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    Lucid Dreams

    1. late night dreams

      by , 11-05-2024 at 05:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Voice was hounding me to post more dreams. (Every 3 day or 4 days seems like a consistent way to post.)

      Don't remember much.

      Jamie 1

      I was beside a woman in bed. It was Jamie, but she looked asian (like filipina or malaysian or something). I put my hand on her boob. I was like "Wow, it fits in the palm of my hand." She smile at that and put her hand over mine. The dream fades (This dream coincides with some sweet talk we were having at night.)

      Fortnite again

      Just a flash of getting shot at and walling off. Not sure if Jamie was in this or not.

      Last night:

      A jamie dream I forgot but I had this vivid one:

      Jamie 2

      Me and Jamie were walking in a small apartment building. We came from a larger area and entered a stairwell. Jamie looked up the stairwell and looked frightened and she went back through the door. I took a splie second to see where she was looking but nothing was there. I quickly turned to follow her but when I opened the door, it was nothing but concrete. I was becoming lucid when I woke up.

      Wow when Jamie doesn't want to be found in dreams....
    2. Recall slipping?

      by , 10-19-2024 at 03:31 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      The voice was still insistent that the van I saw Monday was Jamie. Even though I seen a similar grey van at the same store driven by an older brown haired lady. The voice argued that there's lots of grand caravans in the area. This is true. Her voice complained later, " How come you pretend I'm not there when I visit?" Well... Driving by someone goes quick. Sometimes her sightings don't leave me room to visibly react. One apperrent drive by was at night and I could barely make out the shape of a face. And I couldn't literally see inside the van well because of the lighting. Depending on light reflecting off a windshield can determine how much you see inside someone's vehicle.

      Uncle again

      I was almost lucid. I spoke like I knew it was a dream. I saw my uncle lying on a cot with some woman. I asked if his name was his name. He said yes. I told him not to come into my dreams anymore. I don't remember much after.

      One night I woke up at 2 am and Jamie's voice kept asking for prayers because of a nightmare. Was she watching "From?" - It gave her nightmares. I have heard that Borderlines can have excruciatingly long and vivid frequent nightmares.


      A brief dream where I saw Raven. Can't remember details tho.

      Jamie 1

      Brief flash of her holding me in bed.

      Possibly Jamie?

      Started off, I was in a shopping mall. I was in a Zellers or Sears like store. Some women in medical clothing were testing someone. It turns out they had a contagious disease. They said they had to quarantine the area and since I was a few times away that meant me. They put some weird medical gown on me.. more like a vest. Then they brought me a Hazmat suit. This was interrupted by a horde of people running through the store in a panic. The medical people ran away too. I tore off the vest and looked two the double doors leading outside. Another horde of people were running outside as well.

      I took off and went down a hallway. Went through a door onto a street. No one was running so 8 figured I was past the danger. I felt I was near Jamie's place so I went up these garden paths separated by plastic bubbles with zip up doors. I was on a hill looking down at at garden being tended by an older lady with brown hair. I knew who she was. I had seen that lady lots in dreams at Jamie's house. Not sure if she's a guide or guardian.

      I went through the next zipper door, and I was quite confused as to where I was. Inside was a living room. A woman that looked like Jamie was sleeping on a couch. I woke her up and asked how to leave? She got up and said she would help. Her hair went from long to shorter with the ends by her chin. She said, "Make sure you give me a hug and a kiss before you leave. " I thought since she no longer looked like Jamie, that she was someone else... That it might be cheating. I gathered some things that I had left there including a gun. Jamie didn't seem bothered by that. I tucked it into a side pocket or purse. She looked like Jamie again and I was waiting for my hug. Jamie went into a kitchen then and she looked like someone else. An older man was suddenly with her. They were talking. I figured it was the woman's husband. She no longer seemed aware that I was there so I left.
    3. Better?

      by , 10-16-2024 at 02:16 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Really tired, I'll try to journal everything as best as I can.

      Outside the Reddi-Mart yesterday around 5 pm spotted a Grey Dodge caravan, later model. Because of the light I couldn't exactly see inside. A brown haired woman sitting there and possibly smiling at me? Unsure as I couldn't see. As I walked away. The Jamie voice suggested that it may have been her. Since I didn't see clearly, I'm not putting too much faith in it. Maybe try waving next time???


      Jamie 1

      Just a dream of me and her in bed kissing.

      Jamie 2

      I was at a bar with my brother. It was karaoke or something. I was at a table with some paper writing down songs. Jamie came by me as I left the table, and nervously muttered something, which I couldn't quite make out. But, it seemed directed at me.
      I walked away and said, "Yeah!!! What SHE said!!". I went outside for a smoke.

      Jamie 3

      I was with Jamie and her friends somewhere. Jamie was singing something. She noticed me and changed the lyrics to include my name. I said I have some songs I can sing about her. But she didn't seem to hear that and took off with her friends. I was a little disappointed.


      I became lucid randomly in a house. I remembered wanting to find Jamie. I went outside to walk to her dream area but my memory fades


      (I was watching the paramount+ show "From." Before bed.)

      I was in the setting of the show. I was in some barn at night with the brother and sister from the show. I was holding a talisman against the door because I couldn't hang it up for some reason...


      I went to visit my distant uncle. I thought he could help me with some. He was sitting in a large chair surrounded by people. He gave me a long speech about how I bought myself a coffee and someone else. He seemed to be guilt tripping me about spending money irresponsibly. He then nodded to someone and indicated that they could give me a heart attack in a dream or something... I left dumbstruck. Give someone a heart attack over buying coffee?


      I was on a drywall Job with the same uncle. I was leaving the job. I wanted nothing to do with him. He seemed to be apologizing, but I wasn't having it.
    4. Damn

      by , 10-13-2024 at 02:15 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie is still hard to find in dreams. Things keep interfering.

      Jamie 1

      Long dream. But all I remember is taking a bus. I was going to the transfer station to catch a connecting bus. Suddenly instead of a bus, I was in a car... And my mother was driving. She drove right past the bus stop where I was supposed to catch the other bus. I told her to let me off but she wouldn't. I asked again. Still wouldn't let me off. My mother is a recovering schizophrenic so I thought maybe she was off her meds. I started yelling and insisting that she let me off. We were in a school zone now and we were slowing down for children. I started yelling that she stopped her meds. The car stopped. Instead of my mother it was Jamie driving. She looked at me really upset.

      Really annoying I keep seeing Jamie as someone else...

      Jamie 2

      3rd person. I saw Jamie lying in bed. Some spider like creature was on her ceiling.

      Woke up and made a comment about it to the voice. Her voice said, " How do you know what I dream about?" I answered that I dreamed it.

      Jamie 3

      We were in a stadium at some game. We were making out.


      I was at a house with some people. Someone kept trying to get me to drink beer. I didn't want any. The guy kept insisting, and I kept refusing until I was yelling. That dream shaman guy started yelling at me too.


      A flash of a dream where Jamie was at an orgy. I saw some stuff....

      Maybe that dream shaman guy interfering again?


      A dream where Jamie was dressing up in some lingerie. But she looked like a man. She was also in a garage talking to someone, asking if I might like the outfit.

      Last night


      I was with some dark guy in a city. He was showing me to some secret hiding place. We had to walk down a long sidewalk to get the. It was this warehouse place under a bridge.

      Once there he pulled down his pants and started pole dancing. 8 was like, " yo look buddy, I think you have the wrong idea about me." And he was like: I guess I read the situation wrong. And I'm like, "I don't know what I did to make you think... How do I get out of here?"

      He pointed down a ways and I left.

      What's with all the Gay themed dreams? I want my Jamie back dammit.

      Semi lucid

      I was in an abandoned house. became vaguely lucid. I was watching a bed. I tried to manifest Jamie in it. A shape appeared under the covers. I pulled them off but no one was there. Memory fades after.

      Kind of frustrating. Voice at night and mornings is great. She keeps saying it's the best relationship she's ever been in and she doesn't see me in person. I hope that changes someday. It is for me to.
    5. um wow...

      by , 06-02-2024 at 03:13 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well we seem to be past that hurdle. Whatever it was.

      Short lucid

      For some reason I was going to school with my brother. I was really annoyed that I had to go to school. I got pissed off and went to wait in my brother's car.
      Became lucid randomly. I then remembered I often dream of Jamie in a school so I went in to look for her. I said out loud, "Now to find Jamie." As soon as I said that. It's like I was hit with a sleep dart. I opened a random door, and heard strange sounds like people talking but with a lot of reverb. I just fell on the floor and woke up.


      Very nonsensical dream with Jamie. I was lying down and prparing a giant gold thing?!?!?!?! Jamie was waiting by a door and she started looking impatient. like "Hurry up already."

      Definitely one of those dreams that only makes sense when you dream.

      Kissing who?

      I was in a room made of blankets and pillows?!?!?!? Some girl came in who seemed familiar. She smiled and we started kissing. Her face kept changing in front of me. I said, "I keep seeing your face change! I think I'm cheating." The girl looked flustered and left.

      I think it was Jamie... Oops!


      Long dream.

      I went to a farmhouse. looked like desert. I went into the basement. A bunch of people covered in a white suit started attacking me. Somehow I made it outside and spied on the people behind the fence. The people in white suits took them off. Now they were preteens in army gear... And Donald Trump was leading them.. confusing dream.


      I'm working at Walmart covering the Door greeter shift. Jamie walks by towards the Mcdonald's on her break and says something snarky to me. (Seems to be a replay of a real life thing from 2011. If I recall she wasn't saying anything snarky. But I do recall it's one of the first times she was going out of her way to talk to me.)

      Hopefully the dreams get better.
      Tags: jamie, school, walmart
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    6. Trying again

      by , 05-27-2024 at 04:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Been praying for lucids lately every night. It's starting to work. Also will be working in Cochrane for over a week with a friend. Hope it doesn't disrupt my usual routine.

      Lucid 1

      Was walking around in olds, but everything was slightly different when I became randomly lucid. I was in an alley and wanted to find Jamie. I saw 3 bikes. One looked like it might be a motorbike. Started riding it but had to pedal. Turned onto a main street and immediately saw Jamie coming my way on a bicycle. She was looking down .

      " Hey Jamie, do you really ride motorbikes? I had a lucid years ago where you were on one. "

      She stopped and recognized me. We were suddenly walking in a school hallway. A blond girl was coming our way. Jamie recognized her. Her eyes went really wide. She stopped the girl and said, "hey, you were in my dream. I'll tell you about it later." The girl just walked on.

      " Is that your Girlfriend?!?!?" I asked excited.

      "She's not my girlfriend..." Jamie said sounding pissed.

      " But, you and her.... Right? I saw that look, I know what it means."

      We were now in a locker room. Jamie started crying to herself. She became a white robot with a round head. The face was just a LED display for the eyes. She put her face in her hands weeping

      "What's wrong?," I asked.

      "I'm okay... I just think I'm on my... My... My . P."

      "You'll be okay." I said cutting her off. " I think there's a healing spring by your dream home. You wanna go there?"

      " Really?" She asked, " okay."

      Before we could go
      I woke up.

      [B][Lucid 2[/B]

      I was in a Wal Mart parking lot when I suddenly became lucid. I wanted to find Jamie again and thought I could take a car. A strange vehicle pulled up. Just two car seats and two car wheels driving itself. I picked that one and it started moving. I remembered that counting made my lucids longer so I tried it. Immediately my vision stretched... I panicked and woke up.


      I was at some job with my family. No one was there suddenly. I got in my car. Didn't turn it on and it just started rolling downhill.


      Sex dream with Jamie... She was being mean saying she wanted to break up or something. " That's not me, Robert." The real Jamie pushed through a phantom one that vanished. Jamie looked flustered at what just happened.

      That happens with the head voice too. Other voices interfere. Her voice kept requesting lots of prayers. I can see why.
      Tags: car, jamie, robot
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. Some dreams

      by , 05-17-2024 at 01:18 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Was lucid finally

      Lucid 1

      Was walking along a white tile floor and started counting. The effect was funny so I was instantly lucid. Went into a staircase area and kept counting. Stopped at 40 and decided to jump to keep the dream from falling apart. Was following this old lady climbing the winding staircase. got bored of that so I decided to go outside. I was making my way through the building when the dream shifted.

      Lucid 2

      Was instantly lucid at night time by what I thought was my house. Wanted to find Jamie so I got into a car and started driving. I as in a big city or something and it didn't look right. I started to tilt the wheel up and the car started flying. I flew by a large building and decided to crash into it. I did but not much happened. I climbed in the air with my flaying car and kept seeing bigger buildings as big as mountains above the skyscrapers I was already near. I knew it was a perceptual illusion do decided to ignore it

      I thought to myself, "How to find Jamie?", "Just go left," a voice in my head responded. It was a male voice. I went left over some buildings a few blocks. And some residential houses felt right so I decided to land. i got out of the car and saw two characters in front of a house that looked like minecraft characters or something.

      "Robert, over here!" I hear Jamie's voice to my right. I look to my right and some girl is on top of some steps by the door to the house. She's beckoning me over with her hand. I see a brown haired girl with her hair tied back. doesn't quite look the same but the energy is Jamie's. i go up the steps and I feel her hug me. I say I want to talk to her or something. She takes me by the hand and leads me inside. We start going down in a basement. I try to speak, but feel that my physical jaw is frozen, I find it hard to speak. but I manage, "Are you really Jamie?" She looks back and finds the phrase familiar. (Sometimes the conversations with the head voice is like a broken record, and that's something I ask once in a while.) She nods and keeps walking. in the downstairs I aslk, "You're the one from Wal-Mart?" She slightly nods again. We sit down on a carpet or something. I hear her voice in my head say something but can't remember. I say :I just heard your voice in my head... is that really you? She doesn't answer just sits on the carpet and stares at me. Her form is changed again. I start asking about the voices I hear but can't say much because the dream ends.


      A dream where I'm not participating. I'm looking at the outside of a house. Jamie opens the door and another girl leaves the house. Jamie is escorting her out. I guess it's one of her nice friends. Theey then kis on the lips and the girl walks away and Jamie waves at her and smiles... Oh god. Not this again.

      Second night:


      I'm in a mall with a mcdonald's in it. A familiar girl with who I think looks like Olivia from coaldale walks up to me and we start talking. She is telling me she is moving away soon with her future husband. I'm like :Yeah okay whatever. I then get in line for the till. But olivia and some other girl who are holding hands cut in front of me whil I'm in line. I confront them about it, but olivia brushes me off. I gt mad and just leave an look for another restaurant in the food court.

      Third night:


      something about my dad and my dog.


      Me and Jamie are sitting in a car by my house. This isn't in the "Dream realm," but seems to be "Real," Me and Jamie seem to be discussing a serious relationship. Can't catch any details but it feels like this is something she is planning.


      I'm in a house with some people. Jamie looks like Zendaiya... Ok i'm still not seeing her correctly again. I'm sitting at a table and talking. She starts hanging off some other guy.


      I'm in a crowd of people at a house party. some chubby girl with pigtails starts talking to me. She claims she is Jamie's friend or something. We keep talking about Jamie. And this girl seems to confirm Jamie's intentions. Some drunk guys start interrupting us, and say something like :You gotta buy this for her, and that stuff blah blah blah.". I say: Drizzle Drizzle! I AM the table! (No, I see that stuff as satire but find it funny so many people get triggered by it.) The girl just laughs and seems to understand my sarcasm. the guys go ,"Ooooh," and walk away or something.
    8. Another short lucid

      by , 05-02-2024 at 01:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      First night.


      I was walking at night in a sketchy area of a large city. I just remember walking past a bunch of people with hoodies on. I entered a gas station to get a coffee. I walked past a guy but couldn't find the coffee machine. So I grabbed some random things... Unleavened bread? Wtf. Someone must have fell asleep listening to a reading of Exodus, and it wasn't me. And I grabbed slushie and some bananas and put it all in a blender. The other customer in the store was looking at me funny. I couldn't turn the blender on.

      I went to the counter and Jamie was working the counter. She said something to me about this gorgeous guy she knew who used to have a PS2. Um okay. Was she pulling a jealousy move on me? Or was she talking about me. I'm not gorgeous, but I did own a PS2... Dream fades.

      Next night had no recall. Woke up at 3:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep.

      Last night:

      I was in a large castle like building with large windows. I kept looking out the windows and seeing many impossible things. Thing like: lots of tornadoes but not hurting anyone, many people walking down a path with colorful cone hats, and various horses.

      This made me lucid. I jumped up and floated to confirm lucidity. I landed by a doorway. I wanted to find Jamie again. Everything seemed really stable and solid so I decided to try Hukif's time dilation method again. As soon as I put my hand down on the ground, everything just faded to black... Damn. Maybe I should try something else.


      I was in a chicken barn with Jamie. She said to me, "I want you to put it in my ***, Robert." (I will not publicly post what is going in where.) Then she pulls out a chicken from behind her back and is pointing it's ass end at me like a gun. She then says, "Are you chicken?" When she says, "chicken." She squeezes the chicken and and egg flies at me. She then chases me around the barn repeating the question and shooting eggs at me.


      Just a flash of Jamie at a stove with a frying pan on one burner and boiling water on the other. We are just playfully talking while she cooks something.


      Audio only dream. I hear a demon accusing Jamie of something. But forget what...
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    9. Normal?

      by , 04-28-2024 at 11:29 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Finally a short but useless lucid.

      First night: just two flashes of Jamie's face. She was blond in both, not sure why. In the second she has 2 braids.


      I was flying around the top of a house with some man. He opened the top of the roof. I stopped and saw my hand in front of me. Became lucid because of it for some reason. In the back of my mind I wanted to look for Jamie. But first I wanted the dream to last long. I decided to try the Walms/hukif method for time dilation, ( which is impossible to execute). I got down on one knee and put my left hand one the ground. Closed one eye and began to count the spaces between my fingers left to right. I got to maybe 6 when my hand began distorting. Seeing more fingers and spaces to count. Began to feel that force wanting to push me from the dream. So I panicked and jumped high, but the dream ended while in the air.

      Next night:

      Jamie 1

      I'm in a living room sitting on the corner of a sectional couch. Jamie is to my left and an older overweight woman is to my right. The lights are dim and we are watching tv. Jamie has a remote or is eating something. She is not looking towards me. The other woman's leg brushes against mine. Not sure if that was intentional or not. Jamie notices and grabs my hand as I sit beside her.

      Jamie 2

      Another sex dream. I am on top and Jamie doesn't seem to be enjoying it as much. I guess she likes the other thing better.

      Last night:


      I'm at a fast food restaurant and some older lady is taking my order. She starts doing the funny faces from the unmentionable Tiktok video by Gina. I just start rolling my eyes...

      False break up

      I'm wandering through Didsbury downtown and keep finding extra alleyways. Me and some people break into places but I lose them. I suddenly come across Jamie, who starts adamantly saying we should break up. I just argue about it for a while. But she keeps insisting. I'm about to give up when hands reach through the Jamie I am talking to. Another Jamie's face comes out of the one in front of me. The real Jamie starts kissing me and says we are not breaking up. I forget what happens after.

      And yes I know how people like her might do a break up test. Please don't. That's abusive.
    10. Lots of dreams

      by , 02-22-2024 at 02:28 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Dream recall increasing from journalling more. Yay!

      Dog wtf

      Dream of seeing my dog again. He was barking at me again. His mouth looked funny again. It reminded me of the previous dream when he looked like that, but I didn't think to do an RC.

      Jamie 1

      Flash of me and Jamie walking away from my house that I was in when I was renting the basement suite in 2011. We were arm in arm. My vision zoomed out in 3rd person perspective. It was night time, and we both looked semi anime. We also were smiling and looked kind of dazed.


      I was staring out of a window. I noticed my reflection. I was a girl though and I slightly resembled Jamie... I had spots on my face, like sick with the measles or something. My vision zoomed in and the spots were really sweat drops discoloring my skin. I looked away and looked back and now I was my normal self but still sweating. I was wondering how sick I was.

      Jamie 2

      I was in a large store like a Sears or something. Asuka was behind me and Jamie was beside me. We were walking on the tile path between the wall and a clothing section when a really short blond girl blocked my path. Some music started playing while we were talking and for some reason we started dancing. But I was confused about which hand should go where. I switched hand positions a couple of times. I then remembered that I was with Jamie, and I shouldn't be doing anything to make her jealous. ( only problem with my dream state I'm like a drunk guy and everything I do is impulsive). I leave the girl and find Jamie sitting on the floor on the edge of the clothing section. Asuka is just in the background watching. I sit down in front of Jamie, she still looks semi anime, she's staring into space and is smiling. I try talking to her but she hardly replies. I grab her hands and stand up. She stands up with me. I think asuka was using a song spell on Jamie or something when I was talking to the girl to trance her out from noticing, or being jealous. Maybe the song spell made me sober to think of Jamie as well.

      Next night


      I was in a town that reminded me of Red deer. I was walking into a store when I noticed a bunch of Arab looking guys in black bullet proof vests carrying large guns go into a bank across the street. I go into the store and warn everyone in there to quickly leave the store and that I seen people with guns. I hear a bunch of gunshots and I leave the store. The Arab guy keeping 6 makes direct eye contact with me. I pretend I don't notice and quickly enter a glass door leading into the hallway that goes to the other end of the shopping plaza..l I exit into a residential area and keep walking.

      Last night.

      Moving in together

      Jamie asks me to move in with her (her exact words). But when I move in it sucks. Jamie doesn't talk to me at all. I remember eating at a dinner table with her and her parents... Maybe siblings? I'm given my own room. I keep passing Jamie in the hallways but she never looks at me. This seems to go on for a day or two and I'm considering just moving out, since I feel like a complete stranger there.


      I'm in the backyard of a house by a garden. I see my dogs dad (who we put down years ago) he's a large and intimidating rottweiler. I think it's strange he should be around. He growls and runs past me, one of his hind paws is mangled. I noticed smoke by some plants and notice a small fire when I get there. I have to pee and consider putting it out that way. I try to but the my jeans get caught on some thorn bushes. I wake up.

      Semi lucid

      Prelude: I dream I am laying in bed. Jamie is talking to me as a voice in my head. I tell her I'm meeting up with Raven in a dream and we are going to see some cool dream place, I invite Jamie along. Jamie says in my head that she's going to put on something special for the occasion.


      I'm on a motorbike and stop at some hobby place. I go inside to reserve a table for the people coming (Raven, Jamie, maybe asuka). Inside the place people are playing cards and chess. I notice a piano in the corner and make a mental note to talk to the owner about tuning the piano and leaving some cards, since I just got certification in piano tuning and repair.

      I slap my jacket over the table to reserve it and leave. Outside is no longer a street, but a huge Campus. I walk through a few large buildings on the campus, I walk by a room with ridiculously large bleachers inside.

      Outside I meet up with my group. A hooded lady, who looks like she's going to a cosplay convention. Two golems, the clay made into man, kind. A lady wearing wearing a blue wig with a large braid hung over one shoulder she introduced herself as "Samantha." Or something (Asuka). I say I reserved a table in a game room where we can play cards or chess. The two golems shrug and agree that could be fun.

      I begin walking through the campus again with the group. After sometime, the two golems are walking ahead of me, and that's when I hear Jamie call my name. I looked behind me, and she's barely even dressed. She's wearing a golden bra with sparkles on it. She walks past me and she's only also wearing a g string of the same color. On her waist is a thin gold chain with a blue veil mesh which barely covers even the top of her.... Box. The tips of her hair are blond. She turns her head around and smiles at me, asking with her eyes if I like what I see, then walks beside the Two golems.

      It then clicks in. I remembered the conversation in my head with her, when she said she was going to wear something special . For the bedroom yes, but for chess club? I'm about to follow them through the door when " Samantha," distracts me and starts talking to me. Then I open the door but the hobby/game place is gone and it's the room with the strange bleachers.

      I run outside and look for my group. I give up after a while and fly atop some pole sign. I turn and see Samantha again with her blue hair. She seems to be trying to cheer me up from losing the group. I notice she's wearing stilts to reach the height of the pole sign. I say, "You know this is a dream right? You don't have to wear those, just fly up." But she vanishes. Then I notice her below on the grass waving at me. She teleported.

      I shrug it off and fly away. I notice people on one of the ledges of the campus building. They are waving at me and calling for help. But I keep flying. Then I notice more people need help. I fly to them to rescue them. They are no longer people. Just mouths stuck on the ledges, they are just lying there calling for help. I go to pick a mouth up then it vomits on my hand. I stare at the mouth and it seemingly dies like when a bee loses it's stinger. I go to grab another one but the same thing happens. The stench is getting to me. I almost begin to vomit myself when I wake up.
    11. been a while

      by , 10-14-2023 at 03:44 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Let's start with... Jamie Dreams! There have been a few.

      1st: Vague dream where we might have been kissing or something.
      2nd dream: I wasn't lucid but understood the dream world so to speak. I was sitting in a living room with people. My dead cousin Kiah since 2021, popped up and was like, "hey, hello..." etc. And I asked her, "Can you do something for me? I need you to check someone name Jamie for me. She was supposed to show today but I can't find her." I specifically remember saying to Kiah to, "Just go through my memories, You'll find her." Kiah pulled a curtain made of nothing out of nowhere and wrapped herself in it making her disappear.
      Dream skips to where Kiah comes back and says that she had seen Jamie bragging someone that she had a "dream of only," boyfriend. (referring to me, also hinting that Jamie doesn't actually plan to talk to me in person ever. Which is pretty bad in my view, how about I just don't post dreams anymore about this subject. Me, I want a future without this insanity. I'm pretty sure Jamie can find loads of simps to stroke her ego because they think they have a chance. I'm not one of them. seriously.)

      I ask Kiah to show me. We teleport to some weird wannabe Harry Potter dream world. There's an english school. We go in. I'm in a role I think I've played before in this scenario. I'm in a teachers or principals office. 2 people are talking about a conspiracy or something. I just lose interest as Jamie's not around.

      This morning: Jamie at a funeral being sad, Second funeral dream about Jamie hm...

      Too many other dreams to really write down. Scariest one being I kept going into an elevator that would take me to a dark hallway where people were sleeping. A vampire would come by and kill them. not in the typical vampire way... In a way that's impossible do describe, you'd only have to dream it. (Raven if you still read these, try dream viewing this one. might be an exciting dream supernatural scenario that you're recently fond of) The guy would like teleport inside their skin and/or behind them, causing them to choke to death on a most horrific way. The guy seemed unaware of me. I saw this happen a couple times. I was also semi lucid at times.

      Driving dreams... almost crashing a LOT. Driving up and down impossible hills.

      One dream I had a really angry roommate or something. Walk on eggshells kind of guy.
    12. Low level Lucid

      by , 05-19-2022 at 06:54 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Just a dream where jamie is saying, " I'll always be there for you." Can't tell if she was telling me this or someone else... no context.


      I was lucid in a strange room. There was a circular walkway with glass like windows. Decided to teleport through the windows. I pushed my hands on the glass until it flt wstery and i kind of pushed myself through. On he other side I ws walking down a road. Lots of Elk And Moose were in this area. Two blonde women I seemed to know were behind me.
      Tags: jamie, lucid
    13. short lucid

      by , 05-12-2022 at 06:17 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Was climbing on some crazy rocks. Made the mistake of looking down and it was a crazy drop.Started panicking then the dream ended.


      My family came to visit me in canmore... They thought I was gay for some reason. It was extremely uncomfortable.


      Vague split second sex dream...


      Had a power nap. Was in a vague dream and lucid instantly. I was walking in a never ending house. I kept calling and intending to find Jamie. Eventually entered a room that seemed like hers or that her presence had been there. Went down a stairwell which led to another hallway and another stairwell. Randomly ran into some guy from work then I was at a mcdonald's.
      Tags: cliff, jamie
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    14. Finally a Lucid

      by , 03-02-2022 at 06:36 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Lucid with Jamie but not sure.

      I was walking outside of my house? Became lucid randomly. It was night out. I realized I wanted to find Jamie. I had passed a car previously. I turned around to find it but it was gone. I went to the driveway a bit past where the car was parked. A Really old red VW Beetle was parked there (Days later in waking life on the face book swap/n/buy for my are an old red VW beetle was listed. precog dream???). I checked my pocket and had a key. The key looked like an old house key. I acted as if it as the car key. I sat down in the car found a place for the key to turn and went through the motions of starting the car and it worked. I drove downtown in a generic dream city that was like calgary or parts of Toronto. I started saying Jamie's full name out loud.

      Came to a basket ball court. Saw a Woman standing there with pink dyed hair and brown eyes. Didn't quite look like Jamie but the feeling was that it was her. I pulled up and said Hop in. Jamie looked at me with recognition, and got in the car. Initiated a casual greeting kiss. She acted natural with it. i was very lucid and started with questions. I asked, "Do you read my dreams?" She said "no." and i was shocked at the answer. But it wasn't her anymore. I was talking to a little yappy dog. and it was speaking a different language. I kept asking the same question. It said something like :Yes, and then : no. i was pretty flustered and woke up.


      Yes, because of the war I started having these dreams while falling asleep. First is a black area and I just see Putin's face. He is angry and says, "I will push with this war into World war 3." Then i can see an explosion reflected in his eyes and then his face.

      Second dream he had barbed wire around his neck and is choking. From sanctions no doubt?
      Tags: jamie, putin
      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    15. Lucid Magic.

      by , 12-29-2021 at 07:19 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Bad spells

      I was on this giant hill. with Harry and Hermione from the HP series. The hills had giant magic slides or something we were supposed to go down. I was sliding down one and everything was moving super fast. This made me lucid randomly. I was too caught up in the dream to do anything else. Some guy was at the bottom of the slide and we were also near a town. The guy was bad or something so i pulled out my wand and said, "Avada Kedavra!". Hermione Gasped at that. Nothing came out of the wand. I tried, "cruccio." and saw the guy writhing in pain. I did some other spell so he wouldn't follow me. Next I was in some tavern and some other guy was trying to fight me. So i did Cruccio on him as well. Then i remembered doing Obliviate to keep the person from attacking me.


      I was trapped in some house with 2 other people. Some old granny lady had us all tied up and drugged. She kept indicating she was going to kill us. i looked to my right and there were dead bodies on the ground. Don't remember much after.
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