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    Night of Friday 12/8/23 (DILD)

    by , 12-11-2023 at 11:37 PM (174 Views)
    Hands Observation and High Jumps:

    I'm in some foreign place. There is sand, mountains, and two sets of railroad tracks side by side. I'm standing in middle of the two railroad track sets.
    There is a train coming toward me.
    There are also cars coming, but they aren't on the tracks.
    At first I'm trying to use a hearthstone (From the MMORPG World of Warcraft) to teleport away, but it isn't going to be fast enough.
    I get out of the way, and then notice there are two people approaching me.
    One of them is an older woman, and the other is a younger man.
    Neither of them speak English, and I realize I'm in a foreign country.
    Despite this, they begin to speak and I understand anyway.
    They ask me what language I speak, so I tell them American.
    Upon hearing this, the older woman grabs my arm and starts to pull on me.
    I get the impression she wants to capture me because I am American. Ill intent.
    My first thought is that I need to get out of the situation.
    I pull out my phone and look around at places I could use my hearthstone to teleport to.
    I start to think about my childhood home, and I see a pin on a Maps app.
    It occurs to me that my phone shouldn't be giving me the ability to teleport, even if I had a hearthstone.

    I realize I'm dreaming, confirming with a nose RC.
    At this point I look up from my phone and notice I'm now in a small shed.
    No longer concerned about the danger the old woman posed, I recall that I wanted to test looking at my hands.
    I hold them in front of me, and I notice there are seven or so fingers.
    I look away and back to the hands a few times, noting how the number of fingers changed.
    It did vary, but it was always more than five fingers.

    I open the door leading out of the shed, and I'm hit with a vibrant green scene.
    It's a backyard from my childhood neighborhood, somewhat resembling BM's yard.
    I make a mental note to not try anything to crazy, not wanting the dream to end too fast.
    I step out, and I notice there is another house down the way. I decide that I'm going to fly over there, and land.
    I jump up into the air, and fly over the street. I start looking down for a place to land, and struggle to make myself go down where I want, but I do land there.
    Instead of continuing to fly, I decide to sit down and observe the dream from this rooftop.
    I see a big, man-made lake on the horizon. There are three husky-dogs playing on the frozen surface, and a fourth one that has fallen into a hole in the ice.
    The huskies, strangely, are laughing somehow. Maybe it was sounds similar to laughing that a dog could make. Tough to describe.
    It's a light-hearted scenario, the dog isn't in danger. I start to laugh too.
    I'm sitting at an outdoor patio table with a family. My Mom is there.
    I've lost some lucidity by this point.
    I get up and leave the table, remembering that there was more stuff I wanted to do with the lucid dream.

    I'm back to lucidity again.
    There's a cake on a side table nearby, and I think to grab a plate and get a slice...but then I remember this is a dream and that doesn't matter.
    So, I grab into the cake with my index finger, middle finger, and thumb, grab a chunk, and take a bite.
    It tastes maybe 90% like a buttercream sheet-cake. Pretty close!
    I notice a kid watching me nearby, but I'm not concerned if he sees me doing lucid dream stuff.
    I see a house nearby and decide I want to not fly, but do some flip jumps like Goku from Dragonball Z.
    So I jump once, make it to the first house, and then the next, and the next, until I am pretty high up.
    I land on a chimney.

    I'm sitting at a table again outside, and there is a family behind me playing.
    The dad looks like my landlord, C.
    He has a son, who has a girlfriend there.
    The boyfriend jumps forward and vaults off the girlfriend. It is played off as a joke.
    I tell the boyfriend, nice jump!

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    Updated 12-13-2023 at 10:25 PM by 99808

