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    1. Slightly Different Water Induction; Palm Tree Made of Water

      by , 01-08-2017 at 07:08 AM
      Morning of January 8, 2017. Sunday.

      I shift into the clarity of the opening scene of my first dream of the cycle. It is the typical water induction. I find myself driving down a street in an unfamiliar location. There is firstly a sense that it may be near the ocean though this association changes after a short time. It seems to be early afternoon.

      The street is lightly flooded and it is raining, but the rain stops eventually. I look to my left wondering if Zsuzsanna will appear for a blissful connection. After a time, there are small geyser-like formations that rise from the surface of the water. Eventually, I even see what appears to be a palm tree made of upwards flowing water to my left, on or near the boulevard.

      Even though I have at least one dream of this nature every night, I am only documenting this one due to it having an atypical feature of the palm tree made of flowing water.

      Water symbolizes sleep and the real-time dynamics of sleep and has always been my most common form of dream state induction. In fact, I often hear the (hypnagogic) sound of water flowing when not even fully asleep yet (sometimes natural settings, sometimes related to bathrooms or showers). (Not only that, if I am listening to a recording while falling asleep, I hear a hypnagogic “gloop” sound at various pitches and distances, which sounds much like a pebble breaking the surface of a body of water. This has been the case for over fifty years and directly translates as sleep induction being slightly disrupted by real-life audio.) It stems from the fact that a person spends the first ninth months of their existence sleeping within “water” (perceived as such) and is also related to circadian rhythms and tidal factors (or at least the analogy of tidal factors - as water getting lower over time is a common waking transition for me). Clear water would relate to being more within the natural sleep cycle. Muddy water relates to outer ranges of the sleep cycle, as I discovered as a child. It is probably the most consistent and “reliable” dream feature I have ever experienced.

    2. The Tallest Palm

      by , 07-24-2006 at 05:57 AM
      Morning of July 23, 2006. Sunday.

      In my dream, I am seemingly back in America in the southern area of the backyard of my sister Marilyn’s house on Loomis Street in Wisconsin, as it is at least of my main location recognition at one level. However, even though the area mostly looks like this part of La Crosse, I also seem to be in the West Indies at the same time (though it does not feel quite like a typical bilocated setting even though it technically is). To the southeast and across the street is a very tall palm tree and I am aware that it is the “tallest palm”. There also seems to be some sort of government building opposite the street from my sister’s house, though a bit south. I eventually notice other features that make the area seem more like it would naturally be near the ocean. The focus on the one tall palm tree seems important as if “The Tallest Palm” was some sort of expression related to civics. Nothing happens other than being in the fictional composite setting and reflecting on peaceful associations. There is a very clear awareness of the blue sky and it is perhaps in early afternoon.

      This dream eventually seemed to form music, which I got at least the main motif from, which was called “The Tallest Palm” and the instrumental reggae track was eventually released on a compilation CD with other artists as a benefit for wounded soldiers; released on July 30, 2007 by DMusic.

      For some reason, this “same” dream (though not with the original blissful feelings throughout as it had less emotion) came back to me on the morning of July 23, 2015. Thus, this is a good example of an “anniversary” type of dream (as stated before, more evident with holidays and important dates, I think).
      Tags: music, palm tree