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    1. Don’t Forget the Donkey inside our Mattress

      by , 12-25-2016 at 06:25 PM
      Afternoon of December 25, 2016. Sunday. (Last clarified and resupplemented on Sunday, 10 September 2017.)

      In my dream, as I am lying in our bed as it is located and oriented now in our present home on W Street, and possibly in late morning, there are concerns expressed by others (seemingly unfamiliar people) of whom I am unsure are present in our bedroom or speaking via telepathy from another location (though I do not perceive them as imposers). I falsely remember that we have a pet donkey that lives inside our mattress. I am unsure if he has eaten recently, perhaps not for weeks. The area he is within is possibly locked, and I hear someone asking if the lock is locked. I do not think the donkey is ill, though I am unsure. I get the impression of a cage being inside our mattress (almost as big as our mattress), and within that cage, the supposedly full-sized donkey. Regardless of how absurd and impossible this situation is, it seems logical and serious to my dream self. (This is vaguely similar to my recurring forgotten pet dreams, where I become aware of a pet in my bedroom, usually on the opposite side from the foot of my bed, that I may not have fed in weeks or longer, yet perceiving it may still be alive. The pet is often a guinea pig or rabbit in a cardboard box that is open at the top.)

      In an unrelated scene in a more vivid but less detailed setting, an unknown female approaches me in a white martial arts outfit. She kicks me in my stomach (without any discernible motive other than practicing her martial arts) as I am standing (facing south), seemingly in the room where my computer desk is, and I simultaneously wake with the stomach jolt (which mostly only happens when I am sleeping on my side and is not as intense as my hypnopompic back spasm which can happen in any position). It does not hurt and is not even unpleasant, just a spontaneous movement of the abdominal muscles upon waking.

      The meaning of this dream is very obvious to me. It is completely unrelated to waking life regarding any symbolic significance, being primarily rendered around the waking transition as many dreams are. It is yet another incidental rendering of subliminally anticipating the hypnopompic kick though it was a lesser abdominal jolt in this case. Both the donkey and the female practicing martial arts (of whom probably represents Zsuzsanna being in bed with me, though she really does not kick me with a hypnopompic kick when we are sleeping) represent the same potential waking prompt. Incidental associations relate to our son doing martial arts in real life and possibly the “Little Donkey” Christmas carol (though my dream self does not typically have a viable memory of what year it is let alone the date of December 25th in this case).