• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Dreams, notes, and other experiments to assist in achieving high-quality lucid dreams on a regular basis.

    Reality Check (RC): Action used to evaluate if one is dreaming. Common methods include plugging the nose and testing whether it can be breathed through, as well as inspecting one's hands for irregularities compared to waking reality.

    Memory Lapse (...): Where memory ends for a given stream of consciousness. For example, going to sleep in a dream and waking up in the dream later with no recollection of the sleep.

    Dream Initiated Lucid Dream (DILD): Lucid dreaming type that originates from the dreamer regaining awareness from within a dream.

    Wake Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD): Lucid dreaming type that originates from the dreamer maintaining awareness from waking near-directly into a dream.

    Wake Back To Bed (WBTB): Sleep cycle interruption technique used to achieve lucid dreams.

    Blue: Denotes regular non-lucid dream recall.

    Purple: Denotes lucid dream recall (formerly Orange).

    1. Night of Wednesday 4/10/24 (Comp Night 13)

      by , 04-12-2024 at 09:03 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Body Snatcher:
      I’m at work and there is a horror movie scenario going in.
      There is a body snatcher or imitator alien infecting my coworkers. Similar to gameplay I’ve been watching recently.
      J from my old work group is upstairs in my current building.
      He is acting off. I suspect him of being the body snatcher or affected by it.

      I'm outside and there is an army invasion.
      I have a vague understanding that the attackers are from the government, in other words, betraying the people.
      It’s dark and scary. The army men look fit and uniformed in dark. Helmets cover their faces.

      Updated 04-14-2024 at 01:22 AM by 99808

    2. Night of Monday 4/1/24 (Comp Night 4)

      by , 04-02-2024 at 07:09 PM (Dreamlog)
      Before WBTB

      Mount Grump:
      I'm standing on a mountain, with the cliff to my left. The area resembles Pride Rock from The Lion King.
      On the rock wall to my right, there is a slot hole. It appears that a hand would fit in there.
      I'm trapped in a mountain cave.

      I'm watching the Game Grumps play a modernized Donkey Kong 64.
      They are controlling Squawks the bird from Donkey Kong Country 2.
      Arin is having the bird shoot red pellets at wasps as they ascend a square-ish grassy area.
      As he ascends, there are buttons he needs to shoot in a sequence.
      Dan makes the comment: "This is soooo much better than the 2D original version!"
      He also comments about being trapped in the mountain earlier.

      After WBTB

      My friend B from back home is crawling through a vent. We are in a sort of manufacturing facility.
      The vent has poisonous gas in it, so he is making a sacrifice for us.
      He is trying to get a game cartridge. It might have been a Nintendo DS one.
      Later I'm playing Pokemon with someone. The player has a "fat" Pikachu.
      It's a regional exclusive Pokemon. It looks wide, sorta like Hey Arnold.

      I'm stranded in a park-like area with my coworker H.
      I believe the scene started off in a rocky-cave, but later transitioned to the field.
      We aren't directly working together, but she has her own area off to my left.
      At one point she has taken off her top, presumably to try and wave it around and grab attention.
      I crane my neck so that I can see her, and I notice that her chest is different than I expected.
      Not mad about it though.

      I'm at a small bar with H from the Tots.
      I notice there is some spilled water or beer on a hightop nearby.
      There is also a karaoke setup off to my right.
      The owner of the bar comes out and tells us that we can have the bar if we want it.
      I start to imagine the possibilities, and the logistics of owning a bar.

      I'm at a Doctor's office with my Dad.
      He breaks the news that his brain inflammation has gotten bad.
      And also that he has cancer.
      I'm struck with grief. Frozen. Unsure what to say.
      I slide down the wall I'm leaning against and sit on the ground.

      Updated 04-02-2024 at 07:42 PM by 99808

    3. Night of Saturday 3/2/24

      by , 03-04-2024 at 02:37 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in my local downtown area, inside a restaurant. It looks like an Oregano's Pizza.
      I'm looking out the front door. I see my girlfriend with another guy. His hair looks big.
      I remember (within the story of the dream) that me and girlfriend had recently agreed to "take a break."
      The pain of seeing her with somebody else is immense. It feels like the real thing.
      I'm in a hallway that looks like one from my highschool. My girlfriend is there.
      I tell her I want to get back together, and she agrees. Happy embrace.
      I'm with her at a hotel pool. We are doing naughty things.

      Updated 03-04-2024 at 02:53 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. Night of Friday 12/8/23 (DILD)

      by , 12-11-2023 at 11:37 PM (Dreamlog)
      Hands Observation and High Jumps:

      I'm in some foreign place. There is sand, mountains, and two sets of railroad tracks side by side. I'm standing in middle of the two railroad track sets.
      There is a train coming toward me.
      There are also cars coming, but they aren't on the tracks.
      At first I'm trying to use a hearthstone (From the MMORPG World of Warcraft) to teleport away, but it isn't going to be fast enough.
      I get out of the way, and then notice there are two people approaching me.
      One of them is an older woman, and the other is a younger man.
      Neither of them speak English, and I realize I'm in a foreign country.
      Despite this, they begin to speak and I understand anyway.
      They ask me what language I speak, so I tell them American.
      Upon hearing this, the older woman grabs my arm and starts to pull on me.
      I get the impression she wants to capture me because I am American. Ill intent.
      My first thought is that I need to get out of the situation.
      I pull out my phone and look around at places I could use my hearthstone to teleport to.
      I start to think about my childhood home, and I see a pin on a Maps app.
      It occurs to me that my phone shouldn't be giving me the ability to teleport, even if I had a hearthstone.

      I realize I'm dreaming, confirming with a nose RC.
      At this point I look up from my phone and notice I'm now in a small shed.
      No longer concerned about the danger the old woman posed, I recall that I wanted to test looking at my hands.
      I hold them in front of me, and I notice there are seven or so fingers.
      I look away and back to the hands a few times, noting how the number of fingers changed.
      It did vary, but it was always more than five fingers.

      I open the door leading out of the shed, and I'm hit with a vibrant green scene.
      It's a backyard from my childhood neighborhood, somewhat resembling BM's yard.
      I make a mental note to not try anything to crazy, not wanting the dream to end too fast.
      I step out, and I notice there is another house down the way. I decide that I'm going to fly over there, and land.
      I jump up into the air, and fly over the street. I start looking down for a place to land, and struggle to make myself go down where I want, but I do land there.
      Instead of continuing to fly, I decide to sit down and observe the dream from this rooftop.
      I see a big, man-made lake on the horizon. There are three husky-dogs playing on the frozen surface, and a fourth one that has fallen into a hole in the ice.
      The huskies, strangely, are laughing somehow. Maybe it was sounds similar to laughing that a dog could make. Tough to describe.
      It's a light-hearted scenario, the dog isn't in danger. I start to laugh too.
      I'm sitting at an outdoor patio table with a family. My Mom is there.
      I've lost some lucidity by this point.
      I get up and leave the table, remembering that there was more stuff I wanted to do with the lucid dream.

      I'm back to lucidity again.
      There's a cake on a side table nearby, and I think to grab a plate and get a slice...but then I remember this is a dream and that doesn't matter.
      So, I grab into the cake with my index finger, middle finger, and thumb, grab a chunk, and take a bite.
      It tastes maybe 90% like a buttercream sheet-cake. Pretty close!
      I notice a kid watching me nearby, but I'm not concerned if he sees me doing lucid dream stuff.
      I see a house nearby and decide I want to not fly, but do some flip jumps like Goku from Dragonball Z.
      So I jump once, make it to the first house, and then the next, and the next, until I am pretty high up.
      I land on a chimney.

      I'm sitting at a table again outside, and there is a family behind me playing.
      The dad looks like my landlord, C.
      He has a son, who has a girlfriend there.
      The boyfriend jumps forward and vaults off the girlfriend. It is played off as a joke.
      I tell the boyfriend, nice jump!

      Updated 12-13-2023 at 10:25 PM by 99808
