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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. 08/16/10 Of Dog and Man

      by , 08-30-2010 at 01:33 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Tigress pointed in one direction and said they were over there, but then she vanished… I felt like I might wake up, so I focused, I used another time dilation… that time I felt really disoriented, I almost lost the dream, but finally it stabilized and I was able to continue…

      Or at least I thought I had it stable. As soon as I started walking towards the direction Tigress had pointed, I felt dizzy again… like I was going to wake up. I never have gotten a second time dilation to work, except one time I had tried Walms' method… so I focused on my hand on the wall and counted, trying to focus on extending each minute… but it wasn't successful, I lost focus on the dream and was just focused on counting, and I woke up having spoken the number ten aloud.

      I sat up in bed, thinking it sucked that my second time dilation had failed, hopefully I would be able to get back into the dream again to meet up with Nomad. I got out of bed and went to use the rest room, and I almost tripped over something on my floor… something furry. A cat? No, it was much too big for a cat, it was definitely a dog, but what was one of our dogs doing in my room when they always sleep with my mother? I reluctantly turned the light on to see which dog it was, and I saw it was none of our dogs… it was a pit bull! We don't have a pit bull in our house, so I did a RC and found out I was, after all, still dreaming. I had to get back to where I was before so I could meet up with Nomad, and maybe Tigress would be back. I didn't see Tigress anywhere around there, but I did see Nomad. He said he had been waiting for me, he had one of the assholes, but the idiot was refusing to talk, he said he would make him talk. I knew a faster way, so I just consumed the asshole… and what an asshole he was… he had been in the habit of feeding his pit bulls small dogs and cats he found as strays or even a couple he stole from neighbors, he thought making the dog kill its food would make it more blood thirsty… He was the second in command in the gang calling themselves the Night Fangs, so he knew everyone in the gang… sweet… so now I also knew.

      So now we transformed, I had figured on that since Nomad likes to use transformation spells, into werewolves, or more like were-pit bulls, and we went hunting. I telepathically told Nomad where the assholes were hiding, and we went after them. There was one of them making a drug deal on the corner, they were giving drugs to a guy who was clearly an addict, and he stared at us, we were basically two really big and vicious looking pit bull dogs, in a stunned stupor, which made it very easy to rip him apart. The drug addict also just stared dumbly, but he wasn't the target, so we left him to whatever he was doing. I think I saw him picking through the clothes on the body, probably looking for any more drugs he could find… or money… or both.

      There was one walking with his buddy down a street heading home, from something I didn't even want to think about, they were confronted with two giant vicious pit bulls as well as one normal but pissed off pit bull. We got one of them quickly, but let the other one run away a bit and chased after him, there were two pit bulls with us now, we chased him until we cornered him in a dead end alley, where he tried to hide in a dumpster. While that was exactly where the trash belonged, he wasn't going to get away that easily. We opened the dumpster and saw him in there cowering, the smell was foul, smelled like rotten food and urine, he had pissed his pants. Nomad tore his head off.

      Another three thugs were sending their dogs to attack a couple of smaller kids, scaring them, they had the smaller kids cornered and were threatening to let the dogs go to tear them apart for being on their turf… The kids were cowering from the assholes at first, but then they saw us behind the assholes and switched their gaze to us. The three assholes wanted to know why they no longer had the kids' attention… and they finally looked. I tore one open with my razor sharp claws, Nomad bit one in half, and the guys' own dogs pounced on the third one… the kids made a run for it, clearly terrified of our forms and not knowing that we weren't there to attack them. Nomad and I were now two giant vicious pit bull dogs heading down the street with six normal pit bulls following us. I knew where the next guy lived, and there were several dogs being held in cages in his basement. He was "training" them to be mean, so when a new member joined the gang they would already have a fighting dog for them.

      The house looked like a normal small home, nothing about it gave hint of the cruelty that went on within its walls, but Nomad and I knew. One of us went to the front door, the other to the back door, I was at the front. We broke the doors down at the same time, to make sure the asshole didn't try to escape. That wasn't really needed, as he was in the basement with the dogs and would be cornered there. The guy's parents were terrified, the mother screamed, the father pissed his pants, but we ignored them and went down to the basement. The asshole was prodding a dog with a cattle prod, electrocuting it repeatedly, which pissed me off. Apparently Nomad and I thought the same thing… summoned cattle prods, cornered the asshole, and proceeded to shock him repeatedly until he passed out, then gutted him and left him there to bleed to death. There were five dogs in the basement, we took all five with us. The parents were down there now, I wondered if they had been allowing this to happen, but telepathic scans showed they didn't realize what their son had been doing with the dogs, they weren't evil, just completely retarded… most likely in denial. Nomad and I left the house with nine pit bulls in tow.

      There were five more gang members spread throughout the area, and each one basically went the same, they were terrified when they saw Nomad and me, they tried to run, tried to hide, pissed their pants, maybe shit themselves, maybe begged for their lives, maybe cursed fluently… Every one met a bloody end, an end that was fitting of the violent and cruel way they had been treating their dogs… if anything, they were getting off too easily. We left the house of the last one, and Tigress appeared. She looked at Nomad and me, we changed to our normal forms. She asked if there were some left for her. We had to tell her they were all dead. She said we should have saved her some. She then said there was more fun to be had, she said if these guys liked forced fighting so much, let's see how they do. She said she proposed a tournament, they would be fighting for their lives, and she chuckled evilly. I felt like I was losing the dream, I tried Allura's time dilation, and since it was technically a new dream I was able to stabilize the dream so it would continue…
    2. 06/15/10 Astral Dream Demons

      by , 06-29-2010 at 03:34 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: This is a dream that happened back on the 15th of the month, and I would swear I had journaled and posted this dream, but I couldn't find any trace of it. No copy on Dreamviews, no copy on Mortal Mist, no copy on my personal laptop… somehow it disappeared completely. There were quite a few similarities with Nomad's version of the dream, as well as some differences, so here is my version of the dream where Nomad, me, and several other dreamers went to help a friend of his with a dream demon.

      I was in the biodome on the moon, and I was lucid. I was sitting there watching the koi. The pretty fish were swimming around in the pool. The sunlight was reflecting off of their shiny scales and off of the surface of the water. It was really very pretty. I was sitting there watching the fish when someone approached behind me. I turned to look and saw it was Nomad. I remembered that he had a friend with a dream demon giving her nightmares, an older woman. I asked if he was there so we could go help his friend… he said yes. I thought for a bit… I was thinking someone else had said they wanted to come help with this… but who? I was lucid, and yet my mind wasn't fully clear. But of course my mind isn't completely clear IWL, so why would I expect 100% clarity in my dreams? Nomad opened a portal and both of us went through…

      On the other side we were in someone's bedroom. There was a woman sleeping in the bed with a… um… an ugly thing sitting on top of her, looked like it was holding her down to the bed. But she wasn't reacting to the thing's presence… the thing was the size of a large human, looked demonic, and appeared to be absorbing some kind of energy from the woman. I didn't know what the thing was doing to her, but I could easily tell it wasn't good… Nomad transformed into a big cat… a solid black jaguar…

      In that form he attacked the dream demon on top of the woman, hitting it across the face with one enormous paw, claws fully extended. The force of the blow knocked the demon off of the woman and onto the ground, practically turning the thing's head around on its neck… The thing got back up and used its hands to forcibly turned its head back toward the front with a rather sickening cracking noise. It started laughing at Nomad. It didn't seem to be paying any attention to me at all… I wasn't going to have that. I transformed into a big cat, a black panther… which looked mostly like Nomad except the spots were vaguely visible on his coat where as mine was a black as midnight…

      I pounced on the back of the demon, drawing the demon's dark energy out of it and into me. Nomad had changed into an Assassin dressed in solid black robes, he drove his hidden blade right into the demon's head. The demon collapsed, seemed to be calling out to someone, but then it was completely out of energy and faded to nothing.

      I was about to ask Nomad what the demon had been calling to when there was a portal opening… and a bunch of Templars coming through? On brooms like a Halloween witch would use? I was briefly doing a double take at that… A group of Templars coming to aid a demon and pretending to be Halloween witches at the same time… um… One of them was talking to Nomad, seemed to be annoying him. I went to another one and asked what the fuck he was doing. He said he was working for witches or something. I then asked the first question I had thought upon seeing them riding in like that…

      "So tell me…" I said, "Did you really learn everything you know about witches from Halloween ghost stories and the Harry Potter series? Do you really think witches ride brooms in the night? If so, where's your black cat? Or was your goal just to come here and look completely retarded? Which you've accomplished very well… And why the fuck are you working with…"

      "FUCK YOU!!!" I was interrupted by one of the loudest expletives I have ever heard… I looked over and saw Nomad chuckling next to a Templar who was poking at his ear as if he could not hear a thing, which after that expletive, he probably couldn't… Nomad yelled something completely incomprehensible at the other Templars… no doubt completing the process of making the one right next to him totally deaf… Nomad turned back into a black cat and attacked some of the Templars near him…

      "Oh… There's your black cat!" I said, "And he's pissed…" Nomad tore a few Templars apart with his claws and teeth, I opened a vortex portal that pulled them all in and deposited them… I wasn't sure what was a good place… somewhere far away… on the moon Titan.

      I don't know why I thought of Titan, but that was where I sent them… After the Templars were gone, Nomad and I did healing spells on Alexis. She seemed to wake up a bit, and Nomad was talking to her. I'm not sure what he was saying to her, but she seemed to be getting agitated by it, but soon calmed back down and went back to sleep. It looked like she would be ok. Nomad started talking about getting pulled into a dream… I told him he was already in a dream. He said he meant into another dream. I wasn't really sure what he was talking about… was he about to wake up or just switch dreamscapes? I told him to focus on something and stabilize the dream… but it was no good… Nomad disappeared… and then I woke.


      Note: This was actually two separate dreams for me, but I am putting them together since they are both back dated dreams and belong together as one.

      I was on the moon in the biodome again. I was lucid. I remembered Nomad disappearing from the last dream… I wondered if he was ok. I focused on finding him. A portal opened. I looked through into a black void… wtf? Nomad was floating in the blackness all by himself, yelling expletives at absolutely no one… I wondered if he was on dream drugs again… I called out to him, then threw him a tendril of Witchblade to pull him through my portal and into the biodome. He looked around. I asked if he was ok. He said Alexis was still in danger, we had to go back. I asked what was bothering her now… he said more dark things… he had seen them. I wondered if he had or if that was dream drugs… better check on her. Better look and find nothing than not look and have her attacked.

      I was about to focus on a portal to get back to Alexis when another portal opened. Tigress came in. She looked at me, and changed into a paladin. She asked if I was up for a DDO dream. I told her I was going to help Nomad with his friend first. She asked what was going on there. I said Nomad had said his friend was being attacked. She pulled out a sword and said killing stuff there was fine, just another DDO quest. Um… ok… I went to open the portal again, but this time MoSh appeared. He asked why no one had come to get him. MoSh! That was who I was supposed to go get before Nomad and I went to help Alexis! I apologized to MoSh, saying my mind hadn't been clear enough to think of it… Now Nomad opened a portal, and we all went through it.

      On the other side Nomad and I were on the edge of a forest looking at a rather creepy castle. I wondered why Alexis would have this creepy place in her inner world… maybe there was still a dream demon or other dark entity harassing her… We went inside the castle and looked around. Alexis looked kind of creepy, too. She was dressed all in black and had horns… she looked like a demon! She was smiling, however, and didn't look hostile. She was still smiling at us when something weird came through a portal and tackled her, and before I could even identify what it was, the two of them fell through another portal… with Nomad right behind them. The portal closed before the rest of us could get there… I had to focus on a portal to follow Nomad…

      I went through the portal, MoSh and Tigress with me. On the other side we were on a desolate plane. There was an outcropping of rock over a deep canyon. There was a woman… Alexis… huddled beside a big ugly thing there. The ugly thing was growling and snarling down at her, looming over her.

      I must have been in a feline mood, because I now changed back into the big panther I had been in the previous dream and tackled the demon thing off of her. We were now plunging through the air into the canyon, the thing was biting at me as we fell, I was sucking its energy out… I saw a bunch more dark creatures, those looked like shadow demons of some kind, coming from somewhere and attacking Alexis. Nomad was protecting her with a shield, Tigress was consuming the dark things, MoSh was blasting them with green flames from his naga form… Some of them were still getting through to Nomad… why wasn't he getting Alexis out of there? There was no need to be here in this dark world except to protect Alexis… and once she was safe, we could all make our exit. That was the last I noticed before hitting the ground of the canyon, I landed on top of the creature I was fighting…

      The creature was stunned a bit, but then it attacked me again. The shadow creatures were coming after me now, but they never got to me… Tigress and MoSh intercepted the entire hoard of them, so I still just had the one big ugly thing to deal with. I pounced on the thing one more time and tore at its neck with my razor claws, drawing some more dark energy out… wow… this was a lot of dark energy… the thing was no longer moving. I changed back to my normal form and flew back out of the canyon. Alexis and Nomad were gone. Tigress and MoSh were still there, though most of the smaller shadow creatures had either fled or been destroyed. I opened a portal so the three of us could get back to the biodome. MoSh and Tigress went through. The big ugly thing grabbed at me from behind. I threw a blast of lightning made from light energy right in its face, then went through the portal and closed it behind me.

      Tigress asked me what took me so long. I said I had found an old friend to play with a bit more. This was the first chance I had gotten, so I focused on The Curse by Disturbed to stabilize all the dark energy I had just absorbed… Tigress, still a paladin, sheathed her sword. She said she had told me this would do fine for a DDO quest… I told her I wished they had quests like that in DDO! That would be awesome. She said it would be hard. Yeah, but hard and AWESOME! Everything faded around me and I woke.

      Updated 06-29-2010 at 03:37 AM by 27700

      memorable , lucid , nightmare