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    Leaving the matrix

    1. 7/1/14 - cleaning peircings

      by , 07-01-2014 at 10:59 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I walk into my grandmas house, the door leads right to her kitchen. This girl I don't know is blocking me from getting to the rest of the house so I have to stay in the kitchen. The girl has her back to me so I just see her purple tank top and her long wavy black hair and she's taller than me. I see my grandma blocked on the other part of the house by the living room because this boy and girl are sitting at the dining room table blocking the walking path. The boy points out to his sister that he had posted some pics of him and her and the girls sitting next to him gets pissed at him for posting them. Which lead me to make eye contact with her and I got nervous and tried to hide behind this girl in front of me and I bumped her on accident and she turned around. She is wearing aviator glasses and lenses are like a mirror and I see bloody puss coming out of my piercings in the reflection of her glasses so I clean my piercings in the reflection and the girl just stays there for me to use her glasses, and I can see in the corner of my eye that the girl at the table is trying to look around this girl to see who I am but she's too pretty so I keep repositioning, and then my grandma finally gets through the block and now the kitchen is really jammed and I squeeze my way back outside.
    2. 2/2/14 -sparkly blue birthday hats

      by , 02-02-2014 at 06:15 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream Fragment: Me and this random male DC are sitting on my grandma's living room floor. There's this drag queen DC sitting indian style in front us. He has huge boobs, and he's wearing like glittery birthday cone hats on them. I mention to the drag DC that them hats is to small, his boobs are popping out. Then he takes the right one off and throws it at me, but there's another one under still covering if you can call it that. And the other DC just laughs that his boob hat bopped me in the face.
    3. 7/21/13 - blade/bread

      by , 07-21-2013 at 09:01 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm at my grandmas house and most of my family is there, (even the ones I haven't seen in years because of their own imagined conflict). They're all sitting on the chairs and couch in the living room, I go and sit on the chair by the front door that doesn't work. When I do this a guy I don't recognize walks into the room and to me as if I took his usual chair and everybody knows it or something. I don't get up, so he sit on the couch and gives me more irritated glances, then my walks over and basically sits on my making me move so she also has room on the chair, then she says stuff to me that I guess was funny because she busting up laughing, but I was to distracted by my surroundings. I get up and go into the kitchen and my grandma gives me this giant raisin oatmeal cookie that's in a ziplock bag, I thank her and I put it by the phone planning to eat it later, then My grandma and my sister go into the hallway somewhere, I feel like they're tiptoeing around me like I'm dangerous, and my grandma's trying to get people to not piss me off, I'm confused by this, I walked back into the living room worried that I at some point did something that showed my true colors, I was good at hiding it before. Then I walked to the back of the living room to the chair I always sit on, when I sat down I realize my sister is sat in a chair across the living room, and my grandma walks over to me and gives me my sisters cranberry bread loaf that's in a ziplock bag, it's huge like a pillow, I ask my sister why she doesn't want it, she tells me she doesn't feel like sweets, then my grandma tells me I can cut it like a sandwich and put meat and cheese in it, and I tell her that sounds pretty good, so I get up and hug her, then I go to the kitchen and put it with the cookie, while I'm in the kitchen I see two boys fighting then they exit the door, and I run after them because they're going towards my grandpa and I don't want them to accidentally hurt him. I catch up to them they went in the garage, and they're getting physical with each other, so I pull out my switchblade on them but when I open it my blade fly's lose and almost slices my own finger off, I get transfixed with my knife wondering if a screw fell off or something. Then after I find a screw and think it goes to my knife, I walk back into the house, and see my bread loaf mostly eaten, and my grandma and sisters sitting there looking fearful, and I ask them what's wrong, and I tell them that I don't mind, they can have the rest for all I care, and I just begin to feel sick again that they would fear me for some reason, for something I would never direct towards them. I go into the living room again and everyone is gone, but it suddenly is cold and foggy outside, so I look out the window and see chickens a turkey, roosters, and a little horse, I ask my grandma where they came from, and she says she's just been wanting them, then I wonder why it's so cold right now in the summer and the animals look uncomfortable and I think it will be some much worse for them in the actual winter.