their last chance to back off. The guards just laugh at me. One of them says maybe they should put me in my place. The guards are now surrounding me, there are five of them. The guy that had been being bullied takes the opportunity to run away. Jerk… he won't even stick around to offer a reward for helping him? Well, kicking these guys' asses should be a reward in itself. The guards are around me with their swords drawn so I draw my own sword. This brings more laughter. One of them laughs and says the little girl thinks she's going to be able to fight. One of them attacks me. I block his attack and then cut him down with a counter strike. The other guards seem surprised I was able to do that. The others attack me now, I dodge out of the middle of the group, using a counter strike to take another one out. Three left, and they're all attacking at once. I focus on one and use a counter strike, turning around quickly to find the two coming from behind me… are already dead? They haven't even hit the ground yet, and there is a man standing between them, the one who killed them.

      I recognize that man as Ezio. He is looking at me strangely. Ok… taking out a few guards is easy, but I don't think I'm a high enough level to take on Ezio… but I don't have to. He comes over to me, it sounds like he is going to ask me to join the Assassins, but he gets interrupted by another Assassin running up to him. He says there is trouble, and Ezio is needed right away. Ezio follows the other Assassin quickly and I follow Ezio, since he's apparently going where the action is. We leave the main area of town and end up in a small glen of trees. The other Assassin has stopped and is just standing there. Ezio asks what is going on, who is in trouble? The other Assassin looks up with a really evil grin on his face and says Ezio is the one in trouble. There are Templars emerging from the trees. They all seem to be surrounded by dark auras. Shadow Templars! There are shadow Templars in this game? Then there had better also be magic to defeat them! Ezio is instantly ready to fight the new enemies. I tell him to wait just a second… then focus on the spell song Battery to summon a lightning bolt of light energy to charge Ezio's sword.

      He looks at the sparking blade only briefly before attacking the shadow Templars. There are six shadow Templars including the one disguised as an Assassin. The Templar disguised as an Assassin is the first to fall to Ezio's blade. The others has been moving in, but when they see their friend go down so easily they seem to hesitate, giving strange glances at each other. I hear someone muttering about dark energy making them invincible… and a response of just kill them! Ezio takes out a Templar coming at him from in front and then one off to his right in one smooth motion. I manage to take out one attacking Ezio from behind and then counter strike the one attacking me. I turn around just in time to see Ezio cut down the last Templar. Ezio looks around to make sure there are no more Templars hiding in the trees and then over at me. He asks who I am… there was something strange about those Templars, what was it? All I end up tell him is my name… Raven Knight… then I feel like I am about to wake up. I find that disappointing. I don't want to return to my waking life. I realize I have spoken aloud, said I don't want to leave. Ezio says I don't have to go anywhere, but apparently it's not up to Ezio… I wake up.
    3. 05/26/13 The Haunting of Ezio Auditore

      by , 05-27-2013 at 09:26 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      The Haunting of Ezio Auditore
      I am lying on my back in a green field of grass. I am looking up at a clear blue sky. I have entered this dream already lucid by way of a hypnosis program. I hear the music of Metallica playing in the distance, I fell asleep listening to Metallica. I get up and look around. I am alone in the field. I remember that the first goal was to do the usual healing. So I focus on opening a portal to the healing glen on the moon. A portal opens and I go through. On the other side I am near the healing springs. Nomad is already there, and Winter is floating in the water. I go over near Winter and focus on the song Voices to heal her. Healing energy flows through Winter, and through everyone at the healing springs. When we are finished with the healing I tell Nomad that we have to find Ezio. I remember a previous dream that indicated shadow Templars would be going after Ezio. I focus on opening a portal to find the instance of Ezio that needs help. I focus for a bit and finally a portal opens. Nomad immediately disappears through the portal, I follow after him. On the other side we are inside a building, it is night time. My first thought is that we are in one of the Assassin Dens or Assassin Towers off of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood or Revelations. I look around the room and I see there is someone in bed sleeping. It is too dark to see who it is. But there are strange figures standing over the bed. Five of them, two on each side of the bed and one at the foot of the bed. One of the figures near the sleeper's head takes out a glowing dagger and prepares to stab the sleeper. I yell at the figure to stop and jump over the sleeper to tackle the figure before it can stab the sleeper. I pass right through the figure and crash face-first into the floor. I look back at the figure. While I didn't succeed in tackling the figure, I did succeed in distracting it from the sleeper. I think I surprised the figure simply by being able to see it. Nomad tells me they are on the astral plane, I need to also be on the astral plane to fight them. As if to prove the point he transforms to be part panther and shreds one of the figures with massive claws.

      The other figures turn from the sleeper towards Nomad. I have to be on the astral plane? I am unsure of how to switch planes like that… Nomad is fighting the figures. They are attacking him with strangely glowing weapons, astral weapons. I wonder how I can help if I can't shift planes. I form Witchblade into a sword, but it passes right through the figures without effect. Nomad has now torn another of the figures apart. I see the sleeper shift restlessly as if having a bad dream. I am getting frustrated at being ineffective. I attack a dark figure, this time charging my Witchblade sword with energy. That seems to have done the trick, and I slice one of them in half as Nomad shreds a fourth. The last one is coming at me and I am able to cut it down before it reaches me. I go over to the sleeper, who still looks uneasy in his sleep. I look closer at the sleeping man… I recognize him. Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed. I wonder how he could not have woken up during the time Nomad and I were fighting the intruders. I look closer and see Ezio is in an uneasy sleep. I hesitate, then I carefully try to wake him up. No response. I try a little harder. No response. Nomad says he thinks Ezio is being kept in a dream state by a dream demon. We need to go into his dream to allow him to wake up. That sounds a lot easier than trying to shift to the astral plane. I find a dream crystal in my pocket and I give one to Nomad. The gems activate and we are both beamed into Ezio's dream. Once we're in the dream I see Ezio's nightmare. There is a platform with some people tied to stakes, surrounded by kindling. A man up there is laughing and about to set the kindling ablaze, burning those people alive. Ezio is trying to get to them, fighting his way through a hoard of Templars but not making any progress.

      It is clear he is desperate to reach those people before it's too late. I look around to see where the actual dream demon might be. I don't see any one enemy that stands out. Nomad says there are so many dream demons. I look around again, there must be the main dream demon somewhere. I finally spot that the man on the platform about to light the fire is the main dream demon. Nomad has charged into the group of Templars and is scattering them, throwing them through portals that form in the sky. I head straight for the man with the torch. When I get close enough I use the song Dream Warriors. The dream demon gets pissed off and transforms into a giant wraith. I look and see that Nomad has gotten rid of enough Templars that Ezio has reached the platform, though now he is staring at the wraith. I use another song, Enter Sandman by Metallica to create a cyclone of energy around the wraith. There is a large explosion as light and dark energies mix like matter and antimatter. As the wraith explodes there is a blinding flash of light and then the dream suddenly ends. I wake up in bed.
    4. 05/16/13 Escape From Jerusalem

      by , 05-17-2013 at 10:06 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Escape From Jerusalem
      I am lying on a blanket in the middle of a green field. I look up at the clouds passing through the blue sky, I see that one of them looks like a cat. I sit up and look around. I am by myself. I remember my dream plans. Healing. I have been making it a habit to do some healing on Nomad's girlfriend Winter to try to get her fibromyalgia under control. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be helping. But I guess I'm not ready to give up trying. So I open a portal to the healing springs on the moon. Nomad and Winter are already there, so I go through the usual process of healing with the song Voices. It makes me want to fall asleep in the dream, but I remember that there is another plan. To share an Assassin's Creed dream with SJ. As if he already knew what I wanted to do, Q appears and says he will send me to the proper instance of Jerusalem. He snaps his fingers and the scene around me changes. I am now standing in a back road of a city that looks like Jerusalem from Assassin's Creed. I am just missing SJ. I use the song Dream On by Aerosmith to initiate a shared dream. I focus on SJ, and after a bit a woman appears. She is dressed in dark Assassin robes and is looking around at the city but doesn't seem to notice me. I ask if she is SJ, she says yes. Now to find Altaïr. Of course that could be difficult in a place the size of Jerusalem, especially if he doesn't want to be found. I figure Q probably sent me to a place fairly close to Altaïr. SJ and I walk out into what looks like a busy market place.

      There are vendors all around selling their wares, people buying, it is very crowded. I see what appears to be the main gate out of the city not far away. There are Templars blocking the way, which is getting quite a few people more than a little pissed off. I look around the area and I spot one of the game hiding places. Five robed scholars approaching the gate. But the middle one isn't quite right. The differences aren't nearly as visible as in the game, his weapons are mostly concealed beneath his robes. I can see the tip of the sword hanging down below the robes, but that is it. If I didn't know what I was looking for… The group of scholars approaches the gate and tries to pass through but the Templars block the way. After briefly arguing about it and then getting threatened with execution the group turns back into the market place. I see a bench nearby, so SJ sits on one end and I sit on the other. As I expected, Altaïr sits right between us and looks over at the gate, watching the Templars closely.

      SJ is staring at Altaïr. Maybe he sees her from the corner of his eye or maybe he just senses her watching him, but Altaïr turns and looks at SJ. SJ hesitates briefly, then holds up her left hand with the ring finger bent over to indicate she is an Assassin. I can't see his face, and it is too loud to hear if he is speaking, so I don't know how he responds. But after a short time he turns and looks over at me. I copy SJ's hand gesture to indicate I am also an Assassin. He looks at me closely for a bit, perhaps checking my identity with his eagle vision. He seems satisfied that SJ and I are both Assassins. He says it is important that he get out of Jerusalem as quickly as possible before Robert de Sable meets with Richard. SJ indicates the gate. He asks if we know how many Templars are out there. I say it's not enough. Altaïr says he'd been hoping to avoid a direct confrontation with the Templars but there is no more time to wait. So all three of us go over to the gate. Templars get in the way and say no one enters or leaves. The Templar who spoke eyes us suspiciously. Two more Templars join him when we seem unwilling to leave. There are three of them, three of us… three stabs with three hidden blades, three dead Templars. The others don't seem to immediately realize what has just happened. We are halfway through the gate before some Templar sounds the alarm, pointing at us and yelling that the Assassins are here, don't let them through. So now a fight begins. I look over at SJ and see she has produced a sword from somewhere and knows how to use it. She kills a Templar as I watch. The next thing I know Altaïr yells to look out. I turn just in time to see Altaïr's throwing knife embedded in the neck of a Templar who had been coming at me. I need to pay less attention to SJ and more attention to the Templars! I dodge an incoming attack from a Templar and counter strike with my Witchblade sword, taking out another Templar. We are fighting our way towards the stables. Altaïr is after a horse. So we fight our way to the stables, leaving a trail of dead Templars in our wake. Then Altaïr is on a horse, tearing out of the stable at full speed and running down a couple Templars who had been blocking the gate. SJ and I kill some Templars trying to get to the horses to give chase. I see Altaïr disappear into the distance. There's no way they'll catch him now. I have just killed another Templar when I wake.
    5. 05/04/13 Disturbing Assassins

      by , 05-04-2013 at 08:04 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      I am at school. I look around and see it is my old high school, though I haven't been there for years. I walk down the halls looking for some sign of where I am supposed to be going. I spot someone I don't want to see. Someone I knew during high school who pretended to be my friend when she really had no interest in being my friend at all. Her name was Jamilia. I see her a bit farther down the hall but she has not yet seen me so I duck around a corner into a restroom to keep her from seeing me. I really don't want to see her. I look around and see there are a couple people I don't know in the bathroom doing their business. The stall walls and doors are only about waist high. That is high enough to conceal what everyone is doing but not high enough to conceal who is in each of the stalls. That seems like a dreadful lack of privacy. I don't want to go back out the way I came in because Jamilia might still be there so I look around and see the bathroom has two exits. I go out the other exit and find I am in the assembly room. I walk into the large room and I hear music playing loudly. I see there is a band there setting up for a concert. The song they are playing is "I'm Alive" by Disturbed. Awesome! Disturbed is going to be playing at the school! I can't wait to hear them. The song doesn't sound quite right and I notice their lead singer isn't there. David Draiman is missing and one of the others is singing instead. It doesn't sound bad, just different. Then I spot movement off to the side and David Draiman arrives, jumping from the upper level of the auditorium on a cheap looking bicycle and landing only a couple feet from me.

      I am surprised the bike holds up to the jump, as it looks like it is made of plastic. The bike crumbles as soon as David Draiman gets off of it. He joins the other members of Disturbed and they continue playing "I'm Alive" as if nothing strange had just happened. I stay there and listen to the music since no one has told me I have to leave. I am hoping I can get autographs… I look around for something they might be willing to sign. All I can find is an old notebook, but it seems better than nothing. Maybe I can start an autograph book. I am waiting to see if there is a break during which I could approach one of them when the dream ends.

      The Memory Remains
      I am in a space ship or space station of some kind, I can't tell which or even that it is in space. All I can tell is I am in some kind of control room with computers and monitors all over the place. I have the feeling I am in space, though I am not sure where that feeling comes from. I am the only person in the control room, so I look around a bit. I see some of the monitors are active. One of the monitors is showing what looks like vital signs and a display that indicates the cloning process is complete. Another monitor reports that pertinent memories have been restored, other printing indicates these pertinent memories have to do with skills and fighting technique. It reports all other memories have been successfully blocked. The third screen shows a woman on the screen being equipped with robes and armor and weapons, I recognize her from a video I have seen, she is the Assassin known as Shao Jun. She has a blank look on her face and I wonder if those non-pertinent memories are of who she is. The people equipping Shao Jun with her weapons and armor are Templars. I put together that they have intended to clone an Assassin with all of her skills and use her… but what if she remembers who she is supposed to be? And that the Templars are the enemy? It seems likely that she will recover the blocked memories on her own in time, but why not speed the process on a bit? I see this control room is an observation deck and I am looking down on the room where all of this is taking place. I see Shao Jun in the room below, now standing there by herself, fully equipped for battle.

      The door to the control room opens and a Templar scientist enters the room before realizing there is someone in here. He asks who I am and what I am doing there, but there doesn't seem to be much doubt about the answers to those questions since I am in my usual Assassin robes. He is going for an alarm on the wall when I grab hold of him, he immediately goes into wimp mode and starts begging for his life. I need to make sure he doesn't set off an alarm, maybe lock him in a closet? I let go of him just for an instant and he tries to stab me in the back with a mini lightsaber he had tucked into his belt. The blade singes the hair on my neck as I barely avoid it, killing him with my hidden blade before he can try again to kill me. I break the glass of the observation deck and jump down in front of Shao Jun, who seems unsure of whether to attack me or not. She seems a bit disoriented. A Templar comes back into the room and yells at her to kill me. I focus on the song spell "The Memory Remains" by Metallica. As the song plays, Shao Jun does attack… the Templar. Cuts him practically in two with her katana. More Templars come into the room. They may have energy blades, but they aren't getting anywhere near hitting Shao Jun with them. I watch as Shao Jun kicks the asses of every Templar that tries to come through the door. She turns to me and says she can see I'm an Assassin, so let's get out of here… and take out any Templars in the way. I climb back to the observation deck / control room. I set a couple controls and then a mechanical voice announces that the self destruct process has been activated. Time to get out. I teleport both Shao Jun and myself out into space where my Fire Valkyrie is waiting, we appear safely inside.

      Shao Jun seems only slightly surprised by the teleportation. I fly away from the space station that is shaped like a giant Templar symbol… and we get out of range just as it explodes. I am thinking I need to take Shao Jun to some place where there will be other Assassins, but I don't get to figure out where to take her before I wake up. Hetfield tells me there is now a Shao Jun in my inner world…
    6. 04/19/13 Pirates and Templars

      by , 04-20-2013 at 12:06 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Healing Quest
      I am in a wide green field completely surrounded by Templars. This is getting to be an old scenario which I am quickly growing tired of. I decide to completely ignore them this time and I open a portal to the moon. I go through the portal and slam it closed in their faces as some of them try to follow me. On the other side of the portal I find I am at the healing springs on the moon. Nomad is there with me, and Winter is relaxing in the water. I focus healing energy through Winter, and then more through Nomad. I stop and think for a minute… I remember saying I would try to heal a friend on Facebook who said she was getting the flu. That person, who I will refer to as SJ for her privacy, had chatted with me on Facebook and I agreed to help her by trying to heal her flu before it gets too bad. I wonder how I am even going to find her since I have only talked to her a couple times and have never met her. So I focus on the energy I felt when I was chatting with her on Facebook, focusing my natural ability to track and trusting it to find her. A portal takes a little time to open, but finally it does.

      I go through the portal into a dark place, though it is just dark because it is night time. There is a woman there who looks familiar, she looks like the photo I have seen on Facebook, she is even dressed in the Assassin costume she has used for her profile picture. She looks at me and smiles, she gives me a hug and thanks me for coming here to help. I tell her it's really no problem, I would like to be able to use dream healing to help more people, one problem seems to be that a lot of people don't accept that it works. Part of it might be my own self doubt… so I focus healing energy through SJ, directing the energy to back up her own immune system in fighting off the flu virus that she has said is trying to make her sick. Golden energy flows through her as she is standing there. I tell her there is a place she might want to see, it also has a very relaxing and healing effect. I take her back through the portal to the healing springs. She looks around the area, seeming to like what she sees. Nomad wants to know who my friend is, he says she looks like a dreamer from our world. He asks if I met her on Dreamviews. I tell him I met her on Facebook. He gets out of the healing pools and says hello to SJ. Winter doesn't respond to our presence, she is still floating peacefully in the water. I slip back into the water, telling SJ it is very relaxing. I close my eyes and relax, letting the healing effects flow through me as I fall asleep in the dream and wake up in my waking life.

      Wizard Glass
      I am in a cave with some other people. I look around to see who is there. Roland is sitting near the mouth of the cave holding a box, there is an orb inside the box that is black and it seems to be glowing with black light.

      I go over closer to Roland to see what he is doing. He is just sitting there gazing at an open door. The door appears to be set in nothing but air, and I see a moving picture through it. I see Eddie through the door, and I remember a time when Roland held the box open while Eddie went through the door to take care of some things. I wonder why I might be there, I have the idea things aren't as they were meant to be. I hear voices talking from the back of the cave, they are saying all sorts of negative things. My mother is telling me she is so very disappointed that I am a useless lump in life, saying I shouldn't still be dependent on her at my age… I remember the nature of the voices so I make an effort to tune them out. I go over to the entrance to the cave. I see some people approaching the cave on the path. They are limited as to how many can approach the cave due to the narrow and winding path that approaches, but there are quite a few of them. I think maybe I should have some backup, and the first person I think of related to the Dark Tower is MoSh. So I open a portal to find MoSh and one opens. There is a strange interaction between the portal I have opened and the strange door, lines of force flowing between the two gateways. MoSh comes through the portal. Some invisible force tries to pull him through the door, but as soon as my portal closes the force dissipates. I look back out at the approaching people, they look like Templars to me. I wonder what they are doing there. I figure whatever it is they want it can't be anything good. One of them approaches the cave entrance and sees MoSh and me there. He sees me right away but has not seen MoSh, since MoSh is off to the side and a bit closer to the door. He points a gun at me and says he is here for the orb, so step back while he takes it. MoSh doesn't give him a chance to try to shoot me, he shoots the Templar who has come to steal black 13. The others behind him respond by firing weapons at us, weapons that are far too advanced for the time period the Dark Tower takes place during. Automatic weapons, high caliber fire arms… someone throws a grenade in which I kick back out. It goes over the edge before it explodes. That was apparently not agreed on as I hear a lot of cursing after it explodes, someone calling someone else an idiot and saying that would destroy the thing they were after. So there is a shootout from the cave entrance, MoSh and I are able to pick off the Templar attackers as they approach.

      The others take cover around a corner in the path and are out of reach. I look over at Roland, but he appears to be zoned out into another world, I wonder if he has even heard the gunfire. I figure black 13 is responsible for his current condition. MoSh and I make our way out of the cave to intercept the rest of the Templars before they can resume their approach. There is another shootout at the bend in the path, MoSh and I take out more of the Templars as they retreat back down the path, there is a lot of cursing from them. Roland is then near us, he picks off a couple more Templars that are trying to circle around below and shoot at us from there. Eddie is there now, too. The remaining Templars disappear through a portal at the base of the cliff. I wonder what there will be to keep them from returning and stealing the black 13 later when no one is there. Roland has apparently thought of the same thing, he says he would rather not have it that close, but they'll have to take black 13 back with them so they can keep an eye on them. He asks if MoSh and I know who those people were who were after the ball… I tell them they are trouble, and apparently they have decided to put themselves in our road. It is here that I wake up. 

      Treasure Hunt
      I am on a ship at sea with some other people. I see Nomad not too far away and I see Captain Jack Sparrow standing right beside me. He is pointing out over the ocean to a rocky looking island in the distance, it seems we are heading for the island. Jack says something about the lost treasure being there, in a wrecked ship among treacherous rocks.

      Another pirate says only a crazy person would get close enough to attempt to claim the treasure said to be in the ship's hold. He laughs and returns to his duties. As we get closer I am able to see the treacherous rocks and the ship that is wrecked somehow in the middle of them. I wonder why they had been heading there in the first place. We get what seems like dangerously close to the rocks before Jack tells the crew to stop. We'll have to get closer in a smaller boat, which seems a bit dangerous, too. I decide I can swim it better. I jump off the ship before anyone can tell me to stop and dive into the water. I find I can hold my breath for quite a while, and I swim near the bottom side of the ship… which is actually the top of the deck… and I find hatches that lead to the cargo bay. I surface for a breath and go back under to the cargo hatches. It takes a bit of effort to open it but the hatch finally comes open. I swim inside and find there is a pocket of air trapped within the ship. There are crates and things lining the walls, many of them have fallen over and spilled random contents on the floor, which is actually the ceiling. The air smells stale. I see what looks like a loose plank in the side and I see it is a covered window. I open it up and a rush of fresh air flows into the room. I call to the others that I found a way into the cargo bay. Nomad and Jack join me in the ship's cargo hold and we start looking through the containers. I find a chest full of gold coins, that is the first sign of treasure I have found.

      I tell the others I have found treasure. Jack looks at the gold but doesn't seem all that interested in it. He says that's not what we're looking for. He says go ahead and take what I can, but what he is looking for is a golden idol, a statue of a monkey that is said to have magical powers. A monkey statue? I start looking through other containers, I am not finding a monkey. We have soon searched all we can get to. I swim underwater to check out a few more containers that I can reach. I find more gold, but still no golden monkey idol. Jack says they must have already gotten it. I ask who. He doesn't seem to be paying any attention to me for the time being. He goes back outside the ship and gets in the boat to go back to the ship that brought us there. The ship, now that I see it from a distance, looks like the Black Pearl. It is a cool ship. We are heading back towards the ship when I wake up.
    7. 04/18/13 Ambushed!

      by , 04-19-2013 at 01:03 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Ambush I
      I am in a green field, I am completely surrounded by Templars. I don't really want to take a lot of time on these Templars. I tell the nearest Templar that I am about to drop an Immortal Fire in case they would prefer to leave before that happens. No one responds by leaving, instead it looks like they are about to attack me. A strange energy seems to be radiating off of them. I use the Immortal Fire spell and create an explosion of fire that expands out from me… Before the fire has even faded I open a portal to the moon, heading for the balancing pools. I go through the portal and into the pool. Nomad is already there with Winter, and he seems to be trying to heal her. I focus healing energy through Winter and also through Nomad, I figure to get rid of the remaining sores on his foot. I am still focused on the healing when a dark shadow passes over the healing springs. I look up and see there are huge winged creatures in the sky over us. They look like giant bats or wraith horses, and each one has a Templar riding it.

      They are in the biodome? They dive down and are attacking everything in sight. They are dropping energy bombs. The bombs are exploding and spreading dark energy all over the place. I use another Immortal Fire that creates only light energy, I don't want to cause any more destruction than the Templars are already causing. A blast of light energy extends out from me and incinerates the Templars, along with the dark energy bombs they are dropping. I get on Stardust, a winged unicorn with flaming mane and tail.

      I ride into the sky and survey the area around the biodome. There are Templars attacking everywhere. There are Templars attacking over a city down below. The city is around a large temple. Nomad has followed me into the air and immediately attacks the Templars. I use the song Battery and strike a number of Templars with lightning. I fly down over the city and see there are all different races living in the city, all of them being attacked by Templars. I wonder what it is the Templars are after… I activate another Immortal Fire, and create another explosion of light energy. The light energy is destroying all of the wraith Templars it hits. I land in the city down below, feeling a little drained now, maybe too many Immortal Fires at once? I see Nomad blowing on what looks like the Horn of Eld from the Dark Tower series. Shortly after that I notice there are many others in the fight now, many of whom I don't even recognize, but they seem to be fighting against the Templars. The fight is still going on when I am unable to avoid waking up.

      I am with some other people just outside a town. I see some people sneaking into the town. The people disappearing into the town are Templars. The Templars are disguised as civilians. I am there with Nomad and Altaïr, I notice they are disguised as the Templars are. I am in the same disguise. We enter into the town. Q appears and says the Templars are aiming to plant dark energy bombs in various parts of the city, he isn't sure if the goal is to gain control or just to destroy everything, but it has to be stopped. So we split up and head into the city, looking for the Templars or the bombs they have left. Nomad and I are near the castle in the center of the town when we spot a couple of Templars leaving a bomb. We each take out a Templar with our hidden blades. Another Templar says something about a traitor, but doesn't get a chance to sound the alarm before Altaïr silences him. I hear someone calling for help from inside the castle. We all go in and follow some stairways down into a dungeon where there are several Templar wraiths torturing an orc.

      We still look like Templars, so they take no notice of us. We easily get close enough to covertly cut the bonds holding the orc back. The orc grabs an axe from a surprised Templar and cuts him down with it. I take out a Templar right beside me using my hidden blade. At first they seem to think there are traitors among them, but it doesn't take them long to realize they have been infiltrated by Assassins. Nomad is throwing Templars through portals, he says something about them respawning if they are killed. I use Through the Never to open a vortex portal to somewhere around Pluto, and it pulls a pair of Templars through it. It will take them a bit of time to get back from Pluto, I figure. I then wonder if they won't just open a portal and come right back… The orc we freed has no ideas of sending Templars anywhere except the grave. He is about to attack me when I transform back to my Assassin form and he stops quickly, realizing I am not an enemy. I return to the surface and scan the area using Eagle Vision to see if I can find the remaining Templar infiltrators. I see the trails they have left, though it is not that easy to follow. I am not sure which way they went in! I follow a path to a bomb, which I send through a portal to a void between worlds where it won't hurt anyone. I get attacked by what looks like a random civilian, but is actually a Templar. I see him coming since he is glowing red, I see him in time to dodge his attack and counter with one of my own, forming Witchblade into a sword which he practically impales himself on. I see other people who look like Assassins searching the area for any more bombs. I wonder how many Templars got into the town. I never have a chance to find out before I wake. 

      Ambush II
      I am in a hotel room, it looks weird there, sort of like a dream. Maybe it is a dream. I pinch my nose and find I can still breathe, so I know I am dreaming. I hear a lot of cursing from nowhere at all. I recognize the voice of the person cursing as Susanna Dean from the Dark Tower books. I am not sure how I recognize her voice, but there is no doubt in my mind that is who it is. She is getting angry at her alter, Mia, for setting Eddie and Roland up to be killed. I remember the scene in the book that this is referring to. I talk to Susanna telepathically. I tell her that no matter how many hired goons have been set on Eddie and Roland, it won't be enough. Mia asks who the fuck I am, she says she didn't know before and wants to know now. I tell her to be glad I don't want to alter the story enough to kick her sorry ass right out of there, and send her chap along with her. She says I couldn't do it, but she doesn't sound too certain of that. I have to get to Eddie and Roland. I focus on opening a portal to find them, and it opens, so I go through. I am near what looks like a truck stop called the Dixie Pig. As soon as I appear there someone starts shooting at me, so I hit the dirt. As I am there on the ground I see I am not alone. Eddie and Roland are both there, Roland is looking at me strangely and Eddie looks a bit disoriented.

      We are being shot at. It is the small army sent by Enrico Balazar to intercept Roland and Eddie. Roland asks where my friend is. I focus on a portal to find MoSh. The portal opens and MoSh comes through, hitting the dirt as he is also being shot at. Eddie seems to be coming around, and we all start returning fire. I shoot a couple hired goons that are closing in on us from beyond several parked cars, behind which the remaining people take cover. Not all of them make it, however, Roland shoots three, Eddie shoots two, and MoSh shoots two. There are at least five more hidden behind the vehicles. I see someone else coming onto the scene. Nomad is riding what looks like a saber tooth tiger and shooting with a couple revolvers. He flushes the five goons behind the car into the open and shoots a couple of them, the others are left open to being shot by Roland, Eddie, MoSh. We make our way to the gas station area of the truck stop as more hired goons close in on us. An 18 wheeler comes barreling out of control and crashes between us and what looks like a couple dozen more hired goons. Roland wants to go out the back, there are three customers in the place that are staring wide eyed at us. Roland tells them all to get down, but only one of them does it. A couple older women get shot and collapse to the ground. Eddie recognizes one of the enemies and refers to him as old double ugly. Double ugly seems to recognize Eddie, and hesitates much long and gets blown away by Eddie. I notice for the first time Eddie has been shot in the leg. Some hired goons are coming around each side of the truck stop, and some are coming through as we get out the back. None of them get very far before we cut them down. John, the customer that is still alive, says he has a way to make an exit but we need a distraction. Roland shoots one of the fuel tanks and starts a leak. John throws a lighter to it and it bursts into flames. We all head down a path behind the truck stop as the gas pumps burst into flames. We haven't gotten far out of the way before there is a huge explosion behind us.

      It looks like it must have taken out quite a few of the goons with it, I wonder if any of them managed to get away. We all pile on a boat and head out across a lake to put distance between us and any remaining goons. Roland, Eddie, and John talk a bit but I don't pay a lot of attention. We get to the other side of the lake and enter a boat house. I tell them I can do some healing. Eddie looks a bit confused, Roland looks at his right hand, flexing all five of the fingers there. He tells Eddie I can do it, but hurry. I find the bullet wound in Eddie's leg and focus healing energy through it. The wound begins healing and quickly closes up. I also heal a bullet wound in Eddie's arm and a bump on his head. I look over at Roland, but he says he is fine. I grab his arm anyway and focus healing energy through him, I remember he was having some trouble with arthritis… which I am sure I can't cure, but I think it should help some anyway. And I have even less time than they do, I feel I am about to wake up. As I focus healing energy through Roland everything around me fades and I wake up.
    8. 02/18/13 Countdown to Extinction

      by , 02-19-2013 at 01:01 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Countdown to Extinction
      I am in a tree. I am dressed in my usual Assassin robes. I am not really lucid, though I do remember the goal I had for the dream. The goal is to hunt poachers after reading an article about people poaching elephants for ivory got me pissed off. I look around and see I am in a forested area, standing on a large branch.

      I look down from the branch I am standing on, and about 15 feet below me I see there are two men. Both of them are holding rifles and looking up at me. One of them is pointing his rifle at me, the other seems a bit more hesitant. The one pointing his rifle at me is laughing. He says it looks like someone has been playing too much Assassin's Creed and adds his little brat nephew plays video games. The other guy says he doesn't want to shoot a person. The one aiming his gun at me says he's going to bag himself an Assassin. Don't worry… no one will find the body. Just as he pulls the trigger to shoot me I jump out of the tree and land on him hidden blade first, killing him before he can kill me. The other guy takes a startled step backwards, he says he is there to hunt, not to kill any people. I ask what he is hunting. He doesn't answer, but he aims his weapon off to the right. I see what looks like a white tiger over there.

      I tell the man he gets only one warning not to do it. He ignores me and cocks his weapon. I grab the rifle out of his hands and hit him with the butt of it. He falls over but gets up again, now pointing a hand gun at me. He asks what the fuck I did that for, he wasn't threatening me, just a dumb animal. His commotion alerts the cat and it disappears into the forest. The man is angry now, and he says that pelt would have fetched him a couple thousand dollars. I tell him to leave the animals alone. He says he sees I'm one of those bleeding heart animal lovers… well I'm about to have a real bleeding heart. He shoots at me. I actually deflect his shot with my hidden blade before burying that hidden blade in the man's chest. I hear a gunshot not far off. More poachers! I follow the sound of the gunshot. I look down off of a small cliff and I see a hunter has a white tiger cornered in a rocky area. I pull out a crossbow and aim at the asshole. Someone behind me tells me not to do it. She says she doesn't know why I am planning on killing that man, but… I interrupt her and say because he is a fucking poacher. I shoot him with my crossbow before looking to see who has told me to stop. There is a Templar standing behind me pointing a gun at me. I don't really care about Templars. I see movement in the trees and I head off after what I believe to be another poacher. He is crouched over an unconscious white tiger and has a knife. He hears there is someone behind him but clearly doesn't realize who. He is telling me that he's not going to ruin a single square inch of that pelt by shooting the cat. Just paralyze them… they'll die when you skin 'em. The Templar has followed me and stops short. Clearly disgusted, she asks if the man really plans on skinning that cat alive… He looks over, surprised to see the Templar and me. He asks who the fuck we are. I comment that he has done what I thought was impossible… he has gotten a Templar and an Assassin to agree on something… that being that he is an asshole. The Templar says asshole is too nice a word for this guy. He moves to cut the paralyzed cat but the Templar aims her gun and puts a bullet between his eyes. The Templar says she hates poachers more than Assassins… Well I hate poachers more than Templars. I wonder if there are any more poachers around, but I wake up before I can look.
    9. 01/30/13 Secret Rescue

      by , 01-31-2013 at 12:44 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Secret Rescue
      I am flying over the Nile, phasing into a dream. I land on a beach and wait for the dream to stabilize. I realize I am not alone. There are numerous people all over the place. They are all attacking me. I am surrounded by and being attacked by Templars. I focus on opening a portal to a Dark Tower dream. A portal opens, I go through it and close it immediately behind me to block them from following. On the other side I am walking the street of a city I don't recognize. It looks like a city out of Assassin's Creed: Revelations.

      I wonder how I ended up here when I was aiming for a Dark Tower dream. I walk down the street when I see someone hidden behind a merchant booth signaling to me. I go over to the woman behind the booth, and she indicates she wants to get farther away from the main thoroughfare. She seems really worried or scared about something. I quickly look around, wondering if she has something to do with the people that attacked me on the banks of the Nile. We appear to be alone. She says she has something to tell me, but I have to promise to hear her out before doing anything. I agree to that. She says she knows I have been looking for the person in the market district that has been reporting Assassin activities to the Templars… she pauses, then says she is that person. She backs away from me and quickly adds that she doesn't want to, but they have her daughter and will kill the girl if she doesn't cooperate. She looks around nervously, she also seems unsure about me. She says she just wants her daughter back safely. I ask if she knows where the girl is being held, she says in the large house at the end of the street… yes, the one surrounded by Templars. She asks if I will get her daughter back. I tell her that's the plan. She says she has to disappear, if a Templar sees she is talking to an Assassin they will surely kill her daughter. She heads the other way quickly and disappears around a corner. I go back to the street and look to the end where there is a home that looks much larger than the other buildings, almost like a small palace. There are Templars guarding it.

      I wonder where in there the girl might be. I don't want to be seen until she is safe or they might realize what is going on and either move or kill her. I go down the street but I turn off before getting in direct sight of the Templars. I look along the side of the building, looking for a way in. About halfway up there is an open window. I shoot a tendril of Witchblade out like a grappling hook and use it to climb up the side of the building to the window. I find myself in a bedroom that is currently unoccupied. I wonder where I should start looking for the girl. I peek out into the hall. I see the girl isn't content to wait to be rescued, she is creeping down the hallway. I see the resemblance between her and her mother, she looks like she is about 10 years old. She sneaks by the door I am peeking out of. As she passes the next door, however, it opens. A Templar guard steps out and grabs her from behind. He says he should cut her open right now. She bites his hand to try to make him let go. He gets mad and says no one said the kid couldn't be injured. He has a dagger out now. To get his attention off of her I tell her she shouldn't bite that thing… it's probably diseased. She says he is a disease and stomps on his foot. He shoves the girl down and attacks me with his dagger. He practically impales himself on my hidden blade… I tell the girl I'm there to get her out, her mother sent me. She comes with me back the way I came from, and I use Witchblade to lower us back out the window. We disappear into the city before any other Templars are aware she is gone. I go back to the place where I met with the woman, and she is clearly relieved to see her daughter safe. She says she can tell me a lot about what the Templars have been doing… but I am about to wake up, so I tell her to tell one of the others if she wants, I am unable to stay. I wake.
    10. 01/27/13 Ruins and Spiders

      by , 01-28-2013 at 02:15 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Dark Tower Fail
      I am in the sky flying over the Nile river in Egypt. I land on a beach near the river and wait for the dream to stabilize. I think I would like to go for a Dark Tower dream. So I focus on opening a portal and I go through it. On the other side I don't recognize where I am as a scene from the Dark Tower. I am in some kind of underground temple ruins that look like something out of a Tomb Raider game.

      I wonder if this is some variation of the Dark Tower world or if I have ended up somewhere else entirely. I go with the Tomb Raider game, and I do a couple jumps from one pillar to another in order to keep off of the ground. I see there are people on the ground, they seem to be looking for something. I get the idea I'd rather not be seen by those people. I see an exit passage over a door at the far end of the room. A couple jumps get me to the passage, though I succeed in knocking some debris down as I go. Some of the people down below notice that, though they don't actually see me. One of them says they are not alone in here… another says there is an Assassin here… my thought is there is no one here but Lara Croft. I do a final jump to reach the passage over the door, though I almost miss the jump. I scramble up the edge feeling a bit less graceful than Lara Croft right now. I hear the people behind me talking about finding something before the Assassin. Assassin? Maybe I'm not playing Tomb Raider… I follow the passage over the door and drop down on the other side. There is a long hall that looks like a place that would be perfect for a trap. I think maybe I can avoid setting off any traps by not touching anything. I fly down the hall, being careful to touch nothing. The hall ends at a dead end. I think that is a bit strange. I hear an explosion behind me. Whoever is trying to get here first is behaving like a bull in a china shop. I look closer at the dead end and see there is a keyhole of some kind. It looks about the right size for a hidden blade… which I use to open it. A slab of concrete slides to the side. In the next room there is a treasure chest in the middle of the room. I open the chest and find there is a glowing orb inside it.

      I wonder what that is. I hear voices behind me, the people from the other room are almost here. I grab the orb and slide it into a pocket on my robes, which are my usually Assassin's Creed style robes. Now to split. I focus on opening a portal to my intended Dark Tower dream. A door forms, standing on its own in the room. I open it just as the people reach the far door and see me. I hear one of them calling to me to stop right there, but I go through the door and slam it in their faces…

      Note: I woke up at this point, but actually succeeded in a WBTB lucid dream that continued the same dream…

      House of Spiders
      I am in a strange house, I have just come through a door. The door closes behind me and then disappears. I wonder where I am, I pause to clear my mind. I know I am dreaming, and I know I had been looking for a Dark Tower dream. I feel the weight of something in one of the pockets of my robes. I look at it and find it is a glowing orb about the size of a baseball. I put it back. I look around the house. It looks like some kind of haunted house, and I soon remember that Jake had to pass through such a house in order to join Roland and the others.

      I wonder if in this case he will need help or if I'm just here to make sure it's ok. I remember MoSh. I open one of the doors off of the hall I am in with the intent of finding MoSh. The door opens on a library, and I see MoSh in the other room. He is standing near a book case full of old books, he is paging through one of them. I try to get his attention, but he seems quite distracted by the book he is reading. There is someone behind me. I turn around, certain I will see someone there, but there is no one. I go down the hall and reach a landing that overlooks what must be a living room. There are people down there, they are looking around as if confused. One of them says it doesn't matter where they are, find the fucking Assassin and get the artifact back. I recognize the people as Templars. I think they want the orb in my pocket. I am watching them when a big fat spider drops down on the railing right in front of me. Spiders don't normally bother me, but this is a fat reddish one that is the size of a softball… and I am immediately grossed out.

      I take an involuntary step back, issue an involuntary "Gah!" as I trip over my own feet and fall on my ass. The Templars down below hear me and one of them points and announces to the others that the Assassin is upstairs. They head for the stairs, I don't want to bother with Templars right now. I go back to the door where I saw MoSh. I get lost. I wonder how I managed to get lost when the hall had seemed so simple before. It's like the whole place has changed itself. I am in a long hall with doors on both sides. There is a Templar right in front of me, he is demanding that I hand the artifact over. Something drops on my shoulder. I practically freak out, it is one of those spiders! The Templar demands again that I hand it over… so I grab the spider and hand it to him, desperate to have it off of me. The spider feels hairy, wiggly, and gross. The surprised Templar takes the spider, then instantly drops it and steps back with a cry of shock and disgust. I don't have time to view his reaction, there are more spiders. I want out of there. I run down the hall, dodging a couple more spiders as they drop from the ceiling. I see Jake at the end of the next hall, groping at a hole in the ground. There is a door at the end of the hall that seems to be glowing. The walls of the house are moving all around me. I see figures emerging from the walls, and a large face at the end of the hall. The face has sharp teeth and it looks hungry. As if to prove that it devours the Templar in one bite. Jake is freaking out, but he has apparently gotten the key. The door at the far end of the hall opens. I head down the hall as hands reach out of the wall, groping for Jake. I use my Witchblade sword to cut the hands off of the walls as Jake finds a wall of solid dirt behind the door. More hands grope for Jake and me. I cut them off as they reach for us. A door has opened in the end of the hall. A large plaster figure is coming from the end of the hall, reaching with huge hands. Something flies in from the door… something invisible… passes by me in a rush of air and collides with the figure with a loud crash. I give Jake a boost forward (up?) through the door. Roland grasps his hands and pulls him through. He reaches back for me, but I don't make it before I wake up.
    11. 01/25/13 Gunslingers and Templars

      by , 01-26-2013 at 01:50 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Note: I have shifted my nighttime hypnosis program from one to help with my depression to one that is supposed to develop ESP abilities in the hope that it will allow for some passive defense against constant psychic / astral attacks I have been getting lately. This has a different opening image, but it should still lead to easy WILD's as I fall asleep.

      Suicide by Gunslinger
      I am in the sky and flying over the Nile River. I look around to see the area, the area right around the river is lush and green, though the area a bit farther away is desert. This isn't where I want to be, I know I want to have a Dark Tower dream. So I open a portal and fly right through it into a different forest… where I promptly crash into a tree. Ow… I now find I am up a tree that is standing over a clearing. Down below I can see some small robotic machines wandering aimlessly around. I remember that scene from the Dark Tower books. I know Eddie is about to show up and start shooting them. An arrow flies by my left ear. Someone is shooting at me! I wonder what that could be, and I turn around to see a couple of Templar archers on the ground taking aim at me with more arrows. I see Eddie emerge from the bushes down below and take aim at the first of the machines. The Templars apparently see him as well, one of them aims at Eddie. I don't want to let them interfere with the Dark Tower progression, so I form Witchblade into a hidden blade on each arm and do an air double assassinate before they can shoot at Eddie. As I land on the pair of Templars I hear Eddie's gun roaring as he shoots the radar dishes off of each of the robots. I see movement in the trees as I am crouched over two dead Templars. Is there more chance of Eddie being attacked? I wonder why Templars would want to attack Eddie. There is a pause, then there is another explosive gunshot. Now I hear Eddie yelling at Roland, telling him he would shoot him if he had one more shot left in the gun. This is followed by Roland yelling for Eddie to get down, and another gunshot. Then there is silence. I see there has been more movement in the trees. I am surrounded by Templars. I tell them to butt out of my Dark Tower dream. One of them asks if I really think they would mind turning this place into one big paradox. Three archers are aiming arrows at Roland. That was a mistake. It seems some light has reflected off of their arrows, or maybe it was just Roland's keen instinct… but in a blur Roland has his gun out and shoots all three of them right out of the trees. I tell them that committing suicide by gunslinger won't create any paradoxes. Someone else is trying to shoot Roland in the back. I manage to jump on top of that Templar, hidden blade first, just in time to cause his arrow to go wild. And now Roland is under cover, as are Eddie and Susanna. Four more archers have arrows pointed at me now. But now they have Roland, Eddie, and Susanna hunting them. The four of them are taken out in several quick shots. One of the last Templars standing says they will have their treasure back, and there's nothing I can do to stop them. The last two disappear. Roland emerges into the area, holstering his gun. He asks who my friends were. I say they weren't friends… they were Templars… and then I wake up.

      New Confidence
      I wake up in bed. The first thing I notice is that I am not wearing my dream mask… which triggers me to do a reality check. Before I can do the reality check, however, I see something standing over me. Two somethings, actually. One on each side of my bed. Both of them are cloaked figures, so I can't see any details of them. One of them is draining positive energy out, the other is putting negative energy in. I can feel the energy drain as they are doing it, my mind being filled with negative thoughts. I also have the clear thought that if I return the treasure I stole from the Templars that they will leave me alone. I don't believe that one. The thought adjusts itself to if I return the treasure and stop interfering with their business then they will leave me alone. I try to get myself out of bed, but I can't find the strength to move much. Then a big black cat enters the room. A black cat the size of a panther. The cat pounces on one of the two creatures. It is Shadow! She pounces on the one draining my positive energy and tears into it with teeth and claws. With one of them off of me I am able to form Witchblade into a hidden blade and drive it into the face of the remaining figure. The thing lets out a scream of rage and then both of them have disappeared. I feel a bit drained, but ok. I know I need to do something to create protection around here. I lie down in bed to rest for a bit. Shadow has transformed back to a kitty cat, and she is now curled up beside me. I don't feel like sleeping, though I have completely forgotten the idea I might be dreaming. I get out of bed and load up my computer. I feel particularly motivated to work on making a game right now. I think I will make a game from scratch instead of using an existing engine. I feel amazingly confidence regarding making the game, and I can't wait to get started. When I wake up I still have this feeling lingering.
    12. 01/10/13 Tower and the Templars

      by , 01-10-2013 at 03:30 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      The Tower and the Templars
      I am in my Fire Valkyrie heading for the moon. I land on the moon and spend some time looking around before I remember plans to meet up with MoSh in a Dark Tower dream. I decide to find a Dark Tower dream and then try to pull MoSh into it. I open a portal while focused on my intent. I go through the portal and find I have ended up in the right place. There is a field of red roses surrounding a tall tower.

      Though it has been a long while since I have read the Dark Tower series I know I have ended up in the right place. Now to get MoSh here. I am about to focus on a portal to find MoSh when I realize I am not alone there. I see there is a group of people there with me, quite a few men are standing around wearing the symbol of the Templars from Assassin's Creed. Wtf? I ask one that looks like he's in charge what they are doing there. He says they have had enough of my interference and I am to stop interfering in their affairs immediately. I point at the tower and ask what the fuck he thinks that is. I tell him he is in the wrong dream, this is a Dark Tower dream, not an Assassin's Creed dream, so go away. He says they're going to make sure I don't interfere with them any more. I point at the tower again. Dark Tower dream. You know the poem, Child Roland to the Dark Tower Came? The Stephen King Dark Tower series? So unless the Crimson King is really a fucking Templar they need to just go away. I turn away from the Templars to focus on the Dark Tower dream I want to have. I need to summon MoSh. The Templars are making themselves really hard to ignore. One of them is right next to me talking in my ear practically. He is making threats, saying nothing good can come of interfering with them. I finally said ok, if they are so determined to have my attention… I open a portal and I see Roland of Gilead shooting bad guys with his two big revolvers.

      I pull a surprised Roland through the portal, and it closes behind him. He stares at me, I just tell him I can help him, I just need his help first. I point at the Templars and says they are trying to keep him from the Tower. In case he didn't believe me, one of the Templars shoots at Roland with a wimpy gun. I summon up a revolver that is size appropriate to me, Roland and I start taking out Templars. Roland's guns sound like cannons. And it seems he can't miss the target. Templars fall one by one, I even manage to hit a few of them. Finally the Templars are gone. Roland looks like he is about to say something when he sees the tower and he is struck silent. I tell him I know what has been missing when he reaches the tower. I remember to summon MoSh. I open a portal with the intent to find MoSh. A portal opens and I see MoSh wandering around on the other side. I pull him through and point at the dark tower. Roland wants to know who I am and who MoSh is. I summon up a Horn of Eld.

      I tell Roland to blow the horn when he gets to the top of the tower. He says there's still the Crimson King. Well then we'd best get moving. So MoSh, Roland, and I start heading for the Dark Tower. There are more Templars in the way. I tell them Stephen King did not write Templars into the Dark Tower series, so GET LOST! Roland doesn't bother with talking… he starts shooting. I toss MoSh a gun and tell him to shoot a Templar. I don't think he is lucid. I shoot a Templar, then he starts shooting Templars. Roland is by far the best shot of the three of us. Roland and MoSh are ready to continue to the tower, but I wake up.

      Let It Snow
      I am in my best friend's house. I have just spent the night and I am waking up in the morning on my air mattress. Alicia is over by the window and when she sees I am awake she gets my attention immediately. She says it snowed last night. I get out of bed and look out the window. Sure enough the entire neighborhood is blanketed in white. I get dressed quickly and then Alicia and I go outside to check it out. I am surprised at how much snow there is. I decide I need to take some photos of this, after all it isn't that often that Tucson, Arizona gets a significant amount of snow. Alicia wants to make a snowman. I look around at the snow covered trees. The snow has melted some and then frozen again, creating glistening icicles hanging from all the branches. The sun is reflecting off of the icicles creating prism rainbows. It is really very beautiful. I tell Alicia I'm going to take some photos. I head down the road, using my digital camera to take some still shots. I then take some short video clips so I can see the light reflecting off of the icicles. I am with Alicia when we go to a spot underneath an overpass. I am not sure why we are there but I see there is a small pond of water gathered there that has frozen over. Alicia starts ice skating on the pond. I look around the edge of the pond until I find a small trickle of flowing water. There is a fish. There isn't enough water for the fish to survive. It is flopping around a lot. I want to save the fish. I see the water is flowing down a storm drain where there is a considerable flow of water, so I pick up the fish gently and put it down the storm drain into the water. Alicia is still ice skating so I decide to go take some more photos and videos. I keep doing that until I wake up.
    13. 01/03/13 Off With A Bang

      by , 01-04-2013 at 02:56 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Off With A Bang
      I am in my Fire Valkyrie heading for the moon. I wander on the moon only briefly before I decide to go somewhere I am needed. I open a portal and go through from the moon to a fancy costume party of some kind. People are dancing all around, everyone is wearing a mask. I am thinking I should make an effort to fit in. I see everyone has a gaudy gold mask on… and that is when I realize where I am. I am in Assassin's Creed II. I look around wondering what my purpose there might be. I spot some of the courtesans and I remember Ezio moving among them to keep from being noticed. So I move over closer to a group of courtesans. There are several guards staring right at Ezio… but not seeing him… they're only seeing the courtesans' breasts about to fall from their dresses. I know where their minds are… I get over closer to Ezio. I hear him talking to the courtesans. The conversation pauses as he looks over at me but then they continue. They are trying to come up with a distraction to get the guards away from his target. A courtesan says they must all be homosexual… they don't even look at courtesans. Another says they are specially chosen and won't abandon their posts for anything less than something blowing up. I am right next to them now, I surprise them when I ask if some fireworks would do the trick. A courtesan says they have to disappear… they've been spotted. Ezio tells her it's ok, but what about the fireworks. One of them says the fireworks won't go off until after the target has left. I tell them that tonight the fireworks will start early then. I wonder how I can create some fireworks. This is a dream… it should be doable. I ask where the fireworks come from and a courtesan points. I head over there and find there is a man standing near what looks like a row of fireworks ready to go. He tells me I shouldn't be there. I decide to flirt with the guy instead of starting trouble… He isn't very attractive, my dream self is attractive… so I figure it would work well. I tell him I wanted to see how the magic happens, then we can watch the fireworks together. He pushes his luck and says he knows a private place we could go afterwards. I swallow my vomit and act like I like the idea. So I get closer to the fireworks. I hear the man who is Ezio's target talking, it sounds like quite a stream of bullshit. Apparently politicians have always been the same. So now it needs to go off. I ask when he sets them off. He says after the speech is done. I look closer at the fuses, and focus a little pyrokinesis to light them each. The fuses are all lit so I step away quickly. The man notices that the fuses are lit and asks what I have done, it's too soon! He says they were supposed to go off AFTER the speech! I tell him he said during the speech… he is frustrated… but it is too late now. The fireworks all go off at once, shooting up into the sky and exploding with quite a commotion.

      I look back out at the guy giving the speech, he is now staring up at the fireworks looking quite annoyed. The man who was supposed to set off the fireworks seems more worried about himself, says they're going to kill him for this… no… they'll have to find him first… he disappears into the crowd, who are all looking up at the fireworks now. I don't notice when it happens, but when I look back over at the guy giving the speech, and he is on the ground, apparently dead. None of his guards have even noticed yet. I find their obliviousness amusing then I wake up.
    14. 01/01/13 Split Consciousness

      by , 01-02-2013 at 12:56 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Split Consciousness
      I am in my Fire Valkyrie heading for the moon. I land on the moon and look around briefly before opening a portal to get somewhere I need to be. I go through the portal and enter a place that looks like a scene from Assassin's Creed. This does not surprise me since I have been dreaming a lot about Assassin's Creed lately. What does surprise me is that someone calls my name. I look over to where someone is calling me from and I see there are lots of Templars. Four of them are holding on to someone who looks like Altaïr. One of the Templars is laughing at me saying I had better not try anything or Altaïr would be dead before I could stop it. I use Battery to call two bolts of lightning, one on each side of Altaïr, nailing the Templars holding him. That frees Altaïr, who grabs a sword from one of the four fallen Templars and runs it through another Templar.

      They now have a fight on their hands. I am about to help Altaïr with the large number of Templars, but one of them is still laughing at me. He says I can only save one of them, though. One of them? Who else? He says there are far more of them than there are of me, right now there is a parallel world that just lost its Altaïr. I saved one and lost the other. I use Divide by Disturbed to separate into two people, and one of me opens a portal to find the other Altaïr they are talking about. The situation is practically identical, so I use an identical solution. Battery… the Templars holding Altaïr die… Altaïr grabs a sword and fights back. But they are still laughing. Do I really think there are only two worlds? There are others? Shit. I use Divide again, there are four and then eight and then 16 of me. I send other copies of me to other worlds tracking other Altaïrs. Having multiple copies of me in different dimensions is really disorienting. And not all the worlds are exactly the same, though the basic idea is the same. I free more versions of Altaïr to fight and the Templars are still laughing. I intend to make them shut up. Another Divide. 32 of me, 64… a Templar asks if I really think I can get to all of them. One of me enters a world where I am right in front of Altaïr… and he stabs me with his hidden blade, so at least one of me has been stabbed. I'm not sure how many of me got stabbed. I wonder why Altaïr has attacked me in some places. A Templar says not all of them are immune to their control. So in the places where Altaïr has attacked me I use Liberate by Disturbed to break any possible mind control. It has become hard to keep track of what I am doing where, though. I think maybe I did Liberate everywhere… not that it has any effect where there is no mind control in effect. The Templars are still laughing at me, saying I have missed so many versions of Altaïr, there are so many places where the Templars will now win… there's no way I can save them all, so I might as well give up… So I Divide again, splitting to 128, I have the strange sensation of being everywhere at once and nowhere at all at the same time. But everywhere is close enough to the same. Free Altaïr, use Liberate just in case it's needed, fight Templars. It is really disorienting, I keep hearing Templars laughing… but is it a bit forced now? Maybe I'm reaching their limits… so I Divide yet again to 256, splitting into way too many places at one time… I feel like I am going to completely lose it, so I set to the same task everywhere. Get right next to Altaïr and drop an Immortal Fire. There is a bright light exploding in my mind as 256 simultaneous Immortal Fire spells go of at once, and for once there is no Templar laughter. Just a bunch of yelling. I don't have enough focus to understand what the Templars are saying, but I am reassured by the fact they don't sound happy. I think there is a lot of cursing. I wonder if I have found all of the instances where they have ambushed Altaïr… or did the Templars win in some places… no time to really ponder that before I wake up.

      Lost Children
      I am in what looks to be an abandoned town, though most of the buildings are still standing quite well. I wonder where all the people there went. I am not lucid, but I know I have a mission to complete. I have been tracking a pedophile to this location. It is a known fact that he has kidnapped numerous children, but no one has been able to track him to where he is keeping them. I have been on this case for a while and I think I am getting close to finding his hideout. I sneak through the streets of the town, peering into windows of homes as I go. Then my attention gets drawn to an abandoned hospital.

      I think I see movement over there. Maybe that's where he is. I sneak over and get close to the hospital, and I do seem movement this time. There is a tall bald man pulling a little boy along by the arm, and the little boy is crying. I recognize the man as the pedophile, he is my target. I think maybe I have been playing too much Assassin's Creed because the man seems to faintly glow yellow. An assassination target. I have to get close to him when he doesn't have a child with him or it could become a hostage situation. So I tail the man into the hospital and he shoves the child into one of the rooms, locking the door behind. He is now alone. Now to get close to him. Looking around I see some rubble on the ground. I pick up a large rock and chuck it at the guy, hitting him on the side of the head. He doesn't seem hurt, but he does seem annoyed as he looks over and sees me. He says I am too old for him to have fun with, but not too old to kill. I throw more stuff at him. Mostly rubble on the ground. Rocks… pieces of wood… an old coffee mug… he gets more pissed off with every piece that hits him. He says he is going to have fun killing me slowly. He comes at me, as it appears that I am unarmed. But that weird yellow glow isn't the only thing I have brought from Assassin's Creed. He runs right up onto my hidden blade, practically stabbing himself. He has a shocked look on his face since he hadn't seen a weapon in my hand. I stab the bastard again to make sure he is dead. There are children locked in many of the rooms of the hospital, some of them aren't in very good condition. I call the police and real hospital and before long there are children being led out, some walking on their own, others being carried and given IV medication, all of them look traumatized. Their ages seem to range from 4 to 8… I am glad the pedophile is dead, though in a way it seems like it was too easy for such an asshole. I am still thinking that when I wake up.
    15. 12/29/12 Jail Break and Hidden Messages

      by , 12-29-2012 at 10:15 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Jail Break
      I am in my Fire Valkyrie flying to the moon. I land on the moon and wander around a bit before opening a portal, directing the portal to take me to somewhere I need to be. The portal opens and I step through right into a world that looks like something out of Assassin's Creed. I am not sure what city I am in. I look around to try to identify it. What I do see is some guards dragging some people off of the street. I wonder what is going on. One of the people is saying he didn't do anything. One of the guards says with his attitude he doesn't have to actually do anything to get arrested. He laughs. He says he'll be laughing right up until the execution. In total I see ten guards and five prisoners. One of the prisoners looks right at me and then whispers something to one of the others at the cost of getting punched in the gut. A guard insists no talking. More whispers are passed amongst the prisoners until a guard tells them to shut the fuck up or he'll kill them all right now. Another guard says he wants to at least injure a couple of them. A third guard said there's no reason all of them have to make it back alive. One of the prisoners looks over at me, clearly expecting me to do something, then tells the guards something in a foreign language that is clearly an insult. They are all distracted, some of them laughing, some of them pulling weapons. No one is looking anywhere near me. I have two hidden blades… and take out two of the guards before any of the others even realize someone else is there.

      Then there is confusion… and another guard taken out, though I am unable to target two of them this time. So in an instant ten has become seven. Now that they have seen me they are demanding my surrender, though it doesn't look like they're prepared to accept surrender. The prisoners are going after weapons on the fallen guards, three of them claim weapons while I am fighting with my Witchblade sword. A guard attacks and I use a counter attack to take him out, and now the three newly armed prisoners are fighting. Six against four… and one of them claims the sword of the guard I just killed… so now it's six against five. The fight is soon over, though two of the prisoners have been injured so I heal them. I ask what they were being arrested for, though it is a bit too late to find that out, and one of them says they were being arrested for protesting a new law, it's not allowed. He says before long it will be illegal to breathe too deeply. He says lots of people are being arrested for pointless offenses, and no one is sure what is happening to them. He says there are many others being arrested, and they are going to find out what is going on. Will I help them? I say I will if I can, but don't worry if I disappear for a short time… I'll be back. At least I am hoping I won't end up being a liar… One of the prisoners asks what important business I have and if they can help in return, but I never get a chance to answer before I wake up.

      Silent Nonlucidity
      I am in what looks like one of the cities from Assassin's Creed II but I am completely non-lucid. What I do believe is that I am from the future, and I have my iPad in a case that looks like an antique book so no one will question my using it.

      I am searching for the glyphs left by Subject 16 and I am using my iPad to decipher the codes hidden within them. The fact I can climb on the walls and do most of the moves done in Assassin's Creed doesn't seem strange to me. Some guy starts putting the moves on me. He also takes my iPad and tosses it in a ditch, saying women shouldn't be reading. I am about to punch him in the face when I see he is offering me an invitation to some coveted event. I think there might be a glyph inside the area of the event, so being able to get in to the event would be helpful. He gives me the invitation and then asks, as if he already knows, who will be accompanying me. I tell him he can go fuck himself, knock him senseless with a kick to the balls then a punch in the face, and leave him sitting in the ditch where he tossed my iPad. I am looking at a building for a glyph when someone pokes something sharp at my back. I hear someone tell me if I cooperate I won't be hurt. I turn to see what is going on, and there is an Assassin pointing a hidden blade at me. I find it annoying. He says he needs to get into the event that I now have an invitation to. I tell him to stop poking me with that thing… I'll help him willingly or not at all. He seems surprised at my response and removes the blade from my back. I look at him closer now, I don't recognize him specifically but I am sure he is an Assassin.

      So he must have a good reason for wanting to get into the event. His threat was clearly a bluff… he has no interest in harming what he thinks is an average civilian. He turns to walk away and I tell him I have decided to help him willingly. My invitation lets me bring a guest. So we go to the event together. There is some kind of an art display going on, the guards at the entrance let us in. Once we're inside I tell him I have my own reasons for wanting to be here… so he can go about his. I look around the walls and spot the glyph I was looking for. I scan it with my iPad, sure that chaos will ensue soon since I snuck an Assassin in. And chaos does ensue. The Assassin has apparently taken out his target. Then I hear someone accusing me of being in league with him because we came together, I tell that person he is nuts, how was I supposed to know? He was cute and wanted to come with me, so I brought him. No one seems to believe me, and I am too surrounded to get out. Someone is yelling that if the Assassin doesn't surrender they will kill his partner. I activate the time travel app on my iPad and leave the scene before the Assassin can respond. It transports me back to my own time… and my own bed.
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