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    Turquoise Dreams

    1. Random DILD; Badass subC

      , 01-12-2018 at 05:13 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Few days ago. So happy to remember an awesome dream again. 3 in one night, in fact.

      1. My subC is such a cool BADASS

      I'm in a car. There is some presence. It flies out and is flying at me towards the back window. I remember my thoughts from daytime, that you have to stand up for yourself. Don't let anybody bully you or scare you, or enslave you in any way.

      (I had to watch Insidious and there was a scene where a demon had some souls enslaved, and another soul fought and beat his ass. And I remember thinking that that's how you have to approach situations in dreams.)

      So as it was flying at me, about to scream at me to scare me, I punched it square in the chest, expecting to be hit back far harder. But no. No retaliation. So I hit it again and kept punching until I was satisfied that the danger is over.

      2. Cigar and a DILD
      Very low lucidity. Suddenly I just have more awareness and I'm "thinking". There is a cigar in front of me on the table. Not even a whole one. I think "why not". I don't smoke and never had, but I figured what a better place to try, haha. So I light it up and take a puff. We keep passing it between me and my friend, noticing how the smoke tastes and such. I'm not hating it, but I don't like it either.

      When we are done, I decide to go for a flight. I take off and hover over the area, flying like a hummingbird. Horizontal when flying, vertical when hovering. I am SO HAPPY to be flying again. The feeling is unmistakable and out of this world elating. I feel good from this for next 2 days.

      3. VR reality
      Somebody has VR goggles. I ask if I can try them, then I keep borrowing them when not in use. I put it on and I'm on a dusty walking path somewhere high in Andes. Peru comes to mind. I don't think it's in the past, but I know it had been used by Incas.

      When I look through the goggles, I can see the scenery, but also the edges of the goggles. Like when you put on a snorkeling mask. But after few seconds, I kinda lean forward, the goggles disappear and I'm fully immersed in the scenery. I walk up to the edge of the precipice by the wooden handrail and expect to be able to see it only from the distance, since I know I'm not really there. But the scenery comes closer to me and any divide between me and the scene disappears. Just like when I'm WILDing and at first I'm just looking inside the dream from the outside (level of my eyes), then I get transported inside, sucked in, and I'm in the middle of it, in 3D environment. It was awesome to realize all this.

      We come up on some orphanage, right there on the path. I tell them to hang on, and I return to my "base" and I rummage through the food supplies, gathering up everything I can find to take it back to the kids. It takes a long time, and other things happen. Long and detailed.

      I woke up very happy from all these dreams. This is what I call interesting dreams. THANK YOU, SUBC <3
    2. Peru people and bird

      , 06-09-2017 at 03:41 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night


      Interesting dream, again with Peru. Not sure what I have with this country, but I already had a few, mostly about artifacts, some village and some others.

      So I'm walking with a female. She is showing me around. Some building with some modern, all glass additions, with a plaza between them.

      Then I'm walking in some corridors. Looks like an indoor marketplace, but there are no stalls, no merchandise that I can see. Only a huge amount of people all walking somewhere. Local kids are trying to sell us things, but we shoo them away. Feeling that we are undercover or something secret is going on. Somebody comes at me with a stick, i take it from him and defend myself. I get a distinct feeling that I'm in Peru.

      Now I'm on a cement tile walkway that's outdoors. A beautiful bird flies by at height of my face. I know he is rare or extinct and he has some special meaning. I'm still in Peru.

      I grab a camera and start taking pictures of him, hoping I get some nice ones. As if the bird knew this, he is posing. His face is just inches from mine. Size and look of a road runner, but he has beautiful colors of deep greens, blues, reds. He is looking into my eyes, cocking his head from side to side. He has about a 3 feet long tail consisting with only one - two long feathers, but on the end of them is a few more beautifully colored feathers.

      Now outside of town. Looking up at the small hill, there is a boy standing, and a small lion or cheetah cub comes up to him from behind a hill. I tell someone else to look and I grab a camera or binoculars. Then I look down and I have a same cub at my feet. This other person finds 4-5 cubs nearby. As I'm waling away, their mom comes up and she is following me, as I'm walking backwards away from there.
      Tags: bird, cheetah, peru
    3. Peru; Chased by police

      , 03-24-2017 at 03:58 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      This was last night. Bed 10 pm. Watched The Town movie, where bank robbers have a shootout with police in riot gear.

      Long and detailed. Took 2x300 alpha gpc.
      So I'm in a building with others. Trying to escape. Get to a huge room, size of a hangar. We are high up. Looking down, the room continues to the left. Blood on the walls. It's some kind of a killing room and same was suppose to happen to us. Long heavy chains are hanging by the walls from the ceiling. I'm thinking if I could climb up, swing the chain, grab another one, all the way to the exit. But they are too far from each other.

      Someone comes and opens locked door, let's us continue escaping. Going through corridors and rooms. Now in a residential house with group of escapees. We have a long way ahead of us. I'm looking through cabinets to find survival gear. Finding clothes, plastic forks, tupperware, items for personal hygiene. Packing them all. We see police in riot gear sneaking around the house. Watching them through the window blinds. Then I hear my mom yelling outside the window if I am there. I get out through another window and meet up with her. Now some people from my original group walk by. I tell them to watch out for police car on the corner, so we turn and walk other way.

      This was a couple of days ago.

      I'm In Peru on a group tour. Walking through some caves. Guide tells us about artifacts that can be found. We look, and sure enough, there are silver colored rings in the ground. Some are only half berried, some found after some digging. I pick some up, but then I leave them. I don't know why we were able to find them and what's the catch. When we are leaving, one male tourist says "will pay for these copies" . It made me think that guides put them there for groups and then they make them pay for it.

      Another scene - going on a fast boat across a large lake. Water is very muddy and turbulent. Lots of strong currents, large waves. I'm thinking which way I would swim to the shore if we capsized.
    4. Peru

      , 10-18-2015 at 06:39 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      sleep 2:30pm-9:40pm

      Just before waking up:

      I am visiting Peru with my dad, brother and other people. We are walking through some ancient place. Advanced civilization used to live there. I was wondering just how advanced they were, if having modern type doors makes them advanced.

      It's a elongated site as if on the edge of a mountain or a cliff. Lots of ruins of buildings. Everything is in reddish clay.

      My dad tells me that when he visited last time, they didn't go all the way to the end. And I should go there, because the view is great. As I'm walking, I look down and I find a 20 peseta coin. It looks old. I squat down to look for more. I remember my dreams how I find coins in them just like this.

      We keep going and there is what seems to be the end, but I look beyond and the real end is there. It's a window opening in the clay wall.

      Somewhere along this I look at the map of Peru to see where is this site, and my brother buys a brochure. I realize we got there by airplane and see our location to be in middle or middle north of Peru. I know it's not Machu Picchu, because I'm wondering why we didn't go there, and that perhaps next time we do that. It's not Puma Punku either, because I recall that name in a dream as well. I'm trying to come up with a name of that site. I know where we are, just the name eludes me. I know it's not as famous or visited as the others mentioned.

      As I carefully fold my map of Peru, I grab another one that my brother left behind and I fold it too. I will take it for a friend of mine who collects maps. I bet he doesn't have one from there.

      When we are back at the hotel, I'm walking on the grass field, coming back to hotel and taking pictures of the area with my red phone. I know ecaxtly how the phone works and I snap a few pictures. As I'm walking through this field which is not a lawn, I think to myslef to be careful of snakes and stuff, it's Peru afterall, an exotic country.

      I'm asking when are we leaving, because I need some postcards and suveniers. They don't know, but I get from my aunt, that plane leaves at 19:30. I ask her "so, that's 7:30, right"? She says yes. So I say that we will be leaving at least 4-5 hrs before that, so around 2:30 or so.

      I'm looking at some pottery that is somehow ours. It was perhaps part of a suvenier package we recieved. The small abstract object the size of opened hand is from black clay and the grooves are filled with fresh red clay/soil. As I'm cleaning it off, I tell my mom I'll leave some of that red clay on it, it will make it more authentic and I like the contrast with black.
      Tags: peru, travel
    5. Peru and Costa Rica, Cooking

      , 10-22-2014 at 05:42 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed 11 - 8:30

      DRs at 4:58am

      I'm in Peru. Going through a museum, looking at exhibits. Looking to buy a new necklace, because my old Ohm charm on a single black string just broke. (I have it in WL, looks the same, only it didnt break. But in the dream I rationalized how it broke, and it makes sense even now - moving the bead on it up and down too much made the string schaff and weaken).

      I want some meaningfull necklace, like the Ohm charm I have now. I'm realizing I will probably not find one that I will like as much as this one.

      We are walking in the town and there is a huge old ship on the city square. It's like a turist attraction, or a restaurant. We walk inside and to the top deck. I realize how windy is it there and much cooler. I walk up to the side and lean my elbows to the handrail. I see ocean in the distance and I can barely make out some islands in the distance, hiding almost like in the fog. They are jagged, tall, skinny, and all leaning to the left side. Covered in green. Someone says it's Canada. I'm like "we are in costa rica, you can't see canada from here"
      And I mentally show them a map, which turns out to be correct map and show them distance between costa rica and canada and US and other countries between us before canada.

      I'm explaining to K how to make hungarian dish, but can't remember the name of it, untill I do later.
    6. Artefacts from Peru; Twisted knee; Broncos

      , 02-05-2014 at 07:25 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      2.5.14 Wednesday

      Last night, bed 10:30 - 9am

      DR 2:30 am
      I'm walking with some people to another town to see Broncos training opened to public. We are walking on a berm. As we come to a small refresment shop, I wanna buy hot chocolate for my mom and soda for me. Lady behind the counter is asking for my ID. I tell her we are not buying any booze, nor we are driving.

      Standing outside, narrow streets, village type houses, huge buses drive right by us.

      DR morning

      I'm outdoors in a place that looks like riverbank near the place I grew up at. Somebody is taking me up the small hill. It's dusty, very little vegetation, just as it looks in summer. We stop at some wooden artifact sticking out of the ground. Dont remember what it was.

      We walk a bit and come to second artifact. It's a front end of a wooden boat. I can tell it's ancient. I touch it with amazement and respect. The wood is soft, but in very good condition. I see and offical looking label on it. Something that you would expect to see on an item in a museum. So I ask, if officials have already found it, why they dont escavate it and take it to safety.

      I know this boat is from Peru. So I'm speculating, how it got to US. Maybe a huge flood?

      DR morning

      I'm outside laying on a sandy soil. Very little vegetation. Next to me is someone also laying down. There is a firefighter treating us. The other person was bit by a snake. So the medic is asking us, on the scale of 1-10, how stupid we were to come out there where snakes are. And if we would go there again. I tell him, that I was not bitten by a snake, I got twisted knee. And yes, I would still go there again, and be same carefull of snakes as I was today. My knee doesn't hurt, but I know he gave me something for pain.
      Tags: peru