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    1. Magnetic Music

      by , 07-23-2018 at 01:23 PM
      Morning of July 23, 2018. Monday.

      Dream #: 18,844-06. Reading time: 26 sec.

      I talk with our oldest son about audio recordings.

      Zsuzsanna had some of her cassettes and 45 rpm records out.

      Much of what I say is nonsensical, and although I am unsure of how correct it is, I continue to try to resolve what I am saying. My idea is that music is magnetic and sticks to the nearest objects, which is supposedly a factor in the production of records and cassettes.

      Although cassette recordings near magnets can lose their content, I am unable to explain that. Our son appears to be puzzled as I talk about how sound remains on records because of a magnetic field. He does not debate.

      Updated 07-23-2020 at 03:16 PM by 1390

    2. Radios in a New Place

      by , 06-10-2015 at 12:10 PM
      Morning of June 10, 2015. Wednesday.

      I am in a non-lucid state, though the setting is extremely well-rendered and most of it clearer even though it is mostly unfamiliar. My wife and family and I are living in a different type of building and had apparently moved here recently. The (fictional) residence has the typical “impossible” apartment-related situation that I have dreamt of all my life - where strangers are present in what would be almost the same living space. At one point, I am aware of an unknown older male on the other side of the main large room. Our living area is only divided from his by a curtain that hangs down to about four inches from the floor. I am fixing this curtain arrangement (for more privacy) while sitting on the floor, by pulling it fully down, as part of the bottom edge was draped over a cardboard box higher up (about a foot or so).

      At one point, I am using a screwdriver to scrape up old soap residue from a floor tile and as I do, the tile actually comes off, though I manage to align it back where it should be. The appearance and movement (and manual effort) is very realistic.

      I also find some toys that the last tenants left behind, some smaller toy cars in a bag, which I think I will put on my youngest son’s large (fictional) table for a pleasant surprise.

      In the last stage of my dream, which is very clear, there are several large radios (or boomboxes) set up along the wall for some reason, all side by side on a large table. After a short time, they all start playing at the same time, fairly loudly, and mostly different songs (at least four). I think one song is Fats Waller and another a country song, possibly George Strait. I am annoyed because the radios seem to have been connected to some sort of timing system by the previous tenants and I cannot work out what to do with the setup. I am also somewhat embarrassed (as I do not want to be seen as making so much noise on purpose, as we had just moved in recently relative to my dream’s back story), as the other tenant is home, though I do not go through the curtain to his side at any point.

      I try pushing the buttons and after a time, when I turn one radio off, another comes back on and this goes on for several minutes (so that it seems impossible to have all turned off at the same time) - and I am thinking that some sort of cable system (linked with a timer) is connected to all of them and they will play at certain times no matter what you do. It is somewhat amusing in conscious afterthought. The clarity of the power indicator lights is quite precise. This is similar to situations where I cannot turn all the lights off, which I have read in other people’s journals where they are experiencing the exact same details in the same way and with the same associations.

      Updated 09-30-2015 at 02:06 PM by 1390

    3. Various audio-related events

      by , 08-08-2014 at 02:08 PM
      Morning of August 8, 2014. Friday.

      The main plot of the dream oddly related to my grandfather George. For some reason, time (as well as location) is quite ambiguous (in fact, he was born in 1871 and died in 1945 - long before I was born), and he is alive and fairly healthy even though I am also aware my father had died, so there truly is some strange new ambiguity I have not had before in that I also do not recall having had George in any of my past dreams either. Even more unusual, he is a celebrity relative to music (particularly in the 1920s) prior to my father and had taught him guitar and such - which is all distortion - my father was the one who was more well-known. The location seems to be the southwest room of my sister’s old house on Loomis Street. Along the north wall (near where my mother’s refrigerator was at one point in the past) is some sort of odd composite of jukebox, radio, and cassette tape player, about chest-high. Sometimes the tape gets chewed by flowing out when the capstan gets jammed (recurring). I am aware that he is in the living room at one point.

      At one point, my daughter is in the room (and my two youngest sons for a time) - not sure which daughter (it seems to be my oldest but several years younger in-dream, though my youngest is not yet two). Somehow, a bit later, her head or only the right side is there but she is not. When looking at “her”, I am able to “remember” that the right side of her head is unusual in that her ear is not fully defined in that there is no lobe or any “other side” of any of it and her ear is actually only the three-dimensional outer shape itself over her skin, which seems regrettably unfortunate and which apparently was some sort of fictional birth defect. This clear but false memory is not a trigger for lucidity, either.

      There were several other random miscellaneous events I do not quite fully recall, a few relating to fictional (or “too advanced”) 1920s audio technology, I think. Odd hodgepodges of fictional “memories” being “relived” is not all that uncommon in dreams.
    4. Russell Cayman?

      by , 07-05-2014 at 01:05 PM
      Night of July 5, 2014. Saturday.

      I am apparently listening to a radio broadcast in a state of half-dreaming. The announcer clearly says “Russell Cayman’s dead”. I have no idea who that is (I have not listened to a radio for many years) and for a moment, I think of (a type of animal) caimans (alligatorid crocodylians). This seemed like some sort of telepathic pulse (or perhaps a postcognitive remnant or “artifact”), but who knows? I am not even sure of the spelling.
    5. Om Symbol Hidden in Sound?

      by , 02-04-2014 at 10:05 PM
      Night of February 4, 2014. Tuesday.

      Being meticulous in my dream state at times, sometimes to the point of over-thinking in several layers at once, I verified something that caught me by surprise in a sort of sudden realization. While working on the foundation of a new track which I do plan on eventually finishing, I ended up confirming a dream concept to an extent, anyway. By chance, I used a filter that produces a supposed “swirly” effect - and in this case, I am not even sure if it uses the source audio when rendering, as it mostly sounds the same in every case for a particular setting regardless of the supposed source (then again, it depends on the perimeters or intent of the effect). I say this because some functions do use the source audio for certain - which can vary to quite an extreme - yet always sounds the same in each case, or at least hard to distinguish.

      In this case I was playing with an effects VST for no intended reasons other than to see the images that were produced by the frequency bands at different speeds and pitches and such, and by which I integrated the first 1.71 seconds of the audio of the hybrid dubstep foundation. What resulted verified my dream - that is, the image that almost looks like an om symbol repeating throughout. This is not a very good image of what actually comes out, though, I wanted to post a better image - but its difficult when being in lower formats. It is also true that an image of a word or symbol can be deliberately translated into sound, but such does not seem the case here, as the perimeters are far too extensive for me to have just coincidentally put in the perimeters that just happened to make the symbol appear - there are 362,880 variations relating to “shaping” forms in this particular way - as well as the functions being programmed rather than stored as audio information as with some VSTs. (This is true and can be verified by the fact that the editor is one hundred percent manual with no additional waveforms or audio information stored anywhere - therefore the om symbol was not intended at all by the original programmer who could not have possibly known all the thousands of potential variations in settings - unless he knew the actual functions for it and buried it among thousands of other potentials - which, frankly, seems unlikely and unrealistic, even a bit unreasonable and pointless, though not impossible).

      However, and it is a very big “however”, it seems that the function actually did use the source audio here upon realistic examination - and it is fairly obvious that it did from the visual details in some areas. In that case, there is no way the programmer could have known what would result in this instance. The missing bands in the larger image near the higher ranges are not my mistake, but it was like this in the original percussive track. I used an exciter to make it less problematic as well as having to additionally notch out more bands from horrid metallic “ringing” in the original audio that threw off the average dB (spike-wise) in a rather ridiculous way as I have seen a lot in tracks on the Internet.

      I do know of so-called producer packs with deliberate images in the sound (although it is fairly rare), but this was not the case as, again, it is an effect-only manifestation. Obviously, the majority of people would not even “hear” the om symbol image, as unless you are familiar with something like this, it might as well not even exist. This is obviously true even for dreams for millions of people, who remember nothing in many cases.

      I inset the actual om symbol for comparison - but as I said, this image is not all that precise or even very visible - as it is a lower resolution with a different rate and detail than the original event (which I did not try to duplicate until today - so probably “lost” a perimeter somewhere).