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    1. Looking for a Bookstore near Velociraptor Street

      by , 07-30-2016 at 01:30 PM
      Morning of July 30, 2016. Saturday.

      My wife Zsuzsanna and I, mostly as we are now, are in an unknown and unfamiliar city. We are looking for a particular bookstore but cannot find it. It seems to be late afternoon. We ask directions a few times in the area where the bookstore is supposed to be, but it is as if people do not know where it is even when they live on the same street in apartment buildings supposedly right next to it. This both puzzles and annoys us. I do not think they are deliberately misleading us but there is also the idea it may have closed down.

      We go to an intersection and around the corner where one older male claims the bookstore is, but it is not there. There is one delicatessen nearby. The area vaguely reminds me of La Crosse, near and around Third Street.

      I become aware that there is one street that is dangerous as there are two or three velociraptors roaming around. I neither realize how absurd it is for dinosaurs to be on the loose nor how they would limit their territory to one small section of a city block and not go beyond that at any time.

      Zsuzsanna and I wander through an abandoned empty shopping arcade. It is fairly dark inside even though it is still daylight outside the large buildings. The arcade has two large halls that intersect. I suspect the velociraptors are just outside one entrance but I do not feel that concerned as I become semi-lucid though not actively.

      Velociraptors (or anything that could harm or swallow the dreamer) would be a typical aggressive coalescence factor as the potential waking precursor. Looking for a bookstore implies trying to find my conscious mind (or conscious identity as such) at the threshold of the upcoming waking stage. I do not know if aggressive coalescence factors are triggered by real environmental cues, though this would make perfect since as early man was always needful to be wary as such when sleeping (the only difference being that early man probably did not have to seek his conscious identity, at least as much, to prepare for the waking transition to face whatever real danger may have triggered his dream content).
