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    MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.


    This journal will account my many dreams!!! yay! Anyway, I have had so much amazing synchronistic occurrences around dreams. I have helped myself and a few others through my dreams! I am doing my best to find out how to live my life by my dreams.

    Main entities:

    Asuka: My dream wife. I am purely convinced that she's not another aspect of my mind. She exists separate from me. Lately I have been running into people similar to her in waking life. She's sweet, very kind, and has a strange sense of humor. She has a yellow aura.

    Nomad: The guy that got me into shared dreaming. He doesn't show up in dreams as often... but back in the day we dream shared lots. He got me into the dream lover thing and also has experience with meeting their twinners on the waking plane.

    Raven: My other dream sharing friend. She helps me and asuka a lot. I wish I could recall her more.

    Data: He maintains the shields in my inner world.

    Victor: My dream guide... though he hasn't shown up lately.

    Shawna: A soul that shared a body with a woman named Aeona, Raven's guide Q appointed me guardian of Shawna when she was separated from Aeona.

    Other dream children: Two babies between me and asuka and also two other orphans that now reside in my inner world. We are all like a dream family... Aren't I creepy?

    The dream plane:

    I look at dreams as a separate plane of existence. Our waking realities are dense energy that give the illusion of solidity. Next is the Astral plane that is just outside of our waking perception. The dream plane vibrates at a light frequency and consits of bubbles. Every person when not traveling out of body dream in their inner world. Anyone can shape what they want their inner world to look like, and also use it as a focus point for the law of attraction. You can invited other dream entities to stay in your inner world... but be careful, it may attract demons. Dream sharing can take place inside your inner world or the inner world of someone else. other dream places are bubbles made of less dense energy.

    1. Drayums!

      by , 01-18-2011 at 05:38 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      something about Sam... But I forget what it was....


      I briefly remember being at Jay's house... but he wasn't friendly like usual... He was being a prick... I forget what we argued about.


      I was walking around in some weird building. I there was chunks of teeth falling out of my mouth. I desperately wanted to know what was wrong. I searched around for a mirror for a while. When I found one i looked in my mouth.... Chunks of a lot of my teeth had fallen out and my mouth was all bloody... I started panicking and tried to put the chunks that fell out back in my mouth... so much blood,

      Asuka's training.

      Was in some place with asuka. we sat down and held hands into a meditation. We went into a training scenario to control her rage when she fights.

      Wound up in an inner dreamscape overlooking a large city. I was across a lake overlooking the city. The scenario is to kill the shadowy figure running at you but do not touch or harm the woman running close by. I did this scenario over and over again.

      When the light came up in the city everything went vivid. I was looking at the futuristic city and was thinking "Is this 2012?". no matter. I ran along the lake. I saw the woman run by and ignored her. The shadow figure came and I teleported to him and beat him to death. I pulled the black hood from his face and saw that it was my brother lying on the ground dead. and I killed him... I started screaming from the shock and it sent me back into the meditation place with Asuka. I could feel her holding me to calm me down as I woke up all the way.

      Sleep paralysis stuff

      First I was seeing Asuka's face... and it started stretching around me and I woke. FA in another bed and I see chris highestridge. He's sitting on a chair and his right leg is half gone like and amputee person. He's saying that he's a warrior and can hanle this. But then he yelps in pain and starts swearing about his damn leg. the scene fades


      Was driving to Edmonton with my dad to see Scott's work place. We went into a building with a circular driveway that led up. I've had many dream like this before. anyway we enter the tp place and see a lot of construction going around. I remember doing specific tasks on the job and then later seeing scott and Yves.


      I remember having a bath with Asuka and she was crying about something but can't remember what.
      Tags: asuka, chris, jay, saim, scott
    2. lawl dreams... not

      by , 01-16-2011 at 03:30 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      k gotta get back to journaling everyday.


      Very vivid part of being at a pub with Sam. Everyone was dressed in western style clothes but she was in her normal clothes and looked a bit out of place. I had my arm around her... I remember some other Arab looking guy was staring at us... He looked really shocked and upset about seeing me with her like that. He was around 25-30 and had short hair with a boyish face.

      I went to the bar and was ordering a drink... maybe a shot of tequila... not Sure. Didn't have the money to pay for it... bUt I saw Reg sitting at a table and he offered me $50 or something... He just handed it to me. That's all I remember.


      I was driving a car where the inside looked like a wooden house LOL. the house window was the windshield and the fireplace was the steering wheel.


      vague sex dream :p

      Asuka again

      Brief memory of being at a kitchen sink while pouring a glass of water. I went to drink it and said "Chotto," or something... meaning "hold on a minute," maybe we were discussing something heavy... don't know.
      Tags: asuka, driving, saim
    3. A lucid yay!

      by , 01-09-2011 at 04:48 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Kitten Attack

      1 kitten is cute. 1000 is torture!!!!

      I was outside and walking along a trail. I go in some house and speak with some people I know. There are bees flying around me. I keep swatting them dead. I notice a kitten come around the couch... and then another... and another. I go behind the couch and there are many kittens. They attack me and I fall on the floor. They are clawing and biting me... It's like a scene out of the second batwman movie where catwoman is born. I am screaming "help, help, help!"

      Dan and Russ.

      I am at someone's house. I am sitting on a couch with Dan. i am asking him If he still wants the $600 I owe him. He gets mad and starts hitting me. I see Russ AKA Rusty from down. He starts stabbing me with a baselisk tooth. I can feel the searing pain and I wake up.


      I become lucid in the same house. I walk past the couch and call Asuka's name. I see Russ again. I jump to attack him. I pin him down and ask him "Are you real?" He laughs and says yes. I as him to prove it. He then freezes.

      I pick him up and I see myself in a mirror. I am seeing Rusty's face in front of me. i look to the mirror behind him and also see his face staring into the mirror. I spin Rusty around so I see the back of his head which is covered in a blue hoodie... I look to the mirror and see the same back of the hoodie even thought he should be facing the front. I spin him again and all around he is a faceless guy with blue all around his head. I get scared and try to teleport him away. I drag his body to a wall and try to summon a door. I put my hand on the wall and my vision switches. I can see an outline of my computer and realise I am fully awake with my eyes opened now.


      I am seeing an HH scene and see cartoon red roses swim past my vision. My feeling is that they are from Saim. (thanks sweetie!)


      (private entry)

      Movie fails

      I am watching a movie on my computer and lying down. Asuka joins me to watch. She leans back into my right arm. Her left hand touches my left and I hold it. This is just like when I walked Saim across the river in he dream from the other night.

      We watch the movie and it gets to an intense scene... but then it freezes. I get mad at the screen and try to resume the movie. It doesn't work. I move the indicator back and it plays. I move the indicator to the right spot where I left off and it pauses... i move the indicator a few minutes past and the movie resumes... but never on the right spot. "Dammit," I say to Asuka.
    4. recall up a bit.

      by , 01-08-2011 at 05:18 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I'm with a bunch of people in a strange parking lot or something. We are in a war or something and waiting for enemies to arrive. One guy starts throwing lots of grenades.. and i mean lots. then the enemies show up and walk through the grenades, but none go off. I get scared and start running. I can see The Terminator.... Arnold skin and all. with sunglasses and shotgun... wtf


      I'm in some weird place with a bunch of people. I see Thelma there... but then Thelma is now oneof her daughters. I keep on trying to tell her something about dreams, but she's ignoring me. It's really vivid and I'm surprised the dream talk doesn't make me lucid.

      I see Some girl there. She has blond hair... but not natural color... dyed hair, round face. I mouth something to her without speaking loudly, and she responds to me by saying something. I'm surprised she can pick up on my words. I hen barely mouth a few words. she doesn't hear. I clearly announciate in my lips what I want to say without using my voice. She turns around and speaks to me in a loud an clear voice responding to my inaudible question. I am transfixed by her.

      I go by a table twhere there is a pleasant man. Someone walks by and tells me that she thought he was a bad guy until he gave her a ride to this place safely. I talk to the man and notice he has short and curled rainbow colored hair. It looks weird.


      Saim is by a river and she id crying. I can sense Asuka is merged with her. Saim wants to cross the water even though there are stepping stones across the river. I ask her if I can help... she protests saying she doesn't deserve it. i can see asuka in her rolling her eyes at this. I insist on helping. As if it's normal i put my right arm around her waist, and sheputs her left hand in my left hand... it's like a weird dance position I have nerver tried but yet i know it. but we don't dance. She resists at first but then seems to enjoy the sensation of my arm around her. I feel a very warm and loving energy come from her... it's so deep that i can't describe it. anyway I guide her across the stepping stones in this position, and we cross the river.

      now we are at another river with more stepping stones. Saim seems more sure of herself that i don't have to hold her tightly. We cross the next river separate and now we are racing eachother across. The warm feeling is not lost, when we cross... she smiles at me.
    5. Dreayums!

      by , 01-04-2011 at 01:44 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I was in a town going through houses. I had to do something... can't remember what. I was in some house and staring at a wall. Everything went very vivid and I thought of the place that I wanted to go. I summoned a door and one appeared just like in the Harry Potter movie when the room of requirement reveals itself to Neville longbottom.

      I went through it and found myself in a house. I wandered through it and grabbed something and started walking out and back towards the way I came. My path was blocked by two people in the house. They spotted me so I went out of the house the other way and saw them following behind me. I went to the side of the house quickly and found a crawl space, I went in there and summoned a door a gain... it took a moment to summon but then I went through and escaped. Then I was in some other town with snow all over.

      Saim 1

      I'm in a dark place and Saim walks up to me. She grabs my arm and tries to pull me with her somewhere. She keeps saying "We have to go heal, we have to go heal." and I start following her but I wake up.

      Saim 2

      I'm walking through a hallway at Hogwarts with Raven Knight, Harry, Hermoine, and maybe Nomad. The hallway is dark but is candle lit. As we are walking Saim comes up to us and tells us to wait. She takes a good look at and starts nodding as if amused. She smiles and looks me all over as if sizing me up and as if she is looking for something. She keeps nodding and saying "Yup yup yup," each time she is pleased with something she finds. Then she stands backa bit from the group and says happily, "Okay everyone! Group hug! Let's healing!" and pulls us into a group hug. Harry and hermoine are a bit confused with this, but comply. Raven shrugs and goes into the group hug. Swirling healing energy swarms around us. So much that I can't see the others. Saim goes into the center and pulls on my arm like from the last dream. She says to me, "We need more healing. just you and me?" I'm like "whut?" she starts pulling me through a vortex when I wake up.