• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Dream Goals
    1. Listen to Music 2. Fly through the Power Lines
    3. Play an Instrument 4. Smoke Marijuana
    5. Trip Acid 6. Help a DC in Need
    7. Paint 8. Run with a Pack of Wolves
    9. Talk to my deceased Grandmother 10. Go to the North Pole

    1. Fever.

      by , 07-31-2011 at 11:28 PM
      Been feverish and sick the past few days. I'm sure you know how dreams are when you're sick. Mine are full of deja vu.

      I'm in a store in the mall. This store is very simple, white walls, shelves, nothing decorative about it. The products they seem to be selling are all fancy shampoos, conditioners, lotions, colognes. I'm looking at the colognes, wondering what to get T. I pick one out, but I keep looking. I see someone I knew from high school, Z, he acts reluctant towards me, like he's not that happy to see me. I just wave, and continue to look. I realize I'm running out of time and I cannot decide what to buy. I put my items back and decide to leave. I ask Z if he remembers where I parked, he just looks at me. I go outside and notice I'm in an unfamiliar place. I see my car suddenly, a few rows away. I'm crawling on the ground for some reason, I thought it would be faster. I get to my car and try to figure out which way I'm supposed to go. I started driving, and thought I might be driving on the wrong side of the road, but I didn't care. I wake up sometime after.

      When I'm sick, my dreams are more emotional.