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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 01/15/10 Jaws - The Resurrection

      by , 01-16-2011 at 03:04 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: For tonight, my main focus is to continue remembering things, so I don't get stuck in another dry spell. I also still have a goal to meet with Dakotahnok at the beginning of the Halo task to have a confirmed shared dream. I also would like to get started on the Tasks of the Year from DV, the one I want to get over with first is a task taken from the Jaws movie, but the task is to kill the shark… which I don't want to do. I have plans on getting around it, but I figure I want to take care of it as soon as possible.

      I am on a boat out in the ocean, I look around to see where I am, but I don't recognize any of it. I am lucid, though I don't remember how I became lucid. I look at the ocean around the boat and think this is most likely the place where I am supposed to complete the task of the year from DV that has to do with the Jaws movie. Ok, well this is definitely doable, so I'll get it out of the way. I look around the boat for a bit, and it is clearly a fishing type boat, there are three men out on the deck, I see there is a lot of beer being passed around, and it looks more like they're out here to party than fish or hunt sharks. I am thinking if one of those two were to fire a harpoon gun they would be more apt to skewer each other than any shark in the water. I am standing there watching them when one of them turns towards me and sees me. He stands there staring as if I was some kind of alien, or maybe a mermaid who had climbed out of the ocean and onto the boat… He finally comes over to me, holding his beer out in front of him, but he isn't handing it to me…

      "Who the FUCK are you?" he says loudly, "Hey, guys! We gots ourselves a stowaway…" He is slurring his words, he is clearly more than a bit drunk.

      "Maybe she can be put to good use here," another of the men says, "As shark bait!" The two men, the drunk one and the one who suggested I could be shark bait, come towards me, attempting to look menacing. Epic fail. The drunk one looks more like he might throw up than attack. The third one is over near the edge of the boat and he calls out that they have something, too big for a fish, it's definitely a shark… I think he sounds like a retard saying sharks aren't actually fish… He calls to the other two to come help anchor the line so it won't get away! Get the harpoon so they can kill it and claim the reward. I ask them if they're really just killing a shark for money? The one man who seems to be the least drunk says no, of course not… I shouldn't forget about the excitement of the hunt… and the fame… the drunk one throws his beer up in the air and adds that he does it for the women. I tell them to let the shark go, it's not the one attacking swimmers at the beach. If it was that one, half their boat would now be missing. The one anchoring the line down says I am probably right about that, he has heard descriptions of that shark, descriptions that say it is nearly the size of a whale. Everyone agrees that this is not the shark everyone is after, but maybe there is still a reward. One of them says if I help bring the shark in, I can share in the fame. Not in the reward, but in the fame, sure. Two are anchoring the line, the third is aiming a harpoon gun at the ocean, I agree that I will help.

      I don't like these people killing for thrills, fortune, and fame, that is not a good enough reason to kill. I go over towards the three, like I am going to help anchor the line, but then I form Witchblade into a dagger and knife the guy with the harpoon gun, then lift him up a bit and shove him overboard into the water before he can react. The drunk one seems to sober up really fast, he asks what the fuck I'm doing, I'd said I would help… I say I didn't say who I would help, and I choose the shark. The guy in the water is calling for help, he says the blood will attract sharks. One of the men is trying to hold on to me, holding my arms behind my back, while the other goes to pull his friend from the water. So I stab the man holding me in the leg and flip him overboard into the water, then stab the last man in the shoulder and go to shove him overboard. He grabs me as he falls, and we both fall into the water. The man I fell overboard with laughs at me, saying I have killed myself, too, as the sharks will kill me when they come I dive under the water, following the thick line down to a tiger shark that is swimming around in circles, trying to get loose, but only tangling himself up more than ever.

      I use my Witchblade blade to cut through the line, which is thicker than any fishing line I have ever seen before, and the shark is free. I telepathically tell the shark I need to get the hook out, it is a large hook, which is hooked in the shark's mouth… probably placed there when it tried to eat a fish with the hook inside it. I go over to the shark and pull the hook out, then heal the injury. The tiger shark responds to the blood in the water from the bleeding shark hunters and heads for them. I also see some more sharks attracted to the scene. I surface to see the three men climbing back into the boat, one of them is safely aboard and pulling a second in when the sharks arrive. The sharks grab the man who is dangling over the edge of the boat, tearing him in half… the second man disappears under the water… then a massive shark practically bites the boat in half, and that is the last to be seen of the three shark hunters.

      Another boat arrives, and I realize it is the Orca, the ship from the movie Jaws, a man pulls me onto the ship, and there is a woman looking out over the water at the huge shark that bit the smaller boat in half. I search my mind for the identities of the people… one is Quint, a shark hunter, the man who pulled me out is Brody, the main character, so the woman is Hooper, the marine biologist? I was trying to think if that was a woman in the movie, but I figure it doesn't matter. Small detail. I am thinking of how to arrange Quint's death when I remember the task is to actually kill the shark, damn, I almost forgot that detail… so I go to one of the large harpoon guns and shoot the shark, right through the brain for a painless death… ok… task done… I jump in the water, though it's clear that the others think I fell, and I swim over to the shark. I remove the harpoon, then I summon up a healing item in the form of a mushroom that I have designed for use in my own video games, the mushroom heals and restores life to the recently deceased. I put the mushroom in the shark's mouth where it is instantly absorbed, the shark is revived and healed. Yay! I use the harpoon rope to pull myself back onto the boat, this time both Brody and Hooper help me up. I slice the rope a bit as I get on, weakening it. Quint sees the shark is still moving down there, so he reels the harpoon back in for another shot. He fires, and gets the shark only through its dorsal fin… the shark pulls at the harpoon cable. Quint says to pull the rope in a specific way so the harpoon gets set in place. I arrange so that he is in front, then the weak spot in the line, then Brody and Hooper. The line snapes, Quint gets pulled into the water and swallowed whole by the angry shark.

      I do a quick scan of Brody and Hooper… Hooper has been against killing the shark from the beginning, but no one would listen to her idea of using some kind of sonic waves to deter sharks from entering areas populated by people. Brody had been going along with killing the shark, but it looked like there was still hope he could learn… maybe Hooper would teach him? The shark is tearing the boat in half, I tell the two of them to take hold of my hands, then I use TK to fly all three of us towards the shore, which shocks both of them. The big shark is following us after I telepathically tell the shark I know where there's food, so I lead him on to a boat that looks to have about seven shark hunters aboard. He bites that boat in half and feeds on the people aboard, Brody and Hooper both think that is horrible, but they don't know I had anything to do with it. I take them to shore and set them on the beach. I see other shark hunter boats out in the water getting attacked by the shark, excellent. Hooper says that's the consequence of people having no respect for the forces of nature, none of those people would have to die if they hadn't tried to kill the big shark in the first place. Brody asks why I can't go out there and help some of them… I say why should I help them, so they can do more thrill killing later? Brody stares at me as if I am completely mad, he says those are human beings out there, I ask what his point is. He seems to be without response to that, or maybe he just doesn't have a chance to respond before I wake up.
    2. 11/21/10 The Hunt is On

      by , 11-26-2010 at 02:07 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I am in a forest, I am lucid at the beginning of this memory. I am remembering the goal of stopping some assholes who are using animals here as slaves, working them to the death to try to find some stupid ore to make them rich. I am thinking how these people need to have their asses kicked. Since this is going to involve hunting, I have brought a company of pokémon with me, quite a few persians and several others that enjoy the hunt. The pokémon with me disperse through the forest, they are waiting their chance for the hunt. Right now all of the assholes are in one place, forcing the animals they have to clear out large areas of the forest so they can dig their mines and get to their precious ore. I make my way through the forest to where this is taking place, I find them there.

      The first thing I think when I got there was how could these people actually force those animals to do anything they don't want to? The answer comes to my mind right away as if someone is right there speaking to me, is it Q? Maybe… It says that these animals are generally peaceful, not wanting to hurt anyone, which they might be willing to fight here except for the fact collars they have on are controlling them, so any resistance is rewarded with a blast of excruciating pain. What a bunch of assholes! I went into the open, looking at the people and the animals, the animals were large, they really looked like miniature brontosauruses with fur, each one about as tall as a tree. Right now they are knocking the trees over, tearing them up by the roots, and tossing them to the side like so much trash. I can feel their energy, though, and all I can feel is a sense of hopelessness… none of them dare resist because of the collars, if they resist they will die in pain… I watch that only briefly before one of the animals drops a tree a bit too close to one of the people, the collar activates, and the animal's cry of pain is horrible… it sounds like a cry of death… I am really pissed off.

      I go over to the man who seems to be the cause of the animal's pain, the one who had been closest to the tree that had been dropped, though he had clearly not been in any danger of getting hit… I walk right up to him and give him a sharp shove, and I tell him to stop that or he would regret it. It seems they have to focus to make the collars work… and he loses focus when I shove him. The animal is able to get up very quickly considering the pain it seemed to be in, and the man is glaring at me, he asks who the fuck I am, and says I had better get out of the way or I will be sorry. I tell him to stop hurting the animals, he laughs at me and asks why I would care what happened to these dumb animals? They were so dumb that they just let them put on the collars with no resistance… he says that anything that stupid deserves to be used by their intellectual superiors. I tell him I will give him to the count of ten to start getting those collars off, or he will find himself wishing he had never been born. As if to show how little he thought of my threat, he activated the collar on the closest animal, who made a cry of pain. I make a stupid sounding rhyme to do a spell… "The pain you cause will not get through, instead it will come back to you." The animal stops crying out, and the man is now screaming in pain. That makes him lose focus, and he stares at me, dumbfounded. I say he's the one who looks stupid now. He tries to hurt an animal again, he only hurts himself. Several others do the same thing, and are all screaming out in pain when they try. While watching stupid people hurting themselves can be amusing, the idea is to give the pokémon something to hunt, so I pull out a sword and start attacking them, cutting a couple down before the others give up on trying to hurt the animals and disperse into the trees.

      "Run!" I tell them as they do just that, "You can run but you will never escape!" Now they are where the pokémon want them to be. Scattered in the forest to be hunted. I decide I don't want to miss out on things entirely, however, so I go into the trees as well. I transform into a cute little rabbit, and hop through the trees. I hear some people out in the forest screaming and yelling, a lot of cursing… I hop farther through the trees, hoping I will come across one of the people soon. I hear movement in the trees off to my right, so I hop in that direction. I hop out of a bush to see one of the people cowering back against a tree. When he sees me, however, he seems to relax… he talks to himself, telling himself to not be so jumpy, it's just a fucking rabbit after all… He gets down on his haunches, and starts talking to me in baby talk, "Who's the stupid little bunny?" he asks in a mocking tone, "Who's going to make a nice stew for me tonight? Who's gonna be dinner?" The man takes a couple steps towards me, reaching out. I hop towards him, he says I must be a really stupid bunny, and as I get closer to him I transform into an alien like those on the movie Alien. The man stares in shock, he pisses and shits his pants just before I run my long spiked tail right through his gut, he tries to scream but all he does is vomit blood and die.

      Well… that was entertaining… I turn back into a bunny to see if I can sneak up on another one. I hear movement, and I hop in that direction. I soon hear screaming from over there, and I wonder what is happening. I hop through the bushes and peek into a clearing on the other side to see someone is over there holding one of the people to the ground… and eating him?! I wonder who that is, I don't think any of the pokémon would have taken human form… I hop through the bushes so I can see the scene better, and I recognize Walms… he is the one eating the asshole… He really looks quite disgusting right now, covered in blood and eating some guy that is weakly struggling to free himself. Another of the assholes comes through the trees, maybe following the sound of the other one's scream, then stops and stares at the scene in stunned and horrified silence. Walms glares up at him with a really nasty looking smirk on his face. The man starts stumbling backwards, trips, and falls flat on his ass… a foul odor wafts over from him. Walms gets up and wipes some of the grossness from his face, then tells the man in front of him to get up and run… Walms says he at least wants this to be some fun… The man is blubbering, but he finally rolls over onto his front, scrambles up, and stumbles into the forest. Walms walks calmly after him, chuckling to himself. The guy Walms walked away from isn't quite dead, he is still twitching… The last thing I see before I wake up is the life fading from his eyes as he dies.
    3. 08/16/10 Of Dog and Man

      by , 08-30-2010 at 01:33 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Tigress pointed in one direction and said they were over there, but then she vanished… I felt like I might wake up, so I focused, I used another time dilation… that time I felt really disoriented, I almost lost the dream, but finally it stabilized and I was able to continue…

      Or at least I thought I had it stable. As soon as I started walking towards the direction Tigress had pointed, I felt dizzy again… like I was going to wake up. I never have gotten a second time dilation to work, except one time I had tried Walms' method… so I focused on my hand on the wall and counted, trying to focus on extending each minute… but it wasn't successful, I lost focus on the dream and was just focused on counting, and I woke up having spoken the number ten aloud.

      I sat up in bed, thinking it sucked that my second time dilation had failed, hopefully I would be able to get back into the dream again to meet up with Nomad. I got out of bed and went to use the rest room, and I almost tripped over something on my floor… something furry. A cat? No, it was much too big for a cat, it was definitely a dog, but what was one of our dogs doing in my room when they always sleep with my mother? I reluctantly turned the light on to see which dog it was, and I saw it was none of our dogs… it was a pit bull! We don't have a pit bull in our house, so I did a RC and found out I was, after all, still dreaming. I had to get back to where I was before so I could meet up with Nomad, and maybe Tigress would be back. I didn't see Tigress anywhere around there, but I did see Nomad. He said he had been waiting for me, he had one of the assholes, but the idiot was refusing to talk, he said he would make him talk. I knew a faster way, so I just consumed the asshole… and what an asshole he was… he had been in the habit of feeding his pit bulls small dogs and cats he found as strays or even a couple he stole from neighbors, he thought making the dog kill its food would make it more blood thirsty… He was the second in command in the gang calling themselves the Night Fangs, so he knew everyone in the gang… sweet… so now I also knew.

      So now we transformed, I had figured on that since Nomad likes to use transformation spells, into werewolves, or more like were-pit bulls, and we went hunting. I telepathically told Nomad where the assholes were hiding, and we went after them. There was one of them making a drug deal on the corner, they were giving drugs to a guy who was clearly an addict, and he stared at us, we were basically two really big and vicious looking pit bull dogs, in a stunned stupor, which made it very easy to rip him apart. The drug addict also just stared dumbly, but he wasn't the target, so we left him to whatever he was doing. I think I saw him picking through the clothes on the body, probably looking for any more drugs he could find… or money… or both.

      There was one walking with his buddy down a street heading home, from something I didn't even want to think about, they were confronted with two giant vicious pit bulls as well as one normal but pissed off pit bull. We got one of them quickly, but let the other one run away a bit and chased after him, there were two pit bulls with us now, we chased him until we cornered him in a dead end alley, where he tried to hide in a dumpster. While that was exactly where the trash belonged, he wasn't going to get away that easily. We opened the dumpster and saw him in there cowering, the smell was foul, smelled like rotten food and urine, he had pissed his pants. Nomad tore his head off.

      Another three thugs were sending their dogs to attack a couple of smaller kids, scaring them, they had the smaller kids cornered and were threatening to let the dogs go to tear them apart for being on their turf… The kids were cowering from the assholes at first, but then they saw us behind the assholes and switched their gaze to us. The three assholes wanted to know why they no longer had the kids' attention… and they finally looked. I tore one open with my razor sharp claws, Nomad bit one in half, and the guys' own dogs pounced on the third one… the kids made a run for it, clearly terrified of our forms and not knowing that we weren't there to attack them. Nomad and I were now two giant vicious pit bull dogs heading down the street with six normal pit bulls following us. I knew where the next guy lived, and there were several dogs being held in cages in his basement. He was "training" them to be mean, so when a new member joined the gang they would already have a fighting dog for them.

      The house looked like a normal small home, nothing about it gave hint of the cruelty that went on within its walls, but Nomad and I knew. One of us went to the front door, the other to the back door, I was at the front. We broke the doors down at the same time, to make sure the asshole didn't try to escape. That wasn't really needed, as he was in the basement with the dogs and would be cornered there. The guy's parents were terrified, the mother screamed, the father pissed his pants, but we ignored them and went down to the basement. The asshole was prodding a dog with a cattle prod, electrocuting it repeatedly, which pissed me off. Apparently Nomad and I thought the same thing… summoned cattle prods, cornered the asshole, and proceeded to shock him repeatedly until he passed out, then gutted him and left him there to bleed to death. There were five dogs in the basement, we took all five with us. The parents were down there now, I wondered if they had been allowing this to happen, but telepathic scans showed they didn't realize what their son had been doing with the dogs, they weren't evil, just completely retarded… most likely in denial. Nomad and I left the house with nine pit bulls in tow.

      There were five more gang members spread throughout the area, and each one basically went the same, they were terrified when they saw Nomad and me, they tried to run, tried to hide, pissed their pants, maybe shit themselves, maybe begged for their lives, maybe cursed fluently… Every one met a bloody end, an end that was fitting of the violent and cruel way they had been treating their dogs… if anything, they were getting off too easily. We left the house of the last one, and Tigress appeared. She looked at Nomad and me, we changed to our normal forms. She asked if there were some left for her. We had to tell her they were all dead. She said we should have saved her some. She then said there was more fun to be had, she said if these guys liked forced fighting so much, let's see how they do. She said she proposed a tournament, they would be fighting for their lives, and she chuckled evilly. I felt like I was losing the dream, I tried Allura's time dilation, and since it was technically a new dream I was able to stabilize the dream so it would continue…
    4. 08/16/10 The Hunted

      by , 08-30-2010 at 12:48 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I spent some time petting each dog, healing the ones who had injuries, but I was sure I would wake up soon. I wasn't ready, so I used Allura's time dilation method, there was still more to do here, but I will continue that in the next dream…

      So there I was in an alley of an unknown city, surrounded by an 11 dog pack of pit bulls, each of whom had been traumatized by the world of dog fighting, each of whom I had used telepathy to soothe them and convince them to trust me, each of whom had pent up pain they were struggling to control within them. They were used to that pain and tension, and they had always been forced to release it on each other even if they didn't want to, but maybe this time they could release that pain and rage on an appropriate target, on those who had hurt them in the first place… or someone like the ones who had hurt them since their cruel masters were all dead. I accessed the memories of the people I had consumed to find out that there were two other rival gangs in the near area, both of which were into dog fighting. In the area there were the Devil Dogs (whom I had just consumed), the Hellhounds, and the Mad Dogs. I thought those were ridiculous names considering that they were into dog fighting…

      So I headed out onto the streets, looking for one of the other two gangs, I was heading into Mad Dog territory, 11 dogs following after me… when I ran into Tigress. Tigress had her own pack of pit bulls following her. She said she had eliminated one of the gangs, calling themselves the Mad Dogs, and those were their dogs that were following her. I said that just left the Hellhounds, since I had taken care of the Devil Dogs and claimed their dogs. We both had the same idea. Set off a challenge to the Hellhounds to meet somewhere that they could be trapped inside and hunted at leisure. Since I already looked like one of the Devil Dogs, I figured I would drop off the challenge, that would make it look legitimate. So I took the biggest, meanest looking dog with me and went into Hellhound territory. I could sense the feelings in the dog by my side, he didn't want to fight, he would rather be curled up in a comfortable place getting a belly rub…

      I didn't get very far into Hellhound territory before I was met by a couple of guys who were trying too hard to be tough, which made them look more retarded than cool. Still trying to look cool, they walked over to me and said I had a lot of balls coming into Hellhound territory… too bad for me that I wouldn't be leaving. I told them I wasn't there to fight, I was there with a challenge, from the Devil Dogs to the Hellhounds, unless they were too cowardly to accept the challenge… They said no way, the Hellhounds aren't afraid of anything. I said if they are as tough as they pretend they are, meet us at the old warehouse by the pier, I got the idea of the warehouse from the memories of one of the Devil Dog members, meet us there in half an hour… it also seemed like that should be enough time for them to gather there. The one guy said that was a challenge I was going to regret. We parted ways, with me heading back to Devil Dog territory. I met up with Tigress and told her what I had set up, the warehouse consisted of a maze of crates and stuff, perfect for hunting the assholes down in.

      When Tigress and I got to the warehouse, the Hellhounds were already there. Tigress took all of the dogs around to the back entrance and let them inside, the place truly was a maze. One of the Hellhounds, who appeared to be the leader, asked me where the rest of us were, or if they had all chickened out. I said they were already inside the warehouse, of course. So unless they were all cowards, get inside and let the challenge begin. The leader wanted to know what was going on, I said the challenge was simple. If they aren't afraid, we were waiting for them somewhere in the maze, with only our dogs to fight with, so follow us in if they dared… I went into the warehouse, and after some discussion about being seen as cowards, the Hellhounds followed me in all except for a couple that stood guard at the door.

      So now there were a total of 12 gang members with dogs in the maze, as well as the dogs Tigress and I had taken from the other gangs, wandering around in the warehouse. Tigress and I split up, and one by one, we teleported the dogs with the gang members to safety so they wouldn't be in danger of being forced to fight. That led to much confusion among the Hellhounds, wondering if the Devil Dogs might be cheating by taking out their dogs before facing the Hellhounds themselves, so they were getting angrier as time went by and more of them found themselves without dogs. Then came the violence. Tigress and I didn't really have to do much, as I said, the dogs had pent up aggression, rage, and pain that they would be best off releasing at the right targets. So we were on top of the huge crates, mostly keeping an eye on things to be sure the dogs didn't get in danger during the fights. Mostly the dogs were pretty smart, they would gang up on one of the Hellhounds and strike so quickly that the asshole didn't have a chance to draw a gun or other weapon. One case a woman got a gun out and aimed at a dog, so I used TK to take the gun from her before she could shoot the dog. The dog went for the jugular, tearing it open and spraying blood everywhere. The dog, a male, lifted his leg and peed on the corpse. I couldn't stifle a snicker.

      I could hear all the screaming around me, screaming from the people, snarling and barking of dogs, but the sound was fading as time went on… there were fewer and fewer screams as there were fewer and fewer remaining Hellhounds. I wondered if Tigress was killing any of them or if she was letting the dogs do it all. The only ones I was thinking about were the ones at the entrance, so I went back to the entrance and pulled an Ezio… I formed a hidden blade on each arm and knifed them both at the same time before they even noticed I was there… a double assassination… sweet. They fell to the ground, and their dogs just sat there looking at me as if they didn't really give a shit, which considering how they'd been treated, they probably didn't. A short bit later Tigress came from the other side of the warehouse, already outside, with a large pack of dogs following her. She said there had been a couple of assholes guarding the back door, probably looking to catch any Devil Dogs trying to escape, but they were dead now. The pack of dogs around us had grown considerably, Tigress said maybe we should take these guys home, I agreed that Angelina could take care of them best. So I opened a portal to my inner world and we sent all of the dogs through to Angelina.

      Tigress asked if I wanted to find some more, I said sure, and Nomad had said he was going to join us sometime… she said that was cool, but Nomad could find me when he was ready, she knew where there were more assholes. She teleported both of us to another place, though it didn't look much different than the last one. If you've seen one crappy area of town, you've seen them all… Tigress pointed in one direction and said they were over there, but then she vanished… I felt like I might wake up, so I focused, I used another time dilation… that time I felt really disoriented, I almost lost the dream, but finally it stabilized and I was able to continue…