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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    So, this is my new journal. (Ask me about a link to my old journal, from 2005 - 2010) Not much to say, that my original intro didn't say. I began lucid dreaming as a response to vivid nightmares, as a kid. Over the years, I learned how to wake myself up, when I knew I was having a nightmare, which later developed into a curious resolve to stay within the dreams, instead of trying to escape. Now I practice lucid dreaming and dream control regularly (or as regularly as my undisciplined ass can stick with it). Most of my lucid dreams are still spontaneous, but I have my fair share of successes with induction methods, when I apply myself. Lucid dreaming has become a beloved hobby of mine, both for adventure and because of my deep-seated interest in consciousness, psychology, and the human mind, in general. It also just happens to be a hell of a lot of fun.

    So...that's about it. I guess all that's left on the agenda is the ol' disclaimer:

    In short; by reading my dream journal, you are hereby in agreement to forfeit the right to use any
    information or situations, herein, against me...for any reason...under any circumstances...

    (After all, they are just dreams.)


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    Todd's (aka My Main Dude) Epic Waking Life Adventure / Blog


    1. 10/26/2014 - "Maritime Mercenary Mayhem"

      by , 11-04-2014 at 06:00 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Seems like cops and mercenaries have been recurring elements in my dreams, lately...

      "Maritime Mercenary Mayhem"

      Spoiler for Short Version!:

      This was a crazy, long dream. I really don't remember all of the details, but will do my best. I was with my family, and we were having a small party. Sometime during the night, the neighbors ended up calling the police, and there was a huge ordeal about it. The cops turned out to be mercenaries (again), and we found out that the reason they were messing with us had less to do with our noise than it had to do with some hidden treasure, that they were after, thinking that we had something to do with its disappearance.

      There was a lot of action, in this dream, and we were in constant skirmishes withe these mercs. I remember being out on the water, and the mercenaries had some sort of cliff-side fortress, on a peninsula, which we were trying to storm, conceivably to get a hold of whatever treasure it was that they were looking for. My allies and I died many, many times and I just kept re-spawning back in the same place, destined to repeat the scenario. (Likely a throwback to Edge of Tomorrow, but the fortress reminded me much of Alcatraz in The Rock.) It became less about us trying to get away from the mercs than it was about trying to beat them at their own game.

      It was around this time that I realized I was dreaming. We were heading back to the fortress, on a small, military-style motorboat. My best friend T was now with us, even though I don't think he had been there the whole time. Now lucid, I was revved up and ready to face this mercenaries again, and I was expressing my excitement to T, talking about my lucidity and trying to get him to join in, once the fighting started again. I took a look at my hands and grounded myself into the dream, hoping to make it last as long as possible. Off to one side, an enormous mech suit or robot towered about waste-deep in this ocean. It looked to be Godzilla-sized and had a shiny, metallic-gray body with blades that stuck out to all sides. T commented on it, and I told him about how it just had been standing there, throughout the entire battle, immobile, and was nothing that we needed to worry about.

      When we arrived to the small, waterside fortress, which had two tall towers rising above the jagged rocks on one side of the shore, it was all-out war, once again. At first, I stuck to using firearms, as I had done earlier in the dream. We pushed into the towers, making our way up through the levels, periodically ducking in and out of cover while mowing through enemy after enemy. Just as we had completely taken the upper-hand, I found out that one of the girls in my group, to whom I had been really close, was abducted from the fray, in a tank, and taken away from the tower, further into the mainland. From the top level of the tower, I could see the tank speeding away through the dirt, maybe 100 yards from the base.

      I planted my feet, bent my knees and then launched myself into the air, flying straight through the roof of the tower (not sure if I broke through or phased through) and into a high arc over the rocky terrain before dropping me, feet first, directly onto the body of the tank. Through the front window slot, I could see the mercenaries scrambling to attempt to attack. Both the machine gun and cannon began whirring around in my direction, taking aim on me from point blank range. (This is surreal, now that I look back on it, because even though I was standing on the front of the tank, the cannon was, somehow, short enough to still be aimed at me.) I laughed at them and told them that 'this was my dream' and I was in control, standing my ground and egging the weapons to begin blasting away at me. When the firing began, I pushed my hands out in front of me, feeling the bullets bouncing harmlessly off of my palms, along with a couple of explosive shells which did no more than their smaller counterparts. I just kept all of my focus on pushing away, and it created a sufficient enough barrier that not a single shot was able to penetrate. When the shooting ceased, I reached one arm down below the barrel of the cannon, planting the other one on the deck. I then shoved the cannon upward, trying to bend it up and away from me. Instead, the barrel didn't bend, but rather the entire top portion of the tank ripped open like the lid of a wet cardboard box, exposing the two or three terrified mercenaries (and female hostage) within.

      My memory gets really muddled, around here, and I don't remember much detail. I know the fighting went on, but my recall skipped ahead until sometime after the ordeal was over. T and his girl were pulling up in a car as if they were picking me up. I, still being lucid, walked toward the approaching car and phased through the front of it, turning around to sit in one of the back seats. We all got to talking, and they were being pretty 'hush-hush' about something that they had 'brought back' from our ordeal with the mercenaries. No sooner did they say this than a few ghosts of our earlier allies (who hadn't re-spawned back to life) poked their translucent heads through the back seat (having been stowed away in the trunk). They said they were smuggled off the battlefield and that there was some plan to bring them back to life. Though I was happy to see them, part of me figured that the mercenaries would find out about this, and would soon be chasing us down again.

      That's all I can remember.

      Updated 11-06-2014 at 03:03 AM by 2450

    2. 10/15/2014 - "Mercenaries, Wolves and Savages"

      by , 10-15-2014 at 04:41 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Mercenaries, Wolves and Savages"

      Spoiler for Short Version!:

      There was a vast military facility, set in a rocky, mountain terrain. An acquaintance and I were seemingly prisoners or captives on this base, and were sneaking around the yard in an attempt to make our escape. Our captors were more ruthless mercenaries than your standard soldier, and we knew that being caught again would mean certain death.

      It didn't take long for the base to go on alert, upon realizing we were no longer where we should have been. Everywhere, squads of these men were mobilizing and searching frantically for us. One the closest end of the base was a wall with a framework of openings, but on the other side was a wide-open clearing, for miles. We could already hear the helicopters beginning to circle. We would be sitting ducks out there. The only way to safety would be to make it across the compound and to the opposite side, where the geographic conditions were much more conducive to escape.

      Unable to keep ourselves hidden for much longer, we soon found ourselves sprinting and scrambling through the yard, dodging machine gun fire so close that I could actually feel the bullets tearing through my clothing and brushing my skin at times. Turning a corner - after having lost my companion, somewhere in the fray - I saw a large, metallic object wheeling itself around a nearby building. It was a tank, and the turret was already beginning to rotate in my direction. I broke into a lateral sprint, running as fast as I could, toward the closest structure. It was one of those moments where time stands still, and you're in just such utter terror that you are absolutely, positively sure you are going to die.

      I heard the tank fire the shot, just before I was able to reach the corner. Luckily, the shell flew just a few feet behind me. I could sense it as it passed me before exploding, harmlessly, about a dozen yards away.

      Still on the run, I happened upon an enormous crevice that led down into the ground, just outside of the military compound. It was a great gash in the earth, about the length of a large yacht, and it was apparently the entrance to a network of caverns which stretched deep below the surface. I climbed down to lower passageways and attempted to wait out my pursuers, thinking that I might have enough concealment down here to successfully get away. Then, I saw a silhouette on the wall. It was a wolf. A very large wolf. It was sniffing its way around toward me, but I was out of its line of sight and it hadn't yet noticed me.

      Quietly, I began climbing back up toward the surface, out of the path of this beast, and started to weigh my dwindling options. Poking my head just above the surface, I was met not with the automatic weapons of the mercs that I believed were still searching for me, but with the sight of about five more wolves, sprinting down out of the nearby mountains and directly toward me at breakneck speed.

      Frantically, I slid back down into the crevice and to the lower level. The wolf was there waiting, and I ended up having to fend him off with my hands, grabbing his snout as he lunged and grappling with him just long enough to slip away before the others could descend into the cavern behind me. (I think I killed it, but I'm not sure.)

      Continuing further and further down, and just as I was beginning to feel that I had rid myself of the ferocious wolves, I found myself dropping into a wide open 'room' within the cavern. It was about the size of the underwater cavern in my dream from yesterday. This time, though...it was full of people. Primitive, indigenous people, who seemed as though they had been living here for eons. A lost civilization. And they all immediately stopped what they were doing and stared directly at me.

      I was standing on some kind of pedestal or shrine, and surrounded by precious artifacts. The centerpiece immediately caught my eye: a large, gem-encrusted plate, in the shape of a skull, which looked like it had come straight out of an Indiana Jones movie. Suddenly, the air turned hostile, and this entire tribe began converging angrily upon me. I was off, again, instinctively grabbing up the skull-shaped relic and dashing off of the pedestal, running through the caves while they gave chase. Some of the natives also dealt in magic, because the last thing I remember is hoping from ledge to ledge while a handful of them threw glowing, blue spells at me, which exploded into bright splashes of hot liquid.

      I don't think they ever caught me, though!

      Updated 11-04-2014 at 10:47 PM by 2450

    3. 07/12/2011 - 1) Fragment, 2) "War on the Water"

      by , 07-14-2011 at 12:55 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:
      There was some type of art contest going on. I remember rummaging through some of the entries with EH (a really attractive friend of mine, whom I seem to be dreaming about quite often, lately). It took forever to get to mine, which actually turned out to be of noticeably less quality than many of the others, but it was still somewhat decent. I could have sworn that I had more entries to show her, but it turned out to be only that one. Later, I was sitting on the floor, and she was straddling my lap with her arms draped over my shoulders. I was kissing along her neck and we were whispering some things to each other. My (deceased) dad was asleep in the other room, and we were trying to keep quiet, so as not to disturb him, or anyone else who was in the house. Later, my ex, MJ, and friend, J, came over. I was telling J about the amazing time I'd been having with EH. We all know each other, and MJ was talking with EH. I could tell MJ was plotting something. She came back over, beaming to me about how her and EH were now 'best friends,' and I had a feeling that this was, somehow, going to lead to trouble.

      Dream Two:
      "War on the Water"

      I was a part of (another) special military force (on some G.I. Joe type shit), caught up in an enormous firefight, in a village with high grass surrounding it. The enemy was a guerilla force, which was very skilled in hiding in the bush and using camouflage. They would pop up in random places, and we'd have to be quick to react. I remember having some weapon that fired hundreds of tiny spikes into the grasslands, blindly, to take out whoever might be hiding in them. One guy cornered me with a rocket launcher, around the side of a building. He was too close to fire on me, though, and I ended up throwing a grenade actually into his mouth (somehow), and diving around another corner just before he exploded. (I had watched the end of one of the Rambo movies, yesterday, which had the whole 'hiding in the high grasses' war scene in it.)

      Then, we had to chase down some of the leaders of this enemy faction. We got down to the water, which seemed more like an enormous lake than an ocean. They had a boat in the marina, and they took off down the water, running pretty-much parallel to the shoreline. We had boats of our own, and were about to get into one model, when we were presented with another, upgraded model. This thing was bad ass. It was like a futuristic rocket-boat - all black - that skimmed on top of the water and had boosters on the back. When they started it, it sounded like a jet engine. This boat just soared across the water at an amazing speed. A few miles down the shoreline, we came up to a landmass that jetted out from the coast a little bit. There was a short skirmish with some of the enemy, here - one of whom didn't look human, but like some human/beast hybrid that had long black spines that stuck out, down the back of his head. During this fight, some of my teammates had been abducted. The ship that the enemy had been on suddenly submerged and dropped down into a watery tunnel that led beneath this landmass. We were about to follow, when one of my other crew members said that we needed to go back and get the other ship that we'd left behind, as well, just in case something happened to this one. He convinced me by telling me how deep they were going, and how horrible a death it would be to drown, simply because we didn't have a back-up ship. I was sold.

      Soon, we were racing back, in the jet boat, to where we'd come from, weaving through some of the other ships along the coast. Back where we had docked, it took us a moment to find the other ship, but we soon had it - along with some reinforcements, and were headed back to the mystery land mass. We never quite made it, though. Along the way, we were intercepted by these large, ethereal creatures. They reminded me of Hindu Gods/Goddesses. They were each identical, aside from the fact that they were different colors. They were very large - some 40 feet tall - and seemed to have a sort of glow to them. They had multiple arms, and each one held a very large, curved sword in it. The entities were all clearly female, and had light wisps of translucent gowns fluttering around them. They gave us some type of threat, as they floated there, on top of the water, but I don't remember much of what they said. It seemed that their mission was to stall us there, though, so I don't know if they were working with the enemy or not. After talking for a while, they asked an enigmatic question; whether or not we'd noticed how the water level had been rising, as we were talking. Looking out over the horizon, I could see a swell. The water was definitely rising. But why? I got a really bad feeling.

      I knew something huge was coming. It was just a sudden assumption that turned into an unmistakable awareness. I told everyone on my team that we needed to get out of here - now. These entities were not about to let that happen, though. As soon as we attempted to vacate the area, they attacked, swooping and diving all around us, throwing their enormous blades at us, which rotated around and returned to them like boomerangs. One of them launched a blade at the jet boat I was piloting. Instinctively, I launched myself high into the air, my vessel being destroyed beneath me. Now, boatless, I dropped back down toward the water. Suddenly, though, I stopped. I was hovering - practically standing on the water. I realized that I had the ability to fly! This immediately affected the battle, and I was now flying and fighting and dodging these things and their flying swords. Feeling just on the cusp of lucidity (yet I don't think I ever quite realized I was dreaming), I also began using telekinesis, myself, realizing that - once one of those oversized blades came spinning in toward me - I could mentally deflect it and send it whirling off in another direction, guiding it with a wave of my hand. I also quickly picked up on the ability to loosely control the paths of these weapons, offensively, sending them flying back toward the entities and trying to do them in with their own swords. The fighting was extremely fast-paced, like fighter planes dogfighting over the water; dipping close to the sea and then changing course at breakneck speeds. The rest of my unit continued to fire their weapons from their vessels, unless they had already been destroyed.

      Ultimately, though, we just weren't making any progress with these things. The huge swell in the water was just getting bigger and bigger. The swell then turned into a wall of water heading toward us. It was a few dozen feet high, and I could see that, after it, the rise in water level would be completely overwhelming. 'Standing' on the surface of the water, once again, I quickly increased my altitude in just enough time for the wave to pass beneath me. On the back side of the wave, the water level was now practically touching my feet again, and I looked back toward the shoreline just in time to see the wave smash into the rest of my crew and the passenger boats in the area, immediately capsizing them and washing them away. I looked down toward my feet to see an enormous black shadow forming. Something massive was surfacing beneath me. I pivoted on the water and shot off in one direction, the surface of the water speeding off into my peripheral vision. I could see that this shadow was following me, though, moving just as fast as I was. Again, I went even higher, arcing up above the water and looking down below.

      Finally, my pursuer appeared - bursting out of the water with jaws wide open. It was as if Godzilla, himself (the 1997 version) came jumping out of the water like some sort of leviathan. (It was, without a doubt, the largest sea monster I can recall ever dreaming.) I frantically increased my speed and the gigantic teeth snapped closed behind me - so close that I actually had to tuck my legs and then kick off the monster's closed maw to fly even faster. The only thing I ever saw was the head because its incredible size blocked any possible view of the rest of its body. This colossus just continued to chase me - diving in and out of the water and keeping pace with me - repeatedly snapping its teeth within just feet behind me as I tried to fly faster and faster away from it.

      I don't remember the outcome of the chase, though. But damn that was intense.
    4. 07/11/2011 - Untitled Fragment; "All Hands On Deck"

      by , 07-13-2011 at 06:19 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:
      I was with two of my ex-girlfriends and some other gorgeous chick who looked like EH. The first thing I remember is laying on the bed and talking/flirting with EH. Before too long, we were all hugged up on each other, and things were just going great. I was kind of resting on top of her, and she actually lifted me up in the air with her feet, like one would do a child, and kind of 'flew' me around over her. Then she let her hands go and I was suspended by nothing but her legs on my stomach. I remember being amazed at how strong her legs were. It was then that I realized I was only in my boxers, and my, uh, 'infatuation' was fully exposed, through the unbuttoned hole in the front; pretty much just hanging down right in front of her, and everyone else. More than just a bit embarassed, I had her put me down so I could 'adjust.' Shortly after this, I got up from the bed. She quickly followed - jumping off the bed and onto me, wrapping her legs around me and holding on with her arms around the back of my neck. Playfully, I carried her around the room like this, resting her back up against one of the walls at some point.

      Don't really remember much else from this dream.

      Dream Two:
      "All Hands on Deck"

      I was a crew member on a military ship. A frigate, maybe. My earliest memory of this dream was my unit being poised to attack an enemy ship, not too far from us, at night. Apparently, everyone was waiting for me to fire the first shot, and kick off what was supposed to be a covert attack. I had this huge, cumbersome chaingun, which had two joysticks and an array of buttons on it. I just looked at the thing, really having no idea of how to work it. The enemy boat was far enough away that I couldn't see what I would be aiming at, in the dark. There had to be some kind of sight on this thing. Fumbling with the buttons, I flipped a switch and mistakenly turned on a huge spot light, which shined across the water and directly onto the enemy ship. Well there went any chance of a surprise attack. Quickly, I tried to recover, hearing the hushed curses of the guys in my unit. I flipped another switch and a night-vision display came up, between the joysticks. Not having much time to adjust to the image, I just opened fire at all of the little blips on the screen. Following my - quite embarassing - lead, the rest of my team opened fire as well, kicking off the full force of the attack.

      The next day, I was having to report to my superior's quarters, presumably to get chewed out for making such a mess of what was supposed to be a precision attack. On my way across the dock/harbor area, which seemed to be a mixture between a dock and an airport, I saw my best friend just getting back home from his trip. Completely surprised by this, I went over to greet him. A crowd of our family and friends were around, including JD, MR and I think JS. We all gave him a huge group hug and welcomed him back - with a few tears of joy throughout the group - but I knew that I didn't have time to stand around. I told him I had to go, because I was about to get reamed out for what had happened the previous night. I jogged off and continued my way across the dock and onto the ship, trying to find my way to my CO's quarters. The ship was basically a labyrinth; just an endless maze of tiny compartments, suffocating hallways and ladders. I rounded a corner and came to a wide area, within the hull. On the outside of the room was an Autobots symbol, and inside, there were dozens of giant robots, many of them identical, practicing drills. Apparently, we were in the midst of a joint operation with the Transformers. They were going over tactical transformations and timing, repeatedly transforming and de-transforming in unison.

      Moving on, I finally made it to where I was supposed to be. Just before stepping in the door, though, I noticed that I wasn't wearing any shoes or boots. I knew that it would be unacceptable to show up like this, so I had to run all the way back to my own quarters (wherever that was. Can't remember). On the way back across the deck, I remember weaving through some male and female soldiers that were doing PT; mainly pushups. While running across the ship's deck - not too far from the edge - it became hard to run. It's that old, dream scenario where, no matter how hard you're running, you just don't seem to be getting anywhere. It didn't quite feel like I was running underwater - as it usually does. Instead, it felt more like trying to run into a hurricane, and the wind was just so strong that it was holding me in place. After trying to run for a bit, I would slow down, and the sensation would completely go away. And then, once I started running again, it would come back again, and this imaginary wind, which did not affect anything around me, would keep me running in place.

      This strange sensation caused me to realize I was dreaming. I tried to confirm this by focusing on a window a few yards away and motioning with my hand, toward it, trying to break the glass from a distance with telekinesis. I could almost 'feel' an impact, from afar, but didn't really seem to affect the window at all. Still, I knew that I was dreaming. There was a cargo net in front of me, which I would have to climb, to get back to where I needed to be. It was elevated onto a platform, at the far end, and I took one high jump toward the center of the net. It was maybe a good 20ft jump, and I could hear some soldiers gawking and gasping in amazement. I made a second jump, bounding maybe another 30 feet in the air and landing on the top of the platform, skipping most of the obstacle. I had to walk along a slender catwalk, after that. It was somewhere around here, where I lost lucidity. And the last thing I remember is just going back through the hallways and trying to find my CO's office again.

      Updated 07-13-2011 at 06:25 PM by 2450

    5. 07/08/2011 - "Portals: the Search for the Dream World Academy Begins" (Dream Chain)

      by , 07-09-2011 at 01:08 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      (An amazing adventure, this morning. So I had become really interested in the new Dream World Academy concept, and wanted to give locating it in a lucid dream a shot. I wasn't really sure that I would have a lucid dream, but I got up early and had enough time to try a WBTB. With about 3 hours left to sleep, I came to the computer and browsed DV for a while, reading through the Academy thread once again. Then i lay be down and set my intention to recognize when I was dreaming. [Eidt:] By the way, I still have some journal entries to post, from the days and weeks before this, but I figured I would just start again from here, and I will post those previous dreams later.)

      Dream One (a):
      "Portals: the Search for the Dream World Academy Begins" (Dream Chain)

      It was night out, and I was in a type of old, harbor town, near the water. There were two teams of tactical military forces battling each other, throughout the streets, and I had been sneaking around in the dark - scrambling over rooftops and slipping through shadowy hallways - trying not to get discovered by these gunmen. At one point, I was running along the edge of a rooftop with one of the soldiers trailing behind me, wearing very modern and high-tech gear. When I came to the edge, I knew I had no choice but to try to jump for it, but I was in the air before I realized just how high up I was. My stomach turned as the street-lit road came up at me. In that last moment of panic, though, I recognized how unreal this situation was. On hope and desperation, I braced my hands and feet for impact and landed in a surprisingly relaxed crouch on the cobblestone(like) walkway. I was definitely dreaming. Immediately I remembered the goal of trying to find the Dream World Academy. Even though this area had a lot of close-set houses, there seemed to be many more dark hallways then actual doors. So my chances of finding a portal to the Academy weren't looking all that good. I did find a statue of an elephant or some other large creature, in a courtyard and, remembering the importance of touching things, to keep grounded in the dream, I climbed atop the statue and sat on its head, feeling the stone surface beneath me with my palms.

      After some time, I found myself on the far side of the small town, still set close to the water. This was the opposite team's quarters, and they accepted me in as if I was automatically on their side, anyway. The way they ushered me in - as opposed to the way the other team was actually trying to capture/kill me - made me feel like I was already a member of their faction. Once I got accustomed to them, and things had settled down, I went exploring again. This place was basically an old restaurant, on the water. There were plenty of doors - bathrooms; closets; etc. - and I quickly got to work, opening them all and trying to find anything behind them which I wouldn't expect to find, otherwise. But, even when putting some will power and intent behind it, a bathroom was still a bathroom. A closet was just a closet. While moving through the quarters, I kept touching things; dragging my fingers along the walls and counters, just taking in the sensation of how the surfaces felt. I also made sure to keep looking at my hands, periodically, not wanting to lose the dream before I could meet my objective. After searching to no avail, I found myself back in the bathroom. Everything was still vivid, but I was losing lucidity, probably due to just getting daunted by the fruitless search. Something caused me to remind myself of my mission, though. I had almost forgotten. I was still dreaming, and I had to find the Academy. I looked briefly in the foggy bathroom mirror, but I didn't want to focus too much on my reflection. (I've had some pretty crazy encounters with my reflection, before, and didn't want to get side-tracked.) I left the bathroom and kept searching.

      There are some parts here in which my memory seems to jump around. At one point, I was in the kitchen, which looked just like mine. It seemed to be day time outside now, and there was this really shady-looking cook in there with me. He made some type of threat to me and pulled a knife. I told him that he didn't want to try anything, because this was my dream, and I could crush him, if I wanted. I proved this by raising my hand and levitating some Tupper-ware off of the counter with telekinesis. Shocked and amazed, this cook instantly developed some freakish, homosexual crush on me. He casually slipped around behind me, embraced me, and kissed me on my cheek. Completely weirded out by this, I almost reached back and elbowed him square in the nose. I decided against it, though, and just slid out of his grasp, turning to face him defensively and making my way away from him, also not wanting to get caught up in fighting in this dream. Another fragment came when I found myself sitting in a residential garage, at night. There were headlights of a car beaming in on me, and two guys got out and began walking toward me, threateningly. My lucidity had begun waning, but it was still there. I reached out my hands and tried to push the oncoming men away from me with TK, but it didn't work. Uncontrollably, I questioned whether I was back in the real world. There was a fleeting moment, there, where I felt entirely stupid for trying to use TK on these guys, like I was some kind of wizard or something. I jumped up to my feet and ran like Hell.

      (I woke up here, and saw that I still had about an hour and a half to sleep, so I lay still and relaxed, trying to drop myself back into the same dream.)

      Dream One (b):
      I was back in the harbor town. I don't believe I WILDed, but I was already lucid, from my earliest recollection of this new dream. Moving along the docks at night, I had to stick to the shadows again, slinking my way passed the opposing team's sentries, and making it back to the HQ of my apparent allies. Still checking my hands and touching things, to keep the dream stable, I started searching around the restaurant again. Stepping into the dining area once more, I noticed that I had just passed a stunning woman, whom had grabbed my attention from the corner of my eye. I actually turned around in place, and looked back over to the wall, where she was sitting. She was a classy-looking brunette in an old-fashioned black dress and hat, sitting by herself. Smiling, I walked back over to her, leaning in close. She stared up at me, becoming visibly excited at how close my face was getting to hers. Again, she looked like she knew me, much like everyone on 'this side of the battle.'. There was an anxious recognition in her face - kind of like she and I knew each other very well, and she knew that we weren't supposed to be getting this close. (Now that I think of it, she reminded me a lot of Mal, from Inception.)

      I could see her breathing heavier, the closer I got, and she just stared up at me. Finally, I kissed her. Nothing too crazy. I really wasn't trying to get caught up in LD sex, and I could see how easily that could have come next. She decided to tag along with me, though, and we moved on through the dining area. Still feeling a little, uh, randy?, I used some telekinesis to tug at the shirts and blouses of a few of the girls that were seated at nearby tables. I was never able to pull one of them off, but could only kind of tease them into moving a little bit. Moving further down this hallway, and headed back toward the kitchen area, we passed an older man; a waiter or host. I decided to ask some more DCs if they new about this Academy/castle, stopping the waiter and inquiring about it. He seemed to have at least some idea of this place I was speaking of, but really no information that helped us in finding it. In the kitchen area, still unable to find a portal, we came across an old T.V. Then, it was actually the woman, who came up with an ingenious idea. Why just look for doors? She turned on the T.V., which was only static, and she jus kind of motioned to it. I knew immediately what she was implying. Stepping forward, I put my hands out to the glass, slowly phasing into it. I had been through mirrors before, but never into a T.V. The white and black fray of static filled my view and completely enveloped me. I simply relaxed and went with it, trying to set the intention for this makeshift portal to transport me to the Academy.

      I wound up in a jungle area, in the day time, still lucid. There was a stone slab of wall in front of me, and lush green vegetation all around. A small pit full of water sat off to one side, about 7 feet in diameter and filled with knotted ropes of vines and plant life, stretching down into some of the most crystal clear water I could imagine. I met another woman here, who was a bit of an Amazon, and very 'Earthy.' We got to talking about the Castle I was looking for, and she seemed to be well aware of it. She said that it was hidden back in the mountainous area behind the old harbor town, where the two opposing forces were battling. She also went more into detail about how varied the portals can be, saying that portals are everywhere. Whether or not they will take you to the Academy isn't guaranteed, but that they were everywhere. She pointed to the little well/water pit next to us, that I had been looking at earlier, and told me that it was a portal that would take me back to the harbor, and that I could continue my quest for the castle from there. I jumped into the waterhole, and sank, everything going dark for a moment, and then doing some generic, kaleidoscope-like tunnel transition.

      I was back in the harbor, at night, coming up from beneath the water, somewhere way out in the lake or bay or whatever it was. I could see the layers of stone buildings, just off the water. I knew that the warring parties were still battling, and was going to continue to do my best to stay out of sight. While I was treading water, I could see a figure moving around, just beside me. It was still the dead of night, but there seemed to be some sort of soft light coming up from beneath the water, just enough to see that the silhouette was of a dolphin. It poked its head up near me, and I could see that its skin was actually as black as its silhouette was. I then began to get a little anxious, because I was in this huge body of water at night. I knew it would only be a matter of time before the sea monsters came out to play. So, focusing my mind for flight, I sort of 'surfed' my way forward through the water, and then up and out of it, hovering up onto one of the docks and setting out to find more portals. My flight was feeling very awkward, and my body kept wanting to defy my intention; floating in opposite directions, having trouble staying elevated, etc. I was able to float up to one of the high rooftops, and I grabbed onto the ledge, just on the outside of a staircase. Some of the 'enemy' team were assembling on this rooftop, and they then began walking down the stairway that I was hanging on the outside of. I ducked away behind the railing, hanging precariously off the edge, overlooking the street. They passed practically within inches of me while I watched them, through the stone banister, and one of them looked back to talk to his squad. When he did, I could have sworn that he looked dead at me...but he never said anything to alert his men.

      Within this area of the harbor, I still had a hard time finding a lot of doors, so I went to searching for other 'types' of portals. I found what looked like a sewer drain, in the street, and figured that this could serve as a great portal. Setting the intention to show up somewhere within the academy, I jumped into the hole in the earth. Another Avatar-esque transition through a colorful tunnel, and I again found myself in the jungle setting, where I had earlier spoken to the Amazon woman, but she was nowhere to be found. I took another tunnel from this scene, and ended up back at the harbor town. Still not having any luck with doors, I just kept crawling into holes and dark paths, trying to find a portal that would lead me to the Academy. Throughout all this 'jumping,' I vaguely remember one moment where I showed up in some place where there was a kid around, whom I considered a threat, for some reason. I think he was going to alert the opposing team of my position. I got him side-tracked by asking him if he wanted to see some 'magic' and used pyrokinesis to light my hand on fire. He was enthralled by it, and I somehow used that distractions to escape the area. After another portal jump, I ended up back at the harbor for like the 4th time, only it was day time, this time. I wasn't really expecting to find the Dream World Academy in the daytime (I'm gonna have to ask if it's supposed to appear in the daytime or not), so I actually tried to make it night out, myself. I went through a hallway and commanded that it would be night time, when I emerged from the other side. Didn't work. So, I spent the next few moments hopping in portals and trying to find one that would bring me back to this harbor area in the night, so I could just fly to the mountains and look for the castle the old fashioned way.

      I woke up before I was able to find anything, though.
    6. 01/13/2011 - "UFO, EMP, WTF"

      by , 02-01-2011 at 12:36 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "UFO, EMP, WTF"

      I had been hanging out with a few friends. Josh was there, and there were a couple of girls along with us. We'd spent most of the night just partying and just getting into a lot of shit we weren't supposed to be. I remember being in a garage, sitting in the passenger seat of a car, and one of the girls from the back seat slithered up front to sit on my lap. Looking back, though, I can't say that this is a girl that I already knew in waking life.

      Later, we were supposed to be going to a house party, but when we got there it was completely abandoned. It was the middle of the night, and there were still a couple of cars outside, even though there was apparently nobody home. Ultimately not caring, we all just decided to hang out there, and have our own little party. So we started just getting hanging out and getting hammered. The whole thing seemed completely wrong, though. Everything was dark and ominous, and the house itself had a really run-down, horror movie type of feel to it, as if it were a cross between the Bates motel (Psycho) and Springwood High School (A Nightmare on Elm Street). Even though we were just having a grand ol' time, there was still this foreboding feeling that we just shouldn't be there.

      After some period of time, we were all outside. The house was somewhat in the sticks, and even though there was a least one neighbor nearby, there were acres and acres of land, around us. Suddenly, in the dead of night, we heard the electronic whir of some sort of aircraft above us. We looked overhead and there was a small cluster of about 3 spot lights beaming down through the clouds, sweeping over the house and surrounding area. The machine was hovering, just to high above the mist for us to make out its shape. Still, it was easy to see it was like nothing I'd ever witnessed. Just as suddenly, a convoy of military vehicles roared onto the scene, tearing through the grassy field beside us, and apparently chasing the flying vehicle, which had shifted off to the clearing behind the house. There was something huge going on, and we weren't even sure if we were allowed to be on this property. We figured that it would probably be best to get the Hell out of the area, before the military decided to come back, and 'interrogate' any witnesses. However, when we tried to start the cars, they were all dead. Everything electronic was dead. Apparently, we figured, that thing in the sky had triggered some kind of EMP, and we were now stranded. (Didn't realize that this didn't explain how the military was able to drive in across the field. Oh well.)

      The next thing I knew, it was the following morning. I vaguely remember waking up in a friend's car. We were trying to leave again, and this time, the car was starting. The only thing left was for me to check my car...which was suddenly nowhere to be found. I exploded into panic, jumping out of the car and scoping around for mine. Josh suggested that I might have parked it around back, with some of the others. I went around the side of the house, and into the back yard. There were a a couple of cars back there, but most of them looked run down, and mine was nowhere in sight. I'd gone back around to the front of the house and found the rest of the group in the garage. They were tending to the girl who had been with Josh, and she was apparently very sick. She had these mysterious bruises that just showed up, all over her body, and there was suddenly blood all over the section of the car where she was sitting, which apparently came from her. Everybody was freaking out, because this girl was apparently getting worse by the moment. I was immediately reminded of the snake things in the movie The Ruins, and I couldn't help but think that this girl had them crawling around beneath her skin. If she was somehow infected with these parasites, we were all in grave danger, and we had to get out of there. Now.

      There simply wasn't enough room for all of us to drive off in the only car that we had, so I knew we needed some other mode of transportation. I ran back around to the back of the house and started looking for a car that might actually start. There was a really dope, customized Camaro, but it turned out to be a piece of junk that simply didn't run. Another car, which seemed suitable from afar, seemed to suddenly morph into a child's PowerWheels type of toy. Finally, I came across another car, which looked a lot like mine, except it was a convertible of a different color. We somehow got it started, piled ourselves into both vehicles, and drove away to try to get some medical attention.

      That's all I remember.

    7. 12/15/2010 - "Captain Cockblocked", "Tygra's Tale", "Genetic Swimgineering", "Fish Memorial"

      by , 12-16-2010 at 09:04 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      (Pretty epic night of dreaming, last night. Wasn't feeling too good, when I came home from work, so I ended up going to bed early and actually getting a full 8 hours of sleep! Haha. Woke up a couple of times, throughout the night, take some notes on my dreams.)

      Dream One:
      "Captain Cockblocked"

      I was the Captain of a brigade on a huge, futuristic ship. The whole dream took place inside the ship, so I honestly don't know if it was a water vessel or a spaceship. But I could tell, from the our uniforms and technology, that it was definitely in the future. As Captain, I had a really hard time getting my unruly platoon in order. They were quite a band of misfits, and would only listen to me when I really came down on them. I'm really not sure that I liked all of the responsibility for such a wily bunch. There were two stand-out soldiers in this dream, though. Two women. It seems that there was something of a love triangle going on, between us. One of the women and I were definitely seeing each other, and the other woman (who looked a bit like a cross between Angelina Jolie and the Baroness from G.I. Joe) was vying for my affection.

      My official love interest and I were sparring on a large platform made of metallic grid-work, set high above the rest of the platoon. The "room" we were in was enormous - more like a hanger - and the rest of the platoon was watching from down below. The spar was actually pretty interesting. It was a strange dance of attacking/evading, without ever coming in contact with each other. It was quite graceful. If I was facing away from her, she would slide in for a leg sweep, and I would do a slow, precise, back handspring over her, landing on her other side. Then I would throw a high kick at her, and she would bend sideways, beneath it, and cartwheel away. It was a lot like Capoeira, actually, but more straight-forward, and with less dancing. It wasn't intense, in the slightest. It was kind of erotic, really, and we were just enjoying how connected we felt with each other, in being able to anticipate each others' movements. Apparently, though, this didn't sit very well with the other girl.

      During a move where I was about to throw/spin my lovely opponent away from me, the other girl had made her way up onto the platform with us. I tried to throw my lady-friend with enough trajectory that she might be able to pull herself out of the barrel-roll spin through the air, and land on her feet. However, when I saw that the 'other' girl was standing in the exact spot that I'd intended to throw my opponent...I fucked up. Having been startled by this other girl standing on the platform, I under-threw my sparring partner. She spiraled a couple of times through the air, directly toward girl #2, who was actually in a perfect position to catch her. Instead - after having initially put her hands out, to catch the oncoming person on instinct, girl #2 swiped her hands away, at the last moment, and allowed girl #1 to crash to the metal-grated platform, face first. The impact was so loud that it echoed through the entire chamber. I could practically feel it, myself. Girl #2 just looked at me with a sarcastic sort of "Oops" expression on her face, obviously not the least bit apologetic.

      Girl #1 was injured pretty badly, and I felt horrible. I went to her side to console her. She was holding her face, and it was clear that she was in a lot of pain. Eventually, the medics came, and helped her away to get checked on. While they hauled her off, I began walking to the other side of the platform. Girl #2 quickly caught up and kept pace with me. Quite adorably, she locked her hands behind her back as she walked, a huge smile beaming while she told me how we (her and I) never used to have 'accidents' like that. Trying to dismiss her, I barked that we never used to run drills like that. As if her response had been ready, she answered back that "we never had to." She said that we always just kind of "vibed, in the field." Through this, I get the impression that her and I had something of a thing going on, in the past, and she was trying to rekindle it. Still kicking myself over dropping my new girl, I sat down on the edge of the platform and actually held a conversation with girl #2, though, the whole time, I really wished she would just leave me alone.

      While we were talking, our Commander stormed into the room. A grunt yelled out "Ship on deck!!!" and everyone jumped to attention. Under my breath, I said "It's 'ATTENTION on deck, you idiot." The Commander wasn't very happy. He let us know that we were headed for a battle, and my platoon still looked like a rag-tag bunch of cretins. As if to prove his point, some of the grunts started mocking him, and copying the things he was saying. My mind was a mess of emotions at the moment, and I decided to stay quiet about it. The Commander then went into a spiel about how he started this platoon because of the potential he once saw in a 12 year old boy, who he knew would one day be a great leader. And he made it a point to say that he "did not see that 12 year old boy in this room." Even though he was facing the rest of my soldiers, I knew he was talking about me...and it killed me. After what seemed like an eternity, he left, and I knew that I would have to muster all the strength I had, to get my soldiers into shape, before our next battle began.

      Dream Two:
      "Tygra's Tale"

      I was a lonely, troubled, version of Tygra of the ThunderCats. I had an underground base, which looked much like the hanger/chamber in my first dream - a large room with metal walls and an obscure, blue "screen," which took up the entire front wall and illuminated the whole chamber. After pretty much just sitting around and sulking, by myself, I found my lair being invaded by an entire army of mutants and robot sentries. There was a massive battle; myself vs. the entire army, which had just kind of 'teleported' into my lair. I had Tygra's trademark bolo-whip, and it was just the most fucking awesome weapon ever. The three balls on the end would cause explosions, whenever they made contact with a target, and the whip, itself, was amazingly accurate and effective. I distinctly remember thinking to myself - during the battle - how amazing it was, that I was able to wield such a weapon with such extreme expertise. (I vaguely know how to use a whip, in waking life, but would be completely lost, using one in a battle situation.) The battle was very fast an epic - involving a lot of high-jumping and anime-styled dashing; moving around the area with a speed that pretty much made me a match for everyone in the room, and throwing all kinds of projectile weapons at my attackers.

      After some time, the fighting came to a stand-still. It turned out that I was being tested by this group. They were actually the rest of the ThunderCats, come to see my skill level and invite me onto their team. One of the smallest of the group was a young girl who said that she and I had the same mother or father. (Can't remember which.) By her markings, I could tell that she was a young Cheetara. She told me to check my records to see if we might actually be brother and sister. Forced with the decision of whether or not to join their team, I went off to be alone with my thoughts for a while. I found myself in a targeting range, flicking shuriken - rather sloppily - at targets. I was really apathetic about the target practice, and just kind of tossing shuriken everywhere; even sticking some of them in the ceiling. Above all else, they had just caught me at my most depressed, and I had a hell of a time shaking the sensation of hoplessness.

      Reluctantly, I decided to join their forces, officially becoming one of the "ThunderCats." I don't remember anything after letting them know that I would sign on with them, though.

      Dream Three:
      "Genetic Swimgineering"

      I was with some friends and family members, in a beach-side hotel. Standing on the balcony, we watched the water and saw some large, shell-like....thing move up toward the shore. It was about the size of a small yacht, but seemed completely organic. Some of the people down on the beach flocked toward this object, which began spewing water out of an opening at the top. This water mixed with the water around it, and soon coated the shoreline, and all the people on it. When the beach-goers started emerging from the water, it was apparent that many of them were much younger than they had been before. This water apparently had some regenerative properties, and once people saw this, they immediately began bathing in it. It was a veritable fountain of youth. Some of the girls/women in our group - my mom included - just could not resist the urge. They made a bee-line out of the hotel and down toward the water. I tried to tell her not to do it, because we knew nothing about this thing, or where it came from. She wouldn't listen, though, and neither could many of the other girls in our group. They saw the opportunity to preserve their youth, and literally jumped in it.

      As with the others, they came out looking younger than they previously had, and were completely happy with the results. I still had a bad feeling, though. My suspicions were then confirmed, when those who went into the water began mutating. Some of them grew scales. Others grew soft, mushy skin that seemed to hang from their bones. The girl I was with began to grow scales, as did my mother. While we panicked, they also began losing their memory, and were constantly having to be reminded of who they were, and what was going on. It was just a horrible situation, all around. Things just progressively got worse. My mom ended up actually turning into a fish - a very sinister-looking fish with large spines that came out of her dorsal fin...but there was still something very human about her.

      After a while, my dream skipped ahead. We were now on a large boat. We had figured out that there was a "mad geneticist" behind the whole thing, and myself - along with a large squad of friends and strangers - were on our way to storm his island stronghold, to put a stop to whatever the Hell he was doing. My mom, still in fish state, was in a water-filled bowl, on deck. Suddenly, in the middle of our voyage, she jumped out of the bowl and into the ocean. Without so much of a second thought, I jumped off of the boat and into the water after her. I remember being absolutely terrified, in the open water, not knowing what to expect might be swimming around with us. Reluctant to open my eyes, I did, grabbing my mom/fish and paddling for the surface. I saw the boat do a wide turn, eventually coming back around to pick us up. Something wasn't right, though. I had a - almost telepathic - feeling that my mom/fish didn't want to leave the ocean. She was being called toward it. The more I swam toward the boat, the stronger the feeling got. When I was climbing onto the boat, she began squirming in my hand, and I actually saw a very human tear fall from her fish eye. For all that she was, she knew that she belonged in the ocean, and even considering the circumstances, I couldn't deny her that. With a heavy heart, I tossed her back into the ocean, and we continued our voyage to put a stop to this mad-man's experiments.

      Soon, we were on his island. My comrades and I stormed the base, fighting through his forces and trying to get to the bottom of just what the Hell he was doing. I don't remember much of the battle, but it was fierce, and I ended up losing a couple of close friends in the fight. The last thing I remember was being drawn into the scientist's final hiding place - buried within a wall. He didn't know I had followed him in, and I ended up getting the drop on him, rushing him and tackling him into another room. The room was like a huge auditorium, and we were on the top flight of stairs. The villain was facing me, and away from the rest of the room. What he couldn't see was a horde of some of his failed experiments coming up the stairs behind him...and they looked hungry. Giving one final push, I shoved the guy away from me and toward his 'children,' slipping out of the room and shutting the door. Without even being there to witness it, I knew that he was being torn to pieces (and most likely eaten) by the monsters he had created.

      Dream Four:
      "Fish Memorial"

      (Which is hilarious, if you're familiar with Fish Memorial Hospital, which isn't far from my house.)

      I was coming home from work at night, and I saw that there were about a dozen cars in our driveway (only it wasn't my house, but my friend Kellen's house, from back when I used to live in Texas). When I went inside, my mom told me that she was having a memorial for Chris B. (an old friend of mine, who'd died in the previous dream. I would almost think this was the same dream, but I have the distinct feeling of having woken up, between the two). I didn't think too much of the fact that I had no notice of this memorial, but I did notice that I didn't actually see anybody in the house. Figuring everyone must be out in the back yard, I went to 'my' room to change clothes. Changing turned out to be one hell of a task, though. Nothing in my closet matched. Nothing. And even when I found something that could pass for a matching outfit, all of my shoes were de-laced and/or broken. I spent the rest of the dream throwing clothes and shoes around, trying to find something suitable to wear before going out to meet everyone.

      Updated 12-16-2010 at 05:37 PM by 2450
