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    1. Memory Skips, Fake-Out, Controlling The Professor

      by , 07-02-2012 at 05:41 PM
      Supplement Dose: 18.2 mg Menthol (Cough Drops)

      Weed was smoked and half a beer was consumed a while before going to bed. This probably had a slightly detrimental effect on my recall, but overall didn't seem to influence my dreams.

      #1 - Memory Skips [Non-Lucid]

      The beginning of this dream is harder to recall as I believe it happened in third-person, but there was a group of people searching for something.... A time machine? Special documents? It's hard to remember now, but something important along those lines. This group of people was the bad guys, but a couple good guys had infiltrated their ranks and was planning to sabotage them. My memory skips forward a little bit, and I remember lying naked in bed with a friend of mine. o_o I want to say it was... well, that's not important. >w< But we were just cuddling and I was getting lost in fantasy. My memory jumps forward again a little bit and now I'm walking around a store with my dad, and he's talking to someone about how he always eats all the Ritz crackers and cookies at our house and I get mad that there aren't any left, which isn't even remotely true.

      I woke up after that. The naked cuddling thing was definitely interesting... my libido was running strong in this dream, which it almost never does (unless I'm lucid). Was the menthol to blame? Hmm....

      #2 - Fake-Out [Non-Lucid]

      For this one I was actually just lying in bed for a while, and noticing that my visualization skills were REALLY strong. Everything in the previous dream had been incredibly vivid, and these mental images were no different. I was hoping it would go somewhere, but it didn't seem to be... so I sat up in bed, not realizing that it was suddenly a different bed, and opened my laptop, not realizing that I didn't have my laptop with me. I started typing stuff about the dream I'd had in, and slowly the screen started getting further and further away... until it faded out, and I woke up again. Damn! :O

      #3 - Controlling The Professor [WILD]

      Now I was just lying in bed again, still exploring the visualization. But I was also really tired still... my consciousness was drifting, but not fully fading away. Suddenly it occurred to me that there was some strange wall of bars and electricity and words that were impossible to read in front of me, it was all very confusing. Finally I decided to look away from it, and noticed that I had fully entered a dream. My second ever WILD! If that's not a testament to menthol's potential, then I don't know what is. There was a TV in front of the bed I was in that showed what looked like a Futurama video game, with the professor riding a motorcycle. Everything was extremely vivid and not unstable at all. I focused myself intently on the game trying to let it consume the whole dream, but it never happened. However, I was able to feel everything on the screen as if it was happening to me. I felt the motorcycle engine beneath me and all that stuff. I had the professor drive up all these crazy wall angles and up on to a person's back, that was fun. But then he accidentally drove off of a pier he was on and into the water, abandoning his motorcycle and swimming into a vortex of psychedelic-like mermaid faces as he did so. My libido was starting to shoot up and becoming really intense, and then the vortex consumed my entire perception, and I woke up.

      Updated 07-02-2012 at 10:26 PM by 50803

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    2. Bizarre Family Party, FLCL Throwback?

      by , 03-30-2012 at 06:28 PM
      I had several more dreams than these but I couldn't log them down because my phone was acting weird. :T Oh well. At least I got the lucid one down.

      #1 - Bizarre Family Party [Non-Lucid]

      This one I just remember a few bits and pieces of. I was at a family party, there was some "moon scare" going on referencing some sort of apocalypse, it was my cousin K's birthday, my cousin G was suddenly legally allowed to drink alcohol despite being 17 years old, I talked about how I was hanging out with M and a couple other people before the party, out in front of the house a runaway bicycle came out of nowhere and rammed into some random guy's nuts, causing one of them to burst with blood flying everywhere , and finally a third-person view of some strange Futurama episode where Bender and Hermes got fused together.

      Dream Fragment - I accidentally stumbled upon some YouTube video about "secular graduation" (something related to school), and all I remember about it is that there were lots of theater kids from my high school starring in it which surprised me, and there were these two Asian kids at the end. One of them was a bit chubby and had short, straight, silvery white hair, and the other was very thin with a blonde beard but a black goatee.

      #2 - FLCL Throwback? [MILD]

      I was back at my middle school in a regular classroom but it was in the music hall. I was playing a Pokémon game with a bunch of random people and then C, an old friend and amazing weed dealer, comes in and joins us. Eventually he's heading out again and I decide to go with him, but when we get out into the hallway I realize it's a totally different person. I follow him out to the cafeteria anyway, only all of the tables are gone, and he's talking about OpheliaBlue, someone else I can't remember, and cheese. Slowly I start to think that something's not right, and then I realize that I'm dreaming. There are a ton of DCs walking around, and I tried to do something that failed but I can't remember what it was now. I saw some oddly placed lockers and decided to fly over to them, and as I did a couple of them magically opened, and there was just one big locker space behind them. There was a sheet of music in them, so I picked it up and then went over to a DC and yelled at them "Make music come off this page!" However, I was flailing the paper around in my hand as I was saying this and I guess that caused it to lose shape, I saw it morphing so I stopped shaking it and it took solid shape as a red electric guitar. o.o I shrugged and whacked the DC on the head with it, and he fell over and I flew off. I turned around to look at him a second later but all the DCs in the area had already changed drastically, and he was gone. I was just hovering above the crowd and decided to whack someone else too, so I did and as he fell over slowly his head popped off. I flew off but the dream started fading, I had lost my sense of sight and I could tell it was about to end.

      False Awakening - This was fairly interesting.... I woke up, but didn't open my eyes. I guess that might've been connected to the lack of visual input at the end of the lucid, but I just perceived it as keeping my eyes closed. I felt my surroundings and could tell that it wasn't right. Upon a little inspection I realized I was lying down in a bathtub with just a little bit of water in it, I could feel the porcelain edges and everything. I considered the idea that this was some sort of strange tactile hallucination based on my bed that was just continuing because my dreaming mind hadn't totally shut down yet and I hadn't opened my eyes yet to break the illusion. However, when I actually did open my eyes I was lying in my bed in a totally different position, so it was definitely a false awakening.
    3. Fan Mail?, Jealous And Horny, Strange Crossover

      by , 02-02-2012 at 07:07 PM
      #1 - Fan Mail?

      I don't really remember much about this dream, I just have what I wrote down. Unfortunately, I can remember the exact things that made me write this down, but nothing else about them. :T Oh well. What I wrote: "Taking a picture or video with a camera decides its fate. With K, Futurama game, we have fan mail?"

      #2 - Jealous And Horny

      My cousin A comes over and starts acting like she's a teen or at least around my age (she's at least like ten years older than me, don't remember the exact age) and looks like it too, and she starts complaining about some problem she's having to my parents. She starts talking like she's super close to them, which makes me kind of jealous for some reason. She even jumps on to the couch where they are and curls up in a ball next to them (in an overly comical way). They end up trying to talk her through it, and at this point my memory of the dream gets kind of hazy.... It picks up again later with my other cousins P and G and some guy who I can't remember now but I recall thinking I knew him at the time all leaving through the back door, with rain pouring really hard outside. At this point I just remember walking around my house feeling really horny.

      Then the dream switched to a third-person perspective of watching Marshall and Lily (again from How I Met Your Mother, and this isn't even the first time I've had this third-person thing with the two of them, I watch this show too much lol) and they're about to have sex for the first time. (Good old horny subconscious. ) It doesn't actually match their first time from the show, though. They're in a truck doing it and just after they've started it switched to a view from outside the truck with a guy sitting not too far from it. The truck starts to move and then quickly starts bouncing extremely violently. Basically, imagine if the force behind it was like a gigantic fist repeatedly came out of the sky and smashed into in the ground. The guy that was sitting near the truck is startled and looks like he's afraid it's not going to hold. Marshall and Lily sound pretty happy inside, the whole world is practically shaking along with them.

      I also had a false awakening that almost prevented me from remembering any of this, luckily I managed to get it back after focusing for a few minutes when I actually woke up.

      #3 - Strange Crossover

      All I remember about this one is that I was playing a game that was some kind of crossover between Mario and Pacman. Like, you were in some kind of tunnel with the dots and ghosts but also Mario enemies walking around, and you could actually switch between being Mario or Pacman at any given time. It was bizarre, but I remember it being fun. I kind of wish I actually had that game now.

      Updated 02-02-2012 at 07:17 PM by 50803

      dream fragment , non-lucid , false awakening