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    Turquoise Dreams

    1. Frozen ocean

      , 04-02-2017 at 01:09 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I'm visiting with parents of people I used to work with. My brother and his family is there too, and my parents. My mom is picking out what we gonna make for dinner, while my brother went out with my nephew to look at the frozen ocean. I spotted that when I was looking out the window and I was amazed that the shore was frozen, with ice waves sculpted as if the waves were still in motion. I was going with them, but returned for my phone so I can take pictures.
    2. Old arab; New house

      , 09-22-2016 at 11:59 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night bed 9pm - 2:50 am

      2x300 alpha GPC 2:57 am

      Dream before 2:50am

      There was something with an old arab. He was rich and people were kinda scared of him, he was like a "boss" of the neighborhood. We go there through lots of hallways with some bodyguards. The room we get to is huge, lots of sofas and pillows.

      Leaving through stairs on a wall. It's a solid rock wall of a mountain, perfectly vertical. There are only somy protrusions like stair rungs. Somebody is leading me. I stop to take a picture with my camera phone. The person looks back so I show him the picture later that he is in it too, if it's ok with him.

      Walking by some hills that people use for picknicks. We have a spot there too, thinking about exchanging it for another one.

      Walking through a new neighborhood looking for a house we are suppose to move into. Somebody lived there before. Their neghbors are suppose to help us with taking our boy to school, since we are new. I'm trying to talk to this woman who is getting her son dressed. She is the one who is suppose to help. I keep saying Hi, but as if she didn't hear me. Somebody finally taps her on the shoulder and she lifts her head. Her face looks beat up, eyelid swollen, tears in her eyes.
      Tags: phone camera
    3. Sweden; Thailand; New phone camera

      , 09-16-2016 at 12:01 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Bed 8:30pm - 3:36am

      DR 1 at 1am
      I'm walking up a hill in Sweden. It's very green, lots of grass, trees and flowers. I'm taking tons of pictures with my new phone. I look back and there is a huge rock arch through which yu can see the ocean way below us. It's so beautiful.

      DR 2 at 1am
      Some kind of rocky tunnels, or old stone ruins, high up. I'm running from there. Come to the edge, they almost got me, but I jump off hoping I will fly. And I do.

      DR 3 at 1am
      We are flying above a coastline in Thailand. They are taking us to a resort. It's all undeveloped area. No other hotels or towns. I look along the shore and I tell them that another beach is nice and there is town, so thy should take us there. We want to see places besides the resort, like stores, towns, other people.

      Flying over the ocean coast for a long time. Taking lots of pictures with my phone.

      At the resort, I take a lots of pictures of their pictures on the wall. There are some unsent letters from previous guests. I'm reading the envelopes if I find any clues what happend to them, because I'm starting to thing something happened. The resort is not what it seems.