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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. Ghost House Treasure Hunt

      by , 02-20-2018 at 04:23 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2018, 02-19

      Ghost House Treasure Hunt

      I am with some other people and we are going into an abandoned house of some kind. It is a large place and I am wanting to get photos and video footage of the place. It is night time outside, so the interior of the house is very dark. I have a flashlight that I use to find my way around. I hear the other people with me, I think there are two of them, but I don’t think to turn the flashlight around to see them better. The place looks abandoned, dusty and dirty, and a bit creepy, but I’m not afraid. I want to get videos and photos that I might be able to use for making a video game, I am not thinking to find ghosts or anything creepy here. I see a spider scuttle up the wall when I shine my light on it and that seems to freak out one of the men with me. I just tell him the spiders are more scared of him than he is of them. He says he’s not so sure about that. I add that the spider we saw was a tarantula, and they are completely harmless to humans even if one does bite him. I use my flashlight for light and take a few photos of the antique furniture in the room.

      I leave the first room, which was furnished like a living room. I then enter what appears to be a dining room. There are plates and silverware on the table, as well as blobs of gross looking stuff that might be whatever is left of a dinner set up many years ago. I wonder how any trace of the food is still there, animals and bugs should have eaten it by now. I take more photos of the table, the chairs, the plates, and even the gross stuff on them. I am now wanting to document everything I find, I have the feeling I won’t be able to ever return here. I see some stairs and head up to the second level. There is a bathroom up there that smells like a rotting zombie just had diarrhea and didn’t bother to flush, then collapsed by the toilet and continued to decompose. I think I might be sick, so I just snap a couple quick photos of the bathroom before closing the door and moving away quickly.

      I glance behind me to see if the people with me are still following me and I can barely make out their dark forms in the dark hall following me. I go into a large bedroom that must be the master bedroom. The master bathroom smells every bit as bad as the first bathroom so I close the door to minimize the smell. Now I start taking photos of the room. After taking some photos I go to a chest and open a few drawers. There are old and worn out clothes in the drawers. I then start wondering if there might be anything of real value still here. I start searching through more drawers. I come to what looks like a large jewelry box and I open it. The jewelry box is full of shiny sparkling jewelry. I wonder if any of it is real and valuable or if it might all be trash costume jewelry. I reach in and pull out a pair of earrings. One of the men with me says I’d better not put that on. I tell him I wouldn’t try it on until I’ve cleaned it thoroughly. He says no, he means the fact it’s cursed. I don’t take the comment on the curse very seriously. I keep looking at the jewelry. There are some nice looking pieces here that I want. Every time I go to take something, however, the man with me gets upset. I decide that in spite of thinking earlier that I could never come back, I would find a way to come back and collect this jewelry. No one else was using it, so it wasn’t really stealing!

      I leave the master bedroom and look in the other rooms. I am wishing I could get separated from the men with me so I could return to the master bedroom and collect the jewelry. In one of the other rooms I go into a closet and grope around the far wall to find another exit. I find myself in another bedroom and I go from there back to the master bedroom. I go to the jewelry cabinet and pull out anything I can get my hands on into my purse. When I turn around I see a woman with long dark hair standing in the room and watching me. She looks annoyed, but also a little amused. She says the jewelry is hers and I shouldn’t take it. I do a double take, I don’t remember seeing her before… and this house is supposed to be abandoned. I comment that I thought it had been abandoned, I didn’t realize someone might come back for it. She says she can’t come back for it, but I should be truthful… those beautiful jewels would be disgraced to be worn by a fat ugly pig like me. She says she will wait while I put the stuff back. But now I’m annoyed at her and I throw a piece of broken wall at her. That goes right through her… she’s a ghost! Instead of being afraid I realize she can do nothing to stop me from taking the jewelry. I tell her if she’d been nice I would have put it all back, but since she had to be a bitch and insult me, I’m keeping it. I walk right past her and into the hall. One of the men is there. He asks if I woke the curse. I tell him the curse is as impotent as a bullet with no gunpowder.
    2. 02/07/12: Sickness Dreams

      by , 02-08-2012 at 12:46 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Note: I haven't posted dreams for quite a few days due to the fact I have been sick. I started out last Thursday by tossing my cookies and I haven't felt good since. So some of these dreams are fragments from when I was sick which means they might make even less sense than they often do… which is saying something! It seems that when I am sick to my stomach I start dreaming about food… which makes things worse! >.< I hope to get back to posting dreams regularly now.

      02/02/12: Food Poison
      I am in a game of Oblivion, looking around for stuff to steal, specifically I am looking for food and potion ingredients to steal since once I make a potion out of them they will no longer be flagged as stolen. So I steal a bunch of ingredients, make a bunch of potions, and sell them. In Cyrodiil, crime DOES pay! So I pick up some ingredients from a house I just broke into, I decide to eat a couple of them since that will also boost my alchemy experience level… I'm not sure of the reasoning behind that one… I eat some bread, cheese, and lettuce. I steal more food and leave. I eat a sweet cake for dessert and wash it down with an ale. I am heading for another place to get more ingredients when I start feeling yucky. Sick, like I might puke. This feeling wakes me up, but I am able to ignore it and I fall back asleep right away.

      Back in Cyrodiil, I am still stealing food, and I am still feeling sick. I wonder if somehow the stolen food is tainted. I wonder if the fact the food is flagged as stolen makes it tainted somehow… eating stolen food will make me sick while eating the same food not stolen won't make me sick. That idea seems absurd, but to counter the sick feeling I go into a shop and buy some food and eat it. That only makes me feel worse… and I wake up again… this time I get up and toss my cookies.

      02/03/12: My Ex-Boyfriend Wants to Eat WHAT???
      I am playing Oblivion on my laptop computer, and I realize my ex boyfriend is in the room with me. He is watching me play Oblivion, and I am collecting ingredients for potions. I collect a piece of mudcrab meat from a dead mudcrab. James says that looks like it would taste good with chocolate syrup. Yuck… I collect some more ingredients and James now says he wants to eat venison with chocolate syrup. Yuck again. I tell him that sounds gross. He says not if you put it in a blender and mix it up with some eggplant and the crab meat and maybe a bit of split pea soup… he is starting to gross me out. Just listening to him makes me feel nauseous. He says if I throw up he wants to keep it… nothing mixes ingredients together better than a human stomach. Now I think I am definitely going to puke… I wake feeling ill, but fortunately I don't toss my cookies this time.

      02/04/12: Keep Eating, Pig!
      I am sitting at a dinner table that is piled high with everything yummy I can think of, so many sweets I can't count it all. All of it is stuff I really shouldn't eat on my diet. Chocolate cake, ice cream, pies, more cakes, candy… so much of it! I think I want to cheat on my diet a bit, so I eat a cupcake. There is a voice speaking to me that I can't locate the source of. The voice tells me to eat all I want, these sweets are calorie free! Yay! So I eat a piece of chocolate cake and a piece of lemon meringue pie. I am now quite pleasantly full. I get up to leave the table, but some force pushes me back in the chair and says I'm not done yet. Eat everything! Um… that is way too much for me to eat at one time. I tell the voice that. It keeps saying to eat. I finally eat a bit more, but that makes me feel sick. I say if I eat more I'll puke. The voice says good, go ahead and puke! I wake up feeling sick, but I don't toss my cookies.

      02/05/12: No Dreams
      Note: Today was one of the first days my stomach was feeling better, so I was able to sleep through the whole night… it must have been a deep sleep, as I didn't remember having a single dream.

      02/06/12: Weave Spell
      I am in a concert hall, and I am wandering through the place just exploring. I see there is a band I don't recognize playing there, but I do recognize the lead singer. It is Bret Michaels from the band Poison. I am surprised to see him there when I don't recognize the group. I discover, and this doesn't seem odd to me, that I can step sideways and move through dimensions, just slide from one to the next. I do that and the band changes. Bret Michaels seems to slide, too. He appears and keeps singing. Is he also a traveler? I side step through several more worlds, and he follows. I go outside of the concert hall and I find there are trees around, and it is night. I don't see Bret Michaels now. I hear someone approaching. Just a bit too late I get the feeling I don't want to be seen. An old man and an old woman emerge from the trees with a shotgun. The man points the shotgun at me. I grab it by the barrels… it's a double barrel… and I bend the gun like it's made of paper. I hear some strange chants coming from the trees, from all around. "Weave spell, inerevum sancotatum, weave spell," it says over and over. The gun is changing forms in my hand, responding to that chant. It is trying to reform around my hand and aim at me again. I block that effect, but I seem to be in a contest of wills with the unseen spell caster. I am still doing that when Bret Michaels comes out of the concert building and plays guitar for a bit… which causes the elderly couple to retreat into the trees.

      02/07/12: Unconscious Theft
      I am at school, though it isn't one of the classes I am taking in waking life. I am taking notes in a notebook, writing down as fast as I can to keep up with the instructor. When the class ends I get up to go get something to eat. I head down to the cafeteria and buy a burger, fries, and a drink. I am sitting at the table eating when someone from my class comes over and is pissed off. I wonder why. I then see that I have their backpack and purse sitting beside me. I don't even remember picking that stuff up… when did I do that? She wants to know why I have her stuff, which is a logical thing to wonder. I am thinking that if I tell her I have no clue, and I don't remember picking it up, that will sound like a lie… so I tell a lie. I say she left it behind, and I was holding on to it for her so no one else would steal it. I add that if I hadn't run into her again I would have taken it to lost and found. She doesn't seem to believe me. She says she left it in the classroom because we have another class there later today, I know that! Now give the stuff back! She takes the stuff and leaves in a huff. I realize I do have to go to the class again today, but I don't really want to go to class with that person who clearly thinks I stole her stuff intending to keep it. And the fact is I have no idea why I stole her stuff, I don't even remember doing it. So I am considering ditching today.
    3. 01/30/12: Fragmented Memories

      by , 01-31-2012 at 02:11 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Note: Last night was a bit odd… I remember a lot of fragments of dreams that I'm not sure if they are connected or not, but here they are…

      When It Rains
      I am in a strange place, it is out in the middle of the wilderness. I don't recognize the place, though I might not since it is hard to see the surroundings through the pouring rain. It is also rather cold out, and I feel the wet rain penetrating through my clothes to my skin, I am feeling quite cold. I look around and I see a small tent not far from me and I realize I am supposed to sleep in there, so I go to the tent to try to dry off in it. I get in the tent and I realize it is no better than being outside. The tent is small and cramped, it doesn't seem to do anything to keep the cold out, and the worst part is the thing leaks so it is raining almost as badly inside as outside. I decide I won't be able to sleep here, so I head out of the tent. I will find an inn where I can rent a bed for a few gold. Hopefully I have enough… if not, I might have to pick someone's pocket to get the money for a dry bed for the night.

      To The Movies
      I am with my friend Alicia, and we are heading out of Tucson, going south. There is a movie theater down there and we are going to check and see if they will have a specific movie playing or not. We are traveling in a helicopter, the pilot lands in a flat area near a road. I see my car is there, so Alicia and I switch to the car and continue going. The theater is sure out in the middle of nowhere. When we finally get there we go to the box office and ask about the movie we're looking to see. The man in the box office doesn't even wait to hear the title, he says he knows nothing about any movies past this coming Friday… which I know to be tomorrow. He refuses to be of any help at all. Alicia is annoyed that we came all the way out here for nothing. I am also annoyed, but I add that at least we got a free helicopter ride out of it. Alicia agrees reluctantly and adds that it was her first trip in a helicopter.

      Nomad and MoSh
      I am in a strange place with Nomad and MoSh, and there are a couple other people there with us as well. I don't recognize them. We are in what looks like a small space capsule with seats on both sides of the elongated capsule. The room is about the shape of an elongated sphere, there is no way of telling which is the front or back or if it is even meant to move. I am sitting between Nomad and MoSh. The walls of the room are all padded with the same material that might be found in a padded room of a mental ward. There is a bright white light, but I can't see where it is coming from. Nomad seems excited about something, MoSh seems disinterested. I don't remember what we are doing or where we might be going, but I do get the sensation of motion as the capsule shoots straight up into the air. Nomad voices a loud and excited, "Here we go!" while MoSh just rolls his eyes and groans. I do nothing, still not sure what is going on, but I don't want to appear stupid and admit that.

      Blue Spirals of Madness
      I am in the living room of our house, I am working on my laptop doing some 3D modeling. The computer is working fine, so that doesn't trigger me to do a reality check. I decide I want to listen to an audio book while I work, so I switch to iTunes to select one. I select a Dean Koontz book to play and start the first track. I go back to my modeling, expecting the book to start, but nothing happens. I switch back to iTunes and I see that the video effects that I am used to seeing on Windows Media Player are playing but there is no sound. I don't really give any thought to the fact that iTunes doesn't have the video effects screen… The screen is showing blue circles expanding and contracting on the screen, it also seems to be stuck. It isn't changing. Damn, I hope I don't have a virus… I change the screen to go to the internet and the monitor goes dark. Shit! It is a virus! I immediately pull the plug on my external hard drives, fearing the data I may have already lost. The blue circles return to the screen, now they are in 3D somehow. They seem to be coming out of the monitor at me. Then I realize they actually are coming out of the monitor… The spirals surround me as I sit in front of my laptop, they are making me a bit dizzy. It feels like I am falling into the computer… falling into the monitor… but instead I fall into bed and wake up.

      Stealing Spree
      I am in a place I don't recognize, it is an office building of some kind. I remember I am there for an interview. I go to the receptionist and say I am there for my interview. She says she will let the boss know, so I sit down to wait. I ask the receptionist where the restroom is, and she directs me to a door. I go through the door and see it is not a restroom… it's a storage closet. I tell her that and she says it's ok, everyone does their business in there… um… yuck… I go into the room and sure enough it smells like a sewer. I look at the stuff being stored in there. There are many different things tossed into baskets with no organization at all. I look at some of them. There are many computer items there. Small cameras, jump drives, some things I can't identify but they look cool… so I start taking stuff. There is no organization, no way of telling how many of what is in there. I grab a couple jump drives, a couple miniature cameras, and a couple things I can't identify before the receptionist opens the door without knocking and says the boss is ready. I go to the boss' office and see a man sitting across the desk. He looks at me strangely and then announces I stink. Did I use the bathroom before coming here? Yuck! Go home, I won't be working here when I pee in a closet. I leave his office, a bit annoyed, but also excited to see what those computer components I stole are…
    4. 01/17/12: A Stealing Spree

      by , 01-18-2012 at 07:11 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      School Stealing
      I am at school at Pima Community College, which is where I am taking a couple classes during the spring semester. I am on my way to class. I know exactly where class is, and I am running a bit early, so I wander around a bit. The more extra steps I take the better it is for my diet. As I wander I am thinking I forgot to bring any supplies to school… no paper, no pencil… I see a wall with lockers on it. The lockers can be rented by students to keep their books in between classes as opposed to carrying all the books all day. One of the lockers is open a bit. It looks like someone didn't want to spend the 50 cents or so to rent the locker so they just left their stuff. I am curious, so I peek in there. There is a backpack there and nothing else. No one is watching me, I take the backpack and walk away as if there was nothing strange. I figure this backpack surely has some paper and a pencil in it, so my problem is solved. I wonder if I might find a jump drive I can use as well. I go to class and sit down, waiting for class to start. I open the backpack to take out some paper but I find there are no school supplies in the backpack. It is stuffed with cash! Stacks of $20 bills, and lots of them! Wtf? I had thought I was jacking someone's books and notebooks and stuff and I find all this money! I glance around to see if anyone is watching me. No one is paying any attention to me. I close the backpack and wonder where I might be able to find a pencil and paper now…

      I am with my mother and we are visiting a friend somewhere in town. This person is really more of my mother's friend than mine, and I quickly get bored. I say I need to use the bathroom and I leave to do so. I wander around a bit as I go, I figure the friend won't mind. After all, she gave us a tour of the house when my mom and I first arrived, so there's nothing here I haven't seen before. I am looking in the different rooms when I get a bit nosier than I probably should be. I peek in a jewelry box to see what kind of jewelry our friend likes to keep. Some of it is quite pretty, but nothing especially catches my attention. I close the box and peek in a couple other places. Still being nosey. I peek inside a closed roll top desk and find there is a really old looking book there. Cool! There's actually several of the books in a small pile. I open one of the books to see what is inside. It is blank inside, a blank journal. It is such a cool looking book… I slip the book into the waistband of my jeans, hidden under my shirt. I close the desk and then leave the room, heading into the bathroom. There are cute little fluffy stuffed animals, about the size of a mouse. I put one in my pocket without even thinking about it. I take care of business in the bathroom and then return to the living room where my mom and her friend are chatting still. My mom is ready to leave, so we say our goodbyes and head out. In the car my mom asks what that is in my pocket. She sees the stuffed animal I stole. She is mad about that and says I had better hope our friend doesn't notice or we will never be invited over there again. I wonder what will happen when our friend notices the journal missing…
    5. 01/31/11 The Key to Avalon

      by , 02-01-2011 at 04:59 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Plans: Open the door of Avalon by creating a paradox? Go to a future instance of me and borrow her instance of the key to Avalon. Use that key to unlock Avalon, then use Avalon to find the present instance of the key which I am supposed to have. Once I have my own instance of the key back, I return the future instance of the key to the future instance of me, thus minimizing the effect of the paradox. Then I can use Avalon to find out about the guy that has been around Asuka, seeming to attack her, or complete whatever task Avalon sends me to do. Now if I can just remember these dreams...

      The Key to Avalon
      I am in my room looking for a missing cord, I need that cord in order to fix my iPod Touch, which has taken a serious crap. I am looking at the iPod, thinking how it may look retarded once I fix it, but at least it will work again, which is my main concern. I dig through a couple of drawers, throwing stuff everywhere, but I can't find the cord. I wonder if I can buy the cord alone… I don't think so… shit! I am thinking about where it could be when Q comes in and looks at the mess I have scattered around the room. He says it's a good thing I haven't done this in my waking bedroom or I'd have a lot of work just to clear off the bed. I say I need to fix my iPod, completely ignoring his statement involving waking life. He says my iPod is fine, but we have something to do. He leads me into another room that I don't recognize, and over to a full sized mirror. I look into the mirror and see my reflection, though it doesn't look like a perfect reflection of me. Q urges me forward, through the mirror… which ripples like water as I pass through… and then I am on the other side.

      The other side of the mirror looks like an altered version of my house, though it isn't an exact reverse as one might expect in a world through a mirror. There is another instance of me standing there and looking at me with only slight interest, she smiles and says she already knows what I need. I ask how she would know that, she says she had to do it in her own turn, silly. And as such, another instance of me will visit me in the future, she will be looking for the same thing, and I will have to lend it to her. She reaches under her shirt and pulls out a golden chain with a key on the end of it. She hesitates for just a moment before unfastening the chain and handing me the key.

      She says that technically this key will make Avalon open to where she needs to be… but since she needs her key back, that means she needs me to find my key.. so what we both need is the same thing. So take the key and return with it swiftly, good luck. Q says he is no longer needed here, and he is needed elsewhere, so he will also wish me good luck… and then he disappears. I am now standing there with the other instance of myself, I wonder if there is some particular reason why Q didn't take me to where I need to use the key…

      Somewhere during all of this time I have become somewhat lucid at least, so I know I can open a portal, and I do so, focusing on getting back to the Halls of Avalon. The portal opens and I go through it into the same dimly lit blue halls I recognize from my last visit.

      I walk down the hall again for a while, the woman I remember from my last visit is there again, welcoming me to the halls of Avalon, choose a path and uncover my destiny. That sounds a bit weird to me, but I continue down the hall, going straight just like I did in the previous dream so I can get to the same locked door as I did last time. The man I spoke with earlier appeared there and asked if I intended to blast the door down this time… um… no. I have a key. Fantastic, so go ahead and use it, then. I take the gold key out and slid it into the lock, and the lock turned with ease. The lock clicks and the door swings open. The man says that wasn't my key, was it? I say no, it's another instance of the key from another instance of me. He asks if I actually figured that out on my own, I am giving him a dirty look, then he says he was just kidding around with me, go ahead through the door, it's open, after all. I go through the door and it closes behind me. As soon as it closes behind me I hear the sound of a lock closing, and when I turn around, the door has completely disappeared.

      I am in a forest, a tropical looking forest, and it is full of the most vibrant and bright colors I have ever seen. The woman I saw earlier appears from nowhere, stepping from behind a tree and smiling at me. She motions around the forest and says it has come to her attention that I have never traveled via Avalon by actually visiting the island itself. I'm not sure what to say about that… She says there are many exits from Avalon, but all of them will lead me to somewhere I need to be. She says to journey down a river, dive into a pool, or just take a boat out into the oceans around Avalon and I will find a distant land where I need to be. I focus on what I need to find and look at a river that is flowing nearby. The woman says it is best to not try to dictate where Avalon takes me, because sometimes I need to be somewhere I do not realize I need to be. I tell her I need to find my instance of the key to Avalon, she says that Avalon knows this, and if that is the most important need I have right now, I will be taken to the right place. I tell her ok, I will try to let things take their own course. I go over to the river and find some small boats there, I launch one of the wooden boats into the river and ride it for a while into a cave. Everything around me gets dark, I feel disoriented, and then I find I am in a new place.

      I am in a park now, I look around and I see a man there, he has long hair and is looking in the opposite direction, I wonder who he is… I approach him and look more closely at him, he is eyeballing a key just like the key I am now wearing around my neck, he has my key to Avalon! I am looking at him, I say that's my key, he looks over at me and looks very surprised to see me. I tell him to give me back my key, he says he doesn't know how I managed to find him, but it's too bad it would do me no good. He uses the key and unlocks a door in empty space, goes through it, and is gone. I use my key again… I wind up back on the island… use the pool, swimming to the bottom, and then I find myself in a bedroom of some kind, the man is standing by the window looking outside. I decide not to announce myself this time, so I go quietly over to him. I epic fail at picking the key off of him, he says he could always go to where I need to be and just kill everyone there if I want that. He unlocks the window, and jumps out. I remember he is going where I need to be, so why would I need to be in this bedroom… I use my key and end up at the island again. I wonder if that's how it will always be, it seems a bit annoying to have to do that. I head out over the ocean, I'm flying now, and I fly over what looks like open ocean but I fly into darkness…

      Now I find I am in a village that looks like an RPG type town, there are people making their way around everywhere, and strangely enough, no one seems to have noticed my appearance or thought it was weird. I look around to see where I am and to see if the man is around somewhere, but I don't see him… then he appears right in front of me. Before he can even react I reach out and grab the key from his hand, the key that he is still holding out in front of him, and, "Yoink!" Yoink?! The man turns and sees me with the key in my hand, he seems surprised that I somehow got there before him. I look around the town and see a door to a shop that is closed, I focus on it being a portal back to my inner world… and when I open it, I come through to my own bedroom, then I close the door behind me. Q is waiting for me there, he sees I have a key in my hand. I notice that my key is quite a bit different than the key I borrowed.

      It isn't as fancy, but it is every bit as shiny and gold. I put my instance of the key around my neck on a gold chain I must have summoned from nowhere. He says to return the other key, then that's done. I should be able to get my dreaming back to normal. I follow Q back to the mirror and through it, to where I find the other instance of myself. She is once again not surprised to see me, she is smiling. She said she knew I could do it. I return her instance of the key to Avalon to her, and then I wake up.
    6. 08/07/10 The Dark Crystal

      by , 08-09-2010 at 03:46 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I was in the mall, I was looking for some piece of jewelry that would help me have a source of dark energy IWL since that is where I really need more help keeping myself stable and under control. I have a stone that holds some, but I was thinking I should find something better. As I walked through the mall I looked at all of the various stores, clothing stores, toy stores, video game stores… the video game store almost got me distracted but I spotted a gift shop at the last minute and went there instead.

      The clerk inside was a shady looking person that looked like the kind of person who would be selling dark energy, but he turned out to be merely stupid, not evil. I asked if they had jewelry, and he kept trying to show me shirts with fake gems studded all over them. I specified that I wanted earrings, bracelets, necklaces… he took me to more shirts, he didn't seem to be getting the picture at all. After giving a brief look around the store I left quickly as the man continued talking behind me, saying something about the bathroom and a low flow toilet that kept the water clean with sanitation crystals so it could be used several times before being disposed of… um… I hadn't said anything about a toilet…

      I continued walking through the mall for a while longer, I was beginning to think I would never find what I was looking for, so I went to a restaurant and ordered a soda. I had some more money, and I wanted something to eat, I felt I should buy something healthy… a salad… but I wanted something fattening… donuts or a hamburger… so I balanced it out. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and a few other vegetables on it, but then I went ahead and cheated by ordering one donut. I walked down the main path in the mall, eating and drinking as I went, for some reason fumbling with my sandwich, soda, and donut instead of just sitting down to eat… I finally decided I had to sit down to eat, found a bench, and sat down while I continued to eat. It was all tasty, I finished and took a deep breath, I was still disappointed to not have found any jewelry. Then I saw what I was looking for.

      I walked across the main corridor to a jewelry store which had been right there in front of my face the whole time I had been eating. I looked at the jewelry in the cases, some of it was pretty, some of it was butt ugly, but then I saw gems that looked like they could hold dark energy. I asked the salesman about those, he said they were black diamonds, which I have never even heard of let alone owned. Since they were diamonds, they were very expensive, and I couldn't afford any of it. I was so disappointed. The salesman seemed to look down on me for not being able to afford the diamonds, he mocked me, but his mocking turned out to be helpful. He said that cheap people like myself should stay down at the other shop where they sell only the crappiest jewelry to the lowest class of people. Hearing there was another store, I wasn't even mad at the insult, I thanked him, which drew a confused look, and headed in the direction he had pointed.

      I moved down the main corridor of the mall until I found the shop the jewelry salesman had indicated, then I went inside. This store was actually selling a lot of things, and there were two levels to it, it did seem to be more of a gift shop than a jewelry store. I went upstairs to the jewelry display. The first thing I noticed was some smoky quartz earrings that were a very reasonable price. I would prefer not to get earrings, though, since I usually can't wear them for long without having my earlobes get irritated and itchy. I wanted something I can wear all the time. I looked for a bracelet, since I already have a pendent as well, but there was very little selection. I found a couple of bracelets, they were plastic pieces of crap, didn't have any gems in them, not even fake ones. I spotted a couple of stones that got my attention, there were two black stones sitting on the counter that were sparkling vaguely, I instantly knew those would be perfect.

      I asked the clerk if they had any bracelets or other jewelry with that kind of stone in it. He said no. I asked if one of those could be made into a piece of jewelry. He said no, they're not for sale. He seemed rather rude. He turned and walked away without another word. Without thinking about it much, I pocketed one of the two stones and left the store quickly.

      I was back in the main corridor of the mall, I felt the stone in my pocket and I could already feel its dark energy, it felt good. I thought I had better leave before someone came after me, so I looked for the nearest exit. When I got outside I realized that since I had come out the wrong door I didn't know where I had parked. It was dark out, many of the parking lot lights were out, but I had to find my car. I looked around the parking lot a while until I finally spotted my car. I was almost to my car when I woke.
    7. 07/03/10 Star Trek At Sea

      by , 07-05-2010 at 10:34 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I was on what looked like a movie set. It was made to look like the interior of a Star Trek shuttle, or at least that's what I thought it looked like at the time. I was there with a man. I don't remember who he was. I was talking to the man about various Star Trek episodes. We were talking about an episode where there had been a traitor aboard the ship and that traitor had caused a lot of trouble, including the death of one of the crew. I was thinking of a part of the show where the guards should have spotted the traitor before he even got on the ship, but for some reason they had completely missed the obvious signs. The man and I were discussing various ways the traitor could have been stopped, various times that the guards should have caught the traitor, and a few plot holes that we found. The man laughed and said he liked figuring out how the story might have been different if things had been done differently.

      I walked through the set of the Star Trek ship and up to the main control panel. It was somewhere around here that I realized that this was no simple movie set… this ship was real! This would be a fully functional ship! I found I seriously wanted to jack that ship. I told the man I was with that I was going to jack the ship. He asked if I wouldn't get in trouble. I said only if I was caught… which I wouldn't be. I sat down at one of the navigation chairs and looked at the controls. Um… I didn't really have any idea on how to work the controls. After I sat there looking retarded for a bit, the man sat at the other control station. He pushed a few buttons and the ship powered up. I said I didn't know he could operate a Star Trek ship! He said he has seen so many Star Trek episodes that he can. He maneuvered the ship up, turned it around, blasted a hole in the wall, and then flew through it. We were off to the skies, off to explore the stars!

      Or maybe not… the ship couldn't do anything more than hover! Lame! And it hovered until we were surrounded by cops at a dock. There were water ships there. And we had no choice but to land. I cursed my luck that the ship I jacked had to be a piece of crap. The man said he had told me I would be caught… I pulled a Gibbs on him. The cops came into the ship and said we were to get out immediately. We both climbed off of the ship. But we weren't getting arrested! The cops said we were needed for a top secret operation. Awesome! The cop said if we could figure out how to operate the Star Trek ship so easily, then they had need of us. My heart dropped. I hadn't figured out anything. It had all been my friend. The man with me put his hand on my shoulder and whispered. He said not to worry… just bluff my way through it. He said he would be sure I learned what I needed to know if I didn't figure it out on my own. After all, I was the one with the nerve to jack a space ship in the first place, so I was partly responsible for us ending up here.

      The man and I both got on one of the sea ships there. We were separated, but not by far. We were just on opposite ends of the deck near the bow. I could still see him, and he could see me. Someone said something about preparing us for ocean travel. For some reason that preparation involved hosing us down with a fire hose… Wtf? We were both sprayed with water until we were thoroughly and completely drenched. I had no idea what that had to do with anything… it seemed really strange to me. I wanted to ask someone why we had to be wet. But there was no one paying any attention to me. I looked off the ship and saw nothing but ocean. Where had the land gone so fast? We had been docked just minutes ago. I looked everywhere, thinking we might have turned… no sign of land. Weird… I was looking for the land when I woke.